Arvostettu brittilehti vieraili espoolaisella ala-asteella – professori latasi suorat sanat, miksi Suomen mallia ei kannata kopioida
"– Maan Pisa-tulokset ovat itse asiassa laskussa. Eikä ole syytä uskoa, että korkeat tulokset kansainvälisissä testeissä olisivat koulujen ansiota. Siitä syystä Suomen järjestelmää ei kannata kopioida, Jerrim toteaa."
“I am often asked by people what is the most important thing I learned in school,” Sahlberg says. “I say that to learn to understand that there are different kinds of people in this world and that regardless where we come from we can be in same school and learn in same classroom. Eton boys won’t learn that in their school.”
Like Jerrim, Sahlberg is sceptical about other countries trying to simply copy the Finland model. “There are so many myths about what the Finnish system is and is not. This idea of copying has done a lot of damage.” Finland’s schools are rooted in the country’s distinctive history and culture; the population is small (5.5 million), and taxes are high.
“You can’t go to Finland and cherry-pick the things that seem to be interesting and say, ‘We want to do like Finland is doing’. It’s much more complicated than that.” He also thinks it’s unrealistic for Labour to promise to abolish private schools. “It’s come too far this whole private education thinking. It’s very hard to remove it altogether.”"
Annetaankohan tässä vähän rivienvälistä ymmärtää että Suomen hyvät Pisatulokset johtuvat verrattain vähäisestä maahanmuuttajamäärästä?