Ajattelin vaihtaa 2005 Focukseen ohjaustehostimen öljyt kun niitä on tuskin ikinä vaihdettu. Auton ohjekirjassa sanotaan, että sisään menisi WSS-M2C 204-A -öljyä joka on vihreää. Tällä hetkellä siellä säiliössä on vaan punaisen väristä öljyä (ATF?). Pikaisella
googlauksella tohon aikaan Fordilla oli siirtymävaihe noissa öljyissä, niin ohjekirjassa sanotaan väärät speksit öljylle.
Laittasko tonne nyt sitten ATF:ää, tuota vihreetä speksattua kamaa vai annanko vaan olla?
Linkissäsi, nimimerkki JW1982 kertoilee: "The WSS-M2C204-A2 specification is not completely correct for this type of vehicle/engine. This was a known fault of the instruction manual.
The manual does not mention that this type of fluid is not used for all production dates and engine types.
The correct power steering fluid for systems that are filled with the red power steering fluid has the WSA-M2C-195A specification.
Initially the green power steering fluid was only used for the old Ford Galaxy (which basically is a VW Sharan). All other Ford models used the red power steering fluid.
During production of the Focus MK2.5 Ford switched from the red power steering fluid to the green power steering fluid.
Personally I would not mix the new green power steering fluid with the old red power steering fluid. If you want to use the green power system fluid on a system that is filled
with the red power steering fluid you should drain and flush the complete power steering system. Completely flushing the system will need a lot of new green power steering fluid.
Personally i would avoid this and just stick to the red power steering fluid."
Early versions of the focus MK2.5 did still have the red power steering fluid. At some poit Ford decided to reduce costs by reducing all different types of power steering fluid
that were used to just 1 type. First the versions with the EHPAS (Electro Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering) switched over to the new green type of power steering fluid.
The versions with the conventional (engine driven) power steering system did still have the red type of power steering fluid at that time.
On the conventional power steering systems the transition to the new green type power steering fluid was much later.
Ford prescribes that the green power steering fluid can also be used to top up a system that has the red power steering fluid in it.
This basically means that both types of power steering fluid can be mixed. However I would personally not recommend this."
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