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- 08.04.2020
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Jos mellakointi tapahtuu demokraattien hallitsemissa osavaltioissa ja kaupungeissa eikä siksi ole Trumpin vastuulla niin miten se olisi myöskään Bidenin vastuulla hänen voittaessa? Toki niitä pormestareita ja kuvernöörejä voi vaihtaa nyt samoissa vaaleissa
eroja voi hakea vaikka puolueista ja niiden suhtautumisesta väkivaltaan ja laittomuuksiin.
Tilannetta selventävät esim. New Yorkin entinen pormestani Rudy Giuliani (videoiden alla litterointi molempien puheista Republikaanien puoluekokouksessa eiliseltä):

Rudy Giuliani 2020 RNC Speech Transcript
Rudy Giuliani: Good evening. My name is Rudy Giuliani, and I'm the former mayor of New York City. In 2013, my city elected a self-described progressive De...

New Yorkers wonder, how did we get overwhelmed by crime so quickly and to decline so fast? Don’t let Democrats do to America what they have done to New York. Again, the Democrats are urging you to vote for an obviously defective candidate.
Peaceful protests began all over the land. The condemnation of the killing was universal, from President Trump to Democrat leaders. It seemed, for a few brief shining moments, Democrat and Republican leaders would come together with a unified proposal to reduce police misconduct.
This possibility was very dangerous to the left. They had a president to beat and a country to destroy, and although an agreement on action against police brutality would be very valuable for the country, it would also make President Trump appeared to be an effective leader. They could have none of that. So Black Lives Matter and Antifa sprang into action, and in a flash, they hijacked the peaceful protests into vicious, brutal riots.
Soon protests turned into riots in many other American cities, almost all Democrat. Businesses were burned and crushed, people beaten, shot and killed. Police officers routinely assaulted, badly beaten, and occasionally murdered, and the police handcuffed by progressive Democrat mayors from doing anything but observe the crimes and absorb the blows.
These continuous riots and democratic cities gives you a good view of the future under Biden. All five of the top cities for homicides, like the top cities for rioting and looting, are governed by progressive Democrats using the progressive Democrat approach to crime, which is to do nothing substantive to reduce it.
It is clear that a vote for Biden and the Democrats creates the risk that you will bring this lawlessness to your city, to your town, to your suburb.
tai New Yorkin poliisien ammattiyhdistyksen johtaja Pat Lynch:
Why is this happening?
The answer is simple: The Democrats have walked away from us.
Democratic politicians have surrendered our streets and institutions.
Wherever Democrats are in power, the radical left is getting exactly what they want.
And our country is suffering for it.
Unlike the Democrats, who are running in fear of the mob in the street, President Trump has never apologized for standing up for law and order.
Unlike the Democrats, who froze in the face of rioting and looting, President Trump gives law enforcement the support and tools to put a stop to it - period, end of story.
When it comes to your safety, your families' safety and the safety of all Americans, there is no other choice.
You won't be safe in Joe Biden's America.
Top 20 rikollisuuden pesäkkeet USA:ssa:

America’s Top 20 Cities for Crime, and What Party Runs Them
Crime in some cities is “worse than Honduras, worse than Afghanistan,” President Donald Trump says, and they are “Democrat-run. Radical left-run.”
näistä 18/20 demokraattien ja 2 "itsenäisten" hallussa.
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