Aikalailla tilanteen normalisoituminen tämä on - nollakorkojen aika oli poikkeusaikaa joka on nyt ohi ja nyt palataan normaalitilanteeseen missä korot on >0%
IMF pitkänajan skenaarioissa on todennäköisempää että korot laskee / pysyy samana kuin että nousee.
How close will depend on the persistence of public debt, on how climate policies are financed and on the extent of deglobalization
Overall, our analysis suggests that recent increases in real interest rates are likely to be temporary. When inflation is brought back under control, advanced economies’ central banks are likely to ease monetary policy and bring real interest rates back towards pre-pandemic levels. How close to those levels will depend on whether alternative scenarios involving persistently higher government debt and deficits, or financial fragmentation materialize. In large emerging markets, conservative projections of future demographic and productivity trends suggest a gradual convergence towards advanced economies’ real interest rates.