- Liittynyt
- 27.12.2016
- Viestejä
- 2 827
Olen nyt kuunnellut puhetta jonkin aikaa, ja välipuheenvuorot Vallinin puheen väliin tulleet puheenvuorot eivät näemmä liity aiheeseen
Vaan Vallinin puheen muotoon ja sävyyn.
Hyvänä huomiona Ruotsin poliisivoimat on lisäämässä henkilöstömäärää 10000 poliisilla. (Suomessa siis poliisien määrä n. 7000-7500, ja tällä meinataan pärjätä
). Ruotsissa poliisimäärän tavoite näemmä n. 35000-40000 poliisia 2024 mennessä. Vallin kommentoi tätäkin puheessaan. Rahaa palaa.
New statistics show record numbers of police employees
Police presence is critical to law enforcement. The Swedish Police Authority must grow to be able to investigate and solve more crimes and thereby increase security in society. For this reason, the Government has launched a historic investment in the Swedish Police Authority, which entails an increase of 10 000 employees by 2024. The halfway point of 5 000 employees was passed in 2020. Several thousand police officers will begin their employment around the country in the coming years.
The funding to finance the initiative has increased successively and the Swedish Police Authority will have more than SEK 30.5 billion at its disposal in 2021. This is approximately SEK 6 billion more than 2018. Giving the police more resources increases pressure in other parts of the judicial chain. The Government therefore proposed investments to enhance the entire judicial system in the Budget Bill for 2020. The Police will continue to need increased resources. The appropriation for 2021 is over SEK 1 900 million more than in 2020. Additional funding of SEK 1 650 million is proposed for 2022.
Peter Springared Mohmad, Ali yms. viesti fabosta vuodelta 2017:

Hyvänä huomiona Ruotsin poliisivoimat on lisäämässä henkilöstömäärää 10000 poliisilla. (Suomessa siis poliisien määrä n. 7000-7500, ja tällä meinataan pärjätä

New statistics show record numbers of police employees
Police presence is critical to law enforcement. The Swedish Police Authority must grow to be able to investigate and solve more crimes and thereby increase security in society. For this reason, the Government has launched a historic investment in the Swedish Police Authority, which entails an increase of 10 000 employees by 2024. The halfway point of 5 000 employees was passed in 2020. Several thousand police officers will begin their employment around the country in the coming years.
The funding to finance the initiative has increased successively and the Swedish Police Authority will have more than SEK 30.5 billion at its disposal in 2021. This is approximately SEK 6 billion more than 2018. Giving the police more resources increases pressure in other parts of the judicial chain. The Government therefore proposed investments to enhance the entire judicial system in the Budget Bill for 2020. The Police will continue to need increased resources. The appropriation for 2021 is over SEK 1 900 million more than in 2020. Additional funding of SEK 1 650 million is proposed for 2022.
Peter Springared Mohmad, Ali yms. viesti fabosta vuodelta 2017: