Diablo 3

Jahha, peli ilmeisesti päivittyny. Tää on ollu hyvää ajanvietettä kun sattuu olemaan tunti tai kaks joutoaikaa. Tykästyny whirlwind-barbaariin ja ja eilen kun ei ollu muutakaan, niin ajattelin vetästä jokusen griftin muutaman kuukauden tauon jälkeen. Lvl80 niinkuin viimeksi ja neljä kertaa henki pois ekaan packiin... Blizzard vissii rikkonu mun lelut. Viimeksi kuiten meni 3-4 minuutin haarukkaan ja korkeintaan 5 jos oikein vastusti. Pitääkö tässä nyt ruveta ekaa kertaa oikeesti opiskelemaan
GR80-tasolla vihollisten pitäisi sulaa WW-buildilla ennen kuin ehtivät lyödä takaisin. Ilmeisesti vielä wanha versio buildista käytössä?
GR80-tasolla vihollisten pitäisi sulaa WW-buildilla ennen kuin ehtivät lyödä takaisin. Ilmeisesti vielä wanha versio buildista käytössä?
Luultavasti joo buildissa on jotakin vialla. Se toimi ihan mainiosti vielä kun viimeksi pelasi, mutta tarttee ilmeisesti tutustua aiheeseen että miten tästä eteenpäin.
Jos tosiaan on wanha versio WW-buildista käytössä, erinäisiä muutoksia pitää tehdä. Monien buildien tapaan kaksi palaa Captain Crimsonia yhdistettävä Wastes-setin kanssa, tuo tehoa ja kestävyyttä. Ambo's Pride ja Lamentation kuutioon, nyt WW iskee automaagisesti Rendin jokaiseen viholliseen ja kaikki Rendin vahinko tapahtuu sekunnissa.

Area Damage on lähes turha, korvaa jollain hyödyllisemmillä affikseilla. Myös Attack Speed on vähemmän tärkeä. Käytännössä kaikki vahinko tulee Rendistä, siksi buildi on oikeastaan WhirlRend. Paskalla gearillakin pitäisi sinne GR100+ päästä pienellä vaivalla.

Tuossa yksi esimerkki:
GODMODE WW Rend GR Solo Build 2.6.7 - Barbarian - Diablo III Builds - DiabloFans
Jos tosiaan on wanha versio WW-buildista käytössä, erinäisiä muutoksia pitää tehdä. Monien buildien tapaan kaksi palaa Captain Crimsonia yhdistettävä Wastes-setin kanssa, tuo tehoa ja kestävyyttä. Ambo's Pride ja Lamentation kuutioon, nyt WW iskee automaagisesti Rendin jokaiseen viholliseen ja kaikki Rendin vahinko tapahtuu sekunnissa.

Area Damage on lähes turha, korvaa jollain hyödyllisemmillä affikseilla. Myös Attack Speed on vähemmän tärkeä. Käytännössä kaikki vahinko tulee Rendistä, siksi buildi on oikeastaan WhirlRend. Paskalla gearillakin pitäisi sinne GR100+ päästä pienellä vaivalla.

Tuossa yksi esimerkki:
GODMODE WW Rend GR Solo Build 2.6.7 - Barbarian - Diablo III Builds - DiabloFans
Suurin osa leaderboardilla vetää ilman crimsonii?
Jos kyseessä on seasonin leaderboardit, Crimsonin puute taitaa johtua ihan siitä, että craftausplani ei ole vain tippunut porukalle. Tuo on nimittäin aika yleinen ongelma, että Crimsonin plani ei tipu.
Jos kyseessä on seasonin leaderboardit, Crimsonin puute taitaa johtua ihan siitä, että craftausplani ei ole vain tippunut porukalle. Tuo on nimittäin aika yleinen ongelma, että Crimsonin plani ei tipu.
Miksei sitten nämä jotka planin ovat löytäneet, eivät ole top10, josse kerran on parempi versio buildista?
Ei se Crimson ole pakollinen, mutta auttaa kummasti. Crimsonin ansiosta CDR on suora vahinkoboosti ja RCR kestävyysboosti. Ilmankin Crimsonia pärjää, mutta buildista tulee selvästi hankalampi pelata.


Pieni sivuhuomautus: En tarkoittanut, että Captain Crimson tekee buildista paremman. Vertailin wanhaa ja nykyistä WW-versioita. Wanhassa buildissa WW tekee vahingon, nykyisessä buildissä Rend. Se, käyttääkö Crimsonia nykybuildissa, riippuu ihan pelaajan valinnasta. Se ei ole pakollinen.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ei se Crimson ole pakollinen, mutta auttaa kummasti. Crimsonin ansiosta CDR on suora vahinkoboosti ja RCR kestävyysboosti. Ilmankin Crimsonia pärjää, mutta buildista tulee selvästi hankalampi pelata.
Itte vedin eilen ihan ripulikamoilla(ekat mitkä tuli ww buildiin) ilman crimsonia gr90 6minuuttiin.
Kerrankin loottijumalat ovat puolellani. Sain vasta äsken dingattua 70 ja 2 ensimmäistä upittua rarea mighty weaponia muuttuivat ancient Bul-Kathoseiksi ja vielä setti samalla kasaan :)
Kyllä jokin loottijumala tosiaan hymyilee minulle. COE,Obsidian ring ja BK aseet tähän asti Primaleina hyvillä affixeilla + sivuosumana Echooing Fury myös ja paragon leveleitä karvan yli 1k. Kyllähän tällä kelpaa päästellä :D
Tuleeko muilla satunnaisia grafiikkavirheitä? Pari kertaa townissa itsellä puuttunut pieni palanen maasta ja kerran neljä skillineliötä alhaalta.
Jos alt-tabbailee niin tekstuurit jää sille matkalle ja on vähän mitä sattuu missä sattuu. Ihan normaalia D3-toimintaa. :comp:
Tein barbaarin sivuun crusaderin ja sillä ei ole tullut pelattua juuri yhtään. Olisiko kellään heittää linkkiä johonkin buildiin? Seasonin romppeet on siis jo kuitattu barbaarille, eli crusaderille voi ehdottaa ihan minkä setin buildia vaan.
Tein barbaarin sivuun crusaderin ja sillä ei ole tullut pelattua juuri yhtään. Olisiko kellään heittää linkkiä johonkin buildiin? Seasonin romppeet on siis jo kuitattu barbaarille, eli crusaderille voi ehdottaa ihan minkä setin buildia vaan.
Crusader Builds for Season 19 / Patch 2.6.7

Ihan eka yksinpeli oli crusaderilla, sen jälkeen seasoneissa muutaman kerran, koskaa ei oo herättäny mitää suuria intohimoja. Mikähän lie.
Tuo AoV Heaven's Fury taitaa edelleenkin olla se paras soolobuildi tällä hetkellä. Varmaan parhaat vedot lähentelee GR150 vaikka sitä hieman nerffattiinkin.
Tuttuun tapaan on taas yhtä classia (plus necro, jota en omista) vaille tehty Barbaarin rinnalle muitakin, kun tulee tylsää. :rofl: Ihan jännä siisoni ollut sinänsä, GR 112 on uusi henkilökohtainen ennätys ja ensimmäistä kertaa mielestäni olen siisonin aikana päässyt kohta paragon 1000(+), barbaarin gemit lisäksi 100+ tasolla. Rend buildi tuolla barbaarilla ollut hauskin tähän mennessä, noilla oikeilla aseilla (bulkathos) vielä sopivan vauhdikasta pyörähtelyä, kun jaksa löntystely vauhteja. Ja tietenkin se journey suoritettu joku aika takaperin, että sai taas yhden petin lisää. :geek: Oli kyllä sinänsä kiinnostavaa vaihtelua tehdä joku muu kuin Demon Hunteri siisonin alussa. Monkin ja Crusaderin uudet setit oli aika meh, monkilla oli toki se vauhdikkaampi liikkuminen plussaa.
S19 teema on vähän rikki, löydetyn exploitin avulla on mahdollista soolota GR150 pienellä vaivalla. Exploitin hyödyntäminen voi jatkossa johtaa banneihin, samoin myös kolmannen osapuolen sovellusten kuten TurboHUDin käyttö:
Season 19 Abuse of Game Mechanics
Nevalistis sanoi:
It’s recently come to light that there is a method in which players can unfairly leverage the Seasonal buff, Pandemonium, in an unintended and unfair way to progress as a solo player. We wanted to let you know exactly what our stance is and what steps we’ll be taking to correct this.

First, utilizing a group buff to progress in solo Greater Rifts is not intended and will be considered cheating. Players found using this mechanic may have their accounts suspended or closed, based on severity of abuse as well as previous account history. These account actions are between Blizzard and the offending players, so please note we will not be commenting on the status of accounts on a public basis, as has always been our standard practice.

Second, we will be deleting any and all clears from the Leaderboards where we have been able to confirm this exploit was utilized.

Third, we will be fixing this exploit. We ask that you do not make use of this exploit in the meantime while we are working to deploy a patch. Our team is already at work on a solution and, as soon as it’s ready for deployment, we’ll update this thread accordingly. We won’t detail this exploit here, but it takes some planning, know-how, and research to make use of this; this is not the type of exploit you can perform by accident.

Lastly, this is a good time to remind the community of a few things:

  • Third party addons of any kind are strictly prohibited. While any kind of botting software falls clearly under violation of our Terms of Service, for Diablo III, this also includes any kind of overlay software, map hacks, or any other addons or alterations to the client. Addons are not supported for Diablo III and use of them may result in account warnings or permanent account closure.
  • We are committed to continuing to support Diablo III, including taking action against botting and cheating. Please keep in mind that we do routine actions to keep Sanctuary fair for everyone, and we will not regularly provide public notice of mass account actions.
We’re working on resolving this issue as quickly as possible and thank the community for bringing it to our attention, expressing your concerns thoughtfully, and having patience while we remain committed to our Blizzard principles of Play Nice, Play Fair and Commit to Quality.

Thank you.
Hetkinen: onko ww buildiin nyt järkevämpää ottaa se mighty weapon setti (bul khatokset) vai swordit (slanderer ja little rogue)?

Miksi minun kattomissa buildeissa lähes poikkeuksetta on aina slanderer ja little rogue? Onko tässä joku solo vs group homma?
Patch 2.6.7b Now Live
PATCH 2.6.7b - v.64706
Table of Contents:

Note: The following changes apply only to the PC version of Diablo III.


  • Season Theme Buff - Pandemonium
    • Fixed an unintended use of Game Mechanics involving the Seasonal Theme
      • As a byproduct, players are now required to be in the same "world" as the monster they slay for the purpose of gaining or maintaining stacks of Pandemonium. A world is defined as either within the boundaries of a Rift (both Greater and Nephalem) or in the same zone of the world map.
    • Fixed an issue where the Pandemonium buff would fall off of players once their Cheat Death passive activated
Barbaarilla ainakin minulla groupissa saa taistella tosissaan furyn kanssa, joten silloin on bul'kathos parempi. Soolona slanderer ja little rogue. Varmaan monelle muulle tuo ei ole ongelma.
Puskemiseen on bulkhatos aseet varmaan huonoin vaihtoehto. Rogue ja slanderer tai ambo käteen ja furnace cubeen
Puskemiseen Bul-Kathos miekat ovat se huonoin vaihtoehto, mutta toisaalta ei missään nimessä huono. Kyllä niilläkin pääsee varsin korkealle tarvittaessa. Muilla asevaihtoehdoilla vahinko on vain huomattavasti parempi.

Bul-Kathos miekat kuitenkin yksinkertaistavat joitakin asioita. Fury ei ole iso ongelma kun sitä generoituu itsestään eli WW:n kanssa voi käyttää nyt Blood Funnel -riimua Windshearin sijaan. 45% boosti liikkuvuuteen ei ole mikään pieni bonus. WW-buildi on aina hieman lasinen, joten ei aina ole ihan kaikkein viisainta maksimivahinkolinjalle, mikäli hengissä pysyminen vaikeutuu liikaa.
Mitä tuolla GR 115 tasolla on pyörinyt Bul-Kathoksilla ja Slanderer/Roguella, niin ei siinä kestävyys ollut se isoin ongelma, vaan enemmänkin alkaa tarvitsemaan lisää tehoa lämään ja Slanderer/Roque:lla tuon sai mentyä läpi. Kun nuo perus möllitkin siellä kestää hetken tappaa. Pidän silti enemmän Bul-Kathos aseista, se liikkumisvauhti ja ei tarvitse panikoida furyn kanssa. Tietty oma lottoaminen noissa Greater Rifteissä aina, osuuko hyviä pyloneita kohdille vai ollaanko ilman yms.

EDIT: kuva
Joku pelaa impalea ja puskee 110-130 gr?

Kannattaako coe uhrata ja lyödä craftattava bonus?
Pitää testata melkeen illalla, ahdistaa jo valmiiksi bountyt jos tuo onkin hyvä. Minun tuurilla ancienttiin menee 500+ bountyt craftia.
Joku pelaa impalea ja puskee 110-130 gr?

Kannattaako coe uhrata ja lyödä craftattava bonus?
Pitää testata melkeen illalla, ahdistaa jo valmiiksi bountyt jos tuo onkin hyvä. Minun tuurilla ancienttiin menee 500+ bountyt craftia.
Kato viime seasonin leaderboardi millä buildilla korkein impale pelas
[D3] Developer Insights: Balancing & Class Set Design

Developer Insights is our blog where we reveal some of the processes and philosophies behind our updates and designs. In this edition, we'll be talking about the nature of balancing Class Sets in Diablo III, as well as our goals for the upcoming 2.6.8 patch and beyond.

[D3] Developer Insights: Balancing & Class Set Design
The Diablo III Team 1/28/2020

Developer Insights is our blog where we reveal some of the processes and philosophies behind our updates and designs. We have a lot going on in the world of Sanctuary these days, so please note that the following entry comes from the Diablo III team. Enjoy!

We’ve been working on multiple content patches for Diablo III, including Patch 2.6.7. which we released last November. This included two new class sets, one each for Crusader and Monk, and heavily revamped Whirlwind gameplay for the Barbarian. The result was shattering to the endgame meta—a result we were both ambitiously hoping for and pleased to see.

However, our work is far from done! We’re now developing Patch 2.6.8 and want to provide context on the approach we’re taking to address class set balance in our future patches before unleashing you onto the PTR. Let’s dive right in!

Table of Contents

Paragon & Greater Rift Levels
We look at a ton of data when it comes to balancing Diablo III. Data comes in many forms, including build guides, gameplay from your favorite streamers, and the leaderboards. Most importantly, we also track our own data internally, which allows us to see a lot more than just the top 1000 player clears for each category.

None of that data should be taken in a vacuum; it all comes together to paint a much bigger, constantly shifting picture. Here are a couple things we consider:

  • Individual performers and their Paragon Level
    • Paragon level directly impacts a player’s long-term progress; it’s important that this is accounted for when comparing different points of data
  • The intended design and in-practice functionality of each class set
    • What does this set do best? Does it clear a lot of smaller monsters, or is it a good Rift Guardian killer? Does it serve a support role? Is it better in group play over solo? Does it need to be doing something different?
And here are a couple things we specifically avoid when considering overall class balance:

  • Seasonal buffs and their impact on overall power
    • We want to design fun, engaging Seasonal buffs without worrying about how they might impact class balance
      • Data from non-Seasonal players is especially helpful here
    • Some buffs may be better or worse for different classes, but since Season effects are temporary, we’re okay with this
  • Direct 1:1 class comparison
    • While we want each class to perform similarly, it is still important that classes retain their unique class fantasy
      • Each class should be able to accomplish similar goals, just in different ways
When balancing, we need a point of reference to work around. The “ideal” class set performance for Diablo III is approximately Greater Rift 130, solo, and assumes the character has 5000 Paragon levels. That might sound high to some of you and low to others. If so, that’s good—it means we’ve landed in a middle ground that’s beneficial to the most players!

Assuming a player is at 5000 Paragon, here’s where all the classes landed, on average, a few weeks into Patch 2.6.7 for non-Seasonal play, aggregated across player leaderboard data world-wide:

GR Avg.
Crusader 138
Demon Hunter 125
Monk 130
Necromancer 123
Witch Doctor 130
Wizard 130

From the data above we have a pretty good idea which classes are under or over performing.

Just for fun, here’s a similar comparison during the same timeframe upscaled in Season (where many players hadn’t reached 5000+ paragon):

GR Avg.
Crusader 136
Demon Hunter 124
Monk 134
Necromancer 118
Witch Doctor 120
Wizard 130

It’s interesting to see which classes most likely benefit most from the Seasonal buff—it’s also evident which classes are probably not being played as much or pushed as hard as others.

While this is our goal, we also recognize we aren’t always going to hit it perfectly. Like many games, Diablo III has a lot of mechanical details. A single change can ripple through many other parts of the game, so it’s important we’re mindful of what each change can affect. We also realize that, even with special care, it may take us a few tries to achieve our intended result. To account for this, we have a scale for error, based on how a class is performing above or below our guideline:

  • +/- 1-2 Greater Rift Levels: Very close. Probably fine, when accounting for random elements (the perfect “fish”) or high player skill cap (excellent play and timing).
  • +/- 3-4 Greater Rift Levels: The warning zone. We need to watch for buffs/nerfs in this area, but action may not yet be necessary. Time to keep an eye on it!
  • +/- 5 or more Greater Rift Levels: Warrants significant change. At this range, it’s clear that something is over (or under) performing and needs to be addressed.
Bear in mind this is aggregate data; the above tables only cover overall class performance rather than individual class set performance. Better performing builds may be equalizing out weaker ones when it comes to the broader picture. Because we make changes at the set and item level, we must additionally parse out data by build performance (whether it’s a class set or Legacy of Nightmares-based). The above method is meant to serve as an example of our general approach and informs us which classes most likely need more attention first.

The Greater Rift 150 Cap
An important note, especially for those of you who have been looking for this answer: we have no plans to increase the Greater Rift level cap beyond 150. As to why, the short answer is because it causes more problems than it solves.

The long answer is that continuing to expand the end game through additional Greater Rift levels hasn’t been the healthiest approach for Diablo III. At this late stage of game development, we’d prefer to focus on making the current game the best, and most varied, experience it can possibly be. We hope to accomplish this by (1) continuing to add new builds and (2) improving existing builds that have fallen behind. Maintaining a cap, and even backing away from it a little, will allow us to focus on greater gameplay variety.

Solo vs. Group Design
A common misconception is that we balance solely around 4-man groups. While we certainly take it into account, group play is not our only focus because not all players enjoy playing in groups. We want to make sure that the content we’re designing can be enjoyed by the most players, so our design decisions should take both styles into account. If we were to design solely around one style of play, the other would be severely impacted (and likely a lot less fun).

There is one notable exception to this. zDPS, or “zero Damage Per Second,” builds tend to only thrive in group play. The team debated for a long time as to whether this was a style we should encourage or actively avoid (or possibly even remove). Any Diablo game is, at its heart, about killing monsters and getting loot, so we considered heavily whether this gameplay fit the spirit of the game we had made.

zDPS is a style of gameplay that some players like, but not all do. We ultimately decided that it’s good that there are unique ways to play the game, and we don’t want to take that fun away from those who enjoy it. However, we’re also not actively trying to create more zDPS builds. Our intent is to design new item powers and sets that either facilitate entirely new builds that can be used solo or in groups, or to give more item support to some of the most requested class skills. Inevitably, regardless of what we add, we know the community will find combinations we never anticipated—and we can’t wait to see how those play!

“Creative” Game Mechanics and Animations
There have been a handful of problematic gameplay styles that have emerged over time, largely due to creative use of snapshotting or taking advantage of the ability to cancel skill animations. This impedes our efforts at overall game balance, and it makes it very difficult for us to change skills or items without overly punishing the whole class when these tactics aren’t used. (We’re looking at you, Bazooka Wizard and Stutter Steppers.)

We want to be able to address the balance issues these builds pose, but we also don’t want these classes to fall behind as a result of these changes. So how are we handling this? It’s admittedly going to be a game of whack-a-mole as we make fixes and other issues arise through player experimentation. Our first area of concern will be disabling animation cancellation on certain skills. The Crusader class is the most subject to this (though not alone) and we’ll ensure no class falls behind as a result of losing this “trick.” After we tackle this specific issue, we’ll continue to review and revisit areas of the game where similar mechanics are having a negative impact and act accordingly.

Thank You for Reading; We’re Reading Too!
If you’ve read everything, thank you for your attention and taking the time to look through our lens! There’s a ton of info here, and you might not agree with it all; that’s okay. We love to hear what you have to say, so please make sure you’re sharing your feedback in your Class forum, the General forum, or the PTR Feedback forum during our next testing phase. We love Diablo, and whether we’re reading global chat, hanging out on our favorite subreddits, or bantering with you through social media, we’re glad we get to share this journey with you.

We hope this lends an inkling into where we’re going while our other game teams are hard at work on the future of Hell. Thank you for playing—we’re grateful to have you with us along the way!

-The Diablo III Team-

Note: Comments on all Diablo blog entries have been disabled. This is part of our website migration for GDPR compliance. We apologize for the inconvenience; please continue your conversation over on our General Forum!
Viimeksi muokattu:
Vaikka on ihan OK bonuksena, on se silti ideaköyhä.

Ehkä S19 teema oli sen verran ylilyönti, etteivät tällä kertaa halua rikkoa tasapainoa liikaa.
Lagaako muilla battle.netti nyt? Vituttaa pelata, kun maagilla lähtee "säteet" välillä monen sekunnin viiveellä. Kokeilin ethernettinä, wifinä ja lopuksi mobiilin netin kautta, eikä eroa ollut.. en muista että olisi koskaan noin paskat viiveet ollut.
Nyt ois gearattu full ancient/primal kamalla LoD hydra valmiiks, oonkin odottanut toimivaa hydra buildia sitten 2.1.2 asti se oli mukava pelaa ja vaihtelua. Tuli testattua molemmat buildit PTR:llä ja myös setti vaikutti mukavalta mutta jotain bugeja siin oli siel ku välil kuoli one shottiin T16 tasolla vaikka karini ja setti bonari oli up. Mutta kaikenkaikkiaan jos sitä pääsis tekee uuden solo GR enkan parin vuoden tauon jälkeen, muutenkin pelaillut muita pelei pääasias viimeset pari vuotta... Meinasin ostaa tuon wolcenin mut sitä ostosta kannattaa vissiin lykätä nyt niin kaippa sitä vois alottaa sitten S20 bolossa (mikäli classic wowilta jää aikaa).

Season 20 Begins 3/13

Season 20 begins March 13, shortly after our next Diablo III patch. Read on to learn more about the brand-new Season buff, three brutally feral new class sets, and a handful of item reworks coming in Patch 2.6.8!
Table of Contents
New Season Theme
Season 20 is the Season of the Forbidden Archives. Many adventurers have come to learn the power that dwells within the ancient nephalem artifact, Kanai’s Cube. However, none understand this power better than the equally celebrated and reviled Horadrim, Zoltun Kulle. Kulle was able to unlock and harness the power of the Cube like none before, leveraging its power to siphon and archive the energies of powerful items. With Season 20, we explore the power Kulle might lend to your fingertips if his experiments went unchecked.
For the duration of Season 20, the slots in Kanai’s Cube that allow you to equip three additional Legendary powers will not be restricted to their usual categories. While normally a player can equip one power each from the Weapon, Armor, and Jewelry categories, Season 20 players can mix and match between all three! This might allow you to run two Weapon powers with one Armor power. Or perhaps you might choose to run three Amulet powers instead. The choice is yours, and we’re as eager as you are to experiment with the new build opportunities this creates!
Return to Top
Seasonal Cosmetic Rewards
Beginning with Season 17, we began re-introducing previous Seasonal rewards to make them available to players who may have missed them the first time around. For Season 20, this means awards originally available from Season 8 are returning to the Season Journey.
However, we know it’s nice to have something new to aim for if you’ve participated in previous Seasons. We’re continuing to provide new End of Journey rewards as introduced in Season 17, with two new cosmetic rewards for those who complete the entirety of the Season journey. Feast your eyes upon the Teganze Warrior Portrait Frame and Bat pet!
In addition to the Boots and Pants slots of the exclusive Conqueror Set, you’ll be able to earn a series of portrait frames that smolder with demonic fires of the Burning Hells. The iconic “wings” of Andariel will also be available once more, allowing you to truly embrace your inner Maiden of Anguish.
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Season Journey Rewards
If you’ve been diligently slaying demons for the past few Seasons and reached Conqueror in the Season Journey each time, you’ve surely accrued a few extra stash tabs. You’ll earn one additional tab each Season by finishing the Conqueror tier, up to a maximum of five:
  • Guardian of Sanctuary: Finish a level 70 Nephalem Rift on Torment XIII difficulty within 5 minutes.
  • Gem of My Life: Level three Legendary Gems to level 55.
  • All I Do is Win: Complete 2 Conquests this Season.
  • Warm Thoughts: Kill Izual at level 70 in under 15 seconds on Torment XIII difficulty.
  • Money Ain’t a Thang: Slay Greed on Torment XIII difficulty. Treasure Goblins outside of Nephalem Rifts will sometimes open portals to Greed’s domain, The Vault.
  • Take U There: Reach Greater Rift Level 60 Solo. Greater Rift keystones can be obtained from any Nephalem Rift guardian.
  • Power Amplification: Use Kanai’s Cube to augment an Ancient Legendary item with a level 50+ gem.
  • Cubic Reconfiguration: Use Kanai’s Cube to reforge a Legendary item.
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Seasonal Conquests
Want to prepare your Conquest plan for Season 20? Here are the challenges you’ll face!
For Curses!/Stars Align, pick any Cursed Chest event that requires killing monsters and defeat over 350 or more at level 70 on Torment X or higher. Push your way to Greater Rift level 75 to complete Divinity/Lionhearted. For the fiercest demon slayers, Boss Mode/Worlds Apart is a speed challenge where you’ll need to eliminate the following bosses at level 70 and Torment X in under twenty minutes:

  • The Skeleton King
  • The Butcher
  • Zoltun Kulle
  • Ghom
  • Cydaea
  • Rakanoth
  • Diablo
  • Adria
  • Queen Araneae
  • Maghda
  • Belial
  • Siegebreaker Assault Beast
  • Azmodan
  • Izual
  • Urzael
  • Malthael
Finally, Years of War/Dynasty will be a great test for those who enjoy mastering various Class Sets, and if that’s not enough, Masters of the Universe/Masters of Sets will challenge your tactical understanding of Set Dungeons.
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Haedrig’s Gift
Finally, the Class Sets rewarded for completing certain chapters in the Season Journey courtesy of Haedrig’s Gift have rotated once more. We’ve listed the available Sets below. For those new to Seasons, here’s how it works:
Completing Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of the Season Journey will reward you with three of Haedrig’s Gifts. Each Gift contains a few pieces from one of your Class Sets. Players can only unlock one Class Set in this manner per Season across Hardcore and Non-Hardcore, so choose wisely!
The set you receive depends on the class of the character you’re playing when you open each Haedrig’s Gift. To collect a full Class Set, you’ll need to open all three on the same character.
Here are the sets granted by Haedrig’s Gift in Season 20:
  • Barbarian – Immortal King’s Call
  • Crusader – Seeker of the Light
  • Demon Hunter – Natalya’s Vengeance
  • Monk – Uliana’s Stratagem
  • Necromancer – Trag’Oul’s Avatar
  • Witch Doctor – Spirit of Arachyr
  • Wizard – Vyr’s Amazing Arcana

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Patch Notes
Below you will find the final patch notes for the most recent update for Diablo III, Patch 2.6.8. Changes specifically from the last version of the PTR have been highlighted in RED.

Last updated February 28 @ 10:00 a.m. PST.
Below you will find the patch notes for the most recent update for Diablo III, Patch 2.6.8.
PATCH 2.6.8
Table of Contents:
Note: The following changes apply to both PC and Console versions of Diablo III unless otherwise noted.
  • Infernal Machines and Organs are now subject to vacuum pick-up
  • Crafting plans from Bounty Caches are now guaranteed to drop unless all plans have been learned
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  • A new Season Theme has been added for Season 20, the Season of the Forbidden Archives:
    • For the duration of Season 20, all slots in Kanai's Cube will be able to select Legendary powers from Weapon, Armor, or Jewelry
      • This means you could select three Armor powers, three Weapon powers, three Jewelery powers, or any other combination thereof across all categories
      • Items are not self-additive or multiplicative (meaning, you cannot stack multiples of the same item's power)
      • Once the Season has ended and characters roll over to Non-Season, players will have all currently active powers in their Kanai's Cube reset
      • Developer's Note: As we outlined in our Developer Insight blog, we want to continue to get creative (and maybe a little crazy) with the Season Themes and powers we add to the game. We heard from some players that they preferred themes that made your character directly feel more powerful rather than needing to focus on the environment around you. If that describes you, then the Season of Forbidden Archives should be right up your alley, and we're really interested to see how this changes the game for Season 20.
  • Two new Seasonal rewards are available for players who fully complete the Season 20 Journey, including a new portrait frame and pet
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  • Crusader
    • Developer's Note: We're not convinced that this change has fully reigned in Crusader performance to be more in line with other classes. We'll be continuing to keep an eye on overall Crusader performance (as well as performance among the other classes) in 2.6.8 and beyond.
    • Heaven's Fury
      • The animation for the Fires of Heaven rune can no longer be cancelled early.
  • Witch Doctor
    • Spirit Barrage (Phantasm)
      • The periodic attacks from Spirit Barrage (Phantasm) are now twice as slow, but twice as powerful
      • Developer's Note: We rolled this change back between PTR and Live as it was creating additional bugs. We may consider re-exploring this option in the future if we find this adjustment is still needed.
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  • Developer's Note: With Patch 2.6.8, we're adding three(!) new class sets with similar goals to those we included in the previous patch. Each set was designed primarily with boosting long-requested skills and play styles we lifted directly from community feedback. Frenzy, Spirit Barrage, and Hydra were requests that offered a lot of opportunity for gameplay exploration, and we're looking forward to seeing what players do with these new tools at their disposal. Additional changes to associated supplemental Legendaries have been included to round out these builds.
  • Mantle of Channeling
    • The bonus granted by this item now occurs 1 second after channeling has begun
  • Barbarian
    • New Class Set: Horde of the Ninety Savages
      • 2-Piece Bonus: Double the effectiveness of all Shouts. Feared, Frozen, or Stunned Enemies take double damage.
        • Developer's Note: The callout that Stun may be the best fit for this set bonus was definitely heard, but we didn't want to take away other potential builds enabled by experimenting with Fear or Frozen. We hope this opens up a variety of options for Barbarians to explore!
      • 4-Piece Bonus: Each stack of Frenzy reduces damage taken by 6%. Frenzy lasts twice as long.
      • 6-Piece Bonus: Frenzy deals 1000% increased damage per stack.
    • Undisputed Champion
      • Frenzy gains the effect of every rune and deals 300-400% increased damage.
    • Bastion's Revered
      • Frenzy now stacks up to 10 times and hits an additional time per stack. Each additional hit will chain to any enemies within 15 yards and the damage is split between all affected enemies.
  • Witch Doctor
    • New Class Set: Mundunugu's Regalia
      • 2-Piece Bonus: Big Bad Voodoo now follows you and lasts twice as long.
      • 4-Piece Bonus: Gain 60% damage reduction for 30 seconds when you enter the Spirit Realm.
      • 6-Piece Bonus: Spirit Barrage deals 20000% increased damage plus an additional % equal to 5 times your Mana Regeneration/Second.
        • Developer's Note: We found this set was overperforming at the highest end, but we also wanted to maintain its capabilities at early gearing stages. The addition of a base multiplier and reducing the effectiveness of the Mana Regeneration bonus should accomplish this goal.
    • The Barber
      • Instead of dealing direct damage, your Spirit Barrage now accumulates on the target. When you stop casting, it explodes dealing 225-250% 400-500% of the accumulated damage to all enemies within 15 yards.
      • Is now classified as a Ceremonial Knife, with a base 1.4 attack speed
    • Gazing Demise
      • Spirit Barrage gains the Phantasm rune. Each active Phantasm lasts twice as long, increases the damage of Spirit Barrage by 40-50% 100-150%, and also increases the attack rate from Manitou spectres.
    • Ring of Emptiness
      • You deal 250-300% increased damage to enemies affected by both either your Haunt and or Locust Swarm.
  • Wizard
    • New Class Set: The Typhon's Veil
      • 2-Piece Bonus: Double the duration of Hydras and increase the number of heads on multi-headed Hydras by two.
      • 4-Piece Bonus: Damage taken is reduced by 8% for each Hydra head alive as long as there is one available. Each time you take damage, a Hydra heads dies. Heads cannot die more than once every 2 seconds
      • 6-Piece Bonus: Hydras deal 1200%1300% increased damage for each Hydra head alive.
        • Developer's Note: We've continued to tilt more of the power for Hydra in favor of the 6-piece set bonus and away from the supplemental Legendary items.
    • Serpent's Sparker
      • You may have one extra Hydra active at a time and they deal 450-600% 250-300% increased damage.
    • The Magistrate
      • Frost Hydra Your Hydras now periodically cast Frost Nova and deal 450-600% 250-300% increased damage.
    • Etched Sigil
      • The bonus granted by this item now occurs 1 second after channeling has begun.
    • Deathwish
      • The bonus granted by this item now occurs 1 second after channeling has begun.
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  • Several issues with adding/removing players to group and starting new games as a group have been resolved
  • Captain Crimson's Trimmings
    • Fixed an issue where the set bonus did not increase damage reduction when using Devour - Voracious
  • Barbarian
    • Fixed a bug where Threatening Shout (Grim Harvest) would not activate when enhanced by the Horde of the Ninety Savages set bonus
  • Crusader
    • Corrected the spelling of “Imperius” on the flavor text for several pieces of the Aegis of Valor set
    • Fixed an issue where the bolts cast by Fist of the Heavens - Divine Well failed to zap enemies
  • Demon Hunter
    • Fixed an issue where In-geom was not properly dropping for Demon Hunters
  • Wizard
    • Fixed a bug where Arcane Torrent would get an extra damage multiplier from Etched Sigil and Deathwish
    • Fixed a bug where Hydra (Frost Hydra) was getting a damage bonus instead of Attack Speed bonus from its owner's Attack Speed; this rune now benefits from Attack Speed in the same manner as other Hydra runes
  • PTR Specific
    • Note: The following issues were only live on the PTR, but we're including the fixes here for visibility and to indicate intended functionality on live.
    • Fixed a bug with Bastion's Revered where it would not properly benefit from Convention of Elements
    • Fixed a bug where Big Bad Voodoo would not properly follow its owner through zones when utilizing the new 2-Piece set bonus
    • Fixed a bug where Hydras would have a short delay after being summoned
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Q: When does Season 20 start?
A: Season 20 begins Friday, March 13 at 5:00 p.m. PDT in North America, 5:00 p.m. CET in Europe, and 5:00 p.m. KST in Asia. For time zone conversions, see this site.
Q: When do Seasons go live for players on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch?
A: Seasons go live for all console players globally Friday, March 13 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, regardless of which regional version of the game you may have. Please note that Seasonal Leaderboards for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch are still separate by hardware platform.
Q: When will Season 20 end?
A: We are no longer providing anticipated end dates for Seasons. However, we are committed to keeping Seasons roughly three months in length (give or take a few weeks based on development needs) and will continue to provide a minimum of two weeks advance notice for when the Season will be ending.
Q: When are the non-Seasonal Leaderboards being wiped?
A: Non-Seasonal Leaderboards are tied to what we call “Eras,” each of which lasts about 6–12 months. The most recent era began November 12; the Era will be resetting with the release of Patch 2.6.8. For more information on Eras, please see this post.

Q: What will happen to older Seasonal and Era records?

A: Starting with Season 10, we removed old personal bests from Season 1. When Season 20 arrives, we will remove old personal bests from Season 10, and so on. We will be doing the same for personal bests from the previous Era when the next one goes live.

Seasonal Leaderboard records are not being cleared and will remain archived both in game and on our website.
Noniin luultavasti huomenna pääsee testailee LoD hydraa, kyllähän se lopullinen live nerffi kuitenkin vaikuttaa noin 4 GR tasoa vs jälkimmäiseen PTR testiin, mutta väitän et ~2500 paragonilla pitäs mennä 122-125 NS puolel, luultavasti korkeempikin jos jaksaa etsiä hyvää GRää. Eli lopullinen damage kerroin on nyt siis 16*nykynen live + tietenkin et myös muut hydrat castaa frost novaa, auttaa kivasti kontrollis. PTR:ssä tuo kerroin oli eka 49 sitten 30,25 ja livessä tosiaan tuo 16, mutta GR 100 menee helposti nytkin livessä 4 min jäikin aikaa, joten kyl se 122+ pitäs mennä damage boostilla ja kontrollil...
Perstuntumalta sanoisin, että tänään jo pääsee testaamaan. Mikäli pätsi tulee ulos tänään, tulee se siinä klo 8-10 aikoihin illalla.
Perstuntumalta sanoisin, että tänään jo pääsee testaamaan. Mikäli pätsi tulee ulos tänään, tulee se siinä klo 8-10 aikoihin illalla.

Itse veikkaan yöllä mutta ei se mitään pitää ottaa päikkärit et voi valvoa sitten yön :)

Asiasta toiseen tiedätkö mitään hyvää klaania lähinnä NS? Olen joutunut ulos useista top klaaneista kun en ollut juurikaan aktiivinen 2 vuoteen, et joku sellanen suht casual klaani hakuses (ihan sama et onko english)...
Ottaen huomioon, että monet edelliset pätsit on julkaistu juurikin klo 8-10 välillä, itse odottaisin samanlaista ajankohtaa tälläkin kertaa.

Itse olen ollut MuroBBS-klaanin jäsen lähes sen perustamisesta lähtien. Sen tarkemmin en klaaneja tunne.
Ottaen huomioon, että monet edelliset pätsit on julkaistu juurikin klo 8-10 välillä, itse odottaisin samanlaista ajankohtaa tälläkin kertaa.

Itse olen ollut MuroBBS-klaanin jäsen lähes sen perustamisesta lähtien. Sen tarkemmin en klaaneja tunne.

Aivan niin eihän nykyään tarvi maintenancea, my bad... Täytyy vilasta toi klaani...
Pientä viivästystä pätsin julkaisussa. Tulee kuitenkin varmuudella ulos tänään (Jenkkilän aikaa), on itse asiassa jo konsoleilla ulkona.

Jostain syystä kaikki pätsäysongelmat aina pelkästään PC-versiossa. :darra:
Pientä viivästystä pätsin julkaisussa. Tulee kuitenkin varmuudella ulos tänään (Jenkkilän aikaa), on itse asiassa jo konsoleilla ulkona.

Jostain syystä kaikki pätsäysongelmat aina pelkästään PC-versiossa. :darra:

Niin eihän se oo siel vasta kun reilu yksi päivällä kello, taitaa mennä huomisen puolelle suomenaikaa, harmi kun ei väsytä yhtään olis voinu ottaa torkut ennen sitä. Bounty matskuja tullut farmattua ja tehtyä reforgeja jos vaikka sais jotain uberiä unity ois kiva olla secondary cc reductionil (ancient pitää olla LoDin takia). Jäi matskuja viel joku 1200 bounty mats sitten kun avaan cachet et saan shardeilla potan mikä on ainoa mikä puuttuu, hiukan vaan korpee et tuli aikoinaan pari-kolme tuhatta matskua käytettyä reforgeen ku tein primal sparkerin, noh sillähän ei sitten tee mitään enää... Onneksi on kuitenkin viel perfect primal deathwish, sama asia se on vaan ss cubeen ja se lapaseen.

Edit: Jos muuten ihan tarkkoja ollaan niin deathwish on nanosti parempi primal SS on 3336 dps vs primal DW 3345 dps. :D

Edit 2: Uus patch ulkona 0.15 aukes about...
Viimeksi muokattu:

Patch 2.6.8 Now Live

Below you will find the final patch notes for the most recent update for Diablo III, Patch 2.6.8.

Last updated February 28 @ 10:00 a.m. PST.
Below you will find the patch notes for the most recent update for Diablo III, Patch 2.6.8.
PATCH 2.6.8
Table of Contents:
Note: The following changes apply to both PC and Console versions of Diablo III unless otherwise noted.
  • Infernal Machines and Organs are now subject to vacuum pick-up
  • Crafting plans from Bounty Caches are now guaranteed to drop unless all plans have been learned
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  • A new Season Theme has been added for Season 20, the Season of the Forbidden Archives:
    • For the duration of Season 20, all slots in Kanai's Cube will be able to select Legendary powers from Weapon, Armor, or Jewelry
      • This means you could select three Armor powers, three Weapon powers, three Jewelery powers, or any other combination thereof across all categories
      • Items are not self-additive or multiplicative (meaning, you cannot stack multiples of the same item's power)
      • Once the Season has ended and characters roll over to Non-Season, players will have all currently active powers in their Kanai's Cube reset
      • Developer's Note: As we outlined in our Developer Insight blog, we want to continue to get creative (and maybe a little crazy) with the Season Themes and powers we add to the game. We heard from some players that they preferred themes that made your character directly feel more powerful rather than needing to focus on the environment around you. If that describes you, then the Season of Forbidden Archives should be right up your alley, and we're really interested to see how this changes the game for Season 20.
  • Two new Seasonal rewards are available for players who fully complete the Season 20 Journey, including a new portrait frame and pet
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  • Crusader
    • Developer's Note: We're not convinced that this change has fully reigned in Crusader performance to be more in line with other classes. We'll be continuing to keep an eye on overall Crusader performance (as well as performance among the other classes) in 2.6.8 and beyond.
    • Heaven's Fury
      • The animation for the Fires of Heaven rune can no longer be cancelled early.
  • Witch Doctor
    • Spirit Barrage (Phantasm)
      • The periodic attacks from Spirit Barrage (Phantasm) are now twice as slow, but twice as powerful
      • Developer's Note: We rolled this change back between PTR and Live as it was creating additional bugs. We may consider re-exploring this option in the future if we find this adjustment is still needed.
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  • Developer's Note: With Patch 2.6.8, we're adding three(!) new class sets with similar goals to those we included in the previous patch. Each set was designed primarily with boosting long-requested skills and play styles we lifted directly from community feedback. Frenzy, Spirit Barrage, and Hydra were requests that offered a lot of opportunity for gameplay exploration, and we're looking forward to seeing what players do with these new tools at their disposal. Additional changes to associated supplemental Legendaries have been included to round out these builds.
  • Mantle of Channeling
    • The bonus granted by this item now occurs 1 second after channeling has begun
  • Barbarian
    • New Class Set: Horde of the Ninety Savages
      • 2-Piece Bonus: Double the effectiveness of all Shouts. Feared, Frozen, or Stunned Enemies take double damage.
        • Developer's Note: The callout that Stun may be the best fit for this set bonus was definitely heard, but we didn't want to take away other potential builds enabled by experimenting with Fear or Frozen. We hope this opens up a variety of options for Barbarians to explore!
      • 4-Piece Bonus: Each stack of Frenzy reduces damage taken by 6%. Frenzy lasts twice as long.
      • 6-Piece Bonus: Frenzy deals 1000% increased damage per stack.
    • Undisputed Champion
      • Frenzy gains the effect of every rune and deals 300-400% increased damage.
    • Bastion's Revered
      • Frenzy now stacks up to 10 times and hits an additional time per stack. Each additional hit will chain to any enemies within 15 yards and the damage is split between all affected enemies.
  • Witch Doctor
    • New Class Set: Mundunugu's Regalia
      • 2-Piece Bonus: Big Bad Voodoo now follows you and lasts twice as long.
      • 4-Piece Bonus: Gain 60% damage reduction for 30 seconds when you enter the Spirit Realm.
      • 6-Piece Bonus: Spirit Barrage deals 20000% increased damage plus an additional % equal to 5 times your Mana Regeneration/Second.
        • Developer's Note: We found this set was overperforming at the highest end, but we also wanted to maintain its capabilities at early gearing stages. The addition of a base multiplier and reducing the effectiveness of the Mana Regeneration bonus should accomplish this goal.
    • The Barber
      • Instead of dealing direct damage, your Spirit Barrage now accumulates on the target. When you stop casting, it explodes dealing 225-250% 400-500% of the accumulated damage to all enemies within 15 yards.
      • Is now classified as a Ceremonial Knife, with a base 1.4 attack speed
    • Gazing Demise
      • Spirit Barrage gains the Phantasm rune. Each active Phantasm lasts twice as long, increases the damage of Spirit Barrage by 40-50% 100-150%, and also increases the attack rate from Manitou spectres.
    • Ring of Emptiness
      • You deal 250-300% increased damage to enemies affected by both either your Haunt and or Locust Swarm.
  • Wizard
    • New Class Set: The Typhon's Veil
      • 2-Piece Bonus: Double the duration of Hydras and increase the number of heads on multi-headed Hydras by two.
      • 4-Piece Bonus: Damage taken is reduced by 8% for each Hydra head alive as long as there is one available. Each time you take damage, a Hydra heads dies. Heads cannot die more than once every 2 seconds
      • 6-Piece Bonus: Hydras deal 1200%1300% increased damage for each Hydra head alive.
        • Developer's Note: We've continued to tilt more of the power for Hydra in favor of the 6-piece set bonus and away from the supplemental Legendary items.
    • Serpent's Sparker
      • You may have one extra Hydra active at a time and they deal 450-600% 250-300% increased damage.
    • The Magistrate
      • Frost Hydra Your Hydras now periodically cast Frost Nova and deal 450-600% 250-300% increased damage.
    • Etched Sigil
      • The bonus granted by this item now occurs 1 second after channeling has begun.
    • Deathwish
      • The bonus granted by this item now occurs 1 second after channeling has begun.
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  • Several issues with adding/removing players to group and starting new games as a group have been resolved
  • Captain Crimson's Trimmings
    • Fixed an issue where the set bonus did not increase damage reduction when using Devour - Voracious
  • Barbarian
    • Fixed a bug where Threatening Shout (Grim Harvest) would not activate when enhanced by the Horde of the Ninety Savages set bonus
  • Crusader
    • Corrected the spelling of “Imperius” on the flavor text for several pieces of the Aegis of Valor set
    • Fixed an issue where the bolts cast by Fist of the Heavens - Divine Well failed to zap enemies
  • Demon Hunter
    • Fixed an issue where In-geom was not properly dropping for Demon Hunters
  • Wizard
    • Fixed a bug where Arcane Torrent would get an extra damage multiplier from Etched Sigil and Deathwish
    • Fixed a bug where Hydra (Frost Hydra) was getting a damage bonus instead of Attack Speed bonus from its owner's Attack Speed; this rune now benefits from Attack Speed in the same manner as other Hydra runes
  • PTR Specific
    • Note: The following issues were only live on the PTR, but we're including the fixes here for visibility and to indicate intended functionality on live.
    • Fixed a bug with Bastion's Revered where it would not properly benefit from Convention of Elements
    • Fixed a bug where Big Bad Voodoo would not properly follow its owner through zones when utilizing the new 2-Piece set bonus
    • Fixed a bug where Hydras would have a short delay after being summoned
Toi mundungun setin myötä tuleva spirit barrage buildi on kyl mielenkiintoinen ja mukavan erilainen
Noniin tulihan se testattua ja vedettyä solo GR 120 tollasella hydra buildilla Diablo III Character Planner . Eli ei ollut edes squirt amulettia, joten pitäs mennä se 124-125. Ihan mukava toughness ainakin on, mut sais olla kyl about 375% per item toi damage boost. Sitten testasin myös tolla amuletilla et on ihan hauska vetää strickenin tilalle zei ku siin on se stuni :)

CJ 'Rhykker' Miozzi didn’t think he was going to like Diablo III Seasons when they first came out.
“I thought, well, I have my main character and all this progress. Why would I want to do a fresh start?” he recalls.
But Rhykker, a YouTube content creator whose Diablo III video guides routinely snag millions of views, now plays every single Season. The rush from level 1 to 70 keeps him coming back each time. He enjoys a challenge, and in Season 20’s case, it’s the hellishly difficult choice of which build he’s going to try next.
“I’ve been playing this game for seven years, and I think a big part of what keeps me playing is changing things up. But in general, it’s hard for me to pick a favorite anything,” he says with a laugh.
We were eager to hear his thoughts on the three new armor sets that arrived in Diablo III Patch 2.6.8 on March 3. To take a look at the mechanical guts of these new sets yourself, be sure to check out our latest patch notes.

Barbarian class set: Horde of the Ninety Savages
This new set relies on a primary Barbarian skill called Frenzy, a single-target attack that accelerates your attack speed each time it lands. With the full Horde of the Ninety Savages set bonus, Frenzy deals even more damage, and each strike is spread to all enemies in a 15-yard radius. If you like swinging your weapon at breakneck speeds, this set may be for you.
“For a long time, people have been asking for a Frenzy build,” says Rhykker. “There was one in the past, but it sort of fell behind.”
Now the Frenzy Barbarian may be poised for a furious return.
“[The set] really captures the fantasy of the Frenzy Barb—the visceral thrill of ridiculous attack speed,” Rhykker says. “It’s taking a skill that people already like to build around and super-boosting it.”

Witch Doctor class set: Mundunugu's Regalia
The Mundunugu’s Regalia set reinvigorates a classic fan-favorite build based around the Witch Doctor skill Spirit Barrage: a mid-range projectile attack that bombards enemies with spectral bolts.
“I wouldn’t be surprised to see this become the top new Witch Doctor build—and possibly one of the top builds in the game,” Rhykker says.
Spirit Barrage isn’t the only Witch Doctor skill enhanced by this set. Mundunugu’s Regalia creates a new play experience in concert with Big Bad Voodoo, which normally grants a buff in a limited area. With this set, the Big Bad Voodoo buff will now follow you.
“It’s a cool way to change up the more traditional Spirit Barrage Witch Doctor [build],” Rhykker says. “It alters how one of the skills operates, and that’s something I find really interesting. I like when sets do things that you can’t normally accomplish, so that you can only get that play experience with the set.”

Wizard class set: The Typhon's Veil
The Typhon's Veil class set creates a completely new interaction with the Wizard's Hydra skill, which normally spawns a single elemental Hydra that independently attacks your enemies. With this set, Hydras are modified to grow additional heads and deal even more fearsome damage. The trade-off is that every time you take damage, one of your Hydra heads die off, reducing the damage reduction the set otherwise provides.
“There were some concerns about how [the concept] would operate,” he says, referring to the community’s worries about being able to keep the Hydras alive long enough to see payoff with the build."
In response, we made some adjustments to the set on the Public Test Realm (PTR). One change prevents the Hydra heads from dying off too quickly (they now cannot die more than once every two seconds). Additionally, the amount of additional damage each head deals was further increased in response to player feedback.
Rhykker finds The Typhon’s Veil the most mechanically interesting of the three new sets.
“It modifies the skill by making your Hydra have more heads," he says. "So that’s already a visual change, but there’s also an operative change in the skill. Integrating [those changes] with the heads dying whenever you take damage is a very interesting concept to me.”
After testing the adjustments on the PTR, Rhykker is optimistic about the changes and looking forward to trying the build in the next Season.

Try the class sets today
All three class sets are now available for play in Patch 2.6.8. Try them out now or give them a go when Season 20 begins on March 13! Read the full 2.6.8 patch notes here. See you in Hell.
Eilen tuli parin päivän tauon jälkeen pelattua hetki ja jostain syystä wd:lla ei ollu cooldowneja lainkaan skilleissä


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