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Kumpaakaan en ole pelannut mutta lukeman perusteella Squad ja PS on vielä enemmän MilSimin kaltaisia, kun taas hll on taas vähän nopeampi ja helpompi oppia. Toki myös se että squad ja ps on aikalailla valmiita pelejä verrattuna tähän.Milläs tämä erottuu noista Squadeista ja Post scriptumeista?
Koskas porukka meinaa mennä porukalla seuraavan kerran rähisee?
Ok, kiitän. Huomasin että eihän mulla enää ole tuota discordia kun olen uusinut konetta ja asentanut kaiken uudelleen.
Mulla oli se client versio kun Dayz kaverin kanssa pelattiin niin pitääkö tuossa nyt muistaa se tunnus jonka luonut joskus vuonna x?
The Tiger 1.
8.8cm calibre gun
️100mm thick frontal armour
54 tonnes of German engineering
Roaring onto the frontline in a future update!
Learn more: http://bit.ly/DevBrief36
Developer Briefing #38 – Unit Management System!
21.8. KELLO 20.08 - JONNO
Hey everyone,
Welcome to Developer Briefing 38! This week we’re pleased to share with you that Unit Management, a feature we know you’ve patiently been waiting for, is coming to Hell Let Loose in Update #2.
Unit Management will help Officers run their unit, and keep it banded. This is to encourage chatty units, playing with friends, role playing or bringing tactically like-minded players together.
The full ins and outs of this system can be found below…
Your Unit, Your Rules!
When creating a unit and taking the Officer role, players now have the choice as to whether they want to make their unit open or locked.
The only way a player can join a locked unit is via approval from the unit’s Officer. This is achieved by receiving an invite from said Officer, or by sending a join request to a locked unit and having it accepted.
When using this system, there’s a couple of things to keep in mind:
1. Officers can only invite players in the deploy menu and can only invite unassigned (not in a unit already) players.
2. If an Officer is deployed and alive, unassigned players can send a join request, which will then lead to an actionable prompt on the receiving Officer’s screen.
To further highlight the importance of Officers, we’re also adding a feature that messages every player in a unit that lacks an Officer that they should probably consider addressing this. Players will be encouraged to do this upon using the deployment screen.
What shape is Italy?
Unit management will also bring with it the ability to boot players out of their unit, if you’re an Officer.
Players that get removed from this method will be removed from their unit upon death, before being prompted to join another unit on the deployment screen.
Here’s a heads up on what happens to players in different kicking scenarios:
- Kicked players will be in the same unit VOIP channel, until they die.
- However, Kicked players do not show up in units and do not count towards a unit’s size.
- If a Sniper is pending to be kicked on death in a Recon unit, another player can join as a Rifleman immediately and swap to Sniper when the role becomes vacant. (No Sniper stacking!)
Harsh, but fair.
Just because we’re adding a kicking feature, it doesn’t mean it should be used on a whim. Ideally newer players or those lacking the experience of more veteran players will be met with patience, encouragement and comradery.
But, we know that people get kicked for different reasons, so when a kick does occur the affected player will receive a notification as to why they got kicked upon death.
The three reasons for the boot that an Officer can give are the following:
1. Not using teamwork
2. Not staying with the unit
3. Making room for a friend
If you find yourself without a unit at the deployment menu, simply join another, or create one of your own.
Officer’s Rules!
That wraps up our briefing on unit management. Thanks again for your patience whilst we worked on adding it to the game, you won’t be waiting long for this!
If you're enjoying Hell Let Loose we'd love you to leave us a Steam review.
See you on the frontline!
Olikos tässä nyt miten tuki ultrawidelle? Nyt ku viiden vuoden tauon jälkeen on tuo moninpeli panna nostettu, nii alkanut kinostaa tämäkin peli. Pärjääkö ilman mikkiä vai onko sitä vaan haittoina jos kuuntelee ja kirjottaa? Ja mikä tällä on aikataulu ulos early accesista?
Developer Briefing #39 - Player Customisation!
29.8. KELLO 20.09 - JONNO
Hey everyone,
This week's Developer Briefing is straight from Lead Developer Max as he shares a more in-depth look at our upcoming customisation system!
Over to you, Max!
Cosmetics in Hell Let Loose
Hi guys!
Update 2 will see the introduction of the early stages of the cosmetic system in Hell Let Loose. Tying in to a much broader array of systems, we had several goals we wanted to accomplish with it:
1: provide a way to personalise your appearance with historically accurate uniforms.
2: to display veterancy and experience in-game as a reward for long term players.
3: to capture the huge iconic array of uniforms and helmets seen during World War Two.
For us this has been a huge design challenge. We’ve tried to strike a balance between absolute accuracy to what each soldier was wearing for each force at each battle - while also allowing some flexibility in appearance.
How does it work?
In Hell Let Loose, your appearance is broken up into three different aspects across each of the 14 roles. Per army, this becomes 28 separately customisable roles - not including forces added at a later date.
While a plain old feldgrau Stahhelm is nice, a camouflaged one wrapped in scrim is better. Whether you want to play as a specific historical company or stand out in your unit, we’re excited to allow you to bring some quickly recognisable personality to your unit.
From looking like Band of Brother’s green recruit Albert Blithe, through to the grizzled face of Brad Pitt’s Don "Wardaddy" Collier from Fury, we’ll be adding many different characters.
Enlist in the standard US summer uniform, rug up with a winter coat, throw on an assault vest, or hunker down in a splinter camo smock, each role has a specific array of uniforms to unlock and use. They’re designed to be a quick way to determine the experience of the players around you.
How do I get new helmets, heads and uniforms?
Each of these items will be unlocked in multiple ways. Many tie into our Role leveling system - where playing a particular role continuously will slowly unlock more and more uniform options (for instance, the winter uniform is one of the first unlocks).
Other items will be unlocked through our Player levelling system - the overarching level that determines your experience with the game as a whole.
Will cosmetics be role specific?
Yes. It’s important to us that we make sure a particular item is role specific so as not to break immersion. This means that cosmetic items will only be available to the roles that are appropriate - such as Officer helmets only being available to Officers! It also means we won’t be allowing tank crewmen to wear sniper veils.
Why did you implement a cosmetic system now? Surely there are more important things to work on!
We’ve bought the cosmetic system in now as it’s largely entangled with a wider array of systems - including our player account system, progression system, weapon selection system and full TPP and FPP animation and look overhaul (which in turn ties in to our development of soft-skinned wheeled vehicles) . By bringing this in now, we won’t need to double back on work or risk breaking things at a later date.
Where do I apply my cosmetics?
The Barracks is now available from the main menu. There you can customise each role to your heart's content.
Should you want to change your uniform or helmet to something more map-appropriate while in-game, you can do so when you select your role after joining a unit. We are currently working to implement this alongside the ability to select a specific weapon or equipment loadout per role
Equip your soldier for any front!
As you rank up and gain role experience, you'll be able to unlock unique cosmetics to inspire your allies and strike fear into your foes!
See your uniform in all its 360 degrees glory!
Thanks for reading this week’s dev briefing. Next time we’ll be taking an in-depth look at the pros and cons of the Tiger - also arriving in Update 2. We’ll also be unveiling our updated roadmap. We know that Update 2 is short on maps, but have no fear - Update 3 is not far behind and will contain new maps and other goodies.
If you’re enjoying Hell Let Loose, you can help us by leaving us a review on Steam.
See you on the frontline!
EA Update 2 - Tiger Tank - Live Now
Hell Let Loose - Jonno
Hi everyone!
Update 2 is here and while it’s a big one, much of the work has been done behind the scenes. We struggled to think of a proper name for it, as it’s an implementation of key features that the game is currently missing.
Update 2
Unit Management
Out of the gate, the first large scale implementation is our unit management mechanics. You can now lock your Unit - both as you make it and after it’s already been made. This will enable you to curate who’s in your unit. On top of this, we’ve also introduced the ability for Officers to invite players to their unit, as well as kick players. In addition to this, if players attempt to join a locked unit this will send a request to the Officer of the Unit, allowing for reciprocal inviting. In addition to this, when kicking a player from your unit you’ll be asked to give them a reason. We know that managing a Unit can be a stressful and difficult affair, or perhaps you’re keen to play only with friends or your Clan. This update is designed to give you the ability to decide.
- Locking
- Inviting
- Kicking
The Tiger 1
The second component of the update is the new German beast - the Tiger 1. We’ve approached the Tiger with care. What it makes up in heavy armor and it’s powerful 88, it loses in speed and it’s relatively high profile. The Germans are able to field a single Tiger 1 and we encourage allied armor crews to take it on in groups, or wait in ambush and hit it from a hull-down, defillade position. While lesser forms of anti-tank measures (such as the Bazooka) will struggle to penetrate the body, aiming for the barrel or tracks will allow you to seriously wound the lumbering giant - making it vulnerable to the faster Allied armor.
Vehicle Audio Assets and Systems
The third component of Update 2 is the overhaul of all vehicle sounds - the cannon, engine and track sounds. We’ve finalised the way the sound behaves, as well as invested in high quality recordings of each of the tanks and vehicles in-game - now and coming. Each tank has its own distinct audio signature, allowing you to tell Allied from Axis at range, as well as the nature of its speed and size. The final cherry on top will be the implementation of a ducking system for vehicle occupants in the coming weeks - this will create a proper audio dynamic between the interior and exterior of closed vehicles.
- Luchs: new engine start, idle, rev and track sounds.
- Stuart: new engine start, idle, rev, track and cannon sounds.
- Sherman: new engine start, idle, rev, track and cannon sounds.
- Panther: new engine start, idle, rev, track and cannon sounds.
Barracks Customisation System
The fourth component of Update 2 is the first foundation of our customisation system - the Barracks. The Barracks will serve as a location to view your player level progress, your role progress and all the customisation components you’ve unlocked for each. You’ll be able to equip different helmets, uniforms and change characters for each role - per each force.
Coming hot on the heels of Update 2 will be the introduction of our progression system. This will complete the Barracks functionality. Included in this will be the ability to change your customisation as you select your role in-game, as well as the ability to select a different primary weapon or loadout.
Finally, we’ve used the opportunity to roll out much-needed community management tools to help administer community servers. This will assist the fantastic server admins in curating their environment to provide a far better experience.
Alongside these significant points, we’ve done a lot of work on smaller bugs and issues that we’ve been keen to iron out. We know that this is all good and well, but that the community will be most excited to know about new maps.
We’ll be releasing an updated roadmap to explain the coming weeks before we drop Update 3.
As a heads up, Update 3 is going to be HUGE - with Omaha Beach dropping at the same time as our second gamemode - Offensive.
Major Additions
- Unit Management
- Tiger 1 Tank -This rounds out the top end of the German armor until we introduce the Tiger 2 and other surprises.
- Significant audio upgrade for all vehicles in the game
- Introduction of the Barracks customisation system
- Significant RCON administration tools
- Smoothing out mantling and vaulting from FPP perspective by unlocking the camera and allowing higher tolerances for what could be vaulted.
- Added several ambient tilts and momentum changes to the FPP rig in order to demonstrate your stance, speed and movement - resulting in a more fluid FPP experience.
- Changed mip streaming levels for more than 600 textures to lower burden on low-end GPUs.
- Added proper skeletal mesh LODs for all skeletal meshes (all characters, vehicles, statics).
- New engine & firing sounds for Sherman tank
- New engine & firing sounds for Panther tank
- New engine & firing sounds for Luchs tank
- New engine & firing sounds for Stuart tank
- Fixed various small visual issues in each map (floating props etc).
- Fixed an issue where players have experienced their proximity VOIP channel stop working after loading into a new game from one that's just finished.
- Fixed an issue where players have experienced the leadership VoIP channel not functioning when creating their first unit after joining a server or swapping from being in a unit to creating one.
Visual Improvements
- Altered muzzle blast on tanks to include more drifting smoke.
- Vehicle dirt trails are now more performant, larger and better looking.
- Redeploy counter to be made larger and more visible.
- HUD VoIP notifications are now more legible.
- Server message and server broadcast have been redesigned to be much less obnoxious and obtrusive.
- The server browser now has a more obvious scroll bar.
- Setup admin permission levels and allow Server Owner to add new admins with specific abilities. (Owner/Senior Admin/Junior Admin)
- Setup ability for admins to force team switch particular players with the choice to do now, or when the player dies.
- Exposed all auto-balance variables to the server admin (including time and player threshold - as well as ability to disable it).
- Added ability to give a reason for a server kick or ban.
- Enabled ability for admins to punish players alongside a reason.
- Introduced ability for Admins to create a server broadcast message.
- Created a server log for Admins to view - including all significant 2D information (connects, disconnects, teamkills etc).
Bug Fixes
- On the main menu 'Enlist' will appear to overlap and touch the title of the game.
- Fixed graphical issue with Utah load screen.
- Fixed low FPS lock caused just after spawn (caused by crashing audio thread).
- Fixed an issue where players can become stuck on a defunct "Selecting Role" screen when selecting the Leadership role from the "Select Your Role" screen
- Fixed an issue where the main menu will remain in a faded state after pressing NO on the Quit window.
- Fixed an issue where the ADS sensitivity option affects multiple pieces of equipment that do not have any ADS functionality.
- Fixed an issue where after taking damage for the first time during a life, the bandage icon will appear smaller than normal.
- Fixed an issue where tanks are instantly destroyed when an AT mine is placed next to them. They must now move over them in order to trigger the mine.
- Fixed an issue where the camera will point upwards or downwards when the player, from a prone position forces collision with another prone player.
- Fixed multiple graphical issues observed when a player dies or is placed in the critically injured sate on-top of specific tanks.
- Fixed an issue where Outposts placed in-game are not destroyed in-game or on the map when the unit that created them is disbanded.
- Fixed an issue when 'ADS Toggle' is set to off, the machine gun ADS animation jitters when tapped compared to being held down.
Currently Working On
- Continued overhaul of stock UI and HUD features to make them better looking and better functioning - including pinging, marks, Commander screen, role selection screens, vehicle HUDs, artillery HUDs, heavy weapons HUDs.
- Flamethrower FPP setup.
- Progression system.
- Stats system.
- Polishing FPP experience to make it more fluid
- Re-assessing MG deployment mechanic in order to increase functionality and fluidity.
- Replacing current fat FPP hands with photoreal hands and integrating new sleeves to reflect new uniforms.
- Currently beginning work on full mocap overhaul of all TPP animations.
- Working on Western Front backer map #1 (a very iconic map).
- Working on Western Front urban map (also an iconic location).
- Testing network load from wheeled vehicles.
- Scoping out scope polish and visual enhancements.
- Addition of ambient audio to all maps in line with Utah Beach.
- Continued audio work in investigating new audio engine implementation.
- Continued overhaul of audio assets within the game.
- Re-assessing supply boxes and ammo boxes to remove ugly “redeploy” gameplay loop.
- Continued visual upgrades and optimisations on all maps and fx.
- Continued bug fixes across the entire spectrum.
- Various bug fixes
Thanks - we’ll see you on the battlefield!
Aika rumalta tää peli näyttää
Tää voi auttaa kuvanlaatuun:Onkohan grafiikoiden suhteen tulossa mitään? Aika rumalta tää peli näyttää ja kaukana oleva vihu on vaan epämääräinen pikseli vilkkuvaa taustaa vasten.
Tsekkaa muutama viesti ylöspäin: Hell Let LooseOnkohan grafiikoiden suhteen tulossa mitään? Aika rumalta tää peli näyttää ja kaukana oleva vihu on vaan epämääräinen pikseli vilkkuvaa taustaa vasten.
Dev on sanonut että AA asetusten laajempi säätö on tulossa. Aikaa ei ole koska se saadaan, mutta sen pitäisi parantaa pikselöintiä huomattavasti.Onkohan grafiikoiden suhteen tulossa mitään? Aika rumalta tää peli näyttää ja kaukana oleva vihu on vaan epämääräinen pikseli vilkkuvaa taustaa vasten.
Täyteen hintaan en ostaisi ihan jo vaan siitä syystä, että peli ei ole mitenkään loistavassa kunnossa.Vieläkö tälle löytyy pelaajia/servuja, eli kannattaako ostaa?
Täyteen hintaan en ostaisi ihan jo vaan siitä syystä, että peli ei ole mitenkään loistavassa kunnossa.
Toimivuudesta olen kyllä täysin eri mieltä. Eihän se kaatuile juu mutta kaikenlaista FPS ongelmaa tuossa oli asetukset mitkä hyvänsä. Sellaisen myös huomannut että näyttiksen kellot heiluvat kentällä ollessa laidasta laitaan oli siihen syytä ei tai. Sitten taas kun kuolet ja tulee You have died tms ruutu eteen niin boost kellot menevät päälle ja pysyvät siinä niin kauan kun sitä ruutua jaksaa katsella. Muuten syyttäisin omaa setuppiani asiasta mutta en ole ainoa jolla näitä ongelmia esiintyy. Tietysti peli on EA vielä mutta silti voisi perustan katsoa parempaan kuntoon ennen kuin muihin ominaisuuksiin tarttuu. Sen verran mitä tuli pelattua niin ainakin alustavasti näyttää siltä että VOIP ongelman ovat saaneet korjattua mistä plussaa. Mutta jos näiden asioiden kanssa on valmis elämään niin eikun peli ostoon vaan. Muutenhan peli on pelillisesti vähintäänkin ok tasoa.Mitä tarkoitat "loistavassa kunnossa"? Peli on kyllä teknisesti toimiva, ei kaatuile koskaan ja muutenkin toimii ja pyörii hyvin.
Contentia nyt toki lisäillään vielä tämän early access-periodin aikana, mutta kyllä nykyiselläkin contentilla saa hyviä ja hauskoja hetkiä aikaiseksi.
AMD vai Nvidia? 1060:llä ei ongelmia.Eihän se kaatuile juu mutta kaikenlaista FPS ongelmaa tuossa oli asetukset mitkä hyvänsä.
Yhdelle pelikavereista GTX 1070. Itselläni taas RTX 2070 OC.AMD vai Nvidia? 1060:llä ei ongelmia.
Jotkut AMD-käyttäjät ovat saaneet tasaisemman suorituskyvyn näillä asetuksilla: Hell Let Loose
Patch #7 - Live Now!
Hell Let Loose - Jonno
Hi everyone!
This week Patch 7 is bringing you the first iteration of our progression and commendation system, alongside a bunch of other crash fixes and functionality improvements. We’re very hard at work on Omaha Beach and our new Offensive gamemode that will accompany it.
We deep dived into how our progression and commendation system works in detail HERE.
Patch Notes
The progression and commendation system has now been implemented into the game! This is an early iteration of this and we’re sure that we’ll need to balance this further according to community feedback.
During the first few weeks of implementation we’ve restricted the total amount of customisations options available while we make sure the rate of progression is near where we want it. If we can quickly confirm that the rate of progression matches our testing, we’ll start introducing new customisation options for both career level unlocks and role unlocks.
Ultimately, we’ll be continually introducing new customisation options in nearly every patch and update as we progress through Early Access. In addition to this, the customisation options you’ll initially have access to will be more on the vanilla side of things. We’ll be introducing historically accurate but much more visually appealing options for the higher levels as we go (this applies for all three categories of optimisation).
Please note, if we introduce a new customisation option for a level you’ve already unlocked then it will be available to you immediately.
To do
In the near future we will be implementing the Barracks customisation functionality in-game when you go to select your role. This will allow you to change your uniform, character and helmet in a map-appropriate setting. We will also be introducing the ability to change your primary weapon loadout with this addition too.
- Kickstarter/Pre-Order Helmets remain equipped in the Barracks/In-Game after a user disables the DLC.
- Kickstarter helmet mouse over info now correctly shows that the Kickstarter helmet is for Captain tier or higher.
- We now stop players being able to repeatedly switch teams before they spawn. This is to make “ghosting” much harder to achieve.
- Players can still use leadership voice when not part of a Unit if they create and leave a Unit.
Bug Fixes
- Player retains the limited camera rotation from vaulting or climbing by having the map change via RCon or Map Vote whilst mid animation.
- Front-end UI headings do not remain highlighted when they are currently selected.
- Removed unnecessary kick con on a player’s own name.
- Removed unnecessary scroll bar in the 'Common' section for the 'Keybindings' sub-menu.
- Faction emblems appeared to be of a low resolution on the Victory screen.
- On the scoreboard while in-game, 'next match in 0:00' appears instead of the time remaining in-game.
- The Unit UI does not visually update correctly if a player that was kicked on the Deployment Screen joins or creates a Unit.
- Swapping a players team via 'Switch Teams Now' and 'Switch Teams On Death' on RCon does not update the players team for leadership VoIP.
- Swapping a Commander using RCON "Switch Teams Now" or "Switch Teams On Death" automatically makes them a Commander on the team they were swapped to and causes multiple other major issues.
Visual Improvements
- Soldier customisation appear to not decrease in detail over distance once rendered in by being nearby.
- Two US helmets had a noticeable LOD drop off at close range.
- Added a tooltip to the score type icons in the tab scoreboard and after round scoreboard.
- On Foy, player is able to get stuck within a tree's collision box when approaching while in prone position.
Utah Beach
- The R667 bunker had incorrect bullet collision.
- There is a scarecrow inside a house that had blood particle effects when shot.
In Testing
- Omaha Beach
- Offensive Gamemode
- Queuing for servers.
- Making MG deployment more responsive, fluid and polished.
- Total firearms sound overhaul.
- Large scale skeletal mesh and vram optimisations.
Currently working on (non-exhaustive list, we just want to give you some idea):
- Continuing HUD and UI updates.
- Implementing mocap and making large changes to our TPP animation systems. These will result in a much more natural look and feel.
- Our FPP experience - with a focus on gunplay - is being overhauled in a separate branch.
- This is to both match our new TPP look, but also to greatly increase the fluidity of the FPP experience.
- Continued optimisations.
- Diving (performed by proning while sprinting). This is wrapped up with our FPP overhaul currently.
- Bullet penetration.
- Map balancing (addition of cover and other features in locations that are either boring or creating a tedious gameplay experience).
- Wheeled vehicles.
- Three new maps are currently at different stages of development.
- Updating all audio and SFX. We’ve been testing reflections and different reverb volumes alongside all new weapon fire and reload sounds.
If you’re enjoying Hell Let Loose, you can help us by leaving us a review on Steam.
See you on the frontline!
Joitakin tunteja nyt pelattuna ja onhan tuo kyllä ihan hyvää mähinää. Suurin ongelma tällä hetkellä että in game voice talk ei tunnu toimivan 90% ajasta itsellä jostain syystä. 1080p suorituskykykin ihan ok, varmaan avg 90-100fps suht korkeilla asetuksilla. Saa nähdä miten käy kun 2k näyttö tulee myöhemmin.
Ei ainakaan itsellä toimi suoraan tuo linkki, heittää vaan discin etusivulleSuosittelen lämpimästi tuota edellissivulle postattua HLL Discordia jossa on kunnon voicekannut ja saa pamlata ihan suomeksi.
Porukkaa on liki joka ilta pelaamassa joten eikun rohkeasti mukaan vaan, tämä peli on parhaimmillaan hyvällä suomiporukalla.