tässä on NSW:n entisen palomiehen- ja valtuutetun näkemys asiasta:
"Unprecedented dryness; reductions in long-term rainfall; low humidity; high temperatures; wind velocities; fire danger indices; fire spread and ferocity; instances of pyro-convective fires (fire storms – making their own weather); early starts and late finishes to bushfire seasons. An established long-term trend driven by a warming, drying climate. The numbers don’t lie, and the science is clear.
The drought we are facing is more intense than the Millennium Drought,
with higher levels of evaporation due to higher temperatures. This has dried out the bush and made it easier for fires to start, easier for them to spread quickly, and as we saw on Friday, enabling spot fires to start twice as far ahead of the main fires as we would normally expect.
Warmer, drier conditions with higher fire danger are preventing agencies from conducting as much hazard reduction burning – it is often either too wet, or too dry and windy to burn safely.
Blaming "greenies" for stopping these important measures is a familiar, populist, but basically untrue claim."
Sitten muutaman
palopäällikön tuntemuksia aiheen tiimoilta 2019 huhtikuulta:
"More than 20 former fire and emergency chiefs from multiple states and territories say Australia is unprepared for worsening natural disasters from climate change and governments are putting lives at risk.
In a statement issued before a federal election date is announced, 23 former emergency services leaders and senior personnel have called on both major parties to recognise the need for “national firefighting assets”, including large aircraft, to deal with the scale of the threat."
The document calls on the next prime minister to meet former emergency service leaders “who will outline, unconstrained by their former employers, how climate change risks are rapidly escalating”."
“The first thing is we need whoever is in government nationally to take climate change seriously, rather than making jokes about it in parliament with lumps of coal,” he said.
“It’s just frustrating to hear the lip service being given to ‘Oh yes, we now believe in climate change and need to do something’ when every effort to do something about it is rubbished.”
As extreme weather becomes more frequent, and fire seasons longer, that would put strain on the system and volunteers helping their communities were at risk of burnout.
There needed to be a review of the methods used to tackle large fires, cyclones and floods that was backed by research from experienced people working on the ground.
We’re doing the same old things when things are getting worse. We need to find new ways to tackle this problem,” Bibby said."
Lisäksi suojapoltot
eivät ole mikään hopealuoti tulipalojen hillitsemiseksi, kun olosuhteet ovat äärimmäiset:
"Done properly, it (controlled burning) can help limit the spread of fires and make it easier to put them out. But
Swansea University professor Stefan Doerr, an expert in wildfires, believes the practice is less effective than it used to be because of the more extreme weather Australia has started to experience.
"It can make a difference for a few years, but I'm doubtful it would make a difference in the current extreme drought conditions," he said
He adds that a particular feature of the recent fires in Australia is that they have spread across the crown or
top part of the forest - so removing growth at ground level does not make that much difference.Also the fires have been hot and intense enough
to burn through areas that were already burned, with
embers able to travel through the air and ignite areas far away from an active fire
An analysis by ABC News shows that while some controlled burning targets in Queensland and New South Wales have been met,
others have not because the weather conditions were not right.
But the Australian Greens
- who are not in the government at either national or state level - have made clear they support controlled burning if it is carried out under expert guidance."
tässä Wollonging yliopiston proffan mielipide aiheesta "vihreät estää suojapoltot":
"The claim of a conspiracy by environmentalists to block hazard reduction activities has been
roundly rejected by bushfire experts, and experts say it is betrayed by hard data on actual hazard reduction activities in national parks.
Prof Ross Bradstock, the director of the centre for environmental risk management of bushfires at the University of Wollongong, has previously told Guardian Australia: “
These are very tired and very old conspiracy theories that get a run after most major fires. They’ve been extensively dealt with in many inquiries.”"
tässä australian ilmatieteenlaitoksen näkemys metsäpaloille otollisten olosuhteiden kehityksestä:
Lisäksi vuosi 2019 oli Australiassa
kuumin ja kuivin koko mittaushistoriassa ja
Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on jyllännyt vahvana pahentaen kuivuutta Australiassa.
Lisäksi tieteentekijät ovat
varoittaneet hallitusta erittäin hankalista olosuhteista jo 2018 puolivälissä heikoin tuloksin:
""All the while, Australia must take stronger action as its part of the worldwide commitment to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees above the long-term average to reduce the worst impacts of climate change," he urged.
Mr Morrison on Friday dismissed criticism of the government's climate policies, saying the Coalition acknowledged the reality of global warming – including its contribution to the catastrophic bushfire season – and was taking a "
balanced" approach.
government failed to act on an internal disaster resilience plan put forward in mid-2018, with the document warning of emergencies on "unimagined scales, in unprecedented combinations and in unexpected locations"."
Mutta saahan sitä mielipiteitä olla.