- Liittynyt
- 16.10.2016
- Viestejä
- 17 876
Jos näin oli, niin viesti jäi ehkä välittymättä. Pikemminkin mieleen syöpyi EU:n järkähtämätön kanta, että backstop on ehdottoman välttämätön. Ei siinä mitään vaihtoehtoja ehdoteltu.
No muistellaanpas vähän mitenkä tähän tilanteeseen päädyttiin, huomaa että tuo artikkeli on keväältä 2018:
UK to present new Brexit ‘backstop’ plan on Ireland
The European Commission has since translated this commitment into legal text — the backstop — proposing a new “common regulatory area” between the EU and Northern Ireland to ensure the “free movement of goods” across the border with the Republic after Brexit. Northern Ireland will also be considered “part of the customs territory of the Union,” according to the draft legal text.
The proposal was dismissed out of hand by Theresa May, who said “no U.K. prime minister” could ever agree to implement such a proposal, which was seen as effectively creating a customs and trade barrier within the U.K. — between Northern Ireland and the rest of the country.
Mikä oli sitten lopputulos:
What is in Boris Johnson's new Brexit deal?
Legally there will be a customs border between Northern Ireland (which stays in the UK) and the Republic of Ireland (which stays in the EU), but in practice things won't be checked on that border.
The actual checks will be on what is effectively a customs border between Great Britain and the island of Ireland, with goods being checked at "points of entry" into Northern Ireland.
Regulations on goods
When it comes to the regulation of goods (that's the rules they have to follow on things like labelling and manufacturing processes) Northern Ireland would keep to EU rules rather than UK rules.
That removes the need for checks on goods including food and agricultural produce at the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, because both will be part of an "all-island regulatory zone".
But it adds to the checks between the rest of the UK - which will not necessarily be sticking to EU single market rules - and Northern Ireland.
Eli siis, lopputulos on se mitä EU alunperin ehdotti. Ja toisin kuin May väitti, lopulta löytyikin UK:stä pääministeri joka suostui tuohon.
Pohjois-Irlanti tulee noudattamaan EU:n, ei UK:n, sääntöjä tavaroiden osalta ja tulliraja tulee käytännössä olemaan Irlannin merellä, ei Irlannin ja P-Irlannin välillä (vaikkakin Johnson sai vähän face savingiä siinä että de jure se raja on Irlannin rajalla mutta käytännössä se on Irlannin merellä).