- Liittynyt
- 22.12.2016
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- 20 295
Paaston hyödyt tietenkin korostuu mitä pidemmästä paastosta puhutaan, esimerkiksi autofagosytoosi eli solujen korjaus käynnistyy käsittääkseni kunnolla vasta joskus 20-24 tunnin paaston jälkeen.Onko tuosta jotain tutkimusnäyttöä vai mihin tämä väite perustuu?
The 5 Stages of Intermittent Fasting - LIFE Apps | LIVE and LEARN
By 18 hours, you’ve switched to fat-burning mode and are generating significant ketones (Anton et al., Obesity 2018).
Within 24 hours, your cells are increasingly recycling old components and breaking down misfolded proteins linked to Alzheimer’s and other diseases (Alirezaei et al., Autophagy 2010). This is a process called autophagy.
By 48 hours without calories or with very few calories, carbs or protein, your growth hormone level is up to five times as high as when you started your fast (Hartman et al.,1992).
By 54 hours, your insulin has dropped to its lowest level point since you started fasting and your body is becoming increasingly insulin-sensitive (Klein et al., 1993).
By 72 hours, your body is breaking down old immune cells and generating new ones (Cheng et al., 2014).