Kukahan tässä on jääräpäisesti siellä 50-luvulla kuvitelmineen, kun ei asia näytä menevän jakeluun edes uusimpien lääketieteellisten tutkimustulosten kautta?
Tässä artikkeli toisesta asiaan liittyvästä tutkimuksesta, joka on tullut ihan samaan tulokseen, eli että se kirkas ohut neste on vain virsaa virtsarakosta. Skenen rauhasista naisen ejakulaation yhteydessä taas tulee paksumpaa maitomaista nestettä, joka on koostumukseltaan verrattavissa miehen siemennesteeseen:
Some women release a large amount of clear liquid from the urethra at orgasm, a process that is distinct from female ejaculation, which involves the release of a small amount of milky liquid. Now the source of both liquids has been identified
"Women can produce several types of fluid during sex. At the arousal stage, lubricating fluid is released by the vagina. Then, as orgasm is reached, two other types of fluid can sometimes be expelled from the urethra: a milky fluid secreted in small amounts, and a clear fluid released in large volumes, often hundreds of millilitres."
recently, both orgasm fluids were described as female ejaculation. However, this term is now reserved for the milky fluid, while “squirting” is used to describe the release of the clear fluid."
"In all cases, the squirted liquid was blue. “This confirms that squirting does seem to originate from the bladder,”"
"At the time of squirting, four women in the study also appeared to experience female ejaculation. This distinct physiological process involves the secretion of a
few millilitres or less of thick, milky fluid from small glands next to the urethra called Skene’s glands, or the “female prostate”. The fluid contains prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which is also present in the ejaculate produced by the male prostate."
Ei se ole mikään maailmanlopun asia, jos anatomian tietämyksessä petipuuhien osalta on vielä kehitettävää, mutta siinä kohtaa alkaa olla syytä huoleen, jos ei pysty myöntämään edes itselleen olleensa väärässä.