- Liittynyt
- 05.11.2016
- Viestejä
- 2 138
- Mongolian Empire
- Civ Unique Ability: Örtü - Starting a trade route immediately creates a trading post in the destination city, increasing diplomatic visibility with the owner. Mongolian units gain +3 combat strength against enemies for each level of visibility.
- Civ Unique Unit: Keshig - Range cavalry that outranges enemy forces, quite quick as well. In fact, it allows any movement in formation with it to share its speed. They're very strong too, with 46 combat strength compared to the horseman's 30. Unlocked at Stirrups and does not replace any unit.
- Civ Unique Infrastructure: Ordu (Stable) - All cavalry units traiden in cities with the Ordu receive extra movement. Unlocked at Horseback Riding.
- Genghis Khan Unique Ability: Mongol Horde - All cavalry units are +3 combat strength stronger and have a chance to capture defeated cavalry units (ehkä 60% perustuen vahvuus eroon)
- Indian Empire
- Civ Unique Ability: Dharma - Receive Follower Belief bonuses in a city from each Religion that has at least 1 follower.
- Civ Unique Unit: Varu (sotanorsu) - Unique unit that reduces the combat strength of adjacent enemies.
- Civ Unique Infrastructure: Stepwell (Improvement) - Tile improvement that provides ? housing and ? food. Gives bonus ? food if built adjacent to a farm and bonus ? food when adjacent to holy sites.
- Chandragupta Unique Ability: Arthashastra - Can use the "War of Territorial Expansion" casus belli after gaining the Military Training Civic. +2 movement and +5 combat strength for the first 10 turns after declaring a WoTE.
Laitetaan nyt nämä pari Dev's Play videotakin tänne, Korea ja Ages Deep Dive ts. Mongolia+Netherlands