Tässä on melko tuoretta tutkimusta siitä luottamuksesta poliisia kohtaan.
The most trusted leader of them all? The public school principal, according to a Pew Research Center study on Americans’ faith in powerful people and institutions.
Participants were asked about two of eight categories of people: members of Congress, military leaders, journalists, leaders of technology companies, religious leaders, police officers, local elected officials and public school principals.
Principals were the most trusted by participants on several measures: 84 percent thought they cared about their students some or most of the time. Respondents also viewed principals as less likely to display unethical behavior than virtually any other group. Only military leaders were considered comparably as ethical.
Despite a vast number of incidences of police brutality and misconduct in recent years, the police closely followed principals in several trust categories. Seventy-nine percent of participants believed that police officers care about them all or most of the time, and nearly as many think that they provide fair and accurate information.
Luottamus poliisia kohtaan näyttäisi jenkeissäkin olevan suht. hyvällä tasolla. Ei kovin paljoa rehtorien alapuolella joka on luotetuin ryhmä.