Kaippa tuollaisilla "tiedonannoilla" yritetää hälventää pelkoa, Abrams kun on kovan maineensa ansainnut juurikin venäläisiä tankkeja tuhoamalla.
In Desert Storm, U.S. M1A1 Abrams tanks wiped out Saddam Hussein’s fleets of Soviet-made T-72s, and again the American Abrams-led invasion in 2003 revealed the T-72 was no match for U.S. tanks. And truly the American tanks were witheringly successful. During Desert Storm, for example, the U.S. and its coalition partners destroyed
more than 3,000 Iraqi tanks. Saddam’s armored force, however,
did not destroy even a single Abrams tank. It’s understandable, then, why anyone would want to have an Abrams or equivalent tank, especially when it has proven so effective against exactly the type of tanks Russia has.