Mielenkiintoisia tutkimuksia
Tässä on etsitty vastausta siihen, että olisiko ihmisillä sittenkin kykyä tuottaa vasta-aineita viruksen torjuntaan, vaikka eivät olisi kohdanneet sitä lainkaan pandemian aikana.
It seemed a truth universally acknowledged that the human population had no pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2, but is that actually the case?
At least six studies have reported T cell reactivity against SARS-CoV-2 in 20% to 50% of people with no known exposure to the virus. In a study of donor blood specimens obtained in the US between 2015 and 2018, 50% displayed various forms of T cell reactivity to SARS-CoV-2.
511 A similar study that used specimens from the Netherlands reported T cell reactivity in two of 10 people who had not been exposed to the virus.
7 In Germany reactive T cells were detected in a third of SARS-CoV-2 seronegative healthy donors (23 of 68). In Singapore a team analysed specimens taken from people with no contact or personal history of SARS or covid-19; 12 of 26 specimens taken before July 2019 showed reactivity to SARS-CoV-2, as did seven of 11 from people who were seronegative against the virus.
8 Reactivity was also discovered in the UK and Sweden.
Though these studies are small and do not yet provide precise estimates of pre-existing immunological responses to SARS-CoV-2, they are hard to dismiss, with several being published in
Cell and
Nature. Alessandro Sette, an immunologist from La Jolla Institute for Immunology in California and an author of several of the studies (
box 1), told
The BMJ, “At this point there are a number of studies that are seeing this reactivity in different continents, different labs. As a scientist you know that is a hallmark of something that has a very strong footing.”
It seemed a truth universally acknowledged that the human population had no pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2, but is that actually the case? Peter Doshi explores the emerging research on immunological responses Even in local areas that have experienced some of the greatest rises in excess...
Tässä pohdittiin toksikologian ja immuniteetin kautta mm oireiden vakavuutta ja ilmaantumista
It is clear from the SARS results and the present COVID-19 results that exposure to the coronavirus for most people (except the relatively small number in the most vulnerable demographic) results in relatively mild symptoms (or, in many cases, no symptoms). In other words, the vast majority of the public is metaphorically being protected presently by an extremely effective “quasi-vaccine”; namely, following practices that, while they certainly degrade the immune system to some extent because of exposure to toxic stressors, do not degrade the immune system excessively. Promoting healthy lifestyle habits (including healthy diet, regular aerobic exercise, and appropriate responses to adverse life events) and an ambitious regulation of toxic stressors (chemicals, radiations, etc.) are cornerstones to reducing the risk of developing most chronic diseases. These healthy habits represent a “quasi-vaccine” as they are capable of eliminating those factors that contribute to degrading the immune system and adding those factors that contribute to strengthening the immune system. For most of the public, this “quasi-vaccine” has proven to be effective, and further elimination of immune-degrading contributing factors will improve the immune system further and afford even greater protection from infectious diseases.
The underlying causes of the present pandemic have been both misrepresented and camouflaged. Causes that are mainly toxicology-based have been ignored relative to virology-based causes. This has resulted in treatments and ‘protective’ measures that address virology issues to the exclusion of toxicology issues, are of questionable effectiveness, and do little (if anything) to prevent future pandemics. They have produced disastrous effects on the global economy that have worsened social and economic conditions of many people and contributed to a deterioration of their physical and mental health. To correct this situation, and offer intrinsic protection against future pandemics, both tactical/reactive responses to survive the immediate threat and strategic/proactive responses to prevent the problem and damage from re-occurring are required.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and previous pandemics have been viewed almost exclusively as virology problems, with toxicology problems mostly b…