Kirjottelin ettei tuo alchemy ole minun juttu, mutta ajattelin jos sitä kokeilis kuitenkin.. Tuossa aiemmin myös oli nuo jokunen secret, joita kautta löysin tuollaisen "assassin" buildin, nämä siitä kirjoitettu GamesRadarin sivulla:
Races: Khajiit, Wood Elf
Skills: Alchemy, Alteration, Illusion, Lockpicking, One-Handed, Sneak
Alchemy: Alchemy, Physician, Poisoner and Concentrated Poison and Snakeblood.
Alteration: All except for Alteration Dual Casting
Illusion: All magicka reducing perks, Animage, Kindred Mage, Quiet Casting
Lockpicking: Difficulty reducing perks, Quick Hands, Wax Key, Locksmith, Unbreakable
One-Handed: Armsman, Bladesman, Dual Flurry, Dual Savagery – the rest is optional.
Sneak: Stealth, Muffled Movement, Backstab, Silence
Notes: This build is kind of tricky to play since it asks the player to fight with no armour, likely not even a shield, and micromanaging a number of spells, poisons, potions and equipment. A bow might be safer when fighting like this but Illusion and Alteration will have your back in this regard. Alteration has a wide variety of uses while Illusion can use calming or fear magic to chase enemies away.
For this setup you will probably want to wear magic-boosting equipment instead of armour which is kind of dangerous in melee. To balance that, use Alteration magic to increase your armour. With the Mage Armour perk you can gain a +80 to your armour rating with a simple casting of Oakflesh. So long as you keep these defensive spells set as a favorite, swapping to them when a fight starts and buffing yourself will do wonders.
A general combat strategy for this build will consist of staying in stealth and sneaking towards a target with a sword in one hand and a Paralyse spell in the other. Hit them for a sneak attack then quickly lock them in place. If this works swap out your spell for a second sword and unleash the fury on them (the dual power attack is particularly impressive). Most enemies will die before they can recover from this. Backpedaling while casting Paralyse is actually a really good method of crowd control in most situations, so your offensive spell doubles for defense.
Jotakuikin noin kai sen voisi hyödyntää, Alchemyn siis. 1h- sword sijaan pohdin kyllä dagger skilejä, x30 sneak attack dmg saisi sillä (vai miten se menikään?). Legendary vaikeustasolla alusta asti. Yksi Khajiit hahmo minullla on, joten en sitä tahdo toista kertaa. Ajattelin Argonian-rotua, koska voisi veteen hypätä myös piiloon pelin alkutaipaleilta asti. Ja Hp regenin saisi.. jos kömmähdyksiä sattuisi.