Kokeile jos onnistuu Windows 10 korjausasennuksella. Korjausasennus on käytännössä sama kuin päivitysasennus.
"...but you could also do a repair install of Windows 10 by performing an in-place upgrade without losing anything other than all installed Windows Updates."
"You will keep all apps, programs and personal data, just as when you upgrade, as an in-place upgrade repair uses the same basic mechanism as when you upgrade."
"The installation media (ex: ISO or USB) must be the same edition and same or newer build as your currently installed Windows 10. If it's not, then the repair install will fail."
How to Do a Repair Install of Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade
- Valitse
tämän linkin sivulla "Lataa työkalu nyt" ja tallenna Windows 10 ISO-tiedosto koneellesi.
- Resurssienhallinnassa avaa Windows 10 ISO-tiedosto (tuplaklikkaa ISO-tiedostoa tai hiiren oikealla "Ota käyttöön").
- Aloita korjausasennus tuplaklikkaamalla ISO-tiedoston setup (setup.exe) tiedostoa.
- (linkin ohjeessa nro 8)
- Valitse "
Muuta sitä, miten asennus lataa päivitykset" > "
Ei nyt" > "Seuraava".
- "Since a repair install requires using the same as currently installed to keep everything, it's best to update afterwards instead of during to avoid any possible update issues."
- (linkin ohjeessa nro 13)
- This is your last chance to cancel the repair install by closing the Windows 10 Setup window.
- If you only have Nothing available to select, then the installation media is not the same version as what you currently have installed.
- If you don't have Keep personal files and apps selected, you will not keep everything in your current installation.