"On ymmärrettävää, että olet muodostanut tunnesiteen uuteen 1000€:n laitteeseesi." Negaa sataa...
"Edelleen odottelen kuitenkin selitystä sille, miksi Audio-GD:t mittautuvat huonosti mm. SINAD:n osalta, jos ne edustavat erinomaisuutta omassa hintaluokassaan."
En ole tehnyt testiä, kukaan muu ei ole moista huomannut kuin tuo kyseinen paja mihin voi kuka tahansa laittaa tavaransa testattavaksi. Ole huoleti en menetä yöuniani sinun kysymyksen takia.
Ja jos on paska laitos niin vaihtoon, tätähän tämä hifistely on, kokeillaan ja vaihdetaan.
Itsellä ollut 10 eri kuullokkeet vuoden aikana kierrossa ja eipä noi vahvaritkaan hyllyssä viihdy kun nälkä kasvaa.
Kuten vihatulla head-fi sivulla yksi revikoiden tekijä sanoi: "
Maybe take a read at
how he performs his tests.
Many grains of salt to be had there...
Understanding Audio Measurements
Here's an example: he tests audio in 48 kHz, not 44.1 kHz, basically because a lot of gear doesn't do well with that sample rate. WTF? No one listens to 48 kHz, but he tests that way just to get worse results? Makes no sense. There are quite a few headscratchers like that in there.
For my part, I don't think his testing is accurate for Audio-gd's "non-feedback" design. Perhaps not even accurate generally. Nor do I trust that he received fully functional units for either of his Audio-gd tests, since he accepts mail-ins of unknown quality (that 28 had parts rattling around, but he still tested it!?) and not units direct from the manufacturer. But, most importantly, my completely irrelevant, totally biased, flawed by biology and psychology, utterly *shudder*
subjective experience with some of the gear that he's tested does not match his measurements. I realize that makes me morally deficient, but I think the 28 sounds amazing and better than the Massdrop 789 or the Topping DX7s or a few of his other darlings.
If you like the 28, as so many of us do, keep it and be happy. If not, send it back or sell it. But, let your ears decide, not some dude's measurements."
Vaihdan jos on paska laitos.