Tai sitten sieltä on paljastunut kolmen äänen ero alkuperäiseen laskentaan.
Onhan se touhu ollut
"On June 2, Hobbs issued a report detailing observations made to that point by election observers from her office, alleging various infractions on the part of the auditors. These included leaving security gates open, leaving confidential materials unattended, and bringing "prohibited items including cellphones and pens with black or blue ink" to the counting floor.
[30] In particular, black and blue ink pens are prohibited because they can be used to modify ballots that were cast.
The objectivity of the audit has been called into question due to the involvement of Logan.
[31] Additionally,
Anthony Kern, a former Republican state lawmaker who was present at the
2021 storming of the United States Capitol, has been seen tallying votes.
[6] Kern, who was himself named on the ballots as a would-be Trump
presidential elector as well as running for re-election to the Arizona House of Representatives, has since been removed from the group with access to the ballots.
[32] Former
Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, a Republican, is advising the audit. Hobbs, the current Secretary of State, has criticized Bennett's efforts, saying he needs to "either do it right, or don't do it at all.""
"It was reported in June 2021 that a Cyber Ninjas subcontractor had transported copies of voting systems data to a supposed "lab" in
Bigfork, Montana.
[40] The exact nature of the data and what efforts had been taken to keep it secure was unclear. A
CNN reporter traveled to the location listed in property records for the subcontractor and found a cabin in a wooded non-commercial area.
Eli harrastelijapohjalta tehty audit, kulkua ei ole valvottu, ääniä on säilytetty vähän miten sattuu, käytetty kyniä, jolla voi muokata ääniä (tarkistuslaskennassa ja auditissa on oikeasti eri väriset kynät, jotta ne merkinnät erottuu äänestäjän merkinnöistä) ja pro Trump sankareita on ollut ääniä käsittelemässä. Voiko tuon porukan käsittelyn jäljiltä edes tehdä taas uutta laskentaa, kun ei ole enää takeita onko äänestyslaput oikeita annettuja ääniä ja onko ne muokkaamattomia?