Joku jo kerkesi puolestani vastaamaan siihen keuhkojen arpeutumiseen koronan aiheuttaman keuhkokuumeen seurauksena, mutta laitetaan nyt vielä linkkiä:
Dr. Michael Baden, the renowned forensic pathologist and Fox News contributor, said Sunday it's still too early to know whether survivors of the COVID-19 virus will suffer lasting lung damage -- and called on the Trump administration to ramp up production of supplies that could reduce scar tissue.
""We don't know how many people will have scarring from the lungs that will be present five, 10, 15 years from now." "
Thousands of coronavirus victims who survive serious illness will suffer damage to their lungs, heart and other organs, needing up to 15 years for recovery, say intensive care specialists.The damage done by the virus directly, plus the intensive medical procedures needed to save desperately ill pati
Maksulukko, mutta sanoo jo oleellisen tuossa alussa.
Chinese researchers have found fluid- or debris-filled sacs in the lungs of those who were infected by COVID-19. Scans suggest sustained organ damage.
Suspected pulmonary fibrosis
Further investigations of the recovered COVID-19 patients must now be conducted to show whether they have developed
pulmonary fibrosis — scarring in the lungs. Over time, the scar tissue can destroy the normal lung and make it hard for oxygen to get into the blood. Low oxygen levels (and the stiff scar tissue itself) can cause shortness of breath, particularly during physical exertion.
Lung fibrosis cannot be cured because the scarred changes in the lung tissue do not regress. But the progression of pulmonary fibrosis can be delayed and sometimes even stopped if detected in time."
Eli siis pysyviä kauhkovaurioita. Se miten itse kukainenkin näkee keuhkovauriot jotka "paranevat" 15 vuodessa on sitten tulkinnanvaraista.
Sitten siihen immuniteettiin liittyen.
"Tutkimustuloksissa on tähän mennessä selvinnyt, että COVID-19-taudin sairastaminen antaa jonkinlaisen immuniteetin ainakin viruksen tähänastista muotoa vastaan. "
>jonkinlaisen immuniteetin
>tähänastista muotoa vastaan
Tätä tuskin tarvii vääntää tikusta, tai etsiä valmista linkkiä kun se on suomen medioissa sanottu monessa paikassa.
Sen sijaan kaivelen:
The hope is that a person who has recovered from COVID-19 would have some protection against reinfection in the future. Here's what researchers do — and don't — know.
It's unclear whether people who recover from COVID-19 will be immune to reinfection from the coronavirus and, if so, how long that immunity will last.