Virossa tulkitaan lukuja näin:
There will be between 1,500-1,700 new daily cases of coronavirus by the end of the month, the Health Board has forecast. But there will only be 450 patients in hospital.
Terveysministerin mukaan tilanne on paha, kun sairaalahoidossa on 600 potilasta. Kesän delta huipussa on ollut enimmillään 727 potilasta sairaaloissa. 450 sairaalapotilaan lukuihin on varauduttu. Nyt 278 potilasta sairaaloissa.
Tilanne on tällä hetkellä tämä: "Last week Estonia's coronavirus rate rose to the second highest in Europe, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
reported on Friday."
Uusia rajoituksia ei olla ottamassa käyttöön, ellei sairaalapotilaiden määrä ala kasvaa nopeasti.
Koronapassi ollut käytössä elokuun lopusta, mutta ei taida toimia noin pienellä rokotuskattavuudella oikein tehokkaasti, vaikka passia vaaditaan noin monessa paikassa.
"The COVID-19 certificate must be presented from August 26 onwards by all those 18 and older for most organized activities.
This means that the COVID-19 certificate must be presented for sport, training, youth work, hobby activities and education, refresher training and further training; sporting competitions and events; saunas, spas, water parks and swimming pools; at public meetings and events, including theater, cinema, concerts, conferences; museums and exhibitions; entertainment services; eating and drinking on site at catering establishments. All participants must also be checked for infection safety when the activity or event takes place at a place for the provision of service, such as when renting a restaurant or ordering a theater performance."
Maskipakko ollut voimassa elokuun 26. päivästä asti näissä raameissa:
"Masks must be worn in all public spaces where anyone can enter and where many people who do not come into contact with each other on a daily basis move around. These are spaces that do not require a COVID-19 certificate. "
On Monday, the Estonian government approved an order which will make wearing a mask in public indoor areas mandatory if COVID-19 certificates are not checked. The rules come into effect today (Thursday, August 26.)
Ja vielä yksi editti ennen nukkumaan menoa (koska data on kaunista ja Virolaiset tuottaa näköjään aika laadukasta informaatiota)
Sairaalapotilaiden ikäjakauma ja sairaalassa vietetty ajanjakso: