Information you share
When you become a member of Honey you share a limited amount of information in connection with the registration process, including your name, email address, member password and other registration information. As you continue to use Honey’s products, you can save products of interest to you to monitor price drops and share promotional codes and deals you found useful for other users and members to benefit from. This additional information is optional and does not impact your use of Honey’s products.
Information we collect
- In addition to information that you share with us, Honey’s products automatically collect certain information to enable Honey’s products, including the Extension, to function properly and to help us better understand how our products work on various devices and browsers. That includes the type of devices you use, your device’s unique IDs where available or set, your IP address, your operating system, the type of browsers you use, URLs and domain names, how you engage with websites you visit when using Honey’s products, error logs, and other similar information. This information also allows us to upgrade and improve your experience.
- Honey’s products also collect information during the online shopping experience, including information about what promotional codes or coupons were used, pricing and availability of products, and information about how our products are used during the shopping experience.
- We take our users’ and our members’ time seriously and always want to make sure that any communication or service we provide is useful and relevant. It is in this spirit and scope that we also collect information which allows us to know whether you took an action from our communications. To do that we use common digital tools that allow us to see if you opened an email or visited a link we sent.
- We are always happy to help our users and members when you reach out with questions. The information we collect during that process is used to better improve Honey’s products and the experience of our users and members.