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- 17.10.2016
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The Pulse | Substack
Emerging ideas on consciousness, current events, science, solutions & more – birthing a new planetary consciousness. Explore how our current paradigms shape our society. Click to read The Pulse, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.thepulse.one
The Facts:
- Amish communities of thousands in Lancaster, PA chose to not lockdown and instead went on with life in 2020.
- Their communities were infected by COVID but death rates were not any higher than other places.
- They lived life normally, did not wear masks and stuck to their values and culture.
Eiköhän tämä voi hyvin pitää paikkaansa ei ole MSM ollut mitään juttuja Amishien joukkokuolemista.
Tai että alkuperäiskansoja kuolee sukupuuttoon missään päin maailmaa tahansa.
Ei nyt näyttänyt lähteeksi oikein luotettavalta, kun katselin muita uutisia
Kyllä Amish-yhteisöt ovat kärsineet pandemiassa, Suomessa ei paljon uutisia ole ymmärrettävästi ollut.
WVU Today | Death and religion: ‘Excess deaths’ sweep through Amish and Mennonite communities during COVID-19 pandemic
Sunday church service in Amish country is more than just belting out hymns, reading Bible passages and returning home an hour later to catch a football game or nap.