Eihän kyseessä ole se Amazonin 80e-lahjakortti ja siitä hyvitys-keissi ? Tuli vaan mieleen tuosta 80e summasta.
En usko, koska se lisättiin tässä kuussa veloitettuun summaan etusivulle.
Jaaha, rupesi tulemaan Lontoosta ulkomaanpuheluja. Soittavatkohan tuolta. En todellakaan ole vastaamassa, jos onkin häirikköpuhelu "Microsoftin tuesta". Lähettäköön mailia.
Ja eikä kyllä näy Nordeassakaan Mastercardini tiedoissa tuo maksu. Outoa. Laitoin Curvelle ja Amazonille viestit asiasta, setviköön keskenään. Amazonissa ei näy mitään tilaustakaan päivänä, jona Curven kuitti väittää ostoksen tapahtuneen, joten joku virhe siinä täytyy olla.
Ok, Amazonistan ne Lontoon puhelut tulivat. Sain tällaisen meilin, jossa asia selitetttiin:
"I tried to call you to discuss the e-mail you sent us regarding this order but unfortunately I could not get through to you.
Please find below information regarding our debiting process. If you still do not recognise this order and are confident that you did not place it, please let us know and we will request for the items to be returned and escalate the matter to the relevant department for further investigation.
The invoice amount of €39,74 has only been debited once. I can happily explain why two debits are appearing on your credit card statement:
If you place an order at Amazon.de or Amazon Marketplace and you select the Credit Card payment method, we always initiate a query with your bank. We run a check to ensure that the details are valid and that the card has not been reported as lost or stolen.
In the process, we request that the full invoice amount is debited. Some banks save this request as a debit. However, we don't take this debit through to the end. It's just a security query. The query isn't actually charged to your credit card.
It is only really charged after that. The credit card company normally identifies the reservation and the debit accordingly.
Please ask them about it.
The time period within which the reservation is deleted differs according to the different banks and credit card companies.
Please contact the bank from which you received the credit card and ask about this time limit. If that period has already elapsed, give their customer service department the authorisation code for the reservation so that they can cancel it. "
Mutta miksi tuo valetuplalaskutus näkyy kuitenkin Curve Cardin kuukausilaskutussaldossa? Olisiko tuolla tavalla pystynyt huijaamaan sen 100 punnan ostoksen 10 punnan hyvityksen saamiseksi?