Tuo nyt on selityksenä samaa tasoa kuin puhelimien liimaaminen yhteen kosteuden takia. Juu, tekee se ehkä hivenen haastavammaksi osien suojaamisen kosteudelta mutta ei missään suhteessa hyödyllistä siihen nähden mitä korjaamismahdollisuuksissa menetetään. Sinänsä sähköautojen akustojen kohdalla lainsäädäntö on edennyt suhteellisesti hitaammin kuin normiparistojen kohdalla ja kuluttajatuotteiden kohdalla yleisesti. Mutta akustojen liimaaminen tulee olemaan EU:n alueella sellainen punainen lippu, että henkilökohtaisesti pysyisin suhteellisen kaukana ko. tavalla toteutetusta autosta. Liimaaminen ei myöskään auta itse kulumiseen ja kun akkukennot eivät identtisesti tule kulumaan niin vaihtomahdollisuus on aika merkittäväkin seikka (voihan sieltä toki hajota muutakin, BMS esim.). Esim. Leafin akkuja korjataan usein myös osuman takia, eli kun riittävän kova osuma tulee niin muutaman kennon vaihtamalla (muutamien kilowattien) akusta tulee kuin uusi.
“SLI batteries and electric vehicle batteries incorporated in motor vehicles should be removable and replaceable by independent operators.” The same recital adds that for the purpose of the design, manufacturing and the repair of SLI batteries and electric vehicle batteries, “manufacturers should provide the relevant vehicle on-board diagnostic information and vehicle repair and maintenance information on a non-discriminatory basis to any interested manufacturer, installer or repairer of equipment for [category M, N, and O] vehicles.” The SBR defines a SLI battery as a battery “designed to supply electric power for starter, lighting, or ignition and [that] may also be used for auxiliary or backup purposes in vehicles, other means of transport or machinery.”
Thus, the recital calls for an opening up of the market of SLI and electric vehicle batteries. This is in line with the obligations that the Regulation on the Type Approval of Vehicles imposes on vehicle manufactures to provide independent operators with OBD information and vehicle repair and maintenance information. However, it is unclear how this will work in practice taking into account the warranty terms of electric vehicle manufacturers.
The recital also indicates the willingness of the Council and Parliament that a future amendment of the End of Life Vehicles Directive include provision on joining, fastening and sealing elements to ensure that the SLI batteries and electric vehicle batteries can be removed, replaced and disassembled. "
“SLI batteries and electric vehicle batteries incorporated in motor vehicles should be removable and replaceable by independent operators.” The same recital adds that for the purpose of the design, manufacturing and the repair of SLI batteries and electric vehicle batteries, “manufacturers should provide the relevant vehicle on-board diagnostic information and vehicle repair and maintenance information on a non-discriminatory basis to any interested manufacturer, installer or repairer of equipment for [category M, N, and O] vehicles.” The SBR defines a SLI battery as a battery “designed to supply electric power for starter, lighting, or ignition and [that] may also be used for auxiliary or backup purposes in vehicles, other means of transport or machinery.”
Thus, the recital calls for an opening up of the market of SLI and electric vehicle batteries. This is in line with the obligations that the Regulation on the Type Approval of Vehicles imposes on vehicle manufactures to provide independent operators with OBD information and vehicle repair and maintenance information. However, it is unclear how this will work in practice taking into account the warranty terms of electric vehicle manufacturers.
The recital also indicates the willingness of the Council and Parliament that a future amendment of the End of Life Vehicles Directive include provision on joining, fastening and sealing elements to ensure that the SLI batteries and electric vehicle batteries can be removed, replaced and disassembled. "
New Removability and Replaceability Requirements for Batteries Marketed in the European Union
The European Parliament and Council are about to adopt an agreed text on a Regulation on Batteries and Waste Batteries (“Sustainable Batteries Regulation”