Why the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP is unlikely and how it is related to the "dirty bomb" blackmail.
☝Several arguments of a layman.
Kakhovskaya HPP is not the Crimean Bridge. One truck with explosives is enough for the Crimean bridge to fill the entire section. The Kakhovka HPP was built during the Cold War with the expectation of being able to withstand nuclear strikes.
In theory, you can blow it up. In practice, this requires serious work, including drilling high-strength concrete, which requires special installations. We do not see such works on the dam of the station. Instead, we see how the Rashists drove two trucks to the dam and said that they were loaded with explosives.
In the Western press, the version about a 4-meter wave and 80 flooded settlements in the event of an explosion of the station is being actively promoted. These are clearly exaggerated estimates of a possible disaster. And this gives reason to say that a terrible picture is accelerating in the west in the interests of Russia.
Because even if the Russians succeed in detonating something, experts estimate the short-term level of water rise to be not 4, but 1 meter. Moreover, almost the entire flow will go to the left bank. To where the Rashists are allegedly withdrawing their troops.
It is clear why they disperse the information wave.
⬆ Losing control over Kherson can hit Putin's image hard.
⬆ Retreat from Kherson can demoralize the Russian army as a whole and deprive it of motivation to fight.
If both processes collide, it can have irreversible consequences and lead to tectonic changes in Russia's leadership.
Therefore, Russia is trying to exert pressure through the West, convincing our partners that, they say, it is necessary to stop the Ukrainian offensive. Because if they do not stop, then the Rashists will simply be forced to blow up the dam. "Is the liberation of Kherson worth the lives of thousands of people?" - this is the narrative that the Russian IPSO masters push through Western society in order to influence politicians.
Infernal predictions about the consequences of such an explosion began to circulate precisely in the Western press. Their primary source is probably Russian-controlled journalists and experts.
But the information operation failed. I do not know whether there was non-public pressure on the military leadership of Ukraine with the aim of stopping the offensive. But we did not see him in public space. Ukrainian troops continue to move towards Kherson in those areas where it is possible and expedient.
What does Russia do in such a situation?
Raises the stakes.
IPSO "Explosion at HPP" suspends and starts another information operation called "Dirty bomb". Narrative: Ukrainians want to detonate explosives with radioactive materials to blame Russia for the terrorist attack.
The operation continues on a much larger scale. Shoigu's calls to defense ministers of Western countries. Lavrov initiates the discussion of the "dirty bomb" at the UN. The IAEA wants to send an inspection to Ukraine again.
Everyone understands that Russia lies. Everyone believes that Russia wants to detonate the charge and blame Ukraine if the "dirty bomb" explodes.
And maybe this is exactly the kind of perception of the situation by the West that Russia is trying to achieve? “Yes, we are crazy, we will do it. We will detonate a bomb with radioactive materials. But if you stop the offensive of the Ukrainians, we will change our minds." And, once again, "Is the life of thousands of peaceful people worth one liberated Kherson?"
Do you need Shoigu's calls and Lavrov's statements to make the intentions look serious? There are no questions. Here are the first and the second.

What position will the West take? We'll see in the next few hours.

Is there a possibility that Russia is not bluffing? There is, but minimal.
However, neither the first nor the second, in my opinion, will affect the military decisions of the command of the Armed Forces.