
Kyseessä on täysiverinen simulaattori. Global Mazda MX-5 Cup on ihan hyvä aloittelijasarja. Siinä on fixed setup, niin saa keskittyä ajamiseen eikä setupin viilaamiseen. Rata vaihtuu viikoittain. Sarjataulukon tulokseen vaikuttaa 25% radan parhaasta kisatuloksesta. Eli kannattaa ajaa 4 kisaa per viikko. Viikonloppuna enemmän kisaajia, niin match making toimii paremmin ja saa oman tasoisia kisaajia vastaan. Eli alkuviikosta opettelet offline rataa, sitten siirryt online practiseen, kun pystyt ajamaan turvallisesti tasaisia kierrosaikoja. Viikonloppuna sitten kisat.

No näin jos haluaa maksimoida sarjapisteet. Minusta alkuun kannattaa ensin harjoitella hemmetisti ja kun auto pysyy radalla niin ajaa kisaa niin paljon ku ehtii että oppii myös kisaamaan, eikä vaan hotläppäämään. Mut makuasioita.

Simu on haastavampi kuin moni muu, mutta mielestäni kannattaa kokeilla ilman muuta tuolla hinnalla. Apua saa todella hyvin kun liittyy FISRA:n discord kanavalle ja alkaa kysellä. Suomi-yhteisö on erittäin avuliasta kun sanot et oot aloittelija ja tarvis saada perusjutut kuntoon. Jos haluat ajaa tyylillä tunti reeniä ja pari kisaa päälle niin tää on todennäköisesti väärä alusta sulle.

EDIT: Älä rekkaa Steamin kautta, tulee halvemmaksi suoraan
VRSn iRacing Career Guide sisältää paljon hyödyllistä asiaa niin aloittelijalle, kuin vähän kokeneemmallekin kuskille.
iRacingissä on nykyisin mahdollisuus kisata myös AI:ta vastaan osalla autoista (ratapuolelta ainakin Mapukka, Skippy, Dallara F3, Porsse Cuppi ja Cayman) ja radoista. Hyvää harjoitusta ryhmässä ajamiseen! Oletus AI-rostereita kannattaa hieman säätää "osaavammaksi", muuten palaa nopeasti käämit AI-kuskien ihmellisiin äkkijarrutuksiin.
Eikä pakko ole kisata tai kisaa harvemmin jos niin haluaa. Itsekin lähinnä vaan ajellut kaikki ne vuodet mitä 2/2009 asti ollut jäsen tuolla.
Ei vittu mitä paskaa. Eli olen maksanu aikoinani autosta jolla en enää voi ajaa missään kisoissa?
Kiitos iRacing, tää oli kyllä hienoa.. :mad:
Jää tämä kokeilu kyllä tähän, ei kiinnosta tukea tollasta lafkaa enää pennilläkään.
10 vuotta ollu jäsenenä, upottanu yli tonnin edestä rahaa tähän paskaan ja nyt en voi ajaa contentilla mistä olen maksanu. Helvetti sentään. :facepalm:

Lähtee nyt kyllä aspaan viestiä, auttoi se sitten tai ei.

EDIT: jaa, voi sillä ilmeisesti ajella vielä kuitenkin hosted-sessioissa

Jaaha, otetaas vähän takaisin.. :whistling:

Menin sitten hetken mielenhäiriössä ostamaan vuoden subin, kun Project Cars 2:n AI-kuskeja vastaan ajelu aiheutti melkosen oksennusreaktion ja tuli palava hinku ajaa taas tiukkaa kisailua oikeita ihmisiä vastaan. Ei ole AI-kuskeja vastaan kisailu meikäläisen juttu sitten tippaakaan..
Mutta tuon kokeilun myötä iRalli maistuu nyt ihan eri tavalla kun tuon ylläolevan avautumisen aikaan joulukuussa ja oli hienoa käydä eilen vuosien tauon jälkeen ajamassa RUFfilla kisaa, vaikka kisa itessään menikin penkin alle. :D
Tuumasin että ajan tämän kauden tolla RUFfilla ja Lotus 79:lla joka oli mukava yllätys, en muistanukaan miten hauska laitos tuo Lotari on, Spa:ssa erityisen herkkua ajella.
Siellä olis parin viikon päästä spessueventtiä, 24h Nyrrekisa. Ite meinasin osallistua mutta talli on vielä haussa, yksinään ei kehtais ajella 24h.. :dead:
Siellä olis parin viikon päästä spessueventtiä, 24h Nyrrekisa. Ite meinasin osallistua mutta talli on vielä haussa, yksinään ei kehtais ajella 24h.. :dead:

Nyt on myös VLN kisaviikko ja huomenna 4h Nürburgring! Ite osallistutaan GT4 possulla kahden kuljettajan voimin.
Kohta väännetään taas, eka eSM-kisa alkaa näillä näppäimillä..

Joo elikkä ei ajettukaan koska iRacing rikkoi session, finaali siirtyi viikolla.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Menin sitten hetken mielenhäiriössä ostamaan vuoden subin, kun Project Cars 2:n AI-kuskeja vastaan ajelu aiheutti melkosen oksennusreaktion ja tuli palava hinku ajaa taas tiukkaa kisailua oikeita ihmisiä vastaan. Ei ole AI-kuskeja vastaan kisailu meikäläisen juttu sitten tippaakaan...
Tulihan tuota subia vuodella jatkettua ja ostettua jokunen auto ja rata. Online-kisaan en ole vielä itseäni saanut muutamaa harjoitusta lukuunottamatta. Lähinnä tahkonnut Nyrreä eri autoilla ja kisannut AI-kisaa F3:lla ja Audi RS3:lla. Yleensä mielenkiinto loppuu yhden pelin osalta 2-3 kuukauden jälkeen, nyt on jo historiallisesti neljäs kuukausi putkeen menossa! Uudella rigilla ja ratilla lienee osuutensa asiaan ja samalla tuli siirryttyä VR-aikakauteen.
Nyt kun vielä erehtyi kokeilemaan Nassea AI:ta vastaan, niin avot. Tuli oikein kunnon nostalgiatrippi, muistui mieleen ajat Papyruksen Nasse ajoilta lähes parinkymmenen vuoden takaa!
Täydellinenhän tuo AI ei ole ja sisältöäkin on vielä aika nahkeasti, mutta pikkuhiljaa hyvä tulee.

Undiecarin sivuilta saa valmiita, "realistisia" AI-rostereita, jos ei viitsi itse viritellä. Nassen Insane-setti (agressiivisuus, optimismi ja ikä tapissa!) on ihan mainio. Keltaisia tulee muitakin kuin itseaiheutettuja... Ja se Avoid Me -optio offiin!
Rohkeasti vaan onlineen, siellä iRacing pääsee vasta täyteen kukoistukseensa. ;)
Ja muita suomalaisia juttukavereita on reilu tuhat kappaletta FiSRAn Discordissa. Mukaan vaan turinoimaan!
Suosittelen myös onlinea ja varsinkin jossain sarjassa/yhteisössä ajamista. Perus publakisat jenkkien kanssa saattaa joskus aiheuttaa pääkipua.
Kerran olen kokeillut AI kanssa iR mutta ei se oikein tunnu oikealta kun päässyt tottumaan siihen että kaikki vastustajat ovat oikeita
Suosittelen myös onlinea ja varsinkin jossain sarjassa/yhteisössä ajamista. Perus publakisat jenkkien kanssa saattaa joskus aiheuttaa pääkipua.
Kerran olen kokeillut AI kanssa iR mutta ei se oikein tunnu oikealta kun päässyt tottumaan siihen että kaikki vastustajat ovat oikeita

Juuri näin.

Itse ihastuin täysin HPD:hen ja IMSA-sarjaan, sitä varmaan alan tosissani jauhamaan S3:lla, tää kausi menee nyt opetellessa kun kesken kauden hyppäsin mukaan.
Toinen sarja mitä varmaan tahkoan tuossa rinnalla on iLMSin GT3-luokka Mersulla, katotaan nyt sitten miten rahkeet riittää kahden sarjan ajamiseen.. Jotain Nassesarjaakin tekis mieli vähän ajella, mutta voi olla että joutuu tyytymään random ovulointiin kun ei aika riitä kaikkeen. :(

Viikonloppuna oliskin sitten eka 24h kisa itellä neljän hengen tiimissä.
Tulihan tuota onlinea aikoinaan ajettua. Eihän AI tietenkään vastaa aitoa kisaamista muita ihmisiä vastaan, mutta ei ainakaan harmita niin paljoa jos tulee sössittyä.
Eiköhän sitä jossain vaiheessa tule palattua online-puolelle.
Sellasta keskiviikko-iltana:

Meitsi mukana vahtimassa ettei ruotsalaiset yritä karata takarivistä. :smoke:
S3 release notesit on julkaistu:

This season release includes SIX new vehicles, one re-scanned track, one updated track, tire sets, new tires for a variety of vehicles, new AI content, more cars utilizing the New Damage Model, New Damage Model multithreaded processing, XAudio2, and much more! Welcome to iRacing 2020 Season 3!

Some highlights include:
• BMW M4 GT4
• Indy Pro 2000 PM-18
• NASCAR Chevrolet Monte Carlo - 1987
• NASCAR Ford Thunderbird - 1987
• NASCAR Gander Outdoors Ford F150
• USF 2000
• Kentucky Speedway - re-built from new scan data!
• Road America - updated
• Limited Tire Sets
• Quickie cautions, drive-through penalties, and more Race Control updates
• Stockcars, trucks, and some road car tire updates
• 7 more cars utilizing the New Damage Model
• New Damage Model multithreaded processing
• Auto-Exposure Camera System
• XAudio2 API, an updated audio manager, has been integrated into iRacing
• Much more!

Full 2020 Season 3 Release details are below.

iRACING BETA UI - (04.02.01):

Loading Screen

- A new loading screen, launched directly from the iRacing BETA UI, has been integrated!

- This new loading screen replaces the loading screen shown by the Simulator, and it displays some valuable information for you, including:
- - The percentage of completion for loading.
- - Detailed information on the track being loaded.
- - Displays the other entries in the session.
- - For online races, other registered Members are viewable and a projected Strength of Field is shown.
- - For AI Races, the AI opponents are shown with their driver stats.

- Additionally, you may continue to use the iRacing BETA UI or your PC as you wait for the Simulator to load, while still being able to track the loading progress.

- This loading screen is only available when launching the Simulator from the iRacing BETA Interface.
- - If desired, you can disable this new loading screen and utilize the Simulator's original loading screen by setting the "EnableHiddenLoadMode" value to 0, found under the "[Graphics DX11]" section of "App.ini" file.


- A new page has been added to the iRacing Store, Prices!
- - The Prices page consolidates some aspects of the Store for an easy to browse list of all Cars and all Tracks. The list includes helpful basic information, such as the price, ownership status, number of track configurations, and a purchase button.
- - Access the Prices page using a button found in the top-right corner of the Store page.

User-Created Sessions

- When making a User-Created Session, options for the cars in the Session are now consolidated under a Car Options pop-out menu, found by clicking on the gear icon associated with each car.
- - These options include weight penalty, fuel percentage, and tire sets.

- - Short Parade Laps are now available!
- - This allows Race Sessions with a Rolling Start to have the initial "Parade Lap" (a Pace Lap/Laps behind the Pace Car) be a partial lap, as opposed to a complete lap.
- - You may select this option during the Track Options step of the Create a Race process.
- - - Currently, there is one track configuration that supports this option: Watkins Glen - Boot.

Test Drive

- Fixed an issue where Test Drive was not functioning correctly when used from a Season page.
- - You can now Test Drive using the same car, track, and conditions that are defined in the Season page.

Paint Shop

- The iRacing Paint Shop may now be sponsored by real world organizations!
- - The iRacing Paint Shop sponsor's logo appears at the top of the Paint Shop.
- - The current iRacing Paint Shop sponsor is Summit Racing Equipment!


- Fixed an issue where users running ad-blockers at the network level were experiencing issues when clicking on the iRacing eSports Network on the Home page.
- - This was happening as a result of Amazon's ad network being pulled in by the embedded Twitch feed.

- Links to external websites are defaulted to https if no protocol is provided.


- Fixed an issue where launching the iRacing Simulator via the iRacing BETA UI was not supporting accessibility camera changes.
- - These camera changes function in non-multiplayer Sessions to support our customers with accessibility difficulties.


- Fixed an issue where the iRacing BETA UI would resize itself whenever the Simulator closed.


Website Data

- For those who scrape the iRacing Membersite website for data and are using the endpoint behind the "My Series Results" page (/memberstats/member/GetResults) we request that you switch to the new endpoint "/memberstats/member/SearchSeriesResults".
- - Key differences for the new endpoint are that it has fewer filters and returns all results unordered rather than pages of ordered results making the query easier for our system and requiring fewer calls.
- - Request parameters:
- - - custid (Required): ID for the customer whose official series results will be pulled.
- - - seriesid (Optional): ID of the series to limit results. Excluding pulls the customer's results for all series.
- - - catid (Optional): The ID(s) of the categories to limit results. This parameter may be included zero or more times. Excluding pulls results for all categories. Acceptable values are '1' (Oval), '2' (Road), '3' (Dirt Oval), '4' (Dirt Road).
- - - evttype (Optional): The type(s) of events to limit results. This parameter may be included zero or more times. Excluding pulls results for all event types. Acceptable values are '2' (Practice), '3' (Qualify), '4' (Time Trial), '5' (Race).
- - - Either 'seasonyear' and 'seasonquarter' must be included, or 'starttime_low' and 'starttime_high'. Our recommended approach is to use 'seasonyear' and 'seasonquarter' for initial pull of a customer's data, then using 'starttime_low' and 'starttime_high' where 'starttime_low' is the start time from the last session pulled.
- - - - seasonyear: The season year for which to limit results (e.g. 2020).
- - - - seasonquarter: The season quarter for which to limit results (e.g. 3).
- - - - OR
- - - - starttime_low: Include in the results sessions which started after this date/time, in milliseconds since the epoch beginning midnight January 1, 1970 UTC.
- - - - starttime_high: Include in the results sessions which started prior to this date/time, in milliseconds since the epoch beginning midnight January 1, 1970 UTC. May be no more than 90 days after starttime_low.
- - Example pulling Oval and Road race results (note that this returns no results):
- - -


Race Servers

- Open Practice Sessions can now utilize Run-Groups.
- - Previously, Open Practice Sessions were limited to having only as many drivers connected at once as the max field size specified by the Series. For popular Series with small max field sizes, this led to having dozens of Open Practice Sessions running during popular time slots. The display of all those Sessions was cumbersome, and made it overly difficult to directly register for an Open Practice.
- - Open Practice Sessions can now utilize the Run-Groups capability that was only used previously during the Open Practice and Open Qualifying portions of Heat Racing events. Each Open Practice Session can now have as many full-field Run-Groups as will fit, plus a fractional "orphan" group that is no smaller than 8 cars, or half of the full-field size, whichever is greater.
- - When an Open Practice Session is using Run-Groups, the Race Server will assign you to an open slot in a Run-Group when you connect. While on track, you will only be driving with the other cars that are in your Run-Group, and the @DRIVERS radio channel will only have the chatter of the drivers in your Run-Group.
- - - Once you have connected to the Session, you may use the Entries page to switch to a different Run-Group, as long as it has an open slot. The Entries page shows what Run-Group each team is assigned to. Above this information, a user may use a dropdown menu to switch to a different Run-Group. This allows a user to join a friend in the Open Practice Session and be on the track together.
- - - Please note that due to the rate at which the track surface changes for Dirt Racing, Open Practices at tracks with any racing dirt surfaces will not utilize Run-Groups.

Dirt Oval Racing

- The average rate of water loss in prepared dirt surfaces has been reduced slightly.

- The overall starting Dynamic Track state for non-Heat Events has been made slightly fresher.

Heat Racing

- Fixed an issue that would cause a driver that enters a Heat Racing Session during Open Qualifying to not be assigned to a Run-Group, thus preventing them from driving.

AI Racing

- The following additional cars are now available for AI Racing:
- - BMW M4 GT4
- - Indy Pro 2000 PM-18
- - SCCA Spec Racer Ford
- - USF 2000

- The following additional track configurations are now available for AI Racing:
- - Chicagoland Speedway
- - Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps - Grand Prix Pits
- - Dover International Speedway
- - Homestead Miami Speedway - Oval
- - Kentucky Speedway - Oval
- - Tsukuba Circuit - 2000 - Full
- - WeatherTech Raceway at Laguna Seca - Full

- You may now select to grid Multiclass Races by car class.

- You may now use customized fuel amounts.

- AI Drivers have completed training courses on the following topics:
- - Understanding how their current car-type races on the current track-type.
- - Tracking their own laps and race position.
- - Passing procedures and etiquette.
- - Drafting techniques and methods.
- - Predicting goal speed calculations based on their current location on the track.
- - Reacting and stabilizing when forced to switch their driving line.
- - Making race adjustments in response to tire grip changes due to track rubber.
- - Holding steady beyond the optimal slip angle.
- - Managing brake locking and recovery.
- - Assessing stationary and mobile track hazards.
- - Moving the car off the track before parking after surviving big hits.
- - Accelerating after the Pace Car has pulled off.
- - Maintaining the correct lateral positioning when entering a pit stall.
- - Reducing lateral errors during pit entry and exit.
- - Achieving optimal speeds while exiting the pits during Practice Sessions.
- - Completing cooldown laps.
- - Executing a Lucky Dog on Ovals.
- - Going three-wide.

- AI Drivers have received some additional training with the following vehicles:
- - Audi RS 3 LMS
- - NASCAR Cup Series Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
- - NASCAR Cup Series Ford Mustang
- - NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Camry
- - Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 Clubsport MR
- - Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991)

- AI Vehicles have been enhanced with the following measures:
- - Tire conditioning characteristics have been made more accurate over the course of a race.
- - Tire degradation algorithms have been optimized.
- - Tire parameters have been updated to better correlate with the player tires at intermediate ovals.
- - Engine parameters have been adjusted to improve performance at short Ovals.

Dynamic Track

- Fixed an issue where the Dynamic Track's cloud shadow information could become inaccurate with certain wind directions.


- Lapped cars are now allowed to pit with leaders at Superspeedways and long ovals to help reduce the length of a Caution.
- - Now, a Caution at these tracks will always be 3 laps long, even if there are lapped cars.
- - The tracks where this change is in place are as follows:
- - - Auto Club Speedway - Oval
- - - Autodromo Nazionale Monza - Oval - Right turning
- - - Daytona International Speedway - Oval
- - - Indianapolis Motor Speedway - Oval
- - - Michigan International Speedway
- - - Pocono Raceway
- - - Talladega Superspeedway

- Fixed an issue where an additional Caution Lap could be added to a Caution period if the pace car is before the Start/Finish as the leader crosses the Start/Finish.

- Fixed an issue where a driver could get an early free pass wave around at some tracks, like Talladega Superspeedway.
- - The Caution period now remains in formation until the pace car has fully completed it's first lap, not the moment it hits the Start/Finish line as it's leaving the pit lane.

Do Not Count (DNC) Cautions

- Fixed an issue with DNC Cautions at tracks where the starting grid is on pit road, and the field is large.

- Fixed an issue that could cause some cars that pit during the Caution to lose a lap.


- Drive-Through Penalties are now in place!
- - The Incident Count Black Flag penalty has been changed from a Stop-and-Go to a Drive-Through penalty.
- - Drive-Through Penalties may also be applied manually by an Admin.
- - - The admin command to issue a Drive-Through Penalty is done via the usual, "!black" command, but is appended with a "D" parameter.
- - - - For example: "!black <drivernumber> D"
- - To clear a Drive-Through Penalty, a driver must enter the pit lane under green track conditions with no other black flags, and pass through the whole pit lane without stopping in their pit stall. This action will clear the Drive-Through Penalty Black Flag as the driver passes the pit exit.
- - A Drive-Through Penalty cannot be cleared if entering the pits while the track is under Caution, but if a Caution comes out while a driver is already in the pitlane trying to serve a Drive-Through Penalty, the penalty will still clear successfully.
- - Getting a pit speed or other pit lane penalty while serving a Drive-Through Penalty will still clear the Drive-Through Penalty, but now the driver will have the extra penalties that were incurred during the process, and will need to clear those separately.
- - If the driver has other penalties in addition to a Drive-Through Penalty, the Drive-Through Penalty cannot be cleared via driving through the pitlane. It adds to the other penalties with the usual 15 second increase per combined penalty and must now be cleared via the usual stop and hold.

- Calls to clear penalties should now respect invalid disqualifications to keep the penalty rules state consistent with black flag handling.

Qualification Conduct Scrutiny

- The Qualification Conduct Scrutiny System has been updated to cause fewer false positive detections.


- Side-drafting parameters have been improved.


- Limited tire sets are now available in iRacing!
- - There may now be a limit on the number of tire sets you may put onto your car during an event. Tires may be replaced on an individual or group basis; for example, replace left-front only, or replace left-side, or replace all four.
- - Some Official Series will now utilize tire sets, thus limiting the number of tire sets you can use during an event.
- - When creating a User-Created Session via the iRacing BETA UI, during the Car step, users may specify how many tire sets are available for use by each car during the event. You may select a value from 0, meaning no tire changes are allowed, to 250.
- - - A Tire Set includes one new tire for each wheel.

- Tire parameters for Oval cars have been updated to a new archetype. This should improve racing for the following vehicles:
- - ARCA Menards Chevrolet Impala
- - NASCAR Cup Series Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
- - NASCAR Cup Series Ford Mustang
- - NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Camry
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Chevrolet Silverado
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Toyota Tundra
- - NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro
- - NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang
- - NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Supra
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Cup Chevrolet Impala COT - 2009
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Cup Chevrolet SS - 2013
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Cup Ford Fusion - 2016
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Nationwide Chevrolet Impala - 2012
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Truck Chevrolet Silverado - 2008
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro - 2014
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang - 2016
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Camry - 2015

- Tire parameters for a variety of Road cars have been updated to a new archetype. This should improve racing for the following vehicles:
- - Aston Martin DBR9 GT1
- - Audi 90 GTO
- - Cadillac CTS-V Racecar
- - Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1
- - Ford GT
- - Ford Mustang FR500S
- - Nissan GTP ZXT
- - Pontiac Solstice
- - Radical SR8
- - SCCA Spec Racer Ford

- The interactions between tires and rubber on the track surface has been improved.

New Damage Model

- The following additional vehicles now utilize the New Damage Model:
- - BMW M4 GT4
- - Indy Pro 2000 PM-18
- - NASCAR Cup Series Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
- - NASCAR Cup Series Ford Mustang
- - NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Camry
- - Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991)
- - USF 2000

- Processing times for collision and physics have been improved on multi-core CPUs.
- - This fixes problems experienced on multi-core systems where previously the C-bar could overflow, causing the Simulation to fall behind.
- - Heavy loads during large wrecks and when multiple cars have severe damage should see significant improvement.
- - By default, the system will utilize half of the available logical processors (4 on a Quad-Core system with hyper-threading).
- - Users can change the number of processors by adjusting the "num_processors_to_use_for_new_damage" value, found in the "[Tasks]" section of the "core.ini" file.
- - - Values between 2 and 8 can be set to find what works best for your system.
- - - A value of 0 restores the default behavior.
- - - A value of 1 disables multithreaded processing.

- Yield limits have been added for all physics objects to improve behavior during heavy impacts.
- - Cars that were previously too stiff should now behave more realistically.
- - Cones and car parts should behave more realistically when crushed.

- Rolling drag and contact friction improved.
- - This should fix detached wheels perpetually spinning and some other unusual behavior.

- Wheel tether improvements.
- - Limits to tether motion have been implemented and adjusted per car to improve their behavior.

- Improved issues where cars could hop while in a pit stall.
- - Resetting suspension previously caused cars to hop when entering the pit stall.
- - Resetting is now only performed when hyper-extended suspension is detected.
- - These changes should improve cases where cars were launching into space due to a bad reset.

Pit Stop

- Fixed an issue that could cause a "meatball" black flag for required repairs to not be cleared if the driver that brought the damaged car into the pits got out of the car, or performed a driver swap, before those required repairs were completed.

Dynamic Level of Detail System

- A variety of vehicles have had their Level of Detail (LOD) settings adjusted for improved performance using the Dynamic Level of Detail System. These vehicles include:
- - Aston Martin DBR9 GT1
- - Audi 90 GTO
- - Audi R8 LMS
- - Audi RS 3 LMS
- - BMW Z4 GT3
- - Dirt Late Model (ALL)
- - Dirt Legends Ford '34 Coupe
- - Dirt Midget
- - Dirt Sprint Car (ALL)
- - Dirt Street Stock
- - Dirt UMP Modified
- - Ford Fiesta RS WRC
- - Global Mazda MX-5 Cup
- - Legends Ford '34 Coup
- - McLaren MP4-12C GT3
- - Mercedes-AMG GT3
- - Nissan GTP ZXT
- - Street Stock
- - Subaru WRX STI
- - Super Late Model
- - VW Beetle


- Improved the lighting of the world, especially in overcast and cloudy conditions.

- Adjusted the ambient levels in the global lighting, shadows are often darker now.

- Adjusted haze levels, and adjusted the lighting of haze in cloud shadows.

- Fixed the environmental reflections when using VR in single pass stereo (SPS) mode.
- - Previously, they were not rendering in stereo properly and were reflecting to a single spot between the eyes.

- Fixed an issue where the player's car received cloud shadows from the wrong location in the world, only when driving.

Auto-Exposure Camera System

- Cameras now automatically fine tune their exposure based on the image they are capturing.
- - This system is only available when HDR is enabled in the Graphics Options Menu. It may be disabled by using SDR, or by altering the "AutoExposure" setting in "RendererDX11.ini" file.
- - There are two exposure modes, "Center" and "Normal." Cockpit, Gyro, and Roll-bar cameras all use Center mode, they attempt to look outside of the cockpit by analyzing a fairly wide area near the upper-middle of the screen. Other cameras, including TV and chase cameras, use Normal mode and analyze the entire screen. For three screen configurations, these modes only consider the middle screen.
- - All cameras, even when auto-exposure is disabled, now support a manual exposure adjustment, this slider is accessible in the camera editor.
- - - To access the camera editor, press CTRL + F12 when viewing a Replay. This can be useful to fine tune the camera exposure for a screen shot or video capture, or just to set some cameras differently than others.
- - An overall brightness and gamma adjustment setting across all cameras is available in the Graphics Options Menu.

Visual Effects

- A realistic camera shake effect will now be visible when viewing the roaring action from static and mounted cameras.

- Fixed an issue where flags waving in strong winds in certain directions could disappear.
- - The wind has returned all stolen flags.


- The XAudio2 sound system is now available for use with iRacing!
- - XAudio2 is a much more modern sound system than the older DirectSound technology we have been using, which dates from the '90s. It provides much more audio flexibility, better system compatibility, and has more features and effects that we will be working to include over time. Initially, it allows us to use higher bit-rate mixing for cleaner, clearer sounds, and the surround sound audio positioning is much improved.

- With the addition of XAudio2, you may now select for your audio device to utilize either DirectSound or XAudio2.
- - You can select which system to use from the Sound tab of the Simulator Options menu.
- - Each of your available audio devices is listed in the dropdown menu, each paired with either DirectSound of XAudio2 for you to select from.
- - DirectSound is currently the default.


- All vehicle tire sound levels have been improved.


- The Spotter is now more aware of multi-class racing, and should give you a bit more positive encouragement.

- Renzo's Italian spotter pack has been updated with Qualification Conduct Scrutiny messages.

- A variety of new audio samples have been added for Marco Arcidiacono's Italian spotter pack.

- Fixed an issue where the audio for a Joker Lap spotter message was not triggering correctly.

Paint Shop

- A new sponsor, Summit Racing, has been added!

- A new sponsor, Track Racer, has been added!

- The Logitech sponsor logo has been updated.

Race Radio

- The @DRIVERS and @CLUB radio channels are now included in the scanner for Crew/Spotters.

- An On/Off toggle option for the Race Radio's scripting system has been added to the Sound section of the Options screen.

- Fixed an issue where Spectators were unable to hear drivers talking on the @DRIVERS radio channel.
- - Spectators can now hear the radio chatter of all the drivers that are in the same run-group as the car they are watching.

Admin Commands

- A new Admin command has been added that will display all drivers and teams that have been disqualified, and the reason for their disqualification, "!showdqs".
- - Additionally, the admin command may be appended with " [<driver-name-or-car-number>]" to only show one specific driver or car.

- A new Admin command, "!clearall" has been added to clear all pending black flags, disqualifications, and end of line penalties for the entire field at once.

- When black flags are enabled, Admins are now able to fully disqualify a driver or team even if they are already serving a different disqualification black flag, such as a disqualification only from the Qualifying Session.

- A new error message has been added for when an Admin attempts to disqualify a driver or team during a Session where black flags are disabled.

- Fixed an issue where the admin command to clear a disqualification was not working correctly for some black flags.


- New live telemetry values have been added that report on the pace status and positions for all cars in a race. These values are as follows: PaceMode, CarIdxPaceLine, CarIdxPaceRow, and CarIdxPaceFlags.

- Buffering of .ibt telemetry files has been increased.
- - Now it will take several minutes for the files to write to disk, unless you exit your vehicle. Exiting the car or quitting the Simulator will cause the .ibt file to flush immediately to disk.


ARCA Menards Chevrolet Impala

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- For the New Damage Model, the scrape states have been tuned, so scrape damage should be more realistic.

- Season setups have been updated.

Aston Martin DBR9 GT1

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- 2020 Season 3 Balance of Power Adjustment: Aerodynamic downforce has been increased slightly, and aerodynamic drag has been reduced slightly.

- Minimum allowable ride heights have been reduced.

- For the New Damage Model, some parameters have been adjusted, including:
- - Yield limits.
- - Chassis.
- - Colliders.
- - Wheels.
- - Suspension.

- Season setups have been updated.

Audi 90 GTO

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- Fixed an issue where drivers were incorrectly able to run some odd and some even clutch plates, depending on the direction of adjustment. Now, drivers may correctly only run an even number of clutch plates for the rear differential.

- Audio levels have been improved for engine, backfire and gear shift sounds.

- Baseline setup has been updated.

Audi R18

- A glass panel has been placed over the digital display.

Audi R8 LMS

- A variety of vehicle sounds have been improved, including:
- - Engine sounds.
- - Brake sounds.
- - Startup sounds.
- - Transmission whine sounds.

Audi RS 3 LMS

- Some vehicle parameters have been adjusted, including:
- - Drive line losses.
- - Aerodynamic drag.
- - Tire compound.

- For the New Damage Model, some parameters have been adjusted, including:
- - Stability of detached tires.
- - Yield limits.
- - Colliders.
- - Wheels.
- - Mounts.
- - Suspension.
- - Bumper and trunk.
- - Scrape vulnerability.

- Some pit objects have been updated.

- Vehicle branding has been updated.


- - The BMW M4 GT4 is now available for purchase in the iRacing Store!
- - - BMW's customer sports car offering, the M4 GT4, didn't take very long to make an impression on the world of racing at large. In its debut season of 2018, it was named "Race Car of the Year" at the Professional MotorSport World Expo Awards, and backed up the honor the next year with GT4 titles in Blancpain GT World Challenge Asia and the 24H SERIES, plus a Team title in ADAC GT4 Germany. Get behind the wheel of this sporty and responsive GT4 car and find out what all the buzz is about firsthand.
- - Add the BMW M4 GT4 to your iRacing garage by purchasing it here: LINK


- Transmission whine sounds have been improved.

Cadillac CTS-V Racecar

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- Season setups have been updated.

Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- 2020 Season 3 Balance of Power Adjustment: Aerodynamic drag has been reduced slightly.

- Minimum allowable ride heights have been reduced.

- For the New Damage Model, some parameters have been adjusted, including:
- - Yield limits.
- - Colliders.
- - Wheels and tethers.
- - Suspension.
- - Scrape damage vulnerability.

- Season setups have been updated.

Dallara F3

- For the New Damage Model, some parameters have been adjusted, including:
- - Yield limits.
- - Break limits.
- - Colliders.
- - Body panels.
- - Connection points and mounts.
- - Wheels and tethers.
- - Suspension.
- - Detached car part physics.

Dallara IR18

- A variety of vehicle parameters have been adjusted, including:
- - Speed calculations for each gear have been improved.
- - Shifting force has been increased.
- - A stationary Neutral and 1st gear rev limiter has been added.
- - Slip stream adjusted at high speeds

- Push-2-Pass is now disabled while in Reverse.

- Fixed an issue where the display glass was floating.

Dirt Late Model

- (ALL) - Vehicle parameters have been adjusted slightly to improve performance while driving in the slick for setups with the nose down and the tail up.

Dirt Sprint Car

- (ALL) - Opponent car handling has been improved.

- (305) - A Fanatec logo has been added to this vehicle.

Ferrari 488 GT3

- In-car engine and transmission sounds have been improved.

Ferrari 488 GTE

- 2020 Season 3 Balance of Power Adjustment: Minimum weight has been reduced by 5 kg.

- Engine and transmission sounds have been improved.

Ford GT

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- For the New Damage Model, some parameters have been adjusted, including:
- - Yield limits.
- - Colliders.
- - Wheels and tethers.
- - Suspension.
- - Body panels.
- - Front bumper to prevent bottoming.
- - Scrape damage vulnerability.

- Season setups have been updated.

Ford Mustang FR500S

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- Maximum allowable brake force has been increased.

- Season setups have been updated.

Formula Renault 2.0

- Brake bias may now be adjusted in-car even when using fixed setups.


- A glass panel has been placed over the digital display.

Indy Pro 2000 PM-18

- - The Indy Pro 2000 PM-18 is now available for purchase in the iRacing Store!
- - - The Tatuus PM-18 is the official car of the Indy Pro 2000 Series, the second step on the Road to Indy ladder. Introduced in 2018, the new car set 10 separate track records in its second season, and will remain a staple of the championship through at least 2024-making it a defining car in the career path of future Indianapolis 500 champions. Sharing a common chassis with other levels of the Road to Indy, the car features certain areas that can be upgraded as drivers progress through the ranks, providing a massive cost savings for teams and allowing drivers to get intimately familiar with the nuances of open-wheel racing without having to repeatedly adapt to totally different machinery.
- - Anyone who purchased the car formerly know as the Pro Mazda in the past 24 months has been automatically granted ownership of this car for FREE!
- - Add the Indy Pro 2000 PM-18 to your iRacing garage by purchasing it here: LINK

- The New Damage Model is enabled for this vehicle!

NASCAR Chevrolet Monte Carlo - 1987

- - The NASCAR Chevrolet Monte Carlo - 1987 is now available for purchase in the iRacing Store!
- - - The iconic partnership between driver Dale Earnhardt and team owner Richard Childress came to define the NASCAR Cup Series for nearly two decades, with Earnhardt winning six of his seven championships in the RCR stable. After winning their first title together in 1986, Earnhardt returned with a vengeance in 1987, winning the championship by nearly 500 points after throttling the field with 11 victories and adding a win in the All-Star Race with the fabled "Pass in the Grass." Take to the track with one of Earnhardt's most dominant racecars of all time and see if you've got some of "The Intimidator" in you.
- - Add the NASCAR Chevrolet Monte Carlo - 1987 to your iRacing garage by purchasing it here: LINK

NASCAR Cup Series Chevrolet Camaro ZL1

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- The New Damage Model has been enabled for this vehicle!

- Aero grills have been removed from car artwork used at restrictor plate tracks to match recent NASCAR rule change.

- For Super Speedway tracks, engine power and drag are now scaled down - per NASCAR.

- Opponent vehicle parameters have been adjusted to better align with those of the player car.

- Season setups have been updated.

NASCAR Cup Series Ford Mustang

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- The New Damage Model has been enabled for this vehicle!

- Aero grills have been removed from car artwork used at restrictor plate tracks to match recent NASCAR rule change.

- For Super Speedway tracks, engine power and drag are now scaled down - per NASCAR.

- Opponent vehicle parameters have been adjusted to better align with those of the player car.

- Season setups have been updated.

NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Camry

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- The New Damage Model has been enabled for this vehicle!

- Aero grills have been removed from car artwork used at restrictor plate tracks to match recent NASCAR rule change.

- For Super Speedway tracks, engine power and drag are now scaled down - per NASCAR.

- Opponent vehicle parameters have been adjusted to better align with those of the player car.

- Season setups have been updated.

NASCAR Ford Thunderbird - 1987

- - The NASCAR Ford Thunderbird - 1987 is now available for purchase in the iRacing Store!
- - - Prior to the advent of restrictor plate racing, Bill Elliott's Ford Thunderbird, with engines built by his brother Ernie, hit speeds that no other NASCAR Cup Series car could touch at super-speedways. After breaking the 210 mph average speed barrier at Daytona in 1987, Elliott followed it up with a lap of 212.809 mph at Talladega later that year, before safety concerns forced NASCAR to slow down the cars. Get behind the wheel of the fastest car in the history of NASCAR, as Elliott's iconic Melling Racing car has been painstakingly recreated for use in iRacing. Competition History: Fastest qualifier for the 1987 Winston 500, Talladega, Alabama, at 212.809 mph. This remains NASCAR's fastest official lap ever. Winner, 1987 Talladega 500, Talladega, Alabama.
- - Add the NASCAR Ford Thunderbird - 1987 to your iRacing garage by purchasing it here: LINK

NASCAR Gander Outdoors Chevrolet Silverado

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- On-board engine audio has been improved.

- New backfire sounds have been added.

- Season setups have been updated.

NASCAR Gander Outdoors Ford F150

- - The NASCAR Gander Outdoors Ford F150 is now available for purchase in the iRacing Store!
- - - Why race pick-up trucks? For starters, they're arguably the most popular automotive vehicle in America, with upwards of 2 million new pickups sold every year in the United States. And they're a blast to race, particularly the trucks of the NASCAR Gander Outdoors Truck Series. With 650 horsepower pushing their 3450 pounds around super speedways, ovals, short tracks and the occasional road course, NASCAR's trucks are fun to watch and challenging to drive. Back in 1994, the very first exhibition race in the history of NASCAR SuperTruck Series competition was won by PJ Jones driving a Ford F150. More than 25 years onward, the F150 remains a staple of NASCAR's truck competition, scoring its first title with Greg Biffle in 2000 and powering Matt Crafton to the Blue Oval's most recent championship in 2019. Multiple teams now campaign the F150 in the real-world NASCAR Gander RV & Outdoors Truck Series, now's your chance to join them on iRacing.
- - Add the NASCAR Gander Outdoors Ford F150 to your iRacing garage by purchasing it here: LINK!

NASCAR Gander Outdoors Toyota Tundra

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- On-board engine audio has been improved.

- New backfire sounds have been added.

- Season setups have been updated.

NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro

- Tire parameters have been updated!

NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang

- Tire parameters have been updated!

NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Supra

- Tire parameters have been updated!

Nissan GTP ZXT

- Tire parameters have been update!

- Season setups have been updated.

Mercedes-AMG GT3

- Transmission whine sounds have been improved.

Pontiac Solstice

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- Baseline setup has been updated.

Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 Clubsport MR

- Several vehicle parameters have been adjusted, including:
- - Driveline losses.
- - Tire properties.
- - Tire wear rate has been reduced.
- - Aerodynamic properties.
- - Center-of-Gravity location.
- - Tire inflation.

- For the New Damage Model, some parameters have been adjusted, including:
- - Yield limits.
- - Colliders.
- - Chassis.
- - Connection points.
- - Wheels.
- - Suspension.

- Some pit objects have been updated.

- Fixed an issue with the rear suspension hub.

- Baseline setup has been updated.

Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991)

- The New Damage Model has been enabled for this vehicle!

- Fixed an issue where some unintended instability could appear when running with high negative cambers in a straight line.

- Various vehicle audio has been added, improved, and rebalanced, including:
- - Engine sounds.
- - Transmission whine sounds.
- - Gear shifting and compressor sounds.
- - Unique audio for the 6th gear.
- - Startup/Ignition sounds.
- - Vehicle backfire sounds.

- Baseline setup has been updated.

Porsche 911 RSR

- Various vehicle audio has been added, improved, and rebalanced, including:
- - Engine sounds.
- - Transmission sounds.
- - Startup/Ignition sounds.

Porsche 919

- Fixed an issue where digital display lights appeared to be floating while using a VR device.

Radical SR8

- Tire parameters have been updated!

SCCA Spec Racer Ford

- Tire parameters have been updated!

Skip Barber Formula 2000

- For the New Damage Model, some parameters have been adjusted, including:
- - Nose durability.
- - Yield limits.
- - Break limits.
- - Colliders.
- - Body panels.
- - Connection points and mounts.
- - Wheels and tethers.
- - Suspension.
- - Detached car part physics.

Street Stock

- A Fanatec logo has been added to this vehicle.

Supercars Ford Mustang GT

- Audio samples and levels for a variety of sounds have been improved, including:
- - Idle sounds
- - Engine sounds
- - Gear shift sounds
- - Backfire sounds

Supercars Holden ZB Commodore

- Audio samples and levels for a variety of sounds have been improved, including:
- - Idle sounds
- - Engine sounds
- - Gear shift sounds
- - Backfire sounds

Super Late Model

- Brake bias may now be adjusted in-car even when using fixed setups.

- Fixed an issue where the driver's right foot was phasing through solid matter.

USF 2000

- - The USF 2000 is now available for purchase in the iRacing Store!
- - - The Tatuus USF-17 is the official car of the Cooper Tires USF2000 Championship, the first step on the Road to Indy ladder. An early home of most of IndyCar's current generation of stars, the current USF2000 car equips drivers with 175 horsepower as they make the transition from karts or other developmental forms of racing. Sharing a common chassis with other levels of the Road to Indy, the car features certain areas that can be upgraded as drivers progress through the ranks, providing a massive cost savings for teams and allowing drivers to get intimately familiar with the nuances of open-wheel racing without having to repeatedly adapt to totally different machinery.
- - Add the USF 2000 to your iRacing garage by purchasing it here: LINK!

- The New Damage Model is enabled for this vehicle!

[Legacy] Dallara DW12

- This car's name has been prepended with [Legacy] to better reflect it's lack of Official Series participation.

- A variety of vehicle parameters have been adjusted, including:
- - Speed calculations for each gear have been improved.
- - Shifting force has been increased.
- - Nose weight distribution is now limited to 46.X%.
- - Negative preload have been removed from the road course differential.
- - A stationary Neutral and 1st gear rev limiter has been added.

- Push-2-Pass is now disabled while in Reverse.

[Legacy] Mazda MX-5 Cup & Roadster - 2010

- A Fanatec logo has been added to this vehicle.

[Legacy] NASCAR Cup Chevrolet Impala COT - 2009

- Tire parameters have been updated!

[Legacy] NASCAR Cup Chevrolet SS - 2013

- Tire parameters have been updated!

[Legacy] NASCAR Cup Ford Fusion - 2016

- Tire parameters have been updated!

[Legacy] NASCAR Nationwide Chevrolet Impala - 2012

- Tire parameters have been updated!

[Legacy] NASCAR Truck Chevrolet Silverado - 2008

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- On-board engine audio has been improved.

[Legacy] NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro - 2014

- Tire parameters have been updated!

[Legacy] NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang - 2016

- Tire parameters have been updated!

[Legacy] NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Camry - 2015

- Tire parameters have been updated!

[Legacy] Pro Mazda

- This car, formerly known as the Pro Mazda, has been renamed to [Legacy] Pro Mazda, to make room for the newest model, Indy Pro 2000 PM-18.
- - Anyone who purchased this car in the past 24 months has been automatically granted ownership of the Indy Pro 2000 PM-18 for FREE!

- Tire parameters have been updated!

- Overall tire grip has been reduced to better match Indycar car tire construction

- Engine power has been increased slightly to improve straight-line speeds.

- Season setups have been updated.

[Legacy] V8 Supercar Ford Falcon - 2009

- Audio levels for engine and gear shift sounds have been improved.

[Legacy] V8 Supercar Ford FG Falcon - 2014

- Audio levels for engine and gear shift sounds have been improved.

[Legacy] V8 Supercar Holden VF Commodore - 2014

- Audio levels for engine and gear shift sounds have been improved.


Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans

- The pace car now pulls off to head down pit road later, reducing the likelihood of the race leaders getting an inappropriate black flag.

Detroit Grand Prix at Belle Isle

- Water depth textures have been updated.

Dover Motor Speedway

- Track surface textures have been updated with PBR shaders.

Five Flags Speedway

- Fixed an issue with the reflectivity of the grandstand.

- Fixed an issue with the transparency of the chain-link fences.

Indianapolis Motor Speedway

- A new celebration effect has been added to Race Start!

Irwindale Speedway

- (Inner) - Checkpoints have been adjusted to prevent course cutting.

Kansas Speedway

- Pit Driving Line Guide has been updated.

Kentucky Speedway

- - Kentucky Speedway is now available for purchase in the iRacing Store!
- - Anyone who already owned the track now known as [Legacy] Kentucky Speedway - 2011 has been automatically granted ownership of this track for FREE!
- - Add Kentucky Speedway to your iRacing landscape by purchasing it here: LINK!

Kokomo Speedway

- Fixed part of the backstretch wall that could cause suspension damage when hit.

Limaland Motorsports Park

- Trees have been trimmed.

Martinsville Speedway

- Pace car speed has been reduced to 40 mph.

Michigan International Speedway

- Checkpoints and Driving Line Guide has been updated.

Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course

- Some advertisements have been updated.

North Wilkesboro Speedway

- A new celebration effect has been added to Race Start!

Okayama International Circuit

- Some advertisements have been adjusted.

Road America

- Track artwork has been updated!
- - Track surfaces such as pavement, grass, walls, and curbs have been re-textured with current PBR texturing techniques.

Talladega Superspeedway

- Track surface textures have been updated.

WeatherTech Raceway at Laguna Seca

- Advertisements have been updated.

Williams Grove Speedway

- The Level of Detail (LOD) settings on wires and lights have been adjusted to reduce visual popping as the camera changes distances from the objects.

[Legacy] Kentucky Speedway - 2011

- This track, formerly known as Kentucky Speedway, has had it's name changed to [Legacy] Kentucky Speedway - 2011, in order to make room for the newly updated version of this circuit.
- - Anyone who owned this track has been automatically granted ownership of Kentucky Speedway for FREE!

[Legacy] Phoenix Raceway - 2008

- (Rallycross) - Checkpoints have been added to fix a course-cut through a parking lot area.
Pitäisi alkaa taas tekemään päätöksiä mitä sitä haluaa ajella ensi kaudella..

Allekirjoitatteko nämä väitteet sivustolta
You can play iRacing on a single monitor, but if you set the correct Field of Vision (which you should always do), your visual area will be really small. Assume you’re in a racing car and you have a small letterbox to look through, imagine that’s how you have to start a race, pull off overtakes and defend positions. Racing on a single monitor is far from ideal. You’re spatial awareness nullifies, and it becomes harder to look through the corners and their apexes.

While it’s heavy on the computer, triple screens are the easiest solution. With the correct FOV you can see around you a lot, look through the apex and see cars racing side-by-side. Ideally you have three identical monitors, 21-inch or bigger. If you cannot do triple screen, consider an ultra wide screen monitor which will give you more pixel horizontally.

While racing is theoretically possible on a console gaming controller, it’s quite a bad way to apply throttle, braking and steering, which are all finicky in simulators. Get a proper wheel and pedals.
Allekirjoitatteko nämä väitteet sivustolta
Aika pitkälti. Nuo pätee oikeastaan kaikkiin autopeleihin. Tietysti mikään ei estä olemasta maailman kärkeä nopeudessa yhdellä pienellä monitorilla, "väärällä" FOV:lla ja gamepadilla/hiirellä/näppiksellä. Realistinen ajofiilis tosin saattaa olla kaukana. Pelata voi niin monella eri asenteella.

Nuo GTE-autot tappaa tehokkaasti ajomotivaation tällä hetkellä. Onneksi on paljon muita pelejä. Eikö ne saa niitä renkaita ikinä kuntoon. :sad:
Allekirjoitatteko nämä väitteet sivustolta
While racing is theoretically possible on a console gaming controller, it’s quite a bad way to apply throttle, braking and steering, which are all finicky in simulators. Get a proper wheel and pedals.
Jacques Villeneuve voi olla tuosta eri mieltä :D
Vähän aikaa kun pohtii miten ne omat silmät näkee niin aukeaa ehkä paremmin tuo triplamonitorin tai super ultrawide näyttöjen salat. :)
Itsehän ajelen siis VR:llä eikä senkään fovi ole lähelläkään triploja, mutta immersio muuten on sitä luokkaa että tuskin tulen monitoriajeluun koskaan palaamaan.
Vähän aikaa kun pohtii miten ne omat silmät näkee niin aukeaa ehkä paremmin tuo triplamonitorin tai super ultrawide näyttöjen salat. :)
Itsehän ajelen siis VR:llä eikä senkään fovi ole lähelläkään triploja, mutta immersio muuten on sitä luokkaa että tuskin tulen monitoriajeluun koskaan palaamaan.
Ja VR:ssä sinä istut siinä kuljettajan pallilla eikä monitori istu siinä, jolloin sinä seuraat sieltä taaempaa. Kunnon laadukasta 3 näytön setuppia en ole kuitenkaan kokeillut, josta varmasti on omat ilonsa. Myös Track IR:llä on yhdellä näytöllä pelatessa tilannetietoisuutta kasvattavaa vaikutusta, mutta mutkat tahtoivat mennä minulla sen kanssa plörinäksi, jos en lukinnut kuvaa eteenpäin mutkien ajaksi.
Minkälainen on ruudunpäivitys kolmella 2560x1440 näytöllä? Vai pitääkö näytöt olla 1920x1080?
Riippuu tietysti raudasta ja asetuksista mut tiimikaverilla on 2080Ti ja joku näistä Intelin 5GHz kellottuvista prosessoreista ni kyllä se 2560x1440 tripseillä saa fps:n pysyyn siellä 100-144 Hz lähtöjä ja ehkä jotain erikoistilanteita lukuunottamatta. Alle 2080/1080Ti tason ohjaimella en kyl itse lähtis noihin.
Vanhana Grand Prix Legends -vetaraanina innostuin hankkimaan ratin taas vuosien tauon jälkeen. Olen nyt muutaman viikon ajellut noita avoimia Mazda-kisoja ja onhan se vaan taas mukavaa. Hieman ehkä kaipaisin "vakavampia" ja pitempiä kisoja. Onko nuo iRacingin sarjat joidenkin yhteisöjen tms. pyörittämiä vai onko avoimia mihin voi kuka vaan liittyä? Mitä autoja kannattais ihan alkuun ostaa? Lisenssi riittää D-luokkaan tällä hetkellä..
Vanhana Grand Prix Legends -vetaraanina innostuin hankkimaan ratin taas vuosien tauon jälkeen. Olen nyt muutaman viikon ajellut noita avoimia Mazda-kisoja ja onhan se vaan taas mukavaa. Hieman ehkä kaipaisin "vakavampia" ja pitempiä kisoja. Onko nuo iRacingin sarjat joidenkin yhteisöjen tms. pyörittämiä vai onko avoimia mihin voi kuka vaan liittyä? Mitä autoja kannattais ihan alkuun ostaa? Lisenssi riittää D-luokkaan tällä hetkellä..

iRacingissa on vähän kaikkea. Itse ajan tällä hetkellä vain virallisia sarjoja, iLMS ja iMSA sarjoja. Tai alkavalla kaudella meinasin siis ajella, ainakin iLMS on varmasti pääsarjana itellä.
Pelaajien pyörittämistä liigoista löytyy sitten vaikka ja mitä.

C-lisenssillä pääset iMSA-kisoihin jotka on multiclass kisoja ja jotka kestää 45-60min. Erittäin kilpailtu ja aktiivinen sarja jolle peukut.
B-lisenssillä on sitten esim iLMS-sarja joka on myös multiclass ja jota itse ajelen LMP1 autolla, HPD Arxilla, erittäin aktiivinen ja hyvä sarja sekin, kisat kestää tunnin.

Ja nyt on sitten 2 viikon päästä 24h Le Mans joten jos se kiinnostaa niin eikun forkalta tai Fisran Discordista tiimiä etsimään. :D
Viimeksi muokattu:
iRacingissa on vähän kaikkea. Itse ajan tällä hetkellä vain virallisia sarjoja, iLMS ja iMSA sarjoja. Tai alkavalla kaudella meinasin siis ajella, ainakin iLMS on varmasti pääsarjana itellä.
Pelaajien pyörittämistä liigoista löytyy sitten vaikka ja mitä.

C-lisenssillä pääset iMSA-kisoihin jotka on multiclass kisoja ja jotka kestää 45-60min. Erittäin kilpailtu ja aktiivinen sarja jolle peukut.
B-lisenssillä on sitten esim iLMS-sarja joka on myös multiclass ja jota itse ajelen LMP1 autolla, HPD Arxilla, erittäin aktiivinen ja hyvä sarja sekin, kisat kestää tunnin.

Ja nyt on sitten 2 viikon päästä 24h Le Mans joten jos se kiinnostaa niin eikun forkalta tai Fisran Discordista tiimiä etsimään. :D

Kiitos. Täytyypä katsella noita sarjoja tarkemmin..
Jep, iRacingin Le Mans ajellaan viikon päästä, itekin taas mukana menossa tiimin kanssa. :comp:
Niin se on tän vuoden Le Mans 24h taputeltu, tuloksena LMP2-luokan kakkossija, kisaan lähdettiin ilman aika-ajoa ekan kierroksen mayhemin välttämiseksi.
Pidettiin oma kisa siistinä ja niin ne sijoitukset vaan nousi kun muut mokailivat yksi toisensa jälkeen. Taisi jokunen sija tulla ihan ajamallakin.. :think:

Hieno 24h eventti jälleen, seuraavaksi Spa 24h 3 viikon päästä. :comp:
Niin se on tän vuoden Le Mans 24h taputeltu, tuloksena LMP2-luokan kakkossija, kisaan lähdettiin ilman aika-ajoa ekan kierroksen mayhemin välttämiseksi.
Pidettiin oma kisa siistinä ja niin ne sijoitukset vaan nousi kun muut mokailivat yksi toisensa jälkeen. Taisi jokunen sija tulla ihan ajamallakin.. :think:

Hieno 24h eventti jälleen, seuraavaksi Spa 24h 3 viikon päästä. :comp:
Hienoa, onneksi olkoon... Oliko mikä splitti kyseessä?
Moro, mitä sarjaa suosittelisette aloittavalla iracing pelaajalle D-luokasta? Aloitin pelaamaan eilen ja pääsin pois tuolta rookie-luokasta. Itseäni ei kiinnosta nascar joten jotakin rata sarjaa.
Kummat kiinnostaa enemmän, GT-autot vai Formulatyyppiset?

Skip Barber on jokatapauksessa hyvä seuraava steppi kiinnosti kumpi tahansa.
Skippyssä ei käytännössä ole dowforcea ollenkaan vaikka siinä (koriste)siivet onkin, sitä kyllä ekana suosittelisin. Toinen vaihtoehto on, että jos jaksat ajaa vielä MX-5:llä Sim-Lab Production Car Challenge:a muutaman puhtaan kisan ni nouset äkkiä C:hen ja IMSAan. Jotkut tykkää GT4 luokasta mut ohan ne aika lähellä MX-5:ttä.
Skippyssä ei käytännössä ole dowforcea ollenkaan vaikka siinä (koriste)siivet onkin, sitä kyllä ekana suosittelisin. Toinen vaihtoehto on, että jos jaksat ajaa vielä MX-5:llä Sim-Lab Production Car Challenge:a muutaman puhtaan kisan ni nouset äkkiä C:hen ja IMSAan. Jotkut tykkää GT4 luokasta mut ohan ne aika lähellä MX-5:ttä.
Kiitos avusta, taidan ajaa vielä vähän aikaa sitten tuolla MX-5:llä ja mietin vielä että mitä haluan seuraavaksi ajaa. Joutuu joka tapauksessa sitten autoja ja ratoja ostamaan. yllättävän hyvin tuolla Fanatec Global Mazda mx-5 cupissa pärjäsi. 5 kisaa ajoin sitä ja 2 voittoo tuli, kerran kolmas, 8. ja 11. sija. Toinen huonoista tuloksista oli oma moka, kun oli vaihde päällä ja en huomannut niin hyppäsi auto ennen lähtöä.
C-lisenssillä alkaakin olemaan jo sitten todella mielenkiintoisia sarjoja, mm. IMSA Michelin Challenge ja IMSA Sportscar Challenge.
Mazda MX-5 on hyvä sarja. Siinä on hyviä kisoja, auton 3D malli on karkkia erityisesti VR:ssä ja sillä oppii hyvin ratoja ja auton käsittelyä. Toinen mukava aloittelijan auto jossa on hyviä kisoja on "lutkupulkka" eli Spec Racer Ford.

Periaatteessahan jos lisenssi riittää voi ajaa mitä autoa/luokkaa tahansa mutta minusta järkevämpi on aluksi opetella ratoja ja ajamista hitaammilla autoilla ja siirtyiä sitten vähitellen kokemuksen ja taitojen kasvaessa nopeampiin luokkiin. Itse toivoisi että esim iLMS sarjassa ei LMP1 ja LMP2 autoissa olisi joku IRating luokkavaatimus. On välillä hullua kun kuski jolta ajaminen ei GTE autoilla suju hankkii sitten LMP1 auton ja kaaheilee täysin järjettömästi radalla vailla mitään käsitystä ajolinjoista ja ohituspaikoista.
Splitithän on sitä varten. Mutta joo, välillä näkee kuskeja jotka ei ole jaksanu opetella autoa tarpeeksi ja sitten pyöritään radalla miten sattuu.
Le Mansin 24h kisassa meidän splitissä oli yksi iberian sankari joka ei päässy LMP1 autolla ohi edes LMP2 autoista.
Yleensäkin noi tollaset kuskit tulee sieltä Iberia klubista..
Tavallaan samaa mieltä mutta omaan käteen ei mazda oikein ikinä istunut. Melkein lopetin koko pelin sen takia. Aika nopeesti sitten siirryin formula renaulttiin ja tuntuu paljon enemmän omalta. Varmasti hyötyä on jos jaksaa mazdalla hinkata ja reenata, ei se mikään helppo auto ole.
Tuleekohan taaskaan mitään kesätarjousta jo tilaavien vuosihintaan. Ennen oli aina mutta jossain vaiheessa kesätarjoukset hävisi.


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