En oikein tiedä mihin ketjuun tämä pitäisi pistää. Vetää niin sanattomaksi ja niin hämmentävä ulostulo että vaikea sanoa minkä aiheen asia. Maahanmuuttoketjuakaan kun ei enää ole.
Helsingin yliopiston professorin juttua Maarianhaminen lehdessä. Käännetty enkuksi ruotsin kielestä.
HBL: Professor i hållbar utveckling vill se finländarna dö ut och inte föda fler barn
HBL: Professor of Sustainable Development wants to see Finns die out and not give birth to more children
Seems that Finland's population should be replaced by immigrants
Statistics Finland in Finland has recently published a
forecast detailing the ongoing eradication of young Finns. According to the authority, the low fertility in the country will cause the number of Finns under the age of 15 to fall to below 700,000 individuals already in the 2050s, which is the lowest level since the 1870s, when Finland had less than two million inhabitants.
Great reduction of working Finns The
fertility in 2018 is, according to the forecast, the lowest in Finland's history, as Finnish women no longer obtain children. Since 2010, the number of Finns aged 15-64 has fallen by over 100,000 and the amount will continue to decrease by more than 200,000 by 2030 and by 630,000 by 2050, according to Statistics Finland.
The population collapse is the most serious crisis that has hit Finland since the war and is described as a threat by Statistics Finland. The Government's
Ministry of Finance has also expressed concern about the development.
"Good for the climate if Finns disappear"
Someone who, on the other hand, looks positive on the forecast is
Kristina Lindström , professor of "sustainable development" at the University of Helsinki. In a series of
astonishing statements to Finnish-Swedish Hufvudstadsbladet, the 64-year-old says that development is desired and that she hopes that more children are not born in Finland.
- If you think about climate and sustainability, we consume a lot in Finland. From that point of view, it is not so bad that we are not so many, she says.
According to Hufvudstadsbladet, Lindström wants to see Finns replaced by people from other groups who are moving in. She refers to globalism to justify her desire for the Finnish people to disappear:
- It is, of course, unfortunate for the individuals who do not get the children they want, but in terms of climate footprint and from a more global perspective, however, it is not a bad development.
Awarded millions of euros for "sustainable development"
Kristina Lindström has received over EUR 4 million in grants from a number of societies, mainly those financed through the Finnish Treasury, for her research within, for example, "sustainable development". Lindström has declined to respond to Åland's news.