
Heräsi tästä kysymys. Näkeekö jostain että mikä sarja on Fixed setup ja mikä ei?

Lukeehan se siellä sarjan kuvauksessa..

Ovatko muut huomanneet tämän tilastosivun S2/2021 kaudesta? Ylpeä saa olla suomalaisista kuskeista.

Joo, hienolta näyttää ja kyllähän tuo keskimääräinen iRating on tainnut korkein olla myös jo aiemmilla kausilla.
Viimeksi muokattu:
iracing ei taida, taaskaan, tarjota enää mitään kesäaleja jo tilaaville? Ennen oli aina mutta lopettivat jostain syystä.
iracing ei taida, taaskaan, tarjota enää mitään kesäaleja jo tilaaville? Ennen oli aina mutta lopettivat jostain syystä.
Joo, tainnut Black Friday olla ainut mistä saa vanha kanta alennuksella nykyään. Ainakin viime vuonna näin, ja tänä vuonna kyllä ajattelin taas tyrkätä vuodeksi eteenpäin silloin.
Jos lopetat hetkeksi tilauksen, niin sitten kyllä varmaan jossain vaiheessa kolahtaa mailiin tarjousta, mutta eihän sitä malta.
Ensi lauantaina ajellaan taas vuorokauden verran, vuosittainen Spa 24h kyseessä ja FEA lähtee jälleen mittelöön GT3 Kuplavolkkarilla nelihenkisellä tiimillä. :smoke:
Millaset säädöt Fanatecin V3-polkimiin SimHubiin? Yrittänyt saada tärinää kaasupolkimeen kun pito irtoaa mutta ei vaan tunnu toimivan oikein.
Peli IRacing
Viimeksi muokattu:
Jos lopetat hetkeksi tilauksen, niin sitten kyllä varmaan jossain vaiheessa kolahtaa mailiin tarjousta, mutta eihän sitä malta.

Todella harvoin noita tulee, viimeiseen 3 vuoteen tullut kerran 25% alennus ja siihen en tarttunut. Jos jossain vaiheessa saisi reilumman satsin 50% alennuksella, voisi harkita taas iRacingia. 5-10 vuotta sitten yrittivät paljon innokkaammin saada vanhoja jäseniä takaisin, mutta ei ole ilmeisesti ollut aikoihin enää prioriteetti.
Ja tosiaan aina heinä/elokuun tienoilla oli vuoden-kahden hinnasta alea, mikä tuli emailiinkin jäsenille aina tiedoksi.
Ostaa vaikka kolmena peräkkäisenä vuotena Black Fridaysta 2 vuoden subin, siinä on kuudeksi vuodeksi tilausta.
iR:n forkalla oli yksi jannu jolla oli tilaus voimassa vuoteen 2032 saakka. :woot:
Millaset säädöt Fanatecin V3-polkimiin SimHubiin? Yrittänyt saada tärinää kaasupolkimeen kun pito irtoaa mutta ei vaan tunnu toimivan oikein.
Peli IRacing
Kannattaa melkein kysellä tuolla rattiketjussa jossa yleisesti höpinää näistä simuvehkeistä.

Omat polkimet menee baseen ja Fanalab pyörii taustalla, antaa satunnaisesti tärinää pyörienluistosta, mutta nuo polkimien tärymoottorit on niin surkeita ettei niistä juuri tunnetta välity.

ButtKicker Gamer 2:sia on pari kappaletta rigissä ja niistä kyllä saa välittymään wheel slipin ja muut efektit ihan hienosti.
Harkinnassa on ollut virittää jotkut paremmat täryt myös polkimille, mutta taitaa jäädä toteuttamatta.

Jouduin laittamaan pedaalit suoraan PC:lle ja siten myös polkimien täryt SimHub:lle.
Katso että kalibrointi on vasemmassa äärilaidassa ja minimivoimaksi voi laittaa 100% niin wheel lock:ssa kuin slip:ssä.
Ihan kauheasti ei noilta silti kannata odottaa, huonot ovat.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Spa 24h striimiä taas tarjolla, noin 15.30 alkaa aika-ajot ja sillo starttailee striimikin:

Millaset säädöt Fanatecin V3-polkimiin SimHubiin? Yrittänyt saada tärinää kaasupolkimeen kun pito irtoaa mutta ei vaan tunnu toimivan oikein.
Peli IRacing
Tässä omat, ihan ok tuntuu toimivan.
Paremman infon saa toki ButtKicker täryistä, mutta polkimet mukava lisä siihen.
Toimii näemmä SimHub:n kautta vähän paremmin.
Calibration painikkeesta säädä asetus vasempaan laitaan.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Jestas mitä vuoristorataa oli tämän vuoden Spa 24h. :darra:

- mulla katkes netti 30 min startista -> 50sek tow ja kuskin vaihto.
- kolmannnella kuskilla pimeni näyttö ykskaks yllättäen -> sai pysäytettyä auton turvallisesti kunnes kuva palautu, menetettiin ehkä 30 sek
- neljännellä kuskilla katos VR:stä kuva kun joku sammutti huoneesta valot -> noin 4 min hukkaan siinä hässäkässä..

Kaikki tuo ja silti maalissa P7, pakko olla tyytyväinen. Autoon ei tullu naarmuakaan. :smoke:
Onkohan mitään kotimaista sarjaa rallicrossiin missään? IRX sarjaa olen nyt ajellut pari viikkoa ja sehän on vallan mukavaa ja vauhtikin on aivan kohtuullista.
Plus Hillclimb.

Ai se tulikin jo, pitääpä testata :)

Ostin ja testasin muutamalla autolla.
Huonosti pyörii VR:llä, ei olis kannattanut ostaa.
edit2: Mulla olikin joku asetus pielessä, testasin uudestaan ja nyt pyöri tosi hyvin tasaista 90fps.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Uusi Cup-Porsas (992):

Edellisestä mallista saa rahat takaisin krediitteinä, jos on ostanut sen alle kahden vuoden sisällä.

Pari uutta Aussi-rataakin luvassa sekä Supercarit AI:lle:
Viimeksi muokattu:
Porsche Cupista on tullut oma suosikkini tällä kaudella, joten uusi auto on todella tervetullut lisä. Kahden vuoden raja on yllättävän reilu hyvitysaika vanhasta autosta.

Hetken huolestuin, että PCupiin tulee uuden auton myötä ABS, mutta ilmeisesti ilman ABS:ää ja TC:tä jatkuu, joten Skill Cap pysyy ennallaan.
Mitään virallista tietoa tuosta ei ole, mutta foorumilta luettuna: "I asked it to the iRacing support. Who bought the 911 in tha past 2 years will receive credits to buy the new one and the old 911 will be sent to Legacy."

Porsche Supercup säännöillä menee, joten sarjassa ei ABS/TC käytössä tai niitä ei ole ollenkaan auton iR-versiossa. Edellämainitusta topikista löytyy "virallinen" maininta asiasta.
Eilen tuli laitettua tulille Quest 2 ja muuten näyttää hyvin toimivan, 120Hz & 1.7x eli natiivisti linkkikaapelin kera mutta yksi asia häiritsee, rata ei piirry tarkkana kovin pitkälle eli piirtää sitä mukaan kun radalla etenee.

Olen muokannut asetukset iRacing-foorumilta löytyneeltä Quest 2 - oppaalta, kuva asetuksista.

Tämä johtunee jostain asetuksesta mutta kysyn täältä ennen kuin alan käymään yksitellen asetuksia lävitse josko joku osaisi suoraan sanoa mistä asetuksesta olisi kyse ?

5800X, 3080 & 32Gb.

...rata ei piirry tarkkana kovin pitkälle eli piirtää sitä mukaan kun radalla etenee.

Olen muokannut asetukset iRacing-foorumilta löytyneeltä Quest 2 - oppaalta, kuva asetuksista.

Tämä johtunee jostain asetuksesta mutta kysyn täältä ennen kuin alan käymään yksitellen asetuksia lävitse josko joku osaisi suoraan sanoa mistä asetuksesta olisi kyse ?
Huomasitko tuon Zarniwoopin vastauksen minulle kun kyselin suurinpiirtein samasta asiasta?
S4 Uudet kujeet:

Paremmat incar äänet Radicalille lämmittää sydäntä, vaikka damage model päivitys taitaa olla vain haaveissa.

ARCA Menards Chevrolet Impala
  • For the New Damage Model, the tire sidewalls and tire tread properties for this vehicle have been differentiated. This should improve tire impacts and reduce the tendency for wall-climbing.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Aston Martin DBR9 GT1
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Audi 90 GTO
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Audi R8 LMS
  • Tires have been updated for the GT3 class. You can expect different limit feel and degradation behavior. Grip will be slightly lower on cold tires, peak after a few laps, and then drop noticeably before holding steady until the tires are heavily worn.
  • Temperature sensitivity and wear are now enabled on the clutch for this vehicle.
  • Minimum cold tire pressures have been increased to 21.5 psi (148 kPa) to bring operating hot pressures closer to real life.
ABS control has been adjusted slightly. Proportional gain has been increased. More aggressive pressure cuts now allow the system to converge on target slips more quickly.
  • Vehicle minimum weight has been reduced by 5 kg
  • Aerodynamic downforce has been increased slightly.
  • Imperial toe adjustment values in the garage are now displayed as 0.000 in.
  • Fixed an issue where the rear wing angle range was incorrect.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Audi RS 3 LMS
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

  • Tires have been updated for the GT3 class. You can expect different limit feel and degradation behavior. Grip will be slightly lower on cold tires, peak after a few laps, and then drop noticeably before holding steady until the tires are heavily worn.
  • Temperature sensitivity and wear are now enabled on the clutch for this vehicle.
  • Minimum cold tire pressures have been increased to 21.5 psi (148 kPa) to bring operating hot pressures closer to real life.
ABS control has been adjusted slightly. Proportional gain has been increased. More aggressive pressure cuts now allow the system to converge on target slips more quickly.
  • Imperial toe adjustment values in the garage are now displayed as 0.000 in.
  • New engine and backfire sounds have been added.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle damage was incorrectly increasing downforce.
  • Fixed an issue with the tooltip information for the rear wing angle adjustment range.
  • iRacing UI renders of this vehicle have been updated.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

  • Tire construction parameters have been updated.
  • Aerodynamic model data, mapping, and pitch limits have been updated.
iRacing setups have been updated.


  • Vehicle minimum weight has been reduced by 5 kg.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle damage was incorrectly increasing downforce.

  • Imperial toe adjustment values in the garage are now displayed as 0.000 in.

Cadillac CTS-V Racecar
  • Tire parameters have been updated.

Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Chevrolet Corvette C8.R GTE
  • Vehicle minimum weight has been increased by 5 kg.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle damage was incorrectly increasing downforce.

Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS
  • Tire parameters have been updated.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Dallara F3
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Dallara iR-01
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Dallara IR18
  • Road tire construction parameters have been updated.
  • The pit road speed dashboard now takes priority over low fuel, low oil pressure, and other red warning gauges.
The driver helmet used by drivers in this vehicle has been updated.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Dallara P217
  • Some parameters have been adjusted for the repair of the engine, wheels, and body panels.

Dirt Midget
  • Collision parameters around the wheels and perimeter of the vehicle have been updated to prevent car-to-car overlaps and clipping.

Dirt Modified
  • (ALL) - Collision parameters around the wheels and perimeter of the vehicle have been updated to prevent car-to-car overlaps and clipping.

Dirt Sprint Car
  • (ALL) - Tire construction parameters and tread pattern have been updated.
  • (ALL) - Collision parameters around the wheels and perimeter of the vehicle have been updated to prevent car-to-car overlaps and clipping.
  • (ALL) - Banished a mysterious floating shadow that could be seen above some drivers in this vehicle during Replays.
  • (ALL) - iRacing setups have been updated.

Dirt Sprint Car Non-Winged
  • (ALL) - Center-of-gravity has been raised slightly.
  • (ALL) - Tire construction parameters and tread pattern have been adjusted.
  • (ALL) - Rear suspension geometry has been adjusted.
  • (ALL) - Collision parameters around the wheels and perimeter of the vehicle have been updated to prevent car-to-car overlaps and clipping.
  • (ALL) - Opponent car parameters have been updated so they better match the real vehicle.
  • (ALL) - iRacing setups have been updated.

Dirt Street Stock
  • Fixed an issue with spinning mudplugs.

Dirt UMP Modified
  • Collision parameters around the wheels and perimeter of the vehicle have been updated to prevent car-to-car overlaps and clipping.

Ferrari 488 GTE
  • Aerodynamic drag has been reduced slightly.
  • The driver’s feet are now animated while driving this car.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle damage was incorrectly increasing downforce.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo
  • NEW CAR!
  • - - A new road car, the Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo, is now available!
  • - - - - The Ferrari 488 GT3 was already one of the Prancing Horse’s most successful sports cars of all time, but continued evolution is a hallmark of the brand’s continued success across all forms of racing. Such is the mindset that birthed the 488 GT3 Evo, a reworked version of the car that features a longer wheelbase, new engine management system, additional driver comforts including a new seat developed with Sabelt, aerodynamic adjustments, and more. The result is a proven GT3 platform that has taken the next steps towards further glory in the world’s biggest sprint and endurance championships.
  • - - Add the Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo to your digital garage by purchasing it from the iRacing Store, here: Log in |™ Motorsport Simulations

Ford Fiesta RS WRC
  • Vehicle center-of-gravity has been adjusted slightly to reduce the likelihood of roll-overs in tight corners.
  • Fixed an ambient occlusion mapping issue on the steering wheel.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Ford GTE
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle damage was incorrectly increasing downforce.

Ford GT GT2/GT3
  • (GT3) - Tires have been updated for the GT3 class. You can expect different limit feel and degradation behavior. Grip will be slightly lower on cold tires, peak after a few laps, and then drop noticeably before holding steady until the tires are heavily worn.
  • (GT3) - Temperature sensitivity and wear are now enabled on the clutch for this vehicle.
  • (GT3) - Minimum cold tire pressures have been increased to 21.5 psi (148 kPa) to bring operating hot pressures closer to real life.
(GT3) - ABS control has been adjusted slightly. Proportional gain has been increased. More aggressive pressure cuts now allow the system to converge on target slips more quickly.
  • (GT3) - Gear ratios have been adjusted.
  • (GT3) - Vehicle minimum weight has been reduced by 15 kg
  • (GT3) - Aerodynamic downforce has been increased slightly.
  • (GT3) - Range of differential preload has been increased.
  • (GT3) - Minimum front spring rate has been increased to 210 N/mm (1200 lbf/in).
  • (GT3) - Steering has been adjusted to improve feel and provide a greater sense of handling control.
  • (GT3) - Traction control settings have been updated.
  • (GT3) - Imperial toe adjustment values in the garage are now displayed as 0.000 in.
  • (GT3) - Fixed an issue where the aerodynamic balance was incorrectly being reported as 4% too high.
  • (GT3) - Fixed an issue where the rear wing angle range was incorrect.
  • (ALL) - iRacing setups have been updated.

Ford Mustang FR500S
  • Tire parameters have been updated.
  • Brake bias setup range has been increased.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Formula Vee
  • The minimum allowable fuel capacity for this vehicle has been reduced to 0.1L.
  • A new iRacing setup has been added for the Mount Washington Auto Road - Downhill configuration: soapbox.
  • Tire textures have been updated to reduce visual color bleeding when using white-wall tires at far camera distances.
  • Dashboard switches are now animated.
  • Paint Shop model has been updated.

Global Mazda MX-5 Cup
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

  • On-board engine and gear-shift sounds have been improved.

Indy Pro 2000 PM-18
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Kia Optima
  • Tire parameters have been updated.
  • Brake bias setup range has been increased.
  • Shift lamp RPMs have been updated.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Lamborghini Huracán GT3 EVO
  • Tires have been updated for the GT3 class. You can expect different limit feel and degradation behavior. Grip will be slightly lower on cold tires, peak after a few laps, and then drop noticeably before holding steady until the tires are heavily worn.
  • Temperature sensitivity and wear are now enabled on the clutch for this vehicle.
  • Minimum cold tire pressures have been increased to 21.5 psi (148 kPa) to bring operating hot pressures closer to real life.
ABS control has been adjusted slightly. Proportional gain has been increased. More aggressive pressure cuts now allow the system to converge on target slips more quickly.
  • Imperial toe adjustment values in the garage are now displayed as 0.000 in.
  • Fixed an issue where the rear wing angle range was incorrect.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Lotus 49
  • Tire parameters have been updated.
  • A variety of vehicle parameters have been updated including: suspension geometry, aerodynamic properties, gearbox parameters, and differentials.
  • Shadows cast by the driver have been updated.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Lotus 79
  • Tire parameters have been completely updated.
  • Cold tire pressure limits have been adjusted.
  • Adjustable camber ranges have been expanded.
  • Tire level-of-details have been adjusted so the highest quality LOD is always visible while in the cockpit.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Lucas Oil Off Road Pro 2 Lite
  • Animated driver and pedals have been updated.

Lucas Oil Off Road Pro Trucks
  • (ALL) - Animated driver and pedals have been updated.

McLaren 570s GT4
  • Tire construction parameters have been updated.
  • Aerodynamic model data and mapping have been updated.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

McLaren MP4-12C GT3
  • Tires have been updated for the GT3 class. You can expect different limit feel and degradation behavior. Grip will be slightly lower on cold tires, peak after a few laps, and then drop noticeably before holding steady until the tires are heavily worn.
  • Temperature sensitivity and wear are now enabled on the clutch for this vehicle.
  • Minimum cold tire pressures have been increased to 21.5 psi (148 kPa) to bring operating hot pressures closer to real life.
ABS control has been adjusted slightly. Proportional gain has been increased. More aggressive pressure cuts now allow the system to converge on target slips more quickly.
  • Differential drive ramp angle has been increased to reduce axle spin at corner exit.
  • Aerodynamic downforce has been increased slightly.
  • Steering speed has been reduced slightly to better match the other GT3 class car updates. Mechanical trail has been added to compensate for the associated loss in steering weight.
  • Traction control settings have been updated.
  • Imperial toe adjustment values in the garage are now displayed as 0.000 in.
  • Fixed an issue where the aerodynamic balance was incorrectly being reported as 4% too high.
  • Fixed an issue where the rear wing angle range was incorrect.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

McLaren MP4-30
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Mercedes-AMG GT3
  • Tires have been updated for the GT3 class. You can expect different limit feel and degradation behavior. Grip will be slightly lower on cold tires, peak after a few laps, and then drop noticeably before holding steady until the tires are heavily worn.
  • Temperature sensitivity and wear are now enabled on the clutch for this vehicle.
  • Minimum cold tire pressures have been increased to 21.5 psi (148 kPa) to bring operating hot pressures closer to real life.
ABS control has been adjusted slightly. Proportional gain has been increased. More aggressive pressure cuts now allow the system to converge on target slips more quickly.
  • Front roll center height has been increased.
  • Rear bump steer has been reduced.
  • Aerodynamic balance has been shifted forward slightly.
  • Imperial toe adjustment values in the garage are now displayed as 0.000 in.
  • Fixed an issue where the rear wing angle range was incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue where the traction control positions were reversed.
iRacing setups have been updated.

Modified - SK

  • (ALL) - Tire properties have been updated.
  • (ALL) - Front hub mass has been adjusted.
  • (ALL) - iRacing setups have been updated.

NASCAR 1987 Class Cars
  • Some engine parameters have been updated based on newly found data.
  • Final gear ratios have been made slightly shorter.
  • Dirt tires have been updated.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

NASCAR Cup Series Class Cars
  • Fixed a strange frequency issue with some of the engine audio samples.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

NASCAR Gander Outdoors Class Trucks
  • Shocks have been updated.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

NASCAR Next Gen Class Cars
  • Throttle must now be lifted for upshifting and manually blip is now in place to assist with downshifting.
  • Pit stop animations for tires have been updated to match the new tire design of this vehicle.
  • Fixed an issue with tooltip information.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

NASCAR Xfinity Class Cars
  • Shocks have been updated.
  • Rear springs are now set at 450 lb/in while running at Superspeedway tracks.
  • Fixed a strange frequency issue with some of the engine audio samples.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Nissan GTP ZXT
  • Tire parameters have been updated.

Pontiac Solstice
  • (ALL) Tire parameters have been updated.
  • (ALL) iRacing setups have been updated.

Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 Clubsport MR
  • Tire construction parameters have been updated.
  • Aerodynamic model data and mapping have been updated.
  • Vehicle minimum weight has been increased by 2.50 kg.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992)
  • NEW CAR!
  • - - A new road car, the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992), is now available!
  • - - - - New for the 2021 Porsche Supercup season, the latest generation of Porsche 911 GT3 Cup car builds upon an existing and successful framework to create the next era of top-notch racing in Porsche’s premier global one-make racing series. Kicking up the horsepower to 510 in its 4.0-liter flat-six powerplant, 25 more than its predecessor, the latest 911 GT3 Cup features improvements to chassis construction, aerodynamics, suspension, and safety features, and can be run on synthetic fuels for the first time. Do you have what it takes to master the machine and become the next great Porsche champion?
  • - - Add the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992) to your digital garage by purchasing it from the iRacing Store, here: Log in |™ Motorsport Simulations

Porsche 911 RSR
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle damage was incorrectly increasing downforce.
  • Vehicle minimum weight has been increased by 5 kg.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Porsche 911 R GT3
  • Tires have been updated for the GT3 class. You can expect different limit feel and degradation behavior. Grip will be slightly lower on cold tires, peak after a few laps, and then drop noticeably before holding steady until the tires are heavily worn.
  • Temperature sensitivity and wear are now enabled on the clutch for this vehicle.
  • Minimum cold tire pressures have been increased to 21.5 psi (148 kPa) to bring operating hot pressures closer to real life.
ABS control has been adjusted slightly. Proportional gain has been increased. More aggressive pressure cuts now allow the system to converge on target slips more quickly.
  • Torque has been reduced slightly.
  • Aerodynamic drag and downforce have been increased slightly.
  • Vehicle minimum weight has been increased by 2.50 kg.
  • Front-end geometry has been updated to reduce pitching through braking zones.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle damage was incorrectly increasing downforce.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Porsche 919
  • The amount of MGU-H harvesting has been increased by 1.9 kW.

Radical SR8
  • On-board engine sounds have been improved.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

SCCA Spec Racer Ford
  • A full artistic update has been completed on this car!
  • - - The SCCA Spec Racer Ford, inside and out, has been brought into the modern age of computer artwork with a brand new high-fidelity model, high-definition textures, new paint patterns, and improved render settings!
  • - - The SCCA Spec Racer Ford is part of the default iRacing content. As such, all users have received this upgrade completely for free.
  • The New Damage Model is now enabled for this vehicle!
  • Rev-matching restrictions have been removed in order to allow users to downshift sooner.

Silver Crown
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Skip Barber Formula 2000
  • Chassis texture has been updated to 4K resolution.
  • Tire wheel rim textures have been updated.
  • A variety of driver animations have been updated for both body types.

Street Stock
  • A full artistic update has been completed on this car!
  • - - The Street Stock, inside and out, has been brought into the modern age of computer artwork with a brand new high-fidelity model, high-definition textures, new paint patterns, and improved render settings!
  • - - The Street Stock is part of the default iRacing content. As such, all users have received this upgrade completely for free.
  • For the New Damage Model, a variety of re-balancing has been performed to optimize and upgrade this vehicle’s damage states.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Subaru WRX STI
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Supercars Ford Mustang GT
  • Car repair times have been updated.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Supercars Holden ZB Commodore
  • Car repair times have been updated.
  • Fixed an issue with the driver’s foot and pedal animation.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

Super Late Model
  • Tire parameters have been updated.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

USF 2000
  • Fixed an issue where the left sidepod could appear in the incorrect position at certain camera distances.

VW Beetle
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

VW Beetle Lite
  • Allowable garage camber and inflation ranges have been adjusted.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

[Legacy] Dallara DW12
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

[Legacy] Ferrari 488 GT3
  • With this season release, this vehicle is joining our Legacy content.
  • - - This vehicle name has been prepended with the [Legacy] distinction.
  • - - All customers who purchased this vehicle within the past two years will receive $11.95 in iRacing Credits as a refund.
  • - - This vehicle’s purchase price has been reduced to $2.95.
  • Tires have been updated for the GT3 class. You can expect different limit feel and degradation behavior. Grip will be slightly lower on cold tires, peak after a few laps, and then drop noticeably before holding steady until the tires are heavily worn.
  • Temperature sensitivity and wear are now enabled on the clutch for this vehicle.
  • Minimum cold tire pressures have been increased to 21.5 psi (148 kPa) to bring operating hot pressures closer to real life.
  • ABS control has been adjusted slightly. Proportional gain has been increased. More aggressive pressure cuts now allow the system to converge on target slips more quickly.
  • Engine torque has been increased in mid RPM range
  • Aerodynamic drag has been increased slightly.
  • Vehicle differential has been adjusted.
  • Coast side locking has been increased by a ramp angle change.
  • The driver’s feet are now animated while driving this car.
  • Vehicle cockpit has received some artistic updates.
  • Imperial toe adjustment values in the garage are now displayed as 0.000 in.
  • Tooltip text for rear wing angles has been updated.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle damage was incorrectly increasing downforce.
  • iRacing setups have been updated.

[Legacy] Mazda MX-5 Cup & Roadster - 2010
  • (Roadster) - Fixed an issue with a missing headlight in the interface model.

[Legacy] Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991)
  • With this season release, this vehicle is joining our Legacy content.
  • - - This vehicle name has been prepended with the [Legacy] distinction.
  • - - All customers who purchased this vehicle within the past two years will receive $11.95 in iRacing Credits as a refund.
  • - - This vehicle’s purchase price has been reduced to $2.95.

[Legacy] Pro Mazda
  • Tire parameters have been updated.

Atlanta Motor Speedway
  • (Oval) - Track surface parameters have been adjusted.
  • Grass area at Turn 3 has been removed.
  • Fixed an issue with grandstand shadows at Turn 4.

Autodromo Internazionale Enzo e Dino Ferrari
  • Patched some terrain seams.

Autódromo José Carlos Pace
  • Some dirt staining has been reduced.

Autodromo Nazionale Monza
  • (Grand Prix) - Pit lane checkpoints have been improved.

Bristol Motor Speedway
  • (Dual Pit Roads and Single Pit Road) - Track surface parameters have been adjusted.

Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans
  • Fixed an issue where some brake markers at the end of the Mulsanne Straight did not correctly reflect light at night.

Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps
Some dirt staining has been reduced.

Darlington Raceway

  • Track surface parameters have been adjusted.

Daytona International Speedway
  • Adjusted the visual popping that could occur on some track light poles at certain distances and rendering settings.

Dover International Speedway
  • Track grip has been reduced slightly.

Hickory Motor Speedway
  • - - A new asphalt oval, Hickory Motor Speedway, is now available!
  • - - - - Before NASCAR’s biggest names first shone under the bright lights of Charlotte Motor Speedway, many of them found their first successes elsewhere in North Carolina. The city of Hickory plays home to the World’s Most Famous Short Track, Hickory Motor Speedway, a .363-mile asphalt bullring that has welcomed racers and fans through its gates for more than 70 years. From its early days since opening in 1951 as a half-mile dirt oval to the current day, Hickory’s fastest drivers have had what it takes to win at racing’s highest levels. Ralph Earnhardt had five track championships in those early days, while Junior Johnson and Ned Jarrett also scored titles at Hickory early in their Hall of Fame careers. While the track would eventually be reconfigured multiple times before taking its current shape, the quality of names on track remained the same, with legends like Jack Ingram and Harry Gant earning titles of their own later on. For much of its history, Hickory played host to what is now known as the NASCAR Xfinity Series, and it even hosted nearly two decades of NASCAR Cup Series racing before the 1972 schedule shift that consolidated the division. Nowadays, it’s a premier circuit on the NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Series map, and a crucial part of multiple Super Late Model series’ calendars.
  • - - Add Hickory Motor Speedway to your digital landscape by purchasing it from the iRacing Store, here: Log in |™ Motorsport Simulations

Hungaroring Circuit
  • - - A new asphalt road course, Hungaroring Circuit, is now available!
  • - - - - Conceived in the mid-1980s, placed just outside of Budapest, and built in a rapid eight months, the Hungaroring became the host of the first-ever Formula 1 event in eastern Europe in 1986 when it welcomed the inaugural Hungarian Grand Prix. Originally, organizers had wanted a street circuit, similar to Monaco; while a permanent circuit became the eventual choice, the track features a number of tight and challenging corners that make it polarizing among drivers. In its more than 30-year history, the track has crowned two Driver’s World Champions and four Constructor’s World Champions at its events. It’s also the site of numerous firsts, including four first-time F1 winners and the first drivers from both Hungary and Poland to compete in the series. The Hungaroring has also added various sports car, touring car, motorcycle, and open wheel feeder series to its portfolio along the way, with a regular premier touring car event supplementing the schedule for more than a decade.
  • - - Add Hungaroring Circuit to your digital landscape by purchasing it from the iRacing Store, here: Log in |™ Motorsport Simulations

Iowa Speedway
  • Track surface properties have been updated.

Mount Washington Auto Road
  • A new set of iRacing Awards is now available for earning exclusively from activities at the Mount Washington Auto Road! These awards are brand new, and may not be applied retroactively based on your event history at the Mount Washington Auto Road.
  • The physics properties of the dirt section have been updated.
  • Track wear properties have been updated to reflect the point-to-point nature of this track.
  • - - The asphalt sections of the track accumulate much less rubber over the course of an event. The dirt section of the track is worn away much less, even with maximum track usage.
  • Our professional Rock Gnomes have been hard at work and they have updated all rocks along the sides of the track surface. This means both that all visible rocks now have proper collision, and you will no longer find any invisible rocks on your journey up or down the mountain.
  • Smoothed a pair of severe bumps; one at mile marker 3 and another on the up-hill side of the bridge.
  • Fixed some issues with some signs disappearing as a camera approached them.

Oulton Park Circuit
  • Some cone placements have been updated and should make viewing the chicane turn-in point a bit easier.

Phoenix Raceway
  • (ALL) - Track surface properties have been updated.
  • (ALL) - Asphalt textures on the apron have been adjusted to better match where the seams are.

Silverstone Circuit
  • Track limits have been updated.
  • (International and National) - Track limit rules have been added.
  • Fixed an issue with course-cutting at Turn 2.
  • A bump on the front stretch has been leveled.

Twin Ring Motegi
  • (Grand Prix & East) - Fixed an issue where Barney was waving his flag through the wall.

[Legacy] Phoenix Raceway - 2008
  • (Rallycross) - Gain-time checkpoints have been updated to prevent course cutting.

S4 Uudet kujeet:

Paremmat incar äänet Radicalille lämmittää sydäntä, vaikka damage model päivitys taitaa olla vain haaveissa.
Mielenkiintoista miten ajaminen tällä kertaa muuttuu. Tuskin radikaalisti mutta rengasmallin muutos vaikuttaa aina ajamiseen. :)

Itselläni menee neloskausi F3 formulan parissa. Fisran Discordissa jo vähän varoitellaan että siellä meno on välillä romurallia. Aina voi osua kun lähtee ajamaan.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ajaako kukaan muu muuten kuraovaaleja?

Yllättävän hauskaa puuhaa, vaikka eurooppalaisittain vieraslaji. Ei vaadi samanlaista valmistautumista, kun roadi puoli, niin voi ajaa useita sarjoja ja kerätä credititkin talteen (toki ensin pitää ostaa niitä kuraratoja).
Tulee niitä dörppiovulointeja ajeltua välillä höntsäkisoina katusukalla kun ei muutakaa keksi, mukavaa viihdettä kun ei tartte ajaa nii hattu kireellä.
Joskus mietin että ajas koko kauden mutta en oo saanu vielä aikaseks..
Mitään virallista tietoa tuosta ei ole, mutta foorumilta luettuna: "I asked it to the iRacing support. Who bought the 911 in tha past 2 years will receive credits to buy the new one and the old 911 will be sent to Legacy."
Ostoskoriin kun laittoi niin hinta 0$, samoin Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo 2020.
Oli siis edelliset versiot ostettuna vuosi sitten.
Kiitti, 0 usd hinta evolle. aavistuksen jo alko harmittaa kun julkasivat tuon ja uutta sarjaa pelkästään evolle. Ei ollu vuottakaan kun ostin ton fefen

Tämän ja ensi kauden F1-mese tulee iReiskaan.

Iso PR-juttu ja varmasti monia kiinnostaa, vaikka itse pidänkin enemmän hitaammilla autoilla kisaamisesta.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Onkohan missään listaa missä kaikissa radoissa on VR-bugi, että ruudunpäivitys putoilee, vaikka näytönohjain/prossu ei ole pullonkauloja. Ajattelin ostaa esim. Road America, Hungaroring tai Suzuka niin ei viitsisi maksaa, jos ajaminen nykii. Summit Point on yksi esimerkki joka on käyttökelvoton tämän takia (nykii ainakin läpi 1-4 mutkien, kun muita autoja radalla).
Onkohan missään listaa missä kaikissa radoissa on VR-bugi, että ruudunpäivitys putoilee, vaikka näytönohjain/prossu ei ole pullonkauloja. Ajattelin ostaa esim. Road America, Hungaroring tai Suzuka niin ei viitsisi maksaa, jos ajaminen nykii. Summit Point on yksi esimerkki joka on käyttökelvoton tämän takia (nykii ainakin läpi 1-4 mutkien, kun muita autoja radalla).

Eipä tuosta ole kuin suullista perimätietoa vissiin.

Kannattaa kyllä katsoa kaikki optimointi hommat foorumeilta läpi, koska Summit Point ei vanhana ratana ole yleensä ongelmalistalla.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Onkohan missään listaa missä kaikissa radoissa on VR-bugi, että ruudunpäivitys putoilee, vaikka näytönohjain/prossu ei ole pullonkauloja. Ajattelin ostaa esim. Road America, Hungaroring tai Suzuka niin ei viitsisi maksaa, jos ajaminen nykii. Summit Point on yksi esimerkki joka on käyttökelvoton tämän takia (nykii ainakin läpi 1-4 mutkien, kun muita autoja radalla).
Noista Hungaroring voi olla ongelmainen, koska uudet puut ja liput ja ties mitä. Mulla AI:n kanssa ainakin tippu freimit.

Road America ja Suzuka pitäisi pyöriä aika hyvin.

Barcelona huonossa maineessa, mulla ei oo sitä. Joillakin Hockenheim, mutta ainakin itellä se toimii hyvin.
Mulla VR:llä ongelmalliset radat ovat juurikin Hungaroring ja Long Beach. Summit Point toimii hyvin.

Olen ajatellut päivittää PC rautaa, mutta näyttisten nykyhinnoilla taidan aloittaa prossusta. Mitä mieltä olette, saako rahoille vastinetta vaihtamalla 3600 uuteen 5600X:n? Käyttö koneella on lähes 100%:sesti iRacingia VR:llä ja nyky näyttis on RTX 2060.
Hockenheimisa on kanssa pari kohtaa jossa vrllä tökkii, siinä kun tullaa sinne takasuoralle missä näkyy C muotoisen katsomon kylki kakkossektorissa ja jossain siellä kolmosen alussa. auttaa hieman kun karsii ne ihmiset mäkeen. katsomoiden poisto ei tunnu auttavan juurikaan. ja ei niitä voi ottaa pois :)
Mulla VR:llä ongelmalliset radat ovat juurikin Hungaroring ja Long Beach. Summit Point toimii hyvin.

Olen ajatellut päivittää PC rautaa, mutta näyttisten nykyhinnoilla taidan aloittaa prossusta. Mitä mieltä olette, saako rahoille vastinetta vaihtamalla 3600 uuteen 5600X:n? Käyttö koneella on lähes 100%:sesti iRacingia VR:llä ja nyky näyttis on RTX 2060.
Väittäisin, että saat merkittävästi hyötyä 3600->5600x, ellei näyttis sitten pullonkaulata.

Mitä iracingin grafiikka/prossu palkit/luvut näyttää sulla pelissä?

iRacing ainakin on prossuintensiivinen peli ja nimenomaan single core performance ratkaisee, mikä juurikin paranee merkittävästi tossa päivityksessä.
Hockenheimisa on kanssa pari kohtaa jossa vrllä tökkii, siinä kun tullaa sinne takasuoralle missä näkyy C muotoisen katsomon kylki kakkossektorissa ja jossain siellä kolmosen alussa. auttaa hieman kun karsii ne ihmiset mäkeen. katsomoiden poisto ei tunnu auttavan juurikaan. ja ei niitä voi ottaa pois :)
Joo Hockenheimin neulansilmä ja paras ohituspaikka on kyllä myrkkyä ajaa VR:llä. Aina nykii ku siitä ajaa.
Väittäisin, että saat merkittävästi hyötyä 3600->5600x, ellei näyttis sitten pullonkaulata.

Mitä iracingin grafiikka/prossu palkit/luvut näyttää sulla pelissä?

iRacing ainakin on prossuintensiivinen peli ja nimenomaan single core performance ratkaisee, mikä juurikin paranee merkittävästi tossa päivityksessä.
Katsoin juuri noita palkkeja. R (CPU render säie) ja G (GPU) näyttää esim Hungaroringissa lähes samaa. Kumpikin taitaa siis rajoittaa menoa hiukan. No pitää tilata uusi prossu ja koittaa.
Sain tämän nykimättömäksi VR:llä (pysyy kokoajan 90 fps) Suzukan- ja Span- radoilla. Mielestäni suurin vaikutus droppaamiseen 90 to 60 fps tietyissä kohdissa on näkyvien autojen määrä varsinkin peileissä.

Myös tuo filtteri (PCf4) vaikuttaa jonkun verran. Saattaa olla, että minulla oli aiemmin siinä joku toinen filtteri joka ei toimi joka kohdassa rataa.

Koneen suorituskyky ei kyllä sinällään ole lähelläkään maksimia sillä ainakin MsiAfterburnerin statistiikka näyttää GPU 60% ja Cpu 25%. Kokoonpano siis 3950X, 3080 ja G2

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