Instead of just reading all the threads here, i actually searched on the internet, and talked with people playing the game rn. Here are the facts for you to know. You are free to make your own opinion
Is the game banned in Saudi Arabia?
No at at this moment is not
Was this post about gay scene?
No It was about indecency (Drinking, sex, offence against god etc.)
Is there gay character?
Yes There is definetlly Sir Istvan Toth. One of the main antagonists from KC

1 who is a gay
Is there unskipable gay cutscene?
No confirmed by both official sources, and players playing the game rn. No cutscene is unskippable
Is there unavoidable Henry gay scene?
No confirmed by both official sources, and players playing the game rn. Henry is not forced into anything. Everything is up the player.
is there possible gay romance?
Maybe Player who already finished the game stated, he didn't met any option to be gay, but one guy was really friendly. Maybe if you would try hard enough, you could end with him? Who knows
If there will be gay romance, will there be consequences for it?
Yes Confirmed from multiple official sources, All your actions will have consequences acording to Medieval historical and social norms.
Yes KC

1 Womans lot DLC, there is opinioned woman, having problem with male ruled world. Guess what? you can literally send her burn at stake for her opinions and being woman.
Is there black czech character?
No all czechs and other europeans are white
Is there black character?
Yes It is Black moor medic, traveling with Sigismund army (the bad guy). He is not staying in Bohemia, he is traveling with the army camp, among all other ethinicities and races that Hungarian army consisted off
Is it historically accurate?
not definetlly but it is plausible Hungarian armies consisted from mutliple diverse groups, sometime taking in even parts of asian hordes, or people from Byzantine. Traveling moor Medic could get there, and it would be actually the most plausible way how to get a black character into Central Europe.
Is he feminist and preachy?
No most infamous screenshot is out of context. Henry, who by some sources can call him devil at first, can ask him about his lands. He then says all the good and bad about both lands, showing that every land is different, with different people and different culture. (Against current mutliculturism and wokism) His line about women reflect even todays age Muslim perspective, where they believe that they are better to women as they guard their chastity.
Is Code of Conduct made by Warhorse?
No It is by Plaion. Warhorse have no power above it
Is the Code of Conduct missinterpteted?
Kinda The most infamous part is just copy paste of steam ToS, efectivelly saying "both me and steam can ban you for this"
Is the Code of Conduct good thing?
No but Warhorse is not at fault here. Plaion and steam itself is.
Is this just overblown controversy based on hoaxes and missinterpretions?
Yes absolutelly