Tencent have denied claims that they forbid black people from appearing in their films and games, nor insist on larger breasts.
Tencent Denies Claim From Alanah Pearce That They Demand “No Black People” And Want Bigger Breasts On Female Characters In Films And Games
Tencent denied claims that they not only forbid black people from appearing in their films and games, but also that they insist on female characters having larger breasts.
The claim was made by Alanah Pearce a former games journalist, Santa Monica Studio games writer, and voice actress. In
an interview with Twitch streamer The Serfs, Pearce discussed Chinese tech and media giant, Tencent.
“They also have a bunch of problematic sh-t,” Pearce denounced. “I have a friend who had a film that was offered to be made by Tencent, or funded by Tencent, and they were like ‘no black people!’ ‘Bigger tits!'”
Like, a lot of rules that they have […] that I think also has had a hand in you know, some AAA games,” Pearce speculated, before hastily adding “Again I don’t wanna speak on any of this because I’m so worried about getting sued by Tencent.”
“But this is what I’ve heard, rumors, not sure if any of this is true,” Pearce emphasized. “But even games that are out, where they were like ‘Yeah that character needs to have bigger tits’ or ‘You need to make her skin lighter’ type s**t.”
“Again, I know that more of the film industry, and that’s outside of content that’s like ‘no ghosts!'” Pearce explained, mentioning Chinese media typically banning depictions of ghosts, spirits, and the undead. “They just have weird rules like that.”
“I think we should be way more concerned about Tencent than we should be about Microsoft,” Pearce insisted, regarding their recent efforts to
acquire Activision Blizzard."
Tencent väitetysti haluaa nähdä peleissään ja leffoissa isompia tissejä ja vähemmän tummaihoisia. Syitä tälle voi varmaan vain arvailla.