Upotettu media ei näy mutta voinet selventää, miten Ruotsin hyötyminen kruunusta kääntyy Suomen kärsimiseen Eurosta? Suomen ja Ruotsin taloudet on muutenkin ihan erilaisia painotuksiltaan ja Suomen suurimpia ongelmia on suhdanneherkän perusteollisuuden suuri paino ja markkinapalveluiden tuottamisen niukkuus.
Ihmettelen kovasti, jos Ruotsi on niin erilainen maa Suomeen verrattuna, että samat lainalaisuudet eivät pätisi.
Ruotsissa siis kruunun avulla talouskasvu on ollut 2,3 prosenttia vuodessa, eurolla se olisi ollut 0,7 prosenttia.
Kopioidaan tähän nyt sitten se teksti:
- Google-käännös ruotsista englanniksi.
Jos Ruotsi olisi ollut eurossa, Ruotsin talous olisi vuosina 2003-2017 kasvanut vain 0,7 prosenttia vuodessa, kun se nyt on kasvanut 2,3 prosenttia vuodessa.
Myös Suomi mainittu.
Sweden would have been a poorer country today if we had introduced the euro in 2003. This shows a calculation made by economist Björn Olsson.
According to Björn Olsson, economist, Sweden would have lost about SEK 4,460 billion if we had the euro instead of the krone.
- It is actually up to a full year's GDP that the Swedish economy is now stronger because we did not introduce the euro, he says.
If the Swedes had agreed to the euro in the referendum in the autumn of 2003, it would not have benefited the country financially, Björn Olsson's calculation shows.
He has compared a scenario in which Sweden got the euro with actual economic development in the years 2003-2017. The average growth rate during those years has been 2.3 percent. With the euro, it would have been only 0.7 percent.
- My results show that the Swedish growth rate in the economy has been somewhere between 1.5 to 3 times higher thanks to the country retaining the krona and not introducing the euro. This means that Sweden's economy is today 6-24 percent stronger, says Björn Olsson.
Above all, Sweden benefited from retaining the krona as currency during the crisis years 2008 to 2009.
- The big difference comes when the crisis comes. Then the krona and the exchange rate act as an airbag for the economy. So when the Swedish economy goes bad, the krona becomes weak, and then the economy is supported by strengthening competitiveness and exports going better.
Sweden has a strength in being able to influence the currency through the Riksbank, he says. Otherwise, in times of crisis, you can be forced to do as the euro country Finland, which in 2016 conducted an internal devaluation.