Itseäni taas lainaten ja viitaten Remdevisiirin käyttöön, jota nyt otetaan myös Suomessakin testikäyttöön.
Positiivinen uutinen CNN:ltä liittyen aiheeseen ja havaintoihin lääkkeestä. Jonkinäköistä selkeää vastetta ilmeisesti lääkkeeseen on, tarkentunee kun tutkimuksia valmistunee. Varovaisen positiivisin mielin odotellen:
Covid-19 patients who are getting an experimental drug called remdesivir have been recovering quickly, with most going home in days, STAT News reported Thursday after it obtained a video of a conversation about the trial.
"The patients taking part in a clinical trial of the drug have all had severe respiratory symptoms and fever, but were able to leave the hospital after less than a week of treatment,
STAT quoted the doctor leading the trial as saying."
"Trials of the drug are ongoing at dozens of other clinical centers, as well. Gilead is sponsoring tests of the drug in 2,400 patients with severe Covid-19 symptoms in 152 trial sites around the world. It's also testing the drug in 1,600 patients with moderate symptoms at 169 hospitals and clinics around the world."
"Gilead said it expected results from the trial by the end of the month."