Mikä oikein onkaan nykykäsitys koronan neurologisista vaikutuksista?
Sattuipa nimittäin silmiin tällainen brittitutkimus:
When controlling for age, body habitus, and other variables, people who had covid had sizes of key brain structures 4 standard deviations below average. The hippocampal gyrus is responsible for memory, in part.
There is strong evidence for brain-related pathologies in COVID-19, some of which could be a consequence of viral neurotropism. The vast majority of brain imaging studies so far have focused on qualitative, gross pathology of moderate to severe cases, often carried out on hospitalised patients...
UK Biobank scanned over 40,000 participants before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, making it possible to invite back in 2021 hundreds of previously-imaged participants for a second imaging visit.
We used structural and functional brain scans from before and after infection, to compare longitudinal brain changes between these 394 COVID-19 patients and 388 controls who were matched for age, sex, ethnicity and interval between scans.
We identified significant effects of COVID-19 in the brain with a loss of grey matter in the left parahippocampal gyrus, the left lateral orbitofrontal cortex and the left insula. When looking over the entire cortical surface, these results extended to the anterior cingulate cortex, supramarginal gyrus and temporal pole.
UK:ssa on siis skannattu 40000 ihmisen aivokuvat ennen koronaepidemiaa ja nyt aivot on skannattu uudelleen koronan sairastamisen jälkeen. On todettu, että koronan sairastaneilta on kadonnut aivokudosta eikä tulos ole riippunut juurikaan siitä, onko sairastettu lievä vai vakava korona.