Näyttääpä siltä, että EU aikoo pystyttää kovan rajan Irlantiin no-deal-Brexitin tapauksessa:
No-deal Brexit 'means hard border'
It is "obvious" there will be a hard border in Ireland in the event of a no-deal Brexit, the European Commission's chief spokesman has said.
If he was pushed to speculate what might happen in a no-deal scenario, he said, it was "pretty obvious you will have a hard border".
Irlanti tosin ei rajaa hyväksy:
However, the Irish government has repeated its stance that it will "not accept a hard border on this island".
Speaking later in the Dáil (Irish parliament) Mr Varadkar said the Irish government would have "a real dilemma" if the UK leaves without a deal:
"We would have to negotiate an agreement on customs and regulations that meant full alignment so there would be no hard border.
EU on tehnyt UK:llekin selväksi, että kova raja on tulossa:
Last week, the UK prime minister said the EU had made it "clear there will be no flexibility on border checks in no deal".
"The Irish government will be expected to apply EU checks in full," added Theresa May.
Minusta tässä ei jää kovin suurta epäselvyyttä siitä, että kovaa rajaa täysillä tarkastuksilla on vaatimassa nimenomaan Euroopan Unioni, ei britit eikä Irlanti. EU:n vaatimus on tietenkin suorassa ristiriidassa Irlannin rauhansopimuksen kanssa. Että sellainen "rauhan unioni" meillä on: rajatarkastukset on tärkeämpiä kuin rauha.