Yhdysvallat on ilmeiseti aloittamassa sanktioita rikkoneita tai kiertäneitä tahoja vastaan toimia. Varavaltiovarainministeri Adewale Adeyemo puhui perjantaina pankkien yksityisessä tilaisuudessa, ja varoittaa että pääsy Euroopan ja Yhdysvaltojen rahoitusmarkkinoille voidaan estää tällaisilta tahoilta.
Toisin sanoen, sanktioita rikkovia aletaan liittämään sanktioiden kohteeksi.
Tässä kohtaa sanktioiden todellinen teho tulee näkyviin ja alkaa purra venäjään. Pitkä lainaus oleellisista kohdista artikkelista spoilerissa.
Toisin sanoen, sanktioita rikkovia aletaan liittämään sanktioiden kohteeksi.
Tässä kohtaa sanktioiden todellinen teho tulee näkyviin ja alkaa purra venäjään. Pitkä lainaus oleellisista kohdista artikkelista spoilerissa.
In private meetings on Friday with representatives of international banks in New York, Adewale Adeyemo, the deputy Treasury secretary, laid out the consequences of helping Russians flout sanctions. He pointed to the “material support provision” that dictates that even if a financial institution is based in a country that has not imposed sanctions on Russia, the company can still face consequences for violating U.S. or European restrictions, including being cut off from those financial systems.
“If you provide material support to a sanctioned individual or a sanctioned entity, we can extend our sanctions regime to you and use our tools to go after you as well,” Mr. Adeyemo said in an interview on Friday. “I want to make that very clear to these institutions that are domiciled and other countries that may not have taken sanctions actions: that the United States and our allies and partners are prepared to act if they do things that violate our sanctions.”
Financial institutions from China, Brazil, Ireland, Japan and Canada were at the meeting, which was hosted by the Institute of International Bankers.
Mr. Adeyemo said that U.S. banks had been careful to avoid violating American sanctions, but that Russian individuals and businesses were looking to set up trusts and use proxies as workarounds. He also pointed to firms that might be providing support to sanctioned oligarchs who are trying to move their yachts to different ports to avoid seizure."
“If you provide material support to a sanctioned individual or a sanctioned entity, we can extend our sanctions regime to you and use our tools to go after you as well,” Mr. Adeyemo said in an interview on Friday. “I want to make that very clear to these institutions that are domiciled and other countries that may not have taken sanctions actions: that the United States and our allies and partners are prepared to act if they do things that violate our sanctions.”
Financial institutions from China, Brazil, Ireland, Japan and Canada were at the meeting, which was hosted by the Institute of International Bankers.
Mr. Adeyemo said that U.S. banks had been careful to avoid violating American sanctions, but that Russian individuals and businesses were looking to set up trusts and use proxies as workarounds. He also pointed to firms that might be providing support to sanctioned oligarchs who are trying to move their yachts to different ports to avoid seizure."

Treasury Warns Foreign Banks Against Helping Russia Evade Sanctions
Adewale Adeyemo, the deputy Treasury secretary, met privately with international financial institutions to make clear the consequences of sanctions evasion.