Vähän myöhässä aiheeseen, mutta tämä on sen verran hyvä debunkkaus noille APA:n suosituksille, että suosittelen lukemaan ajatuksella.
Comment on the APA Guidelines for the Treatment of Boys and Men | Jordan Peterson
"It’s simple – and it is this simple fact that is absolutely damning to the claims in the APA document. What kind of families produce violent young men? Fatherless families. The pernicious effect of fatherlessness is exceptionally well-documented. No serious researchers question it. Even the generally damnable sociologists admit it (see, for example,
http://bit.ly/2HB27JL). Fatherless girls tend, for example, toward early sexual experimentation (something in itself linked to antisocial behavior) and, unsurprisingly, higher rates of teenage pregnancy. What might be more surprising, however, is that there is even evidence for earlier puberty among girls whose fathers are absent. Fatherless boys are over-represented as alcoholics, addicts, gang-members, prisoners, rapists and murderers. And there’s plenty of what is positive that is lacking among fatherless children, in addition to the negative that is more likely to be present (here’s a decent summary, in lay language:
Consider this (it’s of primary importance): If it is fatherless boys who are violent, how can it be that masculine socialization produces harm both to mental health and society? The data should indicate precisely the opposite: that boys who are only raised by women are much less violent than boys who have men in their lives and, similarly, that boys who do have fathers are more violent than those who do not.
This is not the case. Period."
Tuo aika hyvin debunkkaa koko APA:n teorian. Jos se maskuliininen miesmalli olisi se syy miesten agressiiviseen käytökseen ja huonoon pärjäämiseen niin yksinhuoltajaäitien lasten pitäisi pärjätä hyvin sen sijaan että nämä pärjäävät huonosti.
Peterson lyttää tuossa APA:n tekstin feministiseksi ja ideologiseksi soopaksi ja aika rajusti koko APA:nkin. Olen kyllä aika samaa mieltä noista pointeista. Fiksua tekstiä Petersonilta kuten yleensäkin.
"The American Psychological Association (APA) recently released their
Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men (paralleling, in principle, their 2007 guidelines for girls and women). It manages to be simultaneously predictable, reprehensible, infuriating and disheartening — no mean feat for a single document. Make no mistake about it: this document constitutes an all-out assault on masculinity, as such — or, to put it even more bluntly, on men. The coup of the APA undertaken by the ideologues and the second-raters is now complete. The field has been compromised, perhaps fatally. And the unforgivable
Guidelines provides sufficient but by no means exhaustive evidence of that. The document opens with a series of terminological definitions. These serve perfectly to indicate the nature of the ideological substructure that constitutes the true motivation of the writers. Only a small number of words or phrases were chosen for definition, which means that it is those words that are of prime import. The intent is that the
Guideline’s readers will understand, assimilate and come to regard as self-evident the conceptual structure that both selected the words and defined them — and these, by the way, could not possibly be clearer indicators of the post-modern/victimhood ideology."