Ampuma-aseiden määrä ei korreloi aseilla tehtyjen rikosten kanssa.
"A variety of longitudinal studies describe the association between the simultaneous implementation of laws targeting multiple elements of regulations and firearm deaths. Despite their limitations, specifically on the identification of which laws are more likely to be effective, these studies inform on the potential synergistic effects, or the aggregated individual effects of multiple laws, when they are simultaneously implemented within a narrow time window. The Australian NFA provides a good illustration of this. Following the implementation of the NFA, a decline in firearm deaths and firearm suicides, as well as an absence of mass shootings (78, 115, 117, 120), occurred. We found similar findings in other studies examining legislation targeting multiple elements of regulations in other countries (122–126), although, except in the case of Austria, findings have not been replicated. In Canada, although there has been a continuous downward trend in firearm death rates over time and legislation including background checks has been associated with fewer female firearm homicides, evidence of the association between these laws and overall homicides is mixed. Moreover, studies from Canada, New Zealand, and Australia (at least for the first post-NFA years) show that observed reductions in firearm suicides, after the implementation of these laws, were compensated by substitution methods that resulted in no significant changes in overall suicide rates."
Massa-ampumiset eivät loppuneet. Silmämääräisesti arvioituna ne kyllä vähenivät. Ampuma-aseiden määrä tai aselait eivät myöskään korreloi itsemurhahalukkuuden kanssa, mutta vähentävät onnettomuuksia. Yhdysvalloissa 11000 ampuma-ase kuolemasta 600 oli onnettomuuksia (2010). Itsensä ampumisen sijaan ihmiset käyttävät pillereitä, hyppäävät rakennuksesta tai junan alle, ajavat vastaantulevaan liikenteeseen ja mitä näitä keinoja nyt onkaan ts. vaarantavat useammin sivullisten turvallisuuden. Sellaista kirsikanpoimintaa tällä kertaa.