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GF WSA ei enään sido AMDtä 7nm ja pienemmillä nodeillakun GF jättäytyi pois.
Tämän lisäksi AMD ilmoitti tuossa konffapuhelussa että 2H/2020 aikana on koko tuotestäkki 7nm perustuva (tietenkin asioita kuten I/O piirejä voivat valmistaa vanhemmissa jne.)
The big news with the latest WSA update is that it allows AMD to contract any foundry to produce chips at 7 nm and thinner nodes without any one-time payments or royalties to GlobalFoundries. GlonbalFoundries, of course, announced last year that they were getting out of the race for cutting-edge manufacturing nodes, including 7nm, potentially putting AMD in a long-term bind as their high-end products require competitive manufacturing processes. As a result there has been a big question in how AMD and GlobalFoundries would resolve this dispute, and the latest WSA revision finally supplies the answer.
AMD Amends Wafer Supply Agreement with GlobalFoundries: 7nm Freed, 12nm+ Targets Set Through 2021
GF WSA ei enään sido AMDtä 7nm ja pienemmillä nodeillakun GF jättäytyi pois.
Tämän lisäksi AMD ilmoitti tuossa konffapuhelussa että 2H/2020 aikana on koko tuotestäkki 7nm perustuva (tietenkin asioita kuten I/O piirejä voivat valmistaa vanhemmissa jne.)
The big news with the latest WSA update is that it allows AMD to contract any foundry to produce chips at 7 nm and thinner nodes without any one-time payments or royalties to GlobalFoundries. GlonbalFoundries, of course, announced last year that they were getting out of the race for cutting-edge manufacturing nodes, including 7nm, potentially putting AMD in a long-term bind as their high-end products require competitive manufacturing processes. As a result there has been a big question in how AMD and GlobalFoundries would resolve this dispute, and the latest WSA revision finally supplies the answer.
AMD Amends Wafer Supply Agreement with GlobalFoundries: 7nm Freed, 12nm+ Targets Set Through 2021