Elite: Dangerous

Niinhän se piti ollakin, johan se kerrottiin viime vuoden Frontier Expossa kun Beyondin roadmap julkistettiin.
Q4 update on sitten se isompi pätsi.
Niinhän se piti ollakin, johan se kerrottiin viime vuoden Frontier Expossa kun Beyondin roadmap julkistettiin.
Q4 update on sitten se isompi pätsi.

My bad, mutta toki tuo edellisen "ison" päivityksen anti jäi sen verran köykäiseksi, etten odota mitään ihmeellistä.
Hieman Eliten galaksin tapahtumia tännekin, jos jotakuta kiinnostaa..

Ensi viikolla Canonn-tiedeporukan omistama megaship Gnosis, hyppää permit-lukitun alueen yli (noin 500ly) Cone Sectorille, alueelle jonne ei muuten pääse.
Mukaan pääsee dockaamalla tuonne Gnosikselle ja hyppy tapahtuu 6. syyskuuta aamupäivällä. Takaisin pääsee samalla kyydillä neljän viikon päästä hypystä.
Tuo alue on täysin koskematonta joten on mahdollisuus saada nimensä täysin tutkimattomalle alueelle.

***Attention Explorers*** GNOSIS Jumps planned THROUGH a permit Lock !!

Eli ole kyydissä viimeistään 5. syyskuuta jos tuonne haluat.

Ja jotta homma ei menis liian helpoksi, niin nyt on tullut tietoon että tuo alue tiettävästi kuhisee Thargoideja.

Galnet News | Elite Dangerous Community Site

Joten pyssyjä mukaan kaiken varalta.

Itse en ole menossa Gnosiksen kyytiin, ykköskomentajan galaksinympärysreissua on vielä noin puolitoista kuukautta jäljellä.

Statseja so far:



Ja kakkoskomentaja lähtee 9. syyskuuta pariksi kuukaudeksi Autumn Odysseylle reilun 100 muun komentajan kanssa.

DSN & Paradox Wing - The Autumn Odyssey

Distant Worlds 2:lle on ilmottautunut yli 3000 komentajaa, aloituspäivä mennee ensi vuoden puolelle veikkaisin joten vielä kerkiää mukaan:

[DW2] Distant Worlds II - Fleet Roster Sign Up Thread

Tuonne on lähdössä ainakin muutama komentaja tuolta meidän porukasta. :)


EDIT: Elite tarjouksessa Steamissa ja Frontier Storessa:

Save 55% on Elite Dangerous on Steam

Elite Dangerous
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tässäpä olisikin hyvä tekosyy taas kaivaa pyyttoni (ja koko Elite) naftaliinista!
Hieman kiinnostaisi toi GNOSIS hyppy tuntemattomaan, mutta jaksaako siellä sen 4 vko olla kun vain yksi komentaja tunnus?
Pitänyt pientä tauko Elitestä kun toi sisältö ei loppujenlopuksi ole muuttanut. Toiveet Q4 tutkimusmatkailu/mainaamis uudistuksiin ovat suuret, mutta realistisesti en odota ihmeitä. Kraitin ostin, Annien, T-10, Pyyttonin, ASP EXP, Diamond exp, Adderin ja Eagelin seuraksi laivueeseeni.
Kraitin Guardian FSD boosteria yritän hankkia (gindata) vailla suurempaa mielenkiintoa.
Ja sinne meni jääplaneetat ja carrierit hamaan tulevaisuuteen.

Vieläkin toki väittävät pokkana, että 100 ihmistä työskentelee Eliten kehityksessä.
Onneksi ovat vain pieni osa tulevaa Q4 päivitystä. Itse odotan muutenkin exploraatio- ja mainausuudistuksia paljon enemmän. :hungry:
Piti kävästä muutaman kuukauden tauon jälkeen aluksen ohjaamossa. Kippo löytyi näemmä Uranuksuksen kuun kraaterista.

En sitten tohtinutkaan hypätä Gnosiksen kyytiin, kun tulipas mieleen että jääkö sitä sinne alueelle jumiin jos ei muista hypätä paluukyytiin mukaan.
Tuossa nyt jotain. Focused feedbackin piti tulla kesäkuussa jossa Fdev olis tarkentanu noita mekaniikkoja ja pyytäny palautetta, mutta on myöhästyny pahemman kerran.

Elite Dangerous 2018 Roadmap [Regularly Updated]

  • Sensor Probes (launched from the Detailed Surface Scanner, which will retain its old functionality as well)
  • Images: Planetary Scan / Planetary Ring Scan
  • Sensor Probes will travel in Supercruise
  • When sent towards planets or rings, the probes will follow a partial guided orbit
  • They have Supercruise assisted flight to allow them to arc towards the target body
  • When close to the surface, they will deploy a complicated sensor array which will start collating data from a large area
  • Essentially paint coverage on the body, then the data is all fed back to us
  • Probes are affected by gravity, which will allow us to do trickshots and be more efficient with covering the surface
  • Probes can be synthesized
  • Mechanical rewards for doing a scan better
  • Every crew member will be able to use it at the same time, including the helm
  • Appropriate rewards for crew members
  • Eliminate the need to eyeball planets. Be better informed before we travel to a planet.
  • Interesting sites on planets will be marked or mentioned in the Codex (e.g. Thargoid imprints, Guardian relics, fields of brain trees)
  • The galaxy will be seeded with new unique things to find, split in different categories (Geologic, Biologic, Phenomena)
  • These discoveries can be individual things or the environment itself
  • These can be beneficial or harmful
  • Video: Cloud & Lightning Phenomenon
  • The galaxy will be divided in regions to help us plot, locate and log discoveries in the Codex
  • Focus Feedback Discussion planned to start on the 18th of June (Postponed)

The Codex
  • An archive that logs our exploration achievements and acts as a repository for game lore. It will log our discoveries and will also act as an encyclopedia, giving more depth and context to the things we find. And also possibly hinting at other things that we might be able to find out there.
  • Focus Feedback Discussion planned to start on the 18th of June (Postponed)
Chapter Four - Exploration Reveal

Hello Commanders!

We're going to be shaking the format up slightly for the final main topic of discussion surrounding some of the major features of Chapter Four of Beyond. We're soon going to be revealing more details about the next update, so for this post, we'd like you to share all of your questions and comments in reply to this thread, and we'll try to respond to as many as we can!

In this post we’ll be presenting just some of the improvements coming to exploration in the next update. There's a number of benefits that we are aiming to bring in with this exploration overhaul which we've listed out below, with more detailed explanation underneath.

Benefits of Exploration Improvements

  • Make exploration more involved: By introducing a process we aim to make exploration feel more meaningful, making the results more satisfying and rewarding.
  • Replace flying time with gameplay: We want to reduce the amount of time you have to spend flying to a planet just to discover it. The only time we want you to fly to a planet is because you want to visit it as there’s something there you want to see or do. Ultimately that will make exploring planetary bodies and getting first discoveries in a system quicker and more engaging at the same time.
  • Remove Random USS Spawning: You will now be able to use your skill to locate signal sources rather than rely on luck. you will have the ability to identify a USS from anywhere in the system and then explore and discover these locations.
  • Reduce the time to find planet surface locations: You will now be able to employ game play to make searching out interesting surface locations/POIs quicker and more interesting rather than flying across the planet in low orbit.
  • Improve multiplayer exploration: With both of the module upgrades we are making sure that wings and multi-crew are supported.
  • Holistic System:The improvements to exploration mechanics tie together not just new discoveries, but mining, missions and signal source location in one package.
  • All new "First mapped": You'll be able to add a first mapped across any planet within the galaxy, including within the bubble. Giving all players that have joined the game since it's launch even more opportunity to make their mark on the galaxy.

Check out the full details below.

The Discovery Scanner

Because explorers ply their trade far from civilized space, we’ve decided to not add new module requirements. Instead, we’re improving the discovery scanner and detailed surface scanner so Commanders can jump right in as soon as the update is released, without having to spend time traveling back to a port to purchase new gear.

When you activate the discovery scanner you will now be taken to an all-new scanning interface and view. In this augmented camera view you are able to interrogate the system using new functionality of the scanner.


The process still starts with the “honk” (system scan), though its usage is now the start of a more engaging process (if all you did before was scan for some credits, don't worry, the scan still awards credits.)

The system scan now returns an aggregated display of how energetic the electromagnetic emissions are in the system. Signals are sorted on a low to high scale by their apparent energy. For example, emissions from rocky clusters will appear at the lower end of the scale, hot gas giants at the upper range. This information requires some interpretation as signals can overlap.

You are able to tune the focus of your sensors to a particular point on the scale, making emissions from objects at this range much clearer, at the cost of filtering out signals returned from bodies not emitting at this range.

As you move the view around, you are aiming your discovery scanner sensors. To aid you, the discovery scanner view also features a repeating sweep of gravitational disturbance detected in the system. You can use this sweep to narrow your search for stellar bodies, as well as start your search around the star's orbital plane, which is revealed by the initial system scan.

Emissions that come close enough to your view’s focus are represented by signature patterns around a central reticule. If you are tuned to the correct point on the energy scale the signal will show as a symmetrical pattern clearly showing the direction towards the origin of the signal, allowing you to locate it. The further away your energy tuning, the more distorted and asymmetrical the pattern becomes, hiding the precise direction and location.

Once you have a candidate origin, you can use the scanner to reconstruct a massively zoomed in view. If you aimed precisely enough, you will discover the stellar body. If there are a number of stellar bodies in relative close proximity to your focus, you may need to repeat the process to isolate individual signals.


As you locate and identify stellar bodies their emissions are filtered out, instead becoming markers on the energy range, making it easier to find the remaining bodies. It's at this point in that you will gain the “first discovered” tag, rather than having to physically visit the planet (you still need to sell the data at a port to gain the tag). All current first discovered tags will remain.

Importantly, when you uncover a planet using the discovery scanner, as well as being informed of the resources available on it, the presence of unusual locations, such as Guardian sites, will also be revealed. However, their precise location won’t be shown until you have mapped the planet with the detailed surface scanner.

Unidentified Signal Sources

Along with the Exploration update, we are improving the way that USSs work. USSs will now spawn throughout the entire system when you first enter it. This enables you to use the new exploration tools to find USSs throughout the system, not just in the area around you. You can still interrogate nav beacons to find the locations.

Whilst USSs do still have a decay time, the timers have been increased to allow you time to find and fly to the ones you are interested in. The decay time is also now displayed when targeted. Signal sources still obey rules determining where they can appear within a system, and mission critical signal sources will still be highlighted to differentiate themselves once located.

The Detailed Surface Scanner

Again, this module will not be replaced. Instead, the detailed surface scanner gains the ability to launch micro sensor probes in supercruise. You will use these probes to “map” a planet’s surface and locate resource hotspots in its rings.

These flight-assisted probes are launched via a new aiming interface when activating the detailed surface scanner. The probes will arc towards a planet’s surface and when close enough will “display” sensor coverage over a large area. Once enough of the surface has coverage, the probes will collate and report their findings. To map rings around a planet you need to hit each ring with a single probe.

To allow for skilled play you can aim probes away from the planet, allowing them to arc around it, potentially letting you hit the surface on far side of the planet. If you aim too far away, the probe will fly right past and miss, but by using mass and size information displayed on the HUD you will be able to lob probes and get full coverage without having to fly around the planet.

You will be able to synthesise micro-probes for the detailed surface scanner, but the better aim you are, the less probes you will need to get complete coverage.

When you do achieve this, any unusual locations will be revealed to your ship’s navigation systems. So no more eyeballing an entire planet to find those brain trees!

First Mapped By

We are also adding a new opportunity to get your Commander's name immortalised in the game with the new 'First Mapped By' tag. The first person to successfully map a planet to 100% and sell the resulting data at a port, will be awarded this tag. This also applies for planets that have already got a 'First Discovered' tag as well.


As part of the exploration update, we are making sure that multi-crew members can use the discovery scanner and detailed surface scanner at the same time and all discoveries are shared among crew or wing.

This allows wings or commanders in multi-crew to engage in exploration together, each earning credits and exploration rank and making the process more efficient.


We'll be revealing more details about Beyond - Chapter Four in the coming weeks and we can't wait to show you, but in the meantime, please post your feedback regarding Exploration in this thread and we'll try to respond to as many queries as we can.

This particular thread is not an area for debate between community members – it’s fine to read what others have put, but try to ensure your posts are directed at us rather than your fellow posters.
Ymmärsinkö oikein kaikki uudet jutut joita voi expossa löytää on sidoksissa noiden uusien expo dronejen käytöön.
Jaaha, ei ollakaan taas pitkään aikaan mainostettu joten here goes..

Tervetuloa Muro Independentsiin!



MuroBBS-foorumin Elite-ketjussa laitettiin pari vuotta sitten pystyyn Discord pienen peliporukan yhteydenpitovälineeksi ja yhteispelailua varten.
Sittemmin homma on paisunut aika lailla ja esim Discordissa on melkein 200 komentajaa joista aktiivisesti juttelemassa ehkä kolmannes.
Meillä on myös oma aktiivinen faktio, Muro Independents, kotipaikka Muri ja tätä kirjoittaessa olemme läsnä 24 eri systeemissä joista Murojen hallinnassa 17.
Olemme myös osa suurempaa koalitiota, Pegasi Sector Commonwealthia, johon kuuluu noin 6 muuta pelaajafaktiota.
Olemme sekä pelaajamäärällä että hallittujen systeemien määrällä suurin suomalainen Elite-yhteisö.


Porukkaa meillä on laidasta laitaan ja vaikka olemmekin pääasiassa PvE-yhteisö, porukasta löytyy myös PvP:tä harrastavia.
Meidän porukasta löytyy kaveri kyllä kaikkeen tekemiseen Elitessä.

Porukkaan liittymisen edellytyksenä EI ole nuo minor factio-touhut ja niihin saa osallistua jokainen niin halutessaan mutta pakollista se ei tietenkään ole.
Jokainen saa luonnollisesti pelata peliään ihan niin kuin itse haluaa, emme pakota mihinkään muottiin tai tekemiseen.
Blaze your own trail.

Pelailemme porukalla myös muitakin pelejä toisinaan, kuten Star Citizeniä, Empyrionia ja mitä milloinkin jengi keksii.
Meillä on rento meininki ja huumorin kukkakin kukkii toisinaan.
Joskus keskustellaan näkemyseroista suomalaisella intensiivisyydellä, mutta toistaiseksi ruumiilta on vältytty.
Olemme myös järjestäneet kahtena vuonna RL-miitin johon onkin osallistunut mukavasti porukkaa. Ensi vuonna on miittiä tiedossa myös.


Discord: https://discord.gg/ADvTSu7 (luethan säännöt saapuessasi)
Inara Wing: INARA - Elite:Dangerous companion
EDDB: Minor Faction Muro Independents - EDDB

Myös privagroup löytyy mutta siitä lisää Discordissa jos sinne eksyt.

Teretulemas joukkoon tummaan! (ei kirjaimellisesti)

DISCLAIMER: Emme edusta MuroBBS-foorumia millään tavoin, nimi on vain jäänyt parin vuoden takaa kun kys. foorumi oli vielä aktiivine jolloin nimivalinta tuntui loogiselta, eikä factionin nimeä voi vaihtaa jälkeenpäin.
Sittemmin keskustelut on siirtynyt toki enimmäkseen tuonne Discordiin.​
Jep, isoja juttuja tulossa ja tuossa oli vasta yksi osa Q4 sisällöstä. Vielä tulee paljon tavaraa.. :nb:

Exploraatio kokee nyt todellisen muodonmuutoksen, enää ei honkata systeemiä ja jatketa matkaa vaan systeemin skannaus vaatii vähän duuniakin.

Obsidianin recap:

Kyllä, hienoja juttuja tulossa ja pari yllätystäkin jo tuossa ekassa streamissa oli, kuten night vision ja Orrery map! :geek:

Jälkimmäistä ei osannu enää edes toivoa, koska viimeisin kommentti Fdevin suunnalta siihen liittyen oli ennen tätä tyyliin ”tuskin tulemme koskaan sitä tekemään”...
Onko tähtien koot muuttunut? Näyttivät nii pieniltä ku vuoden vaihteessa testasin vrllä.
Mihinkäs ne olis muuttunu.. Ja kyllä ne Vivellä ainakin näyttää aika helvetin isoilta imo.. :D
No onpas vaan melkoinen lista korjauksia ja viilauksia.
Mutta miten itse pelisisältö, tuoko neloskappale lisää sisältöä missä määrin? Mitäs @Henkka77 olet mieltä, muuttuuko exploraatio parempaan suuntaan?
Jos sitä vihdoin lähitisi sunnistamaan kohti galaksin keskustaa...
Omastamielestäni tuo Exploration pelaamisen kehitys joka tehtiin on just erittäin oikea veto Frontierilta kun toi galaksin mittakavassa tapahtuva Expo pelaaminen on se missä ED on selvästi edelläkävijä SC:hen nähden (sitten kun SC on ulkona) ts se kannattaa hioa todella hyväksi kun se pitkällätähtäimellä on yksi seikka joka varmistaa ED:n pitkäikäisyyden pelinä jolla on riittävästi pelaajia (niin että ylläpito jatkuu vuosia/kymmeniä).

Toinen merkittävä lisä on tuo backraund simualtion ja uudenlaiset satunnnais misionit/tapahtumat jotka tuo elävyyttä ED universumiin tällähetkellähän se on ollut käytönnössä tyhjä elävyydestä (ellet itse vartavasten etsinyt megasihippejä ja kuunnellut niiden tallenteita).
Viimeksi muokattu:
Minkätasoisen Expo aluksen ASP Exposta pystyy rakentamaan pelkästään vakio ja Guardian osilla (kun ei tuo insinööri hinkkaus iske yhtään).
No onpas vaan melkoinen lista korjauksia ja viilauksia.
Mutta miten itse pelisisältö, tuoko neloskappale lisää sisältöä missä määrin? Mitäs @Henkka77 olet mieltä, muuttuuko exploraatio parempaan suuntaan?
Jos sitä vihdoin lähitisi sunnistamaan kohti galaksin keskustaa...

Paljon hitaammaksihan se nyt muuttuu kun systeemi ei paljasta herkkujaan enää yhdellä napin painalluksella, mikä on imo hyvä asia. Näinhän tämä olis pitäny olla alusta asti. Itse diggailen, tosin olisin tyytynyt myös vanhaan honkkiin + tuohon planeettojen probetukseen. (Mass Effect 2, anyone..)
Nyt ei "tartte" matkustaa enää supercruisessa esim 300kls päähän kuittaamaan sitä ELW:tä kun sen voit tehdä tähden vieressä istuen. Itteäni tuo ei ole tosin koskaan häirinny ja uudellakin mekaniikalla joudut edelleen matkustamaan jos haluat probettaa ne kauimmaiset planeetat.
Negatiivisena puolena sitten tuo exploraation ajankäytön lisääntyminen, jos se nyt jotakuta haittaa.
Uusi mekaniikka onkin nyt sitten jakanu pelaajakuntaa todella rajusti ja jopa monet pitkän linjan explooraajat on pistämässä hanskoja tiskiin ja uninstalloimassa peliä tämän myötä.
Muutos mekaniikoissa on niin suuri, että ymmärrän toki jos kaikki ei diggaa. Ei ole helppoa olla pelikehittäjä..
Mutta hatunnosto Frontierille että uskalsivat ottaa todella simppelin systeemin ja puristaa se paljon monimutkaisemmaksi mutta samalla palkitsevammaksi.
On tuota selkeästi mietitty ja lopputulos on imo hyvä. Mutta vielä on betaa 3 viikkoa jäljellä, moni asia voi vielä muuttua, joskaan tuo uusi mekaniikka tuskin tuosta enää vanhaan palaa.

Minkätasoisen Expo aluksen ASP Exposta pystyy rakentamaan pelkästään vakio ja Guardian osilla (kun ei tuo insinööri hinkkaus iske yhtään).

Vaikka tällaisen: https://s.orbis.zone/sdi
Sanoisin kuitenkin että ainakin FSD kannattaa inssata Martuukilla/Farseerilla, sen tuoma etu on niin julmetun iso verrattuna siihen vaivaan minkä sen avaaminen vaatii.
Tuossa sama buildi mutta FSD modattuna: https://s.orbis.zone/sdj
Voi sitten itse päätellä paljonko arvostaa 20ly extraa jump rangeen.
Vaikka tällaisen: https://s.orbis.zone/sdi
Sanoisin kuitenkin että ainakin FSD kannattaa inssata Martuukilla/Farseerilla, sen tuoma etu on niin julmetun iso verrattuna siihen vaivaan minkä sen avaaminen vaatii.
Tuossa sama buildi mutta FSD modattuna: https://s.orbis.zone/sdj
Voi sitten itse päätellä paljonko arvostaa 20ly extraa jump rangeen.
Paskat ... joutuu alkaan värkään noiden Insinööri arpanoppien kanssa, itsenäi ottaa päähän kokon älytön logiika että "Insinööri" on joku tunari jonka työnjälki on täysin arpakuutin sattumasta kiinni.

PS Jos kysessä olis Arkkitehti niin silloin se olisi ok koska se vastaisi RL todellisuutta.
Eihän insinööreissä ole enää yhtään arpomista. Jokainen rolli parantaa edellistä tulosta. Pientä varianssia on siinä miten paljon se parantuu kerralla, mutta parantuu yhtäkaikki.

Eikä enää tule sattumanvaraisia secondary-effectejä, experimentaalit saa ostaa matskuilla vaikka level 1 modattuun osaan.
Paskat ... joutuu alkaan värkään noiden Insinööri arpanoppien kanssa, itsenäi ottaa päähän kokon älytön logiika että "Insinööri" on joku tunari jonka työnjälki on täysin arpakuutin sattumasta kiinni.

PS Jos kysessä olis Arkkitehti niin silloin se olisi ok koska se vastaisi RL todellisuutta.

Joo ei, kuten Wile jo mainitsi niin inssithän muuttui jo Q1-päivityksessä siten että mitään arpomista ei enää ole vaan jokainen rolli parantaa edellistä kunnes "hard cap" saavutetaan.

RNGineerit on historiaa, ollu jo vuoden alusta asti. ;)
EdEngineerillä voi tehdä ostoslistan materiaaleista mitä tarvitsee esim. FSD rangen kasvattamiseksi huippuunsa ja mass-manager experimental-effektin lisäämiseksi. Se huutelee windowssin syntsan äänellä kesken mainaus/srv-session sitten kun olet kaikki tarvittavat matskut haltuun saanut. Muutama ylimääräinen rolli kannattaa varata tasojen 3-5 matskuja, koska välillä alempien levelien vetäminen sille tasolle, että saa siirtyä seuraavaan, voi viedä ylimääräisen kierroksen. Jos haluat viedä modin täysin huipputason tappiin, voi viimeiseen 10 prosenttiin sitten mennä kymmenen rollia, mutta niinhän se on oikeassakin maailmassa. Mikä tahansa äärimmilleen viety tekniikka vaatii viilaamista ja säätöä eksponentiaalieseti enemmän mitä korkeammalle viritysasteelle ollaan menossa.
Joo ei, kuten Wile jo mainitsi niin inssithän muuttui jo Q1-päivityksessä siten että mitään arpomista ei enää ole vaan jokainen rolli parantaa edellistä kunnes "hard cap" saavutetaan.

RNGineerit on historiaa, ollu jo vuoden alusta asti. ;)
Juu tiesin että se muutui, se nyt oli vain lähtökohtaisesti ollut täysin metsässä että jotain arpakuutiota on kutsuttu Insinööriksi.

Ts joko et kutsu arpakuutiota insinööriksi, ts olisi kutsunut niitä vaikka säätäjiksi tai pellepelottomiksi tms.

Tai sitten tekee sen Insinöörin toimintalogiikan alunperin senverran fiksusti että sitä kehtaa kutsua Insinööriksi.

Eli jos Frontier olisi hoitanut homman fiksusti ensimmäinen sukupolvi olisi ollut joitain hangarin perällä säätäjiä ja tämän päivityksen yhteydessä olisi tullut oikeita Insinöörejä tällä paremmalla logiikalla, tuollatavoin lore olisi kätevästi selittänyt miksi alunperin tuli satunnaista sutta ja sekundaa eli ongelma ei varsinaisesti ollut se arpakuutio vaan se että Frontier on aika kyvytön hyvän loren tekmisessä peliin liityen.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Musta se arvonta oli hyvä ja teki joka aluksesta hiukan erillaisen ja uniikin. Nyt tulee vedettyä grade vitoselle ja aina samat statsit. Ja se onnenpyörä missä voit saada jonkun experimentaalin. Se olis ollut siistiä että niitä ei voi ostaa vaan saa ihan arvalla vaan jonkun joskus. Taidan olla mielipiteineni ainoa:vihellys:
IcsPenille ei kelpaa mikää mitä frontier tekee, ihme äijä. Tainnut valita väärän pelin pelattavaksi.
Aika raju yleistys kun puhuin vain Insinööreistä en koko Elite Dangerousista.

Se on todella kummaa miten ihmisillä on pakottava tarve lokeroida toiset joko Star Citizenin tai Elite Dangerousin fanittajiksi eikä sallia sitä että pitäisi kummastakin pelistä yhtäaikaa.

Nyttenkin ostin taas decorationaje lisää siksi kun ED:n uusimmat päivityksen on mielestäni kehittäneet peliä oikeaan suuntaan.
Kovasti haluaisin tykätä pelistä, mutta ei vaan pysty. Parin kk:n tauon jälkeen kävin koittamassa taistelua ja lopputulema oli sama. Python oli palasina noin 30 sekunnissa kun AI spämmää ohjusta niin ettei niihin voi reagoida mitenkään. Harmittaa, ettei samantyyppisiä avaruuspelejä ole, jotka tukisivat VR:ää. Jos on niin, ehdottakaa toki.
Kovasti haluaisin tykätä pelistä, mutta ei vaan pysty. Parin kk:n tauon jälkeen kävin koittamassa taistelua ja lopputulema oli sama. Python oli palasina noin 30 sekunnissa kun AI spämmää ohjusta niin ettei niihin voi reagoida mitenkään. Harmittaa, ettei samantyyppisiä avaruuspelejä ole, jotka tukisivat VR:ää. Jos on niin, ehdottakaa toki.

Sen kummemmin ottamatta kantaa siihen miksi et pärjää aita vastaan Elitessä niin oletko tutustunut Starfigher inc:iin Impeller Studios
Tänään siis Chapter Four julkaisu. Serverit menevät alas näillä hetkillä ja noin 9 tunnin downtime.
Patch notet:

Elite Dangerous: Beyond - Chapter Four 3.3 - Patch Notes

Elite Dangerous: Beyond - Chapter Four 3.3 - Patch Notes
Greetings Commanders,

The servers are currently down to allow us to update to Elite Dangerous: Beyond - Chapter Four 3.3

Please note that PS4 Commanders may be prompted to download two patches, titled 1.26 and 1.27 - this is expected, thanks!

Please see the full patch notes for Elite Dangerous: Beyond - Chapter Four below!

New Features


  • Discovery Scanner upgraded to include access to the new Full Spectral System (FSS) scanner mode

  • Players use the FSS Mode to discover stellar bodies, stellar phenomenon, USSs, scenarios, distress calls, mission targets and more
  • There is now only one Discovery Scanner available in game, which is based on the basic variant. Commanders that have purchased either the intermediate or advanced scanners will receive a credit refund

  • Detailed Surface Scanner upgraded to include access to brand new planet probes

  • Players can fire probes at bodies to gather data that can be sold.
  • Players can also use these probes to pinpoint places of interest on landable planets as well as uncover lucrative places in planetary rings to mine
  • Each body has a "probe efficiency" target; if the player maps 100% of the body using either the same or less than the target, they are awarded a bonus

  • Added "First Mapped By" tag - the first commander to 100% map a stellar body and sell the data at a port will be named for everyone to see

  • Players will be unable to map Sol, Achenar or Alioth as these systems are already fully mapped

  • Revamped look of the bonus popup when selling data
  • A credit bonus will be awarded for players that get either 100% first discovered or 100% first mapped in a system
  • Added new things to find!
  • Orrery view added - players can access the schematic orrery view of systems from the system map


  • Codex added to the ship's internal (right hand) panel. The Codex contains:

  • Commander Stats

- Logs important player statistics
- Session Log records important game events for players review
- Archive holds all text and audio logs taken from the numerous narratives from across the galaxy
- Audio logs can be added to the improved Playlist feature

  • Discoveries

- Contains either rumored, reported or discovered entries from across the 42 different galactic regions
- Discoveries are broken down in to 3 categories (Stellar Bodies, Biological and Geological, and Civilisations)

  • Knowledge base

- Various articles from the rich history and lore of the Elite universe, from the history of the Super Powers, to important characters and corporations
- Each article is narrated and can be added to the improved Playlist feature

Background Simulation

  • Factions can now be in multiple states within each system that they are present
  • Economic and Security status added
  • War, Civil War and Election states are now a 7 day conflict, where players engage in activities (such as winning conflict zones in War and Civil War states) and attempt to beat their opponents
  • Added a new 'Happiness' level for each faction, that is a combination of various states and influence. Happiness also plays into the Expansion state
  • Civil Liberty state added (part of the Security Status)
  • Added more information to the status tab in the right hand cockpit panel to help players manage/support factions

Megaships and Installations

  • Added new megaships and installations
  • Applicable megaships will move location, on a weekly tick


  • Added new scenarios with voice over direction and feedback, and on screen choices and objectives
  • Scenarios come in the form of USSs, Megaship, Installations and Conflict Zones
  • Conflict zones are now round based; players battle to win a round which then feeds into the war state
    • Side objectives can appear, and if the player completes them, they are awarded a points boost
    • Once a round has finished, a new one will begin after a short pause

  • Combat specific ambient chatter added.
  • Ambient chatter now is now in place throughout the entire game and not just around stations.
  • 3000 + lines of NPC dialogue added to support scenario driven gameplay.


  • Added new lighting model, using dynamic exposure
  • Colour grading applied to various situations in the game, improving the look and feel of the game world
  • Added a new 'Night Vision' mode to Ships, Fighters and SRVs, to allow players to navigate dark sides of planets, rings and other areas of the game

Cockpit UI

  • External Ship panel (left hand side)

  • Combined 'clear filters' option with the 'set filters' option on the Navigation panel
  • Added filters to the Transaction tab
  • Added context sensitive, quick action button to contacts (such as 'Request Docking' when targeting a port)
  • Combined sub-targets and inventory into a new 'Target' tab, with filters

  • Comms Panel (top left)

  • Reordered the tabs
  • Added support for combining channels in to one main chat channel, or set them as separate tabs
  • Options added to give the player the ability to combine chat channels in to a tab, or split them out
  • Added the ability to select any Commander in a chat channel to interact with them (incl. invite to wing, invite to crew, voice comms, invite to squadron, block, report, direct comms, and view gamercard where applicable)
  • Added a binding to select a different chat channel in the input field
  • Combined invitations and multicrew tabs together in to a 'Social' tab which includes:

- Multicrew (find crew, join a ship)
- Friends invites
- Wing invites
- Online friends

  • Squadron feed tab added

  • Internal Panel (right hand side)

  • Added a new 'Home' tab that replaces the previous status tab

- Includes new buttons to launch various features (holo-me, squadrons, codex, powers, Galnet etc)
- Also include better Playlist feedback

  • Replaced fire groups "1, 2, 3..." with "A, B, C..." to avoid confusion between group and fire buttons
  • Added new contextual 'Ship' tab that replaces the 'Functions' tab and includes sections for 'Ship Preferences', 'Pilot Preferences' and 'Ship Stats'
  • Inventory tab now has icon filters instead of text filters, increasing usable screen space
  • Improved refinery layout that includes the ships cargo capacity
  • Updated 'Status' tab to now include local faction information, Super Power and Powerplay status, a Session Log digest, info on Finances and acquired Permits all in a more legible way
  • New Playlist feature that replaces the GalNet player, allowing players to queue and manage several types of media (GalNet news articles, codex articles, inbox audio logs etc.)

Text Chat Channels

  • New star system wide text chat now available
  • Profanity filter added, with a toggle to turn it off

Friends and Group Management

  • Improved layout and pagination to display large numbers of friends or groups
  • Display last online activity
  • Improved Search functionality : search results are now players only, allowing you to add to friends or to join private group
  • Improved popup to interact with friends / Commanders / private groups
  • Improved visibility of friends statuses (online + mode / offline / blocked)

Localised COVAS

  • Added 5 free localised COVAS packs:

  • Luciana : Spanish
  • Maksim: Russian
  • Vitoria: Brazillian Portuguese
  • Gerhard: German
  • Amelie: French


  • Players can now create a Squadron (for a credit fee), or browse existing ones to join from the right hand cockpit panel
  • Play style tags can be used when creating a Squadron, and as a filter when browsing existing ones
  • Squadrons can be aligned to a Superpower, Power and a Faction

  • Squadron allegiance page allows in depth data on chosen Faction

  • Squadrons can take part in the various leaderboards, and compete for the top spot
  • Squadron feed tab in the Comms panel lists certain events, as well as Public and Internal posts
  • Squadron management tools (applicable to certain ranks):

  • Invite Commanders to join
  • Kick lower ranked members
  • Promote/demote lower ranked members
  • Change lower ranked privilages
  • Create posts
  • Accept applications
  • Set if the Squadron is accepting new members
  • Join in the Leader text chat channel


  • 3 new mining processes added (in addition to the standard mining laser process)

  • Surface Deposits - material deposits that can be found on the surface of asteroids
  • Sub-surface Deposits - material deposits that can be found below the surface of an asteroid
  • Fissures - setting the correct 'Seismic charge' into fissures will split the asteroid apart, allowing the deep core materials to be mined
  • Added new high value materials

  • 4 new mining tools added to outfitting

  • Pulse wave Analyser - a scanner used to pinpoint asteroids that support the new extraction processes
  • Abrasion Blaster - used to break off surface material deposits from asteroids
  • Sub-surface Displacement Missile - Allows recovery of sub-surface material deposits from asteroids
  • Seismic Charge Launcher - Allows recovery of deep core materials by splitting the asteroid apart

New Ships

Krait Phantom (Faulcon DeLacy)

With a spacious cargo hold and a relatively generous quantity of hardpoints, the Krait Phantom is a versatile ship suited to a range of roles. It has enough firepower to hold its own against larger targets, and enough straight-line speed to outpace smaller targets. The ship also offers eight internal compartments, allowing the pilot to tailor the ship to their requirements. And while it lacks the firepower and fighter bay of its sister ship, the Krait Mk II, it is both faster and lighter.

  • 2 large and 2 medium hardpoints
  • 8 Internal optional slots
  • Top speed of 256m/s and a boost speed of 358m/s
  • 8.23LY laden FSD range

Mamba (Zorgon Peterson)

Based on an unreleased racing prototype, the Mamba is one of the fastest ships in production. It can also deliver a lot of punishment, boasting one huge and two large hardpoints. This emphasis on firepower and speed means the ship can hit hard and fast, vanishing before the target has a chance to react. Comparisons to the Fer-de-Lance, also produced by Zorgon Peterson, will be inevitable, but the Mamba is in fact faster in a straight line, while being slightly less maneuverable.

  • 1 huge, 2 large and 2 small hardpoints
  • 5 internal optional slots
  • Top speed of 316m/s and a boost speed of 387m/s
  • 6.37LY laden FSD range

Quality of Life

  • Display a notification icon to indicate new bindings are available to the player
  • Starport contacts now displayed as a grid, rather than a flat list
  • Added icon to info panel to show players if their ship or SRV lights are on
  • Audio Options screen:

  • Added “Wavescanner Autodocking” option. Disable this to hear the SRV wavescanner more clearly at high speeds
  • Audio Options screen is reorganised for more clarity and ease of use
  • Restore defaults button added
  • The default position on the Audio volume sliders is now indicated.
  • The child volume sliders can now be boosted above the default value.
  • Important note: your volume sliders will be reset to default position when you first run 3.3.

Bug fixes and Improvements

This update includes well over 2000 fixes for various issues that have been discovered and investigated during the development process. For the sake of clarity, we have primarily listed below fixes for issues that have been reported to us by the community or other significant changes.


  • Fixed clipping issues when deploying weapons

Alliance Challenger

  • Fixed misplaced caustic damage decals
  • Fixed missing engine trails
  • Fixed Ship ID cameras being swapped

Alliance Chieftain

  • Fixed very quiet multicannons


  • Fixed size 3 hardpoint doors getting in the way of the size4 hardpoint
  • Corrected mirrored text on external panel

Asp Scout

  • Added correct material to the reverse thrusters

Diamondback Explorer

  • Fixed LOD issues with hardpoint covers
  • Fixed gap in cockpit


  • Fixed paintwork showing wear even when at 100%

F63 Condor

  • Corrected mirrored external decals

Federal Dropship

  • Fixed thermal vent placement

Federal Gunship

  • Fixed engine flaps animating incorrectly

Guardian Fighters

  • Fixed Small Guardian Gauss Cannon clipping through hardpoint when deployed
  • Corrected the left and right cockpit panel positions

Imperial Clipper

  • Fixed floating cockpit geometry

Imperial Cutter

  • Fixed some mirrored text on external panels

Imperial Eagle

  • Fixed incorrect shadow being used
  • Fixed gaps in cockpit when using EDTracker or VR

Imperial Fighter

  • Fixed clipping when docking with mothership

Krait Mk.II

  • Fixed Z-fighting in cockpit
  • Landing gear now lines up with ship door
  • Fixed the engine boost SFX sounding like 'Hello'
  • Decreased brightness of the red proximity warning lights
  • Fixed overly 'scratched' cockpit glass
  • Corrected the order of its bobble head slots


  • Fixed cockpit seat being incorrectly placed
  • Fixed various model issues
  • Fixed winglets not animating correctly


  • Fixed gap in between ship body and thrusters


  • Fixed hole in the side of the ship
  • Can now put a Size 2 passenger cabin in the size 2 slot


  • Fixed the schematic having incorrect drives
  • Fixed engine VFX being too far behind the actual thruster

Viper Mk.III

  • Fixed paintwork showing wear even when at 100%


  • Fixed situations where security ships and Thargoids could incorrectly start attacking each other
  • Fixed NPC ships charging FSD with weapons still active
  • Ensure the 'Terrorist' archetype always comes with a bounty
  • Fixed authority ships occasionally firing Plasma rounds when scanning ships
  • Fixed NPC having no FSD cooldown after being interdicted
  • Destroying an NPC power plant now takes the ship down to 40% power (inline with player ship behaviour)
  • NPC ships should use the reboot/repair option when drives are at 0%

Avatar Animations

  • Correctly invert the joystick animations if the controls are inverted

Cockpit UI

  • Correctly display if a targeted ship is in a wing or multcrew
  • When firing weapons while looking at the module panel, the ammo count will now properly update
  • Widened the target panel to fit in longer ship names
  • Ensure ammo count is correct on the module tab after reloading weapons
  • Ensure Commander names are always displayed in the comms panel
  • Ensure module priority is retained after ship destruction
  • Comms panel will no longer expand without focusing on it, if players leave the ships Multicrew session
  • Fixed the navigation panel not displaying the correct destination system when in hyperspace in some cases
  • Ensure completed and finished community goals are cleared from the transaction tab
  • Make chat messages time display the same time as the galaxy time when using a machine in a different time zone
  • Fixed an issue that caused inbox messages to show incorrect, and sometimes invalid, times and dates. PS4 only
  • Fixed some inbox messages not clearing the notification icon once read
  • Fixed overlapping text between inbox message subject and date
  • Fixed cases where the fuel bar incorrectly indicates that the player has enough fuel to make a jump that it actually can't

Commodities Market

  • Fixed UI spacing issues with the commodities screen


  • Fixed the Thrust Master HOTAS S4 not appearing in the control screen
    Ensure default mappings appear for the Thrustmaster HOTAS4

Console Achievements

  • Added 3 new Trophies on PlayStation 4
  • Added 10 new Achievements on Xbox One


  • Fixed a potential server disconnect when using beam lasers in CQC
  • Fixed CQC structures disappearing when authority machine leaves the match


  • Fixed a hang that could occur whilst fighting a Thargoid Interceptor
  • Fixed crash that could occur when a fighter is docking
  • Fixed crash that could occur on PS4 when in Multicrew
  • Fixed crash that could occur whilst docking at "Chelomey Orbital" in Cubeo
  • Fixed crash that could occur with Powerplay data
  • Fixed crash that could occur when selecting the galaxy map from the transactions tab
  • Fixed crash that could occur when exiting multicrew
  • Fixed crash that could occur whilst reading an inbox message during a hyperspace jump
  • Fixed crash that could occur whilst deploying a fighter when in a multicrew session
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when handing in a mission
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when dropping out of Supercruise at a port
  • Fixed frame rate issues after driving on a planet surface for an amount of time
  • Fixed crash that could occur during ship reboot/repair
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting the Galaxy Map
  • Fixed a softlock that could occur whilst loading in to the game
  • Fixed crash that could occur when opening the system map
  • Fixed crash that could when dropping into planetary rings
  • Fixed crash that occur when loading in to the game
  • Fixed crash that could occur when switching screen resolutions
  • Fixed crash that could occur when plugging in a controller
  • Fixed a crash that could occur as a player joins a Multicrew ship that is near a volcanic POI
  • Fixed crashed that could occur when fighting a Hydra
  • Fixed crash that could occur when switching between a mothership and fighter
  • Fixed crash that could occur if multiple Commanders playing on either PS4 or Xbox One were on a planet surface in their SRVs

Crime and Punishment

  • Ensure a Powerplay bounty does not cause a premium for transporting the ship it was incurred on


  • Corrected some inconsistencies in Engineer descriptions
  • Added a line to explain that pinned blueprints may differ if applied to a different module
  • Ensure there is room to display the modified icon even with long module names
  • Balance pass on the High Yield Shells engineering special
  • Reduced the grade thresholds of the Colonia engineers

Fighter Crew

  • Fixed instance where fighter crew in control of the mothership were trying to use FSD when the ship was nav locked to another ship, causing ship to become unresponsive to player input
  • Fixed typo in crew lounge
  • Fixed fighter crew sometimes struggling to dock a fighter with its mothership

Galaxy Map

  • Fixed systems controlled by Pilots Federation not appearing under the civilisation filter
  • Selected filter settings remain selected when changing map configurations


  • Packhound missiles no longer clip through planet landscapes
  • Fixed odd VFX artifacts on ships drives when at low throttle
  • Ensure player set PIPS are retained when the ship is dismissed and recalled
  • Tweaked the position of the interdiction UI element in the three Alliance ships
  • Search and Rescue +/- buttons now increase/decrease if held down
  • Fixed incorrect ship schematics displaying inside some ships cockpits
  • Unified the GalNet logos to be the one with 7 points in all screens
  • Fixed unreachable listening post In the "HIP 16753" system
  • Fixed missing text in the Rhenium material description
  • Fixed incorrect details title for Chemical processors material description
  • Added missing "Independent" icon where applicable

Generation Ships

  • Removed the unnecessary warnings when firing weapons near a Generation Ship

Guardian Beacons

  • Corrected some text errors
  • Fix for VFX disappearing when scanned
  • Fixed LOD issues on beacon
  • Fixed pylons animating before fully powered
  • Fixed over sized physics
  • Fixed pylon light clipping through ships
  • Fixed ships being able to clip through the 'orb'

Guardian Sites

  • Fixed floating geometry
  • Corrected some obelisk symbols to match what the object actually requires
  • Tweaked Guardian material drop rate, in an effort to make it more balanced across the different rarities


  • Added a new space bar, "The Orange Sidewinder"

Listening Posts

  • Fixed typos in Alpha Centauri B 1 listening post

Livery Items

  • Fixed LOD issue with onion head decal


  • Fixed truncated Search and Rescue Agent text in Russian
  • Corrected typo in Synthetic Meat commodity description
  • Fixed typo in Carbon class star description


  • Fixed description errors with Delta, Epsilon and Gamma obelisk data
  • Fixed Piceous Cobble being hard to collect
  • Increased the drop rate of more common guardian materials
  • Fixed the crystalline cluster model
  • Fixed Strange Wake Solutions description typo
  • Reduce the chance the of mineral deposits spawning inside surface rocks


  • Ensure that rescue ships offer the limpet restock service
  • Ensure players don't get stuck in the Alcatraz Class Prison in HIP 17962 system, when dropping out at it's location


  • Increased wing delivery mission payouts
  • Fixed Federal rank not increasing when successfully completing applicable mission
  • Fix for valid massacre targets not counting towards mission progress
  • Fixed USS not spawning for 'Wet Work' missions
  • Corrected some Massacre missions that had inconsistent rewards for number of targets
  • Stop missions requesting cargo that it views as illegal (Federal mission asking for imperial slaves, for example)
  • Balance pass on Super Power reputation gain
  • Added destination faction to passenger VIP missions
  • Updated mission wording to reflect that ports in lock down do not have access to their commodities market
  • Stop planetary scan missions sending players to scan mission giving faction
  • Allow kills outside target system to count in assassination missions (fixes ships appearing to not be mission targets when they leave the target system)
  • Ensure follow on missions spawn at the players current reputation level
  • Added extra info to time bonus mission objectives
  • Altered Massacre faction selection to prevent the target faction generator from picking the same target that is giving the mission.
  • Delivery and Smuggle missions now warn players about being cargo laden and reduced jump range
  • Reduce chance planetary Scan chooses POI owned by mission giver
  • Added missing hand in faction information to delivery missions
  • Fixed race mission wrinkles appearing with very little time to complete them


  • Fixed the saved plotted route being cleared when entering multicrew
  • Fixed geyser particle effects not appearing for a multicrew crew member


  • Fixed situations where NPC ships could disappear from Supercruise when a player drops out of SC
  • Fixed Planet SYNUEFE VM-D C15-10 2 A causing players to get stuck in log in loop
  • Fixed possible disconnect when trying to escape a Thargoid


  • Fixed softlock that could occur when attempting to purchase or retrieve 5D Guardian Module Reinforcement
  • Fixed missing "?" in livery section
  • Fix for point defense module not restocking correctly
  • Timers for modules in transit should now reflect time remaining more accurately
  • Ensure modules are listed under correct categories in stored modules tab
  • Players can only fit one FSD interdictor, as there is no benefit to fitting more and causes confusion
  • Fixed outfitting stats becoming out of sync and applying incorrect values (a distance value for damage type, for example)
  • Ensure all applicable multicrew enabled weapons/modules are clearly marked in outfitting
  • Fixed dark lighting and outfitting cameras for the SRV
  • Fixed livery filters not working
  • Fixed incorrect schematic used for 8A thrusters
  • Added 1 more ship and 2 more utility stock slots to all markets

Passenger Missions

  • Added the faction to deliver to in transaction panel
  • Ensure VIP passenger missions display their expiration time on the transaction tab
  • Fix some passenger missions incorrectly reducing the timer by ~20mins when accepting them
  • Ensure passengers that claim to be unfazed by hull damage, are actually unfazed

Player Factions

  • Add faction descriptions

Player Journal

  • Multiple faction activestates – in Location and FSDJump events
  • The first “Cargo” event written to the journal contains full inventory
  • Added “AsteroidCracked” event
  • Added “SAAScanComplete” (Surface Area Analysis) event
  • Added “CodexDiscovery” event
  • Added “FSSDiscoveryScan” and “FSSSignalScan” events
  • Added several events for Squadrons
  • Simplify the “Category” in MaterialTrade
  • Clarify meaning of bit 14 in status file: was called “under ship” but actually indicates when turret is retracted
  • ApproachSettlement now includes Latitude and Longitude
  • Note Bounty event is different for Skimmer bounty
  • Update description of StoredShips event with InTransit flag
  • Add ActiveFine info to Docked event
  • EngineerProgress event at startup with summary for all engineers currently known
  • Note a new ShipTargetted event is generated after using KillWarrantScanner, with updated bounty for target
  • Note the MissionRedirected mission name now has any trailing “_name” removed
  • Added MyReputation in faction list in FsdJump and Location events
  • Added “FSDTarget” event when selecting a starsystem to jump to
  • Added MissionID to cargo to indicate if it is mission-related: in Cargo, CollectCargo, EjectCargo events
  • In ship loadout, indicate if it is ‘hot’
  • Cargo summary is now written to a separate file, and updated when data changes
  • Add “HullHealth” stat in the “Loadout” event
  • MissionCompleted now indicates correct destination after redirection

Player Stats

  • Ensure 'Time Played' updates correctly


  • Added missing habitation ring to "Greeboski's Outpost"
  • Ensured all new adverts are being displayed correctly
  • Fixed docking computer causing hull damage in a ship with no shields, when docking at surface ports
  • Fixed situation where loading into the game whilst docked on a pad can cause shields to go offline


  • Fixed broken 'Exploitation impact' column on Edmund Mahon's screen
  • Corrected Aisling expansion instructions


  • Fixed low quality shadows appearing when entering Orbital Cruise on PS4
  • Corrected the rendering order of nebula
  • Fix for the FSD charge up visual becoming mis-aligned after using vanity camera
  • Fixed galaxy background vanishing after a Thargoid hyperdiction
  • Fixed missing particles in some hi-res screenshots

Ship Launched Fighters

  • Fixed inability to deploy fighter weapons if the motherships weapons weren't deployed before switching


  • Ensure scanned skimmers return appropriate details on the target panel


  • Fixed the targeting reticule displaying when the weapon is deactivated

Stellar Forge

  • Renamed "Pleiades Sector Ir-W D1-55" to "Delphi"
  • Fixed connection issues around "COL 285 SECTOR CV-Y D41 7 E"
  • Fixed typo in the LHS 3006 system description
  • Moved 2 moons in Kyloasly DA-A f69 slightly apart so that they no longer intersect
  • Fixed "Lucifers" orbital period
  • Fixed the star in the system "HD 168352" having a too small radius
  • Ensure I Bootis B and C are a contact binary again
  • Renamed some duplicate systems
  • Persistent POIs now consistent for different graphics card vendors
  • Corrected Sednas position on it's orbit
  • Corrected the positions of the three ports around Earth
  • Fixed Moon GD 319 1 A intersecting ring of planet GD 319
  • Fixed some Class V gas giants being overly bright pink


  • Required grade 5 materials now display their correct grade icon (and not grade 4)

System Map

  • Corrected overly bright/shiny planets
  • Ensure players can set navigation targets from the system map


  • Thargoid Interceptors can now still engage players, even if they are close to them
  • Interceptors now launch Thargon kamikaze attacks if they detect a port
  • Corrected some lore inconsistencies found in megaship logs to do with the Thargoid Link

Vanity Camera

  • Fixed inverted joystick animations when using the vanity camera

Vanity Items

  • Improved some of the visual artifacts on the Corvette Razor pack
  • Increased space between the text and icon on the Trader Name Plate
  • Ensure all engine colours are correct when customised engine trail colours are turned off
  • Ship names can now have blank spaces at the beginning and end
  • Fixed clipping on Vulture ship kit


  • Fixed Neutron star cones only appearing in the left eye of the HMD
  • Capped the frame rate whilst on the main menu to 90fps, to stop HMD's overheating


  • Ensure the 'Restock All' option actually restocks the 1F Guardian Shard Cannon (Turret)
  • Corrected inconsistency in AX outfitting descriptions
  • Fixed Guardian Shard Cannon clipping through Type 7
  • Fixed missing VFX on small Guardian Shard Cannon
  • Fixed LOD issue with small Guardian Shard Cannon
  • Fix LOD issue on Guardian Plasma Charger
  • Fixed Guardian Shield Reinforcement Packages preventing shields restoring after reboot/repair
  • Reduce the brightness of the enforcer cannon when it has a white weapon colouring applied to it
  • Fixed module reinforcement packages being disabled under certain circumstances
  • Corrected the cargo hatch closing when deploying a limpet and causing ship speed to change
  • Corrected the retract animation on the Guardian Plasma Charger
  • Limpets will now collect cargo that has been forcibly ejected from the players ship
  • Corrected the Advanced Plasma Accelerator recoil animation
  • Corrected typo in Remote Release Flechette Launcher
  • Fixed SFX for the Kill Warrant Scanner sometimes going missing when switching between ship and fighter
  • Fixed turrets firing at ships which are at 0% hull

Wing Missions

  • Fixed case where mission progress wasn't shared between players in Multicrew
  • Fixed trade wing missions not sharing Trade rank progression with wing


  • Ensure the 'target my wing mans target' key works in all applicable situations
  • Fix for dropping out at a wake that is close to a planet, which should mean you drop out much closer to your intended target

Muro Independentsille perustetaan luonnollisesti oma Squadron ja sinne saa liittyä jos halajaa porukkaan. :)
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