Kyllä, ja tämän mukaan The Insider on vahvistanut asian vielä muutakin kautta. Tämä lienee ensimmäinen selkeä merkki rivien rakoilusta, mutta tästä on vielä matkaa mihinkään konkreettiseen. Jossakin vaiheessa Martti J. Karin kommenttia mukaillen bulldogit kuitenkin aloittavat todella tappelemaan kokolattiamaton alla ja nyt matto jo vähän liikkkuu.
Vetoomus käännettynä kuuluu näin: “We, the municipal deputies of Russia, believe that the actions of President V. V. Putin harm the future of Russia and its citizens. We demand the resignation of Vladimir Putin from the post of President of the Russian Federation!"
Tämä Ksenia Torstrem oli tarkentanut vetoomuksen taustoja The Insiderille näillä saatesanoilla:
“We discussed with the deputies that we would like to support the deputies from the Smolninsk municipality. But now it is difficult to speak out publicly because of the repression. Therefore, we came up with such a concise text. Deputies are not yet forbidden to have an opinion. And it is also not forbidden to speak for the resignation of the president. He is not a monarch, but a hired worker, receives a salary from our taxes. Our function is to represent the interests of the people, and we see that the people are not satisfied. And our people are the source of power according to the Constitution. I personally do not understand the motives of Vladimir Putin's actions. I think you can’t be in power for so long.”