Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Onko tähän jotain aivan pakollisia modeja? Tyylin bethesdan bugikorjaukset? Ja onko grafiikkamodeja? Ilmeisesti peli on raskas jo vanillana.
Ei ole tarpeen laittaa mitään modeja. Tai, no, jos yrttikasveja poimittaessa kuvakulman muuttuminen Henryn ulkopuolelle ottaa päähän niin suosittelen First-Person Herb Picking -modia. Tosin, en itse sitä ole koskaan tarvinnut, vaikka kuvakulman muutos häiritsikin alussa paljon. Totuin siihen loppujen lopuksi.

En usko, että kokoonpanollasi tulee ongelmia pelin sulavuuden suhteen muuten kuin isoimmissa NPC-keskittymissä, jolloin ruudunpäivitysnopeus saattaa tippua 30-40fps:n tienoille. Muualla pitäisi olla vähintään se 60fps. Itselläni on Ryzen 2700X ja 1080Ti. Pelaan 1920x1200-tarkkuudella ja ihan kaikki asetukset tapissa (ainoastaan motion blur on pois päältä).
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kiitoksia, nyt alkaa olla hintakin sopiva.
Onko tähän jotain aivan pakollisia modeja? Tyylin bethesdan bugikorjaukset? Ja onko grafiikkamodeja? Ilmeisesti peli on raskas jo vanillana.

Et saanut vastauksia, mutta voisitko jakaa omat löydöksesi? Itsellä 8700K + 1080 ja sama reso.

En ole löytänyt vastauksia ongelmiini, itse taidan suosiolla odottaa 1.8patchia ennen kuin alan pelaamaan tätä.

Jospa edes tuo borderless/fullscreen asia saataisiin korjattua siinä.
Muistaakseni näppäinyhdistelmällä ALT+ENTER peli vaihtaa borderless/fullscreen (ei tarvii menun kautta aina vaihdella) ja tuo oli ainoa fixi tuohon ongelmaan, kun aikoinaan tutkin. Taitaapi johtua ihan pelimoottorista, joten en usko että tuota saadaan "korjattua".
Kiitoksia, nyt alkaa olla hintakin sopiva.
Onko tähän jotain aivan pakollisia modeja? Tyylin bethesdan bugikorjaukset? Ja onko grafiikkamodeja? Ilmeisesti peli on raskas jo vanillana.

Et saanut vastauksia, mutta voisitko jakaa omat löydöksesi? Itsellä 8700K + 1080 ja sama reso.
Steamistä löytyy ihan viralliset dlc:t mistä ei varmasti haittaakaan ole, mm. HD textuurit,HD Voice ja HD Sound packit. Ja jostain luin että joku hyvä modi taisi olla lockpickkaamista parantamaan mutta tiedä siitä.
Steamistä löytyy ihan viralliset dlc:t mistä ei varmasti haittaakaan ole, mm. HD textuurit,HD Voice ja HD Sound packit. Ja jostain luin että joku hyvä modi taisi olla lockpickkaamista parantamaan mutta tiedä siitä.
Kiitos tästäkin! Latailenpas vielä nuokin.
Äänistä sen verran, että olen aina pelannut pelit englannin kielellä, mutta kannattaisiko tässä pelissä valita saksa?
Äänistä sen verran, että olen aina pelannut pelit englannin kielellä, mutta kannattaisiko tässä pelissä valita saksa?
Miksi saksan kieli?

Lukkojen tiirikointi on hiirellä pelattuna todella helppoa, joten ei sekään mitään modia tarvitse.
Miksi saksan kieli?

Lukkojen tiirikointi on hiirellä pelattuna todella helppoa, joten ei sekään mitään modia tarvitse.
Saksaa ajattelin tunnelman takia. Eikös peli sijoitu saksaan?
Nyt ois tekele asennettuna hd-päkkejä myöten. Graffojakin jo säätelin, mutta aloitus pakko jättää huomiseen.
Saksaa ajattelin tunnelman takia. Eikös peli sijoitu saksaan?
Nyt ois tekele asennettuna hd-päkkejä myöten. Graffojakin jo säätelin, mutta aloitus pakko jättää huomiseen.

Böömi/Bohemia, eli nykyisin Tsekkiä. Pelaa "tutorial" saksankielisenä ja jollei nappaa, niin englanti toimii oikein hyvin.
Historiallisen korrektiuden takia on melko outoa, että pelistä ei löydy tsekin kieltä ollenkaan. Itse olisin halunnut tämän äänikieleksi.
Historiallisen korrektiuden takia on melko outoa, että pelistä ei löydy tsekin kieltä ollenkaan. Itse olisin halunnut tämän äänikieleksi.
Eiköhän siinä ollut tasan vain budjetti rajoitteena. Tšekki on lisäksi vielä itsessään sen verran pieni markkina-alue, että eivät nähneet siihen uppoavan rahamäärän arvoiseksi.
Millä kielellä pelasit?

Peli on vasta alussa, mutta englanniksi on mennyt tähän asti. Voisin melkein vaihtaa Saksaksi, koska kyllähän tuolla Böömissä ja Määrissä paljon Saksaa puhuttiin Pyhän Saksalais-Roomalaisen keisarikunnan aikana.
Miten laadukasta se saksan ääninäyttely on? Osaan hyvin saksaa niin tässä olisi näköjään mielenkiintoinen pointti ostopäätöksen kannalta, jotain vaihtelua :think:
(ainakin silloin kun asuin ysärillä Saksassa niin pelit oli oikeastaan paremmin dubattu kuin TV-sarjat/leffat...)
Esim. Brian Blessedin ääni on sen verran iso osa persoonaa että väkisin menetetään paljon jos joku ääninäyttelijä kimittää saksaksi. :)
Nyt tämä peli on vihdoin korkattu, ja mielenkiintoiselta vaikuttaa. Tempo on hidas, mikä on mukavan raikas tuulahdus. Alussa joutuu taistelemaan joka roposta ja pinnistelemään hahmon tarpeiden kanssa, mikä tuo sopivasti realismia peliin. Pelaajana on kyllä mahtavalla tavalla nöyrä olo vastustajien kanssa kun ei masteroi combattia, toisin kuin monissa muissa peleissä ero tehdään pitkälti vastustajan levelin avulla, niin tässä ainakin alussa ero tulee myös skillissä.

edit: mutta vastaan tuli jo ensimmäinen game breaking bugi main questissa - varsin raivostuttavaa että tällaisia bugeja ei ole vieläkään korjattu :rage: Fiilikset tippuu kun joutuu googlaileen ja kikkaileen kun jotkut eventit ei triggeröi tms
edit: mutta vastaan tuli jo ensimmäinen game breaking bugi main questissa - varsin raivostuttavaa että tällaisia bugeja ei ole vieläkään korjattu :rage:
Mistä on kyse?

Laita bugista eli viasta selontekoa support at kingdomcomerpg dot com. Jos mahdollista, niin muista myös kertoa Warhorselle miten vika toistetaan.
Jos käytätte modeja ja tulee joku breking bugi vastaa niin palatkaa vähän taaksepäin ja kokeilkaa sitä kohtaa ilman modeja.

itselläni oli joku tietty modi joka toimi vaikka ei ollutkaan peliversion kanssa sama mutta aiheutti yhden main questin hajoamisen failed hommaan ja eikä päässyt etenemään.
Auttoi kun palasi taaksepäin ennen kyseistä tehtävää ja poista modit väliaikaisesti käytöstä.
Ei ole yhtään modeja, googlella selvisi että kyseessä on vanha bugi, jota foorumeilla jo pidempään on ihmetelty että "eikö tätä vieläkään ole korjattu?"

Kyseessä on bugi, jossa ihan alussa kun ekaa kertaa harjoitellaan jouskalla, niin ei ehdi harjoitella lainkaan vaan heti tulee haaste sen Hansin kanssa, ja mulla kävi vielä niin, että Hans ei alkanut lainkaan ampumaan, googlen mukaan tuo tilanne voi bugittaa muillakin tavoilla
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ei ole yhtään modeja, googlella selvisi että kyseessä on vanha bugi, jota foorumeilla jo pidempään on ihmetelty että "eikö tätä vieläkään ole korjattu?"

Kyseessä on bug, jossa ihan alussa kun ekaa kertaa harjoitellaan jouskalla, niin ei ehdi harjoitella lainkaan vaan heti tulee haaste sen Hansin kanssa, ja mulla kävi vielä niin, että Hans ei alkanut lainkaan ampumaan, googlen mukaan tuo tilanne voi bugittaa muillakin tavoilla(

Näitä tästä pelistä löytyy, bugeja jotka ollut kauan eikä korjattu.

Itse odotan korjausta että jos pelaa fullscreen, peli menee windowed modeen jos alt+tab kesken pelin.

Tämäkin ollut jo vuoden ongelma ja ihmiset ihmettelee miten ei ole vielä korjattu.
Muistaakseni näppäinyhdistelmällä ALT+ENTER peli vaihtaa borderless/fullscreen (ei tarvii menun kautta aina vaihdella) ja tuo oli ainoa fixi tuohon ongelmaan, kun aikoinaan tutkin. Taitaapi johtua ihan pelimoottorista, joten en usko että tuota saadaan "korjattua".

Tämä ei kuulemma aina ole ollut ongelma, vaan tuli jonkun pätsin mukana, joten en usko että on kytketty pelimoottoriin eikä olisi korjattavissa.
Tää tuli julkaisussa pelattua läpi keskittyen miekkataisteluun. Olikos tässä mahdollista tehdä Henrystä täysiverinen archeri? Ei enää muista.
Tää tuli julkaisussa pelattua läpi keskittyen miekkataisteluun. Olikos tässä mahdollista tehdä Henrystä täysiverinen archeri? Ei enää muista.

Teoriassa ja lähes. On tuolla muutamia taisteluita missä on, sanotaan nyt aika haastavaa, yrittää pelkällä jousella ja nuolilla hoitaa hommat. Samaten en tiedä pystyykö täysin skippaamaan kohdat missä miekkailua pitäisi harjoitella.
Ei vitsit, alkaa JO NYT hajottaan nämä bugit. Metsässä tuli vastaan pari vihua, piti peruutella aika paljon kun ei oikein ole jakoja pärjätä kahdelle. Toinen hävisi jonnekin, toisen sain lopulta listittyä. Sitten iski "stuck at combat"-bugi. Yritin aikani löytää sitä toista vihua, mutta ei sitä löydy mistään, niin kokeilin netistä löytyvää kikkaa, eli pitää juoda itsensä tainnoksiin jotta pääsee ulos combat modesta. Muuten hyvä, mutta kun olin kumonnut pari viiniä, on maha niin täy ettei millään mahdu enempää. Se ei ihan riittänyt kaataan kaveria, joten nyt se on ihan päissään enkä voi tehdä yhtään mitään.
Vois periaatteessa olla hauska tilanne, mutta kyllähän tämä vähän sieppaa...

Tuossa on vielä se ongelma, ettei pysty ostaan lisää alkoa kun ei pysty keskustelemaan kenenkään kanssa. Niin miten tämä voi edelleen olla näin buginen?!
Ei vitsit, alkaa JO NYT hajottaan nämä bugit. Metsässä tuli vastaan pari vihua, piti peruutella aika paljon kun ei oikein ole jakoja pärjätä kahdelle. Toinen hävisi jonnekin, toisen sain lopulta listittyä. Sitten iski "stuck at combat"-bugi. Yritin aikani löytää sitä toista vihua, mutta ei sitä löydy mistään, niin kokeilin netistä löytyvää kikkaa, eli pitää juoda itsensä tainnoksiin jotta pääsee ulos combat modesta. Muuten hyvä, mutta kun olin kumonnut pari viiniä, on maha niin täy ettei millään mahdu enempää. Se ei ihan riittänyt kaataan kaveria, joten nyt se on ihan päissään enkä voi tehdä yhtään mitään.
Vois periaatteessa olla hauska tilanne, mutta kyllähän tämä vähän sieppaa...

Tuossa on vielä se ongelma, ettei pysty ostaan lisää alkoa kun ei pysty keskustelemaan kenenkään kanssa. Niin miten tämä voi edelleen olla näin buginen?!

Se toinen kaveri todennäköisesti lähti käpälämäkeen, kun ei halunnut jäädä tapettavaksi. Tai sitten vuoti kuiviin pakomatkalla. Tai jäi johonkin puskaan piiloon odottelemaan. Turha sitä on jäädä sinne odottelemaan jos ei lähistöltä löydy. Vai pysyikö combat päällä kun lähdit alueelta pois ja menit esimerkiksi johonkin kylään?

Joskus saattaa myös käydä niin, että juutut ratsailla ollessa siten, ettet voi liikkua tai tehdä yhtään mitään muutakaan. Mutta onneksi hoksasin keinon mikä auttaa aina:

Esc > Save and Quit > pelin uudelleenkäynnistys ja Continue.

Ei tarvitse hommata kaatokänniä tai käyttää fast travelia. Todennäköisesti auttaa myös tuohon taisteluun jumittumiseen, mitä ei muuten minulle ole koskaan sattunut.
Se toinen kaveri todennäköisesti lähti käpälämäkeen, kun ei halunnut jäädä tapettavaksi. Tai sitten vuoti kuiviin pakomatkalla. Tai jäi johonkin puskaan piiloon odottelemaan. Turha sitä on jäädä sinne odottelemaan jos ei lähistöltä löydy. Vai pysyikö combat päällä kun lähdit alueelta pois ja menit esimerkiksi johonkin kylään?

Lähdin alueelta pois ja ratsastin lähimpään kylään, mutta Combat mode oli ja pysyi. Eihän kyseessä muutoin olisikaan bugi?


Joskus saattaa myös käydä niin, että juutut ratsailla ollessa siten, ettet voi liikkua tai tehdä yhtään mitään muutakaan. Mutta onneksi hoksasin keinon mikä auttaa aina:

Esc > Save and Quit > pelin uudelleenkäynnistys ja Continue.

Ei tarvitse hommata kaatokänniä tai käyttää fast travelia. Todennäköisesti auttaa myös tuohon taisteluun jumittumiseen, mitä ei muuten minulle ole koskaan sattunut.

Combat modessa ei voi tehdä Save&Quittia, vaan ainostaan Quit. Ei voi myöskään tehdä fast travelia, odottaa, nukkua tai puhua kenellekään.
Varsinainen menetys ei tässä tapauksessa ollut kovin suuri, voin vain kuvitella miten tämä bugi syö ritaria jos iskee pidemmä mission loppupuolella.
Band of Bastards -lisäosa tuli myyntiin ja v1.8 päivitys jakoon.

Patchnotes - Kingdom Come RPG Forums
Warhose Studios sanoi:
Patch 1.8.1 - February 5th

– New features –
  • New better overlays which explain content and technical specification for launching content of each DLC
  • Added new item in menu concerning all DLCs and their overlays
  • Added lamps and other lights in taverns make it easier to see dice at night in dice minigame
  • If player is overloaded and can’t mount a horse, a notice to that effect is displayed
  • In some inns, player can find a caste of gamblers, who have special dice and more money to lose
  • Notification about reputation (gained or lost) is now displayed in top left corner of screen with regard to influence of quest or dialogue situations
  • Added bell toll sound in Pribyslavitz
  • Fixed an issue that caused Hans Capon to get stuck after The Prey quest.
– Quest bugs fixed –
  • Fixed issue of missing pitcher sometimes making it impossible to complete Next to Godliness quest
  • Fixed missing instruction during Bernard’s master-strike training
  • Fixed dialogue with Margaret in Hare Hunt now allows completing objective
  • Fixed issue that sometimes caused master-strike training to end instantly
  • Chest in Rattay in The Queen od Sheba’s Sword quest can now be opened
  • Fixed quest markers in Fight Club in Skalitz
  • Fixed issue of Captain Bernard and Hans Capon sometimes getting stuck on horses during quest Robber Baron
  • Fixed rare issue that made escape from Vranik impossible
  • Fixed rare issue that cutscene didn’t launch after killing Runt, preventing further progress in quest
  • Marker added in Epilogue quest to help player find Hans Capon
  • Hans Capon no longer returns to Rattay after arriving at his camp in Epilogue
  • Fixed missing UI prompts in dialogue with Circator John
  • Fixed wrong weather during battle in quest Cold Steel, Hot Blood
  • Fixed issue of inability to finish At your Service, My Lady quest due to crime in archery competition
  • Fixed issue of inability to complete Playing with the Devil quest after beating woodcutter unconscious
  • Fixed dialogue after cutscene with villagers in Miracles While You Wait quest now starts when player is outside
  • Fixed redundant marker without description during A Rainy Day quest
– Other bugs fixed –
  • Fixed issues which sometimes caused game crash after load
  • Animation of woman getting up from seated position is improved
  • Innkeepers now more often throw player out of a bed he hasn’t paid for
  • Fast travel is accessible even with bow armed
  • Fixed some issues with clipping hoods in clothing system
  • Fixed issue that sometimes prevented player from entering dice game
  • Bushes now have proper sounds when collided with
  • Fixed master-strike issue that prevented player from completing training with Bernard
  • Fixed issue that caused player to be unable to dismount horse after riding on auto-guide
  • Fixed issue of occasional slow loading of game during Tournament
  • NPCs no longer collide with outhouses when using them
  • Street traders now properly call out and gesticulate
  • Fixed some issues of guards attacking player due to crime even after paying a fine
  • Fixed flickering torch during sprint or horse riding
  • Fixed issue that sometimes allowed player to use free attacks even when locked to an opponent
  • Fixed issue of price pointer moving out of screen during haggling
  • Horse reins no longer glitching when horses are grazing
  • Fixed stuttering vegetation animations
  • Fixed issue of item unequipped for repair showing as equipped in player stats – a cosmetic issue in UI that did not affect in-game stats
– From the Ashes DLC –
  • Sir Divish no longer undressed in final cutscene if player invited him to Pribyslavitz while he slept
  • All NPCs in Pribyslavitz now have a place to sleep
  • Fixed behaviour of Innkeeper causing unnatural movement
  • issue of upgraded blacksmith unable to repair heavily damaged weapons or armour
  • Musk of Infinite Allure no longer persists in player inventory after handing over to Capon
  • Fixed issue of bonuses for Fritz and Matthew persisting in ledger in Pribyslavitz after killing them
– The Amorous Adventures DLC –
  • Fixed issue that triggered an infinite fader after picking up Sir Hans Capon at castle
  • Fixed issue of missing facial animation due to distance in the balcony scene.
  • When player learns how to read after being sent by Hans Capon, a new objective is added afterwards to direct him back to Capon
  • After player has successfully fled from Sir Anselm, he now stops pursuing the player and it is possible to interact with him during quest
  • Fixed issue of player facing away from opponent at start of duel after dice game
  • It is no longer possible to call your horse inside secret tunnel and get stuck when mounting it
  • Guards can now properly navigate to secret tunnel when they have heard Henry
  • Fixed issue of player facing in a different direction after cutscene upon entering camp
  • Fixed issue in journal of objective to bury Lev’s remains still being active after selling bones to Charlatan
  • After completing quest, trespass area near the revenant’s grave now disappears
  • Fixed persisting second objective after learning wild animal calls
  • Fixed issue of pressing Esc not cancelling colouring water with fake blood
  • Trigger area for burying Lev’s remains is extended
  • Redundant objective to talk to Charlatan is removed
  • Fixed issue of objective "Go and see the Charlatan in the morning” duplicated in journal
  • After failing quest it is no longer possible to ask Charlatan “How is the haunting going?”
  • After successfully completing rotten food objective, butcher shop is now closed
  • If player was jailed for killing brave guys, Charlatan is still angry that he did it
  • Fixed issue of Charlatan’s recipe fable appearing too soon in quest log
  • Fixed quest logic so that if brave guys flee from combat to the village, they report the player’s crime and the quest is failed
  • Fixed issue making it impossible to continue after player kills brave guys
  • Fixed issue of persisting “Provoke Fearless Felix” objective after player has killed brave guys
– Tournament DLC –
  • Fixed infinite fader that sometimes occurred before third opponent in Tournament
  • Tournament will no longer fail because of low reputation with NPCs or guards who remember player’s old crimes
  • Redefined dialogue with Tourney Master in Rattay, so the player is better informed about Tournament availability
  • Fixed rare issue of player being teleported from arena during tournament
  • Fixed issue of Tournament not starting after accepting quest from Sir Hans or Blacksmith
  • Combatants no longer running from arena and teleporting back when practicing
  • During combat, chickens no longer walk around in arena
  • Pruda no longer comes to tournament undressed
  • Fixed issue of missing visual effect of lowered visor with new tournament helmets
  • Added new autosave after player wins combat with Black Peter in arena
  • Fixed issue that during Black Peter’s ambush he hasn’t a poisoned sword
  • Fixed issue of tourney master missing calling animations

Lisäys: Tietoa viimeisestä lisäosasta: A Woman's Lot progress - Kingdom Come RPG Forums
savvym sanoi:
Today’s interview with Ondřej Bittner in Vortex revealed that they have been working on their 4th (last) DLC since summer and is about 70% complete and developers are trying to close it. There will be more than just Theresa’s story and one new big feature, similar as in From the Ashes DLC.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Mietinkin että Theresan tarina jää pelissä täysin kesken. Säästän Band of Bastardsin peluun kyllä vapaapäiville viikonloppuun.
Vielä on peruspelikin kesken, ehkä lisäosat voi sitten hankkia pakettina alennuksesta joskus.
Ei ehkä ihan koko viikonloppua tarvitse tuon pelaamiseen varata, itse ehdin lisärin pelata eilisen illan aikana läpi.

Mukava että lisäosia tulee mutta saisivat olla kyllä 2-3 kertaa pidempiä kaikki.
Minulta kului BoB:n läpipelaamiseen jotain kuutisen tuntia.

Uudet hahmot ovat mielenkiintoisia ja hyvin tehtyjä ja näyteltyjä. Huonona puolena oli tehtävien yksipuolisuus; toistivat itseään aivan liikaa.
Onko toi hans coponin seikkailut noin huono kun steamissa kielteistä palautetta saanut, ajattelin tuota kylän rakennus ja sitä jos joulu aleessa olla niin ostella ja palata vielä henkan seikkailuihin tai aloitella uuden saven koska pelin alkuhan tässä on mitä loistavinta viihdettä.
Bugin takia delsu oli paljon lyhyempi kuin oikeasti on, jäi siis kesken. Korjattu ja tosi hyvä oli omasta mielestä ja hyvää huumoria.
Tekovaiheen hyvinvoinnin luulisi näissä menevän sen edelle, minkä launcherin kautta niitä myydään. Ansaitseeko Steamikään kolmannesta näiden pelien tuotosta...
Olen siis sen Metro-pelikehittäjän linjoilla, ettei nyt välttämättä kannata niiden kaikista harvinaisempien peligenrejen tai -projektien kautta ryhtyä lietsomaan boikotteja. Etenkin, jos odottelit vaikkapa uusinta Metroa siinä määrin, että sitä olisi heti julkaisupäivänä pitänyt päästä pelaamaan.
Itselläni ei kauheasti ole väliä, minkä launcherin kautta se peli hankitaan ja pelataan. Enemmänkin itseäni kiinnostaa se, että PC:lle ei ruveta luomaan konsolityyppistä eksklusiivisuusilmapiiriä. Eli vaikka suurin osa peleistä on myynnissä Steamissa, Steam ei kuitenkaan estä pelin myyntiä myös muualla. Epicin kanssa taas pelin henki on aivan eri. Juurikin tämän takia laitan julkaisijan pelit boikottiin, jos välttämättä haluaa pelata niin voi sitten ehkä hankkia jostain alelaarista. Tärkein on kuitenkin se, että isot rahat jää heiltä saamatta. Pelejä riittää pelattavaksi melkein loputon määrä, ei sitä ole pakko nyt päästä pelaamaan. Mutta joo, ei tästä asiasta enempää täällä, jatkot esim. Epic Games Store
Sattumalta tuli törmättyä tällaiseen uutiseen, jossa oleva kuva muistutti todella paljon KCD:tä. Pitihän sitä sitten lätkäistä päälle ns. pakolliset.

Postasitko tuon ensin RPGCodexin KCD-ketjuun kun tuli nähtyä siellä jo maanantaina?
Pari uutta arvostelua pelistä. Pitkiä ovat, mutta katsomisen arvoisia.

Lisäys: Daniel Vávra kiusottelee tulevalla koira-lisäosalla. Luultavasti tulee A Woman's Lotin mukana.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Virallista julkistusta ei ole vielä tehty mutta näyttää siltä, että pelistä julkaistaan toukokuun 28. päivä Royal Edition, jossa kaikki lisäsisältö.
Amazon sanoi:
  • Includes Kingdom Come: Deliverance + all previously released DLC (Treasures of the Past, From the Ashes, The Amorous Adventures of Sir Hans Capon, Band of Bastards)
  • Includes all new DLC “A Woman's Lot” where you play as “Theresa” in a standalone questline

Lisäys: Kingdom Come: Deliverance – RPG-King of 2018 proclaims Royal announcement
March 28 2019 - Celebrating the first anniversary of the million-selling medieval roleplaying Game Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Warhorse Studios/Deep Silver proudly announce the Royal Edition for PlayStation®4, the Xbox one family of devices including the Xbox One X as well as Windows PC. Fans will get the unique experience of what has been one of the critically most acclaimed games of the year 2018 as of 28 of May 2019. The Royal Edition includes the base game in its enhanced version as well as all free and paid DLCs released so far. In addition buyers of the Royal Edition will get access to the upcoming “A Woman’s Lot” content when it is released.

Celebrating the announcement, visitors of this year’s PAX East in Boston are invited to get a closer look on the game and the last DLC Band of Bastards at the Deep Silver area (part of the THQ Nordic Booth).

Press Material for Kingdom Come: Deliverance as Download:

Content overview Royal Edition:

All offers guarantee the full Kingdom Come: Deliverance experience including:

- Treasures of the Past

The Treasures of the Past unlocks unique treasure maps and additional in-game armour for Henry.

- From The Ashes

As the newly appointed bailiff players have to decide which structures to build first, how they want to attract people and how to settle disputes amongst the citizens. A bailiff’s lot is hard for sure, but even he can enjoy some fun after a hard day’s work. Taking one of the new horses for a ride, rolling the dice or just visit the local tavern – which he just ordered to be assembled - are just some of the activities that are introduced to the game with From the Ashes.

- The Amorous Adventures of bold Sir Hans Capon

Amorous Adventures challenges players to help their friend Hans Capon. Hans is in love and he needs Henry’s guidance to conquer the heart of beautiful Karolina. However, things turn out to be trickier than expected. A lost family jewel, a magic love potion and the most romantic poem of all promise many hours of new fun moments in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

- Band of Bastards

This add-on lets players accompany a group of mercenaries guarding the roads. Caught in a web of old, well fertilized hatred between Radzig Kobyla and another noble family they are hired to protect Radzig’s realm. Players will join this group of troubling men, led by the notorious Sir Kuno Baron von Rychwald, not only to assist them, but also to keep them in line.

- A Woman’s Lot

Details on the fourth and upcoming DLC which will feature Henry’s close friend Theresa will be revealed at a later point.

More information to be announced soon.

The Music of Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Alongside today’s reveal Warhorse Studios are releasing a extended recording of the latest Kingdom Come: Deliverance in concert. The video features the full 60 minutes of the Kingdom Come Soundtrack performed live by the Filharmonia Hradec Králové Orchestra in Prague. You can watch the concert here:

For fans of the atmospheric music, the full soundtrack is now available on Steam for purchase.

About Kingdom Come: Deliverance Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a story-driven open-world RPG that immerses you in an epic adventure in the Holy Roman Empire. Avenge your parents' death as you battle invading forces, go on game-changing quests, and make influential choices. Explore majestic castles, deep forests, thriving villages and countless other realistic settings in medieval Bohemia!

· Massive realistic open world: Majestic castles, vast fields, all rendered in stunning high-end graphics

· Non-linear story: Solve quests in multiple ways, then face the consequences of your decisions

· Challenging combat: Distance, stealth, or melee. Choose your weapons and execute dozens of unique combos in battles that are as thrilling as they are merciless

· Character development: Choose your equipment, improve your skills, and earn new perks

· Dynamic world: Your actions influence the reactions of the people around you. Fight, steal, seduce, threaten, persuade, or bribe. It’s all up to you

· Historically inspired: Meet real historical characters and experience the genuine look and feel of medieval Bohemia

About Warhorse Studios

Warhorse was founded in 2011 by industry veterans Dan Vávra, creator of Mafia and Mafia 2, and Martin Klíma, formerly of ALTAR. Combined creativity of the experienced team gave birth to Kingdom Come: Deliverance - an open world, realistic, single player RPG set in medieval Czech Kingdom. It was successfully released on 13 February 2018 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The studio has 120 employees.

About Deep Silver

Deep Silver develops and distributes interactive games for all platforms. The Deep Silver label means to captivate all gamers who have a passion for thrilling gameplay in exciting game worlds. Deep Silver works with its partners to achieve a maximum of success while maintaining the highest possible quality, always focusing on what the customer desires.

Deep Silver has published more than 200 games since 2003, including its own brands like the open world extravaganza Saints Row, the zombie action franchise Dead Island, and the grim post-apocalyptic future of the Metro series. Upcoming highlights from Deep Silver include Dead Island 2. Deep Silver also owns the development studios Deep Silver Dambuster Studios in Nottingham, UK; Deep Silver Fishlabs in Hamburg, Germany, Deep Silver Volition based in Champaign, IL, USA, and Warhorse Studios based in Prague, Czech Republic. For more information please visit

Koch Media is a leading producer and distributor of digital entertainment products (games, films and software). The company's own publishing activities, marketing and distribution extend throughout Europe, North America and Australia. The Koch Media group has more than 20 years of experience in the digital media business, and has risen to become the number one publishing partner in Europe. It has also formed strategic alliances with numerous games and software publishers: Bethesda, Capcom, Codemasters, Kaspersky Labs, Konami, Koei Tecmo, Milestone, Sega, Square Enix, etc. in various European countries. With Headquarter in Höfen, Austria Koch Media owns branches in Germany, England, France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, the Nordic regions, Benelux, Australia, Czech Republic and the United States.

All product titles, publisher names, trademarks, artwork and associated imagery are trademarks, registered trademarks and/or copyright material of the respective owners. All rights reserved.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Päivitys 1.9 julkaistu. Paljon uusia juttuja, parannuksia ja lisäyksiä.

Pelin kehitys alkaa olla päätöksessään. Tänään vielä viimeisen lisäosan A Woman's Lot:n julkaisu. Sen jälkeen modi-tuki ja se on siinä.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Patch Notes 1.9
Warhorse sanoi:
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Patch Notes 1.9

New features and content

Better introduction and tutorials
  • All tutorials now have improved formatting.
  • All tutorials rewritten with emphasis on clarity.
  • Added some new tutorials.
  • First combat tutorial with Bernard improved.
  • Bernard now has his own map icon when ready to train Henry outside quests.
  • Many confusing situations during the first hours of gameplay improved.
Events improved
  • We improved the environment and NPC positions for most of the events.
  • Added better fast travel description to every event type.
  • Player's position now makes much more sense when pulled out of fast travel by an event.
  • No event should catch the player again immediately after a successful evasion.
  • Events were re-labeled. Traps and ambushes are no longer revealed to the player by the label. We apologize to all honest bandits in Rattay.
Proper dating with Theresa
  • You can now continue to date Theresa after "the act" (ahem).
  • Be careful though, Theresa has mind of her own and can even dump you...
  • But if she likes you, she can help you in your endeavors.
Better handling of mods
  • After download of any new patch, all installed mods will be disabled and moved to a specific folder; player will be notified by overlay in main menu. We highly recommend only installing mods that have been updated to match the current game version.
  • The game now handles installing and uninstalling mods containing new NPCs, items, perks and buffs much better. This should solve many corrupted saves.
  • The game now visually marks any save that is modded or was created from a playthrough using mods. We can't guarantee stability on these saves.
Other New features
  • We didn't want to leave bandits and Cumans without pets, so we gave them dogs as well. Unfortunately, the dogs adopted their masters' aggression and will attack Henry on sight…
  • Players can now switch to simplified lockpicking for gamepad in game settings.
  • Changes made to enemies' perception to improve stealth experience.
  • Many NPCs will now take cover from rain under roofs or trees.
  • Item categories added to horse inventory.
  • Guards now confiscate stolen items dropped near Henry when frisking him.
  • Dogs will now fall asleep after eating food with sleeping potion.
  • New first-person dialog camera added.
  • The first quest for every DLC now has custom map icon.
  • Shooting on the move should be more precise now. The arrow was previously shot before the animation completely ended.
  • Merchants now have correct purchase prices corresponding to their trade.
  • The amount of Groschen on NPCs is now more accurately adjusted to their profession.
Optimizations and bug fixes

  • Changing graphics settings is much faster now.
  • We solved many performance peaks to optimize the game. Framerate should be more consistent now.
  • Framerate in battles slightly improved by adjusting visual settings.
  • We slightly improved framerate in the most demanding locations by removing some light sources.
  • Graphical settings adjusted. Lower settings should look the same and run slightly faster. Higher settings should run the same and look slightly better.
Quest bugs fixed
  • Player is no longer stuck with the bowl quest item from the Saintly Remains quest.
  • Guards will no longer confiscate robe from player in Miracles While You Wait quest.
  • Captain Bernard now teaches Master Strike perk for all weapons in one lesson.
  • Fixed issue of using long ladder leading to failing The House of God quest.
  • If player rescues Esther in Damsel in Distress quest and she is on her way back to Sasau, Florian will know about it.
  • Fixed rare issue of Sir Hans Capon not going to the camp in Epilogue quest, again.
  • Fixed rare issue leading to unending dialog with Hanush in Robber Baron quest.
  • If player doesn't pay back debt to Peshek, he will take Henry's bed back and throw him out of mill.
  • Player can't shoot down topping out before starting Miracles While You Wait quest.
  • Fixed weather during cutscene in which player fights Runt first, so it now rains again.
  • Pestilence quest is no longer updated in its failed state.
  • Fixed cameras in dialog with Hans Capon in bath during Next to Godliness quest.
  • Fixed dialog with bathhouse madam about Florian after finding Rapota in quest All That Glisters.
  • Fixed issue of Khuta getting stuck in woods barrier on her way to the ritual in Playing with the Devil quest.
  • Fixed issue of poisoned Runt being too weak to fight back.
  • Fixed NPC animation during lifting bags of flour.
  • Fixed issue of Ulrich not using his weapon in fight with player.
  • Removed redundant log after killing Ulrich in workshop in All That Glisters quest.
  • Fixed some infinite faders after specific dialogs.
  • Fixed master strike for one weapon asset.
  • Fixed rare issue of inability to complete Nasty Habits quest due to wine cask being stuck in Henry's hand.
  • If killed by player, Cuman in Lost in Translation quest will stay dead.
  • Fixed infinite fader in Thirty Pieces quest.
  • Fixed infinite fader in The Die is Cast quest.
  • Fixed infinite fader in The Good Thief quest.
  • Dropped items will disappear correctly after a few days.
  • Painter in Sasau and Insomniac in monastery have new barks in All that Glisters & Wounded Soul quests.
  • Prior in monastery stays longer after church service to talk to player.
  • Swordsmith rewards player for bringing all pieces of the sword in The Queen of Sheba's Sword quest.
  • Father Godwin can fight with player in Mysterious Ways quest.
  • Dialogue camera in Lost in Translation quest fixed.
  • Fixed crash during training with Bernard in Train Hard, Fight Easy quest.
  • Fixed rare bug of save & load during Nest of Vipers failing the quest.
  • Fixed rare bug preventing completion of Ginger in a Pickle quest.
  • Fixed issue of Questions and Answers quest being failed after upgrading to new game version.
  • Fixed issue of All that Glisters quest not starting after loading an old save.
  • Fixed issue of Ulrich never returning to Sasau in All that Glisters quest.
  • Stealing Karel's commission before talking to Konrad Kyeser won't fail Rocketeer quest anymore.
  • Stealing Karel's groschen before talking to Konrad Kyeser won't fail Rocketeer quest anymore.
  • Fixed NPC & ladder behavior causing issues in Night Raid and Siege quests.
  • Fixed issue of Keeping the Peace quest getting stuck after dealing with beggar Jane.
  • Going to jail when Keeping the Peace quest is active won't result in Game Over.
  • Attacking Rapota before ever speaking to him won't cause All that Glisters quest to stick anymore.
  • Fixed issue of Ulrich not helping player with counterfeiters in All that Glisters quest.
  • Fixed rare issue of Robard getting stuck under texture in Siege quest.
  • You can now refuse A Friend In Need quest and accept it later.
  • Fight club objective won't self-complete anymore in If You Can't Beat 'Em quest.
  • Main objective will no longer disappear after missing deadline for ambush in A Rock and a Hard Place quest.
  • It is now possible to help Antonia's husband in Aquarius quest.
  • Fixed objective logic after death of crucial NPCs in A Rock and a Hard Place quest.
  • Fixed rare issue of not being able to complete Restless Spirit quest.
  • Fixed rare issue of not being able to continue Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing quest after delivering the confession.
  • Completing Questions and Answers quest without talking to Melichar will no longer cause Pestilence quest to stick.
  • Fixed rare issue of Cuman not taking player to his stash in Lost in Translation quest.
  • Fixed reputation with Andrew after completing Masquerade quest.
  • Improved conditions under which Robber Baron quest can be started.
  • Talking with Capon about Lost in Translation quest will no longer cause stuck dialog in Next to Godliness quest.
  • Fixed issue in which Masquerade quest couldn't be refused and accepted later.
  • Fixed issue of impossibility of completing Besmirched quest after delivering the purse.
  • Fixed infinite fader in Questions and Answers quest.
  • Fixed infinite fader in Epilogue quest.
  • Player now gets dice from Antonius after letting him go in A Needle in a Haystack quest.
  • Keyser's commission can now be fabricated when player has two of them in the inventory in A Needle in a Haystack.
  • Fixed very rare issue of following Ulrich and not catching him resulting in empty quest log in All that Glisters Quest.
  • Capon won't spar with you in underpants anymore in Train Hard, Fight Easy quest.
  • Combat Master Vanyek won't refuse to train you anymore in The Die is Cast quest
  • Objective "Look around the church for the housekeeper Agnes" is now correctly displayed as mandatory in Aquarius quest.
  • Reward is now received for delivering all pieces of sword in The Queen of Sheba's Sword quest
  • Fixed camera and player positioning after lockpicking special small chest.
  • Fixed bug causing Train Hard, Fight Easy quest to stick after being arrested for crime.
  • Fixed incomplete dialogue option in "Lost in Translation" quest.
  • Added new optional objective to Siege quest mission (destroying enemy camps).
  • Fixed Feyfar's behaviour in All that Glisters quest causing Feyfar to look at player while reading Ulrich's document.
  • Fixed bug of Zach and Vitus not having the key from the shed in All that Glisters quest.
  • Added stealth exp. points as reward for reading the list in The Abbot’s List quest.
  • Fixed rare bug of Ulrich coming to the pond without sword and shield in All that Glisters quest, also Ulrich has spare weapons if player has robbed him.
  • Vitek no longer flees from combat in All that Glisters quest.
  • Repaired occasional bug of incorrect objective regarding Jezhek in All that Glisters quest.
  • Fixed bug of having option to ask about blacksmiths even when player knows about Zach’s copper-smithing in All that Glisters quest.
  • Fixed wine poisoning in Ruin quest.
  • When Andrew is killed in Gallows Brothers quest, player won’t get objective to get beer for soldiers in Siege quest.
  • Nest of Vipers quest won’t fail after dialogue with Divish.
  • Meat can be delivered only once in Siege quest.
  • Playing with the Devil quest correctly fails properly after Henry watches women from a distance.
  • Pestilence quest fail time corrected (to 6 in-game days).
  • Fritz and Matthew won't flee from combat in A Rock and a Hard Place quest.
  • Polished dialog with Reeky in On the Scent quest.
  • No markers shown if Adela and Tanner are dead in On the Scent quest.
  • Fixed bug of All that Glisters quest sticking when player flees from combat with Ulrich.
  • Women won't put out torches while chatting in Playing with the Devil quest.
  • Women will flee after attack in Playing with the Devil quest.
  • Player with no lockpick receives one in Playing with the Devil quest.
  • Added marker on place for grave in Pestilence quest.
  • Bandits in On the Scent quest won't pursue animals instead of player.
  • Fixed occasional bug of Pious sleeping 24/7 in A Needle in a Haystack quest.
  • House of God quest will correctly fail after killing crucial NPCs.
  • Objective “Try and get your equipment back” in The Die is Cast quest can be properly completed.
  • Robard can’t be informed about quarry ambush in Gallows Brothers quest without activated quest.
  • Enemies will attack if player failed parley by not following the bandit.
  • Reduced quantity of meat required in Huntsman 2 - Butcher activity.
  • Fixed bug of Fritz getting stuck at the quarry in Gallows Brothers quest.
  • Fixed bug of infinite fader when talking repeatedly to Zbysek in The Die is Cast quest.
  • NPC who player can talk to about will in The Prodigal Son quest is named correctly.
  • Broken camera fixed in Restless Spirit quest.
  • Added autosave in Rocketeer quest after player is told to wait for two days.
  • Added autosave after talking to stablemaster in The Sport of Kings quest.
  • Wolflin no longer continues attacking Capon after Capon surrenders in Robber Baron quest.
  • Irate villagers won’t talk to Henry through the wall in Miracles While You Wait quest.
  • Duel in Rattled quest will be lost if crime was committed right before it.
  • Incorrect marker on Brother Porter in Trouble in the House of God deleted.
  • Added several area markers in All that Glisters quest.
  • Jezhek and Rapota no longer armed in jail in All that Glisters quest.
  • Rapota won’t unlock door in jail in All that Glisters quest.
  • Tablmberg gate should be now definitely open after Run! quest.
  • Fixed issue of Capon stuck in bath during player's crime in Next to Godliness quest.
  • Fixed rare issue of Bernard not blocking player during feint training part in Train Hard, Fight Easy quest.
  • Fixed lots of translations and voice-overs across multiple languages.
Other bugs fixed
  • NPC dying during combat makes correct dying sound.
  • Fixed issue of game freezing or crashing after player kills chicken.
  • Fixed player camera during fast travel.
  • Fixed rare issue of combat sound playing on after combat.
  • Fixed magic chest creating items over and over again.
  • Is not possible to call horse to inappropriate places.
  • Polished effect of Berserker potion and rewritten description.
  • Fixed rare issue of NPC teleporting onto horse instead of mounting it normally.
  • Washed Fragrance buff is activated after using baths.
  • NPC Manfred doesn't sleep until Judgement Day after dice game.
  • Glitches with torch while crouching fixed.
  • Rules of enhanced dice minigame that came with DLC2 are now added to Codex.
  • Alchemy fires now look better.
  • We added a few new saves to quests.
  • Clothing clipping issues fixed.
  • NPCs don't make such a big fuss about collision with player.
  • New "commenting on game at dice table" animations.
  • Fixed stairs in Sasau Monastery.
  • Horse can't get to an upper floor.
  • Fixed rare bug preventing playing dice in Talmberg tavern.
  • Fixed condition for Talmberger achievement.
  • Fixed issue of unsheathed weapon disabling fast travel.
  • Millers have been removed from reputation tab. Reputation change with them is calculated according to their home town.
  • "Might" speech check no longer results every time in lost reputation.
  • Fixed sticking in combat after save & load. Additionally, player's horse can no longer be killed.
  • Fixed problem with re-loaded saves from version 1.7.
  • Fixed rare issue of part of Talmberg Castle disappearing.
  • Fixed combat issue in which enemies sometimes targeted player's horse instead of player.
  • Dead dogs don't bark anymore.
  • Fixed rare issue of bleeding covering whole screen.
  • Improved dice visibility while playing at night.
  • Visiting baths won't result in trespass crime anymore.
  • Full-screen mode won't switch back to borderless/window mode after clicking out of the active (game) window.
  • Fixed infinite fader in forced dialogs.
  • Fixed infinite fader in dice minigame.
  • Fixed crash caused by death on horseback.
  • Fixed camera movement after changing weapons and dismounting.
  • Fixed infinite fader caused by unconsciousness on horseback.
  • Fixed mysterious disappearance of some NPCs from the world.
  • Fixed mysterious disappearance of groschen after load.
  • Soldiers on ladders won't fall through texture during siege.
  • Fixed displayed and actually healed HP amount in sleeping UI.
  • Fixed issue with dropping Halberds.
  • Fixed camera rotation after pressing jump button while climbing a ladder.
  • Fixed issue of inability to holster bow after crouch.
  • NPCs now stop running after player performs tackle.
  • Deformed horse tail issue fixed.
  • Capon clothing repaired.
  • Edited message about how to close overlays.
  • It’s no longer possible to pickpocket enemy NPCs face-to-face.
  • Edited description of controls.
  • Smoke won’t flicker while torch is used.
  • Fixed rare bug of player using bow with sword in hand.
  • Fixed graphic glitches on several clothing items.
  • Fixed body clipping through clothes in various places.
  • Fixed inappropriate greetings from several NPCs.
  • Fixed bug causing guard NPCs to spawn in one spot.
  • Added roe deer hunting spots to map with cartographer perk.
  • Dead horses won't run.
  • Taking items placed on shelves is now the same crime as robbing stashes.
  • Fixed rare issue of wrong camera target during some dialogs.
  • Polished some battle mechanisms.
  • Fixed & polished several quest objectives.
  • Objectives won’t persist for dead NPCs.
  • Fixed shadows in Capon’s room.
  • Fixed rare bug of player getting stuck in alchemy.
  • Polished Saves and Playline section description.
  • Missing names added to saves and autosaves.
  • Fixed bug blocking start of activity with butcher.
  • Player can mount horse when overloaded up to 50% of possible payload.
  • Polished footstep sounds.
  • Polished sound of sprinting horse.
  • Polished sound of rolling dice.
  • Confusing sound effect of potions turned off.
  • Johanka doesn’t dress herself on dungheap anymore.
  • Well Worn perk influences the weight of the armour in the shops.
  • Loose Tongue polished and a better description added.
  • Samopesh Innkeeper doesn’t get stuck in his house.
  • Polished animations of NPCs carrying items.
  • Corrected NPC sitting poses.
  • Player no longer sees through wall if sprinting with a torch.
  • NPCs won’t scold when they hit standing player.
  • Description of Preserver potion extended.
  • Herbalists will have healing potion in their shops.
  • Well Worn perk description changed.
From the Ashes DLC
  • Added missing shop for Priblislavitz Archery Master.
  • Fixed sleep behaviour of guards.
  • Butcher now has pigs on his property.
  • Ladder at the top of Pribyslavitz Church is now long enough.
The Amorous Adventures DLC
  • Fixed issue in Robber Baron quest of Capon getting stuck after load (DLC2 could not be started).
  • Barking tutorial visible in hardcore mode.
  • Fixed occasional bug of Ledetchko bathhouse staying closed after haunting.
  • Fixed quest collision of Robber Baron and Honeyed Words.
  • Horse Nuckelavee from Gambler's den is now acquirable.
  • When acquired from Sir Erhart by haggling, necklace now appears in inventory immediately.
  • Pechuna now always takes necklace from chest if he wins the dice tournament.
  • Erhart has the key to his full chest.
  • Fixed rare issue of endless dialog with Charlatan near well.
Tournament DLC
  • Added option to wait for next Tournament.
  • Player will receive reward even if he goes to Hanush late.
  • Fixed rare issue of Samopesh Blacksmith stuck on roof.
  • Herald remembers you during Tournament.
  • Fixed infinite fader in Rattay Tournament.
Band of Bastards DLC
  • Dangler will pick up his weapon after being knocked out with Headcracker perk in duel.
  • Fixed occasional bug of Kuno getting stuck between horses near burnt farmhouse.
  • Fixed bug of disabled timeskip and fast travel.
  • Game of Throws now fails correctly after killing Karolina.
  • All bandits now join in fight.
  • Added new gambler company in Kuno's camp.
  • Added Codex entry about Hagen Zoul.
  • Added battle cheers during combat.
  • Horses have names.
  • Hagen's soldiers don't cheer him on when he's unconscious.
  • Fixed rare issue of unconscious Jakey staying in forest instead of being taken to prison by fast travel.
  • After cutscene, Henry faces the right bank in A Tight Spot quest.
  • Fixed issue of Kuno sometimes unequipping his sword and shield and not using them in combat.
  • Player can start a fist fight for money with Jan Bearman during Uninvited Guests quest even if he beat him during The Ring of Bacchus quest.
  • Fixed issue of Kuno's band getting stuck on their way to the farm in Bad Blood quest.
  • Achievement Pinky Promise is only awarded when player releases Jakey as promised.
  • Stephan no longer leaves the mill before the other members of Kuno's band.
  • Rattay guards don't start attacking player when he brings dead Hagen to Radzig.
  • Jan Bearman goes to Kuno's camp directly after A Tight Spot quest.
  • After autosave at the end of Uninvited Guests quest, all members of Kuno's band leave mill on horseback.
  • Fixed wrongly turned camera after loading in bed in Kuno's camp.
Hardcore Mode DLC
  • Archery Contest in Rattay does not fail for Medium Level.
  • Magdeburg Plate Chausses item can now be found in hardcore mode.
Onkos ollut jatko-osasta vielä mitään puhetta? Tarinahan jäi kuitenkin aika pahasti kesken...
Onkos ollut jatko-osasta vielä mitään puhetta? Tarinahan jäi kuitenkin aika pahasti kesken...
Niin jäi kesken...

Eipä ole vielä mitään virallisesti julkistettu eikä sanottu, mutta sen verran pääsi hiljattain Warhorsen yhteisövetäjältä vuotamaan, että jatko-osa on suunnitteluvaiheessa ja täysimittainen tuotanto alkaa kunhan KCD on purkissa. Jatko-osan pitäisi myös alkaa suoraan siitä mihin KCD loppui. Nähtäväksi jää, mitä tietovuodosta tulee loppujen lopuksi pitämään paikkansa.

Niin, ja yksi Warhorsen pomoista myönsi vahingossa eräässä haastattelussa jatko-osan olevan tekeillä.

- - -

Lisäys: Royal Edition (jossa kaikki lisäosat), uusi A Woman's Lot -lisäosa ja Royal DLC -kokoelma saatavilla.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance - A Woman's Lot on Steam
Warhorse sanoi:
In the fourth DLC for Kingdom Come: Deliverance, you can experience two standalone series of quests.

In "A Woman's Lot", you play as Theresa accompanied by her loyal dog Tinker in a standalone questline. You will experience ordinary life in Skalitz and later witness the fateful events of Sigismund's raid and its aftermath from a wholly different perspective. "A Woman's Lot" provides the last piece of the puzzle in the Skalitz story, as you find out what happened just before Henry is found unconscious.

In "The Madonna of Sasau", Henry has to help Johanka, and old friend from Skalitz who survived the massacre and took refuge in Sasau Monastery, to overcome the terrifying nightmares that have recently plagued her. Henry will need to visit the places revealed in Johanka's visions and find out what’s really behind them. Then he will help her with her new calling. Neither Henry nor Johanka knows what that will demand of them or what end it will ultimately lead to…

  • Two New Questlines:
  • A Woman's Lot - play as Theresa and explore Skalitz before the attack in a standalone series of quests
  • The Madonna of Sasau - major new questline for Henry with multiple endings
  • Dog companion for both Henry and Theresa
  • New Houndmaster skill
  • New items (weapon, shield and potion) and perks to unlock
  • New characters and one new historical figure to be met and interacted with
Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

There are some heartbreaking scenes where we are witnessing how someone lost his/her loved ones.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Royal Edition
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Royal DLC Package

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