Tutkimusta aiheesta:
Katsauksia inkluusion vaikutuksia koskeviin tutkimuksiin eri vuosikymmeniltä
Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning. A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. London: Routledge.
Meta-analyyseissa yhteensä 150 tutkimusta, joissa oli mukana 29 532 oppilasta. Vertailu tavallisten luokkien ja erityisluokkien välillä osoitti, että erityisoppilaiden tulokset olivat paremmat tavallisilla luokilla (efektin koko = 0,28).
Dyson, A., Farrell, P., Polat, F., Hutcheson, G. & Gallannaugh, F. (2004) Inclusion and Pupil Achievement. University of Newcastle.
"Despite the variety in the scope of the studies reviewed above and their methodologies,the broad general conclusion is that placing pupils with SEN in mainstream schools has no major adverse consequences for the children’s academic achievement, behaviour and attitudes and that there can be positive benefits, particularly in relation to mainstream children’s attitudes and understanding of disability."
Baker, E. T., Wang, M. C. & Wahlberg, H. J. (1994/1995). The Effects of Inclusion on Learning. Educational Leadership, 52, 33-35. (kirjallisuuskatsaus perustuu kolmeen meta-analyysiin, jotka käsittelevät inkluusion tehokkuutta, yhteensä 73 empiiristä vertailututkimusta.
"The average effect-sizes range from 0.08 to 0.44 (and all are positive), which means that special-needs students educated in regular classes do better academically and socially than comparable students in non-inclusive settings".
Halvorsen, A. T. & Sailor, W. (1990). Integration of students with severe and profound disabilities: a review of research. Teoksessa: R. Gaylord-Ross (toim.) Issues and Research in Special Education. Volume I. s. 110 - 172. New York: Teachers College Press.
"The overwhelming majority of research studies conducted over the past ten years provides clear support for integrated environments... Further research on the efficacy of integrated instruction, for all age groups, in comparison to segregated service models, is probably not needed. The case has been made."
Heller, K.A. (1982). Effects of special education placement on educable mentally retarded children. Teoksessa: Heller ym. (toim) Placing children in special education. Washington, DC: National Academy of Science Press
"Most of the research falls within the second category - indicating that mainstreamed stettings are more effective (or at least less harmful) than segregated classrooms. (s 291)"
Moberg, S. (1972). Kriittinen katsaus älyllisesti poikkeaviin lapsiin kohdistuvien erityisopetustoimenpiteiden vaikutuksia selvittäviin tutkimuksiin. Research Reports 9/1972. Jyväskylän yliopisto: Erityispedagogiikan laitos.
"Edellä esitetyt tutkimustulokset osoittavat varsin yhdenmukaisesti heikkolahjaisten ja lievästi vajaamielisten oppilaiden saavuttavan paremmat opilliset tulokset normaaliluokkiin sijoitettaessa kuin erityisluokilla."
Dunn, L.M.. (1968). Special education for the mildly retarded: is much of it justifiable? Exceptional Children, 35, 5-22.
"These results are well known and suggest consistently that retarded students make as much or more progress in the regular grades as they do in special education."
Erityisopetuksen vaikutukset lapsen tulevaisuuteen
Myklebust, J. O. & Båtevik F.O. (2009). Earning a living for former students with special educational needs. Does class placement matter? European Journal of Special Needs Education Vol. 24, No. 2, May 2009, 203–212.
“Students schooled in regular classes attain vocational or academic competence and obtain a driving license to a much greater degree than those educated in special classes. In turn, attainment of competence and possession of a driving license increase the chances of finding work with sufficient pay. This is the indirect effect of class placement. However, placement also has a direct effect on economic independence for some subcategories of students. Belonging to a regular class instead of a special class seems to be advantageous for people with rather low functional abilities and for those who do not succeed in attaining competence or obtaining a driving license."
Kvalsund, R. & and Bele, I.V. (2010). Students with Special Educational Needs—Social Inclusion or Marginalisation? Factors of Risk and Resilience in the Transition Between School and Early Adult Life. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 54, (1) 15–35.
Perustuu 500 oppilaan seuruutietoihin yläkoulusta eteenpäin. Oppilaat olivat olleet yläkoulussa joko tavallisissa luokissa tai 4 hengen erityisluokissa. Tavalliset luokat havaittiin suojaavaksi tekijäksi syrjäytymistä vastaan, kun taas erityisluokkasijoitus todettiin riskitekijäksi, johon liittyi suurempi syrjäytyminen myöhemmin elämässä.
"In general, the former special needs pupils have from attending only mainstream classes and avoiding special classes in upper secondary school significantly increased their chances of social inclusion in larger social networks at the beginning of adult life. This also implies avoiding social marginalization. Hence, teaching and learning in special classes seriously restricts their social competence and social capital and therefore also their cultural capital. Within a resilience perspective social learning in special classes is clearly a risk factor that is strongly counterproductive compared with regular classes in developing the young adults’ social capital."
Alatupa S. (toim.) (2007) Koulu, syrjäytyminen ja sosiaalinen pääoma. SITRAn raportteja 75.
"Mitä suurempi on erityisopetuksen osuus koulussa, sitä suurempi on myös koulun syrjäytymisriski" (s. 18).
Esimerkki diagnoosiryhmää koskevasta vertailututkimuksesta: Downin syndrooma
Turner, S., Alborz, A. & Gayle, V. (2008). Predictors of academic attainments of young people with Down's syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, vol. 52, (5) 380-392.
"During and after the final years of education those in mainstream schools showed greater progress than those with similar intellectual abilities in special schools... Mainstream school attendance had a modest beneficial effect... throughout the school career of the children, independently of level of intellectual disability".
Esimerkki diagnoosiryhmää koskevasta vertailututkimuksesta: kehitysvammaisuus
Dessemontet, R.S., Bless, G. & Morin, D. (2011). Effects of inclusion on the academic achievement and adaptive behaviour of children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research (Article first published online: 2 NOV 2011 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2011.01497.x)
Methods A comparative study with an experimental group of 34 children with ID fully included in general education classrooms with support, and a control group of 34 comparable children in special schools has been conducted. The progress accomplished by these two groups in their academic achievement and adaptive behaviour has been compared over two school years.
Results Included children made slightly more progress in literacy skills than children attending special schools. No differences were found between the progress of the two groups in mathematics and adaptive behaviour.
Conclusions Inclusive education is an appropriate educational option for primary pupils with ID who require extensive support in school.
Erityisopetuksen vaikutus itsetuntoon
Keltikangas-Järvinen, L. (2007). Koulu sosiaalisen pääoman lisääjänä ja elinikäisen oppimisen kasvattajana psykologisten tutkimustulosten valossa. Teoksessa Alatupa, S. (toim.). Koulu, syrjäytyminen ja sosiaalinen pääoma. Sitran raportteja 75. Helsinki.
"Erityisopetus ja huono itsetunto kulkivat käsi kädessä. Erityisesti yleinen itsetunto laski, mitä kauemmin oppilas oli ollut erityisopetuksessa, ja se jäi opetuksen loppumisen jälkeenkin matalalle tasolle." (s. 40)
Katsaus integraation vaikutuksista muihin oppilaisiin
Kalambouka, A, Farrell, P., Dyson, A. & Kaplan, I. (2007). The impact of placing pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools on the achievement of their peers. Educational Research, Vol. 49, No. 4, December 2007, pp. 365 – 382
"Overall, the findings suggest that there are no adverse effects on pupils without special educational needs of including pupils with special needs in mainstream schools, with 81% of the outcomes reporting positive or neutral effects."
Ruijs, N.M., Van den Veen, I. & Peretsma, T.T.D. (2010). Inclusive education and students without special education needs. Educational Research, Vol. 52, No 4, 351-390.
Hollantilaisen 28 000 oppilaan edustavan otoksen avulla selvitettiin, onko erityisoppilaan läsnäololla haitallinen vaikutus muiden oppilaiden oppimiseen ja sosiaaliseen sopeutumiseen. Vertailu tehtiin monitasoisen regressioanalyysin avulla. Haitallisia vaikutuksia ei havaittu.
Osa-aikaisen erityisopetuksen vaikutus oppimiseen
Markussen, E. (2004). Special education: does it help? A study of special education in Norwegian upper secondary schools. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 19, 1 33-48
"An increase in the amount of special education of special needs students in ordinary classes appears to have negative effects on the achievement of formal competence, all other things being equal."
Mitä erityisoppilaat itse sanovat?
Niemi, A-M., Mietola, R. & Helakorpi, J. (2010). Erityisluokka elämänkulussa. Selvitys peruskoulussa erityisluokalla opiskelleiden vammaisten, romaniväestöön kuuluvien ja maahanmuuttajataustaisten nuorten aikuisten koulutus- ja työelämäkokemuksista. Sisäasianministeriön julkaisu 1/2010.
"Yhtenä kiinnostavana tuloksena pidämme usean haastateltavamme yhteneväisiä kokemuksia siitä, että he eivät erityisluokkataustallaan ole pärjänneet ammatillisessa koulutuksessa. Näiden nuorten kuvaamana heidän erityisluokalla rakentuneet valmiutensa ja osaamisensa eivät ole vastanneet ammatillisten opintojen vaatimustasoa. Haastateltavat kuvailivat joutuneensa keskeyttämään ammattiopinnot siitä syystä, että peruskoulun erityisryhmissä ei heiltä ollut vaadittu sellaista osaamista, jota taas ammatillisissa opinnoissa pidettiin lähtötasona."