Defrag <Volumes> <Operations> [<Options>]
/C | /AllVolumes On each volume run only the preferred operations from
the given list of operations.
/E | /VolumesExcept <volume paths>
Perform all the given operations on each volume except.
those specified. If the exception list is empty, this
behaves as /AllVolumes.
volume paths Specifies the drive letter followed by a colon, mount point
or volume name. More than one volume can be specified. Run
all the given operations on each specified volume..
/A | /Analyze Perform analysis.
/B | /BootOptimize Perform boot optimization to increase boot performance.
/D | /Defrag Perform traditional defrag (this is the default). On a tiered
volume, traditional defrag is performed only on the Capacity
/G | /TierOptimize On tiered volumes, optimize files to reside on the appropriate
storage tier.
/K | /SlabConsolidate On thinly provisioned volumes, perform slab consolidation to
increase slab usage efficiency.
/L | /Retrim On thinly provisioned volumes, perform retrim to release free
slabs. On SSDs perform retrim to improve write performance.
/O | /Optimize Perform the proper optimization for each media type.
/T | /TrackProgress Track progress of a running operation for a given volume. An
instance can show progress only for a single volume. To see
progress for another volume launch another instance.
/U | /PrintProgress Print the progress of the operation on the screen.
/V | /Verbose Print verbose output containing the fragmentation statistics.
/X | /FreespaceConsolidate
Perform free space consolidation, moves free space towards
the end of the volume (even on thin provisioned volumes). On
tiered volumes consolidation is performed only on the Capacity
/H | /NormalPriority Run the operation at normal priority (default is low).
/I | /MaxRuntime n Available only with TierOptimize. Tier optimization would
run for at most n seconds on each volume.
/LayoutFile <file path>
Available only with BootOptimize. This file contains the list
of files to be optimized. The default location is
/M | /MultiThread [n] Run the operation on each volume in parallel in the background.
For TierOptimize, at most n threads optimize the storage tiers
in parallel. Default value of n is 8. All other optimizations
ignore n.
/OnlyPreferred When volumes are specified explicitly, defrag performs all
the given operations on each specified volume. This switch
lets defrag run only the preferred operations, from the
given list of operations, on each specified volume.
Defrag C: /U /V
Defrag C: D: /TierOptimize /MultiThread
Defrag C:\mountpoint /Analysis /U
Defrag /C /H /V