Team R&T
- Liittynyt
- 16.10.2016
- Viestejä
- 1 612
Tämä video on tullut tänään jokapuolella vastaan, niin laitetaan nytt tännekin, jos vaikka tämä täysin mahdollisesti täysi tosi onkin. Turkkilainen tv väittää, että jenkeissä monet näyttelijät ja eliitti käyttää kidutetuista lapsista uutettua Adrenochromea, joka pitää ihmiset nuorekkaina.
they figured this out 1939 how to harvest the Adrenchrome thats what he says at 3:49 before all that he just says its horrific how they take young school kids and harvest them and at the beginning he just says "remember" when I tried to tell you about this and kinda says like he wasnt fucking around lol but like nicer. They inject a hormone that keeps you 60% young and keeps you from aging. Explains the hormone comes from when kids are scared or suffering. at 4:39 after her points to his eye he explains bruises appear in the eye anyone using it. he points to all the pics of people as examples, the blood of the children is taken upon death and then used as the "medicine" In 2001 in poor countries gangs take the kids they sell it to the rich, he says you can find this all on wiki leaks in the year 2000. (thats what he says at the 6 min mark) He goes on to say in sports they take it too as a rejuvenation shot for athletes. They shock the children with fear and when that hormone is secreted they pull it out of their bodies, At the end he asks if it comes from the mind of the devil.
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