Fallout 76

Mä tykkään ennemmi vetää yhdellä-kahdella lyönnillä matalaks :D

Puukossa on se hyvä, että vastustaja ei ehdi tehdä juuri mitään vastaan kun tikkaa kokoajan kombat knifellä. Ja, sitten ruutiaseista mielestäni paras on handmade 5,56 kalashnikov (dmg 78). Löysin MG42 (dmg 13) .308, mutta en oikein tiedä vielä mihin sitä saksalaista käyttää.
Puukossa on se hyvä, että vastustaja ei ehdi tehdä juuri mitään vastaan kun tikkaa kokoajan kombat knifellä. Ja, sitten ruutiaseista mielestäni paras on handmade 5,56 kalashnikov (dmg 78). Löysin MG42 (dmg 13) .308, mutta en oikein tiedä vielä mihin sitä saksalaista käyttää.

Kertonee paljon pelin tekoälystä jos puukko ja melee aseet ovat pelin toimivimpia aseita. No onhan nuo taistelut aika naurettavia, jokainen vihollinen hakeutuu kohtisuorasti lähitaisteluun vaikka omaisivat range aseenkin.
Puukossa on se hyvä, että vastustaja ei ehdi tehdä juuri mitään vastaan kun tikkaa kokoajan kombat knifellä. Ja, sitten ruutiaseista mielestäni paras on handmade 5,56 kalashnikov (dmg 78). Löysin MG42 (dmg 13) .308, mutta en oikein tiedä vielä mihin sitä saksalaista käyttää.
Mulla aina power armori päällä ni suurin osa ei tee hirveetä vahinkoo vaikka osuiski. :D +Yleensä mä sprinttaan vihollista päin power armorilla ja lyön samantein ni siinä vaiheessa ne on yleensä jo kuollut, niin ei ne kerkee ees osuun muhun.
Mulla on siitä handmadesta two shot legendary (dmg 113)
Hunting riflestä tehdystä snipulla sit ammuskellaan pisemmälle ja agrotaan esim. scorchbeastit.
Kertonee paljon pelin tekoälystä jos puukko ja melee aseet ovat pelin toimivimpia aseita. No onhan nuo taistelut aika naurettavia, jokainen vihollinen hakeutuu kohtisuorasti lähitaisteluun vaikka omaisivat range aseenkin.

Ei ne ole jos ei ole panostanut kykyihin ja taitoihin jolla ne saadaan tehokkaiksi. Katsoppa perk kortteja tarkkaan, mitä valitset.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kertonee paljon pelin tekoälystä jos puukko ja melee aseet ovat pelin toimivimpia aseita. No onhan nuo taistelut aika naurettavia, jokainen vihollinen hakeutuu kohtisuorasti lähitaisteluun vaikka omaisivat range aseenkin.

Ootko kuinka pitkälle pelannut? Mikä level?
Onko tuohon pelin blurriin mitään niksejä miten kokemuksesta sais terävämmän. Kauempana olevat asiat ovat kovin sumuisia.
Olipa työn ja tuskan takana tuo jetpack. Viikko siinä meni enemmän ja vähemmän aktiivisesti säätäessä ennenkuin osui kohdalle. Pari Explosive asettakin löytynyt mutta kuraahan ne molemmat. Toinen lvl 35 submachine gun ja toinen LMG joka jo oletusarvoisesti täyttä tuubaa.

Hieman koomiselta vaikuttaa se että tulevat nerffaamaan noita Two shotteja ja Explosiveja sen sijaan että nuita OP melee buildeja tunettaisiin.
Hieman koomiselta vaikuttaa se että tulevat nerffaamaan noita Two shotteja ja Explosiveja sen sijaan että nuita OP melee buildeja tunettaisiin.

Mistä tämmöistä tietoa?
Ei ole paljoa rakkautta saanut myöskään unarmed buildi. Käytännössä ihan turha sitten New vegasin. Ei ole oikein perkkejä eikä "aseita".

Ite aloitin juuri uuden ukkelin melee buildina. Ihanan stressitöntä menoa kun ei koko ajan tarvii olla puljaamassa panoksia/inventaryä. Aseet muutenkin ihan vitsejä, pistoola vie saman AP:ta kuin haulikko (suurinpiirtein). Ei ollut kivaa pistoolasankarina, kun toiset painelee haulikko kädessä one shotaten vihuja. 10mm pistoolakin aivan täysi vitsi ja jopa putkipyssyt on parempia.

Kyllähän tämä "vähän" tasapainotusta tarviisi. Ja tehdä buildeista oikeasti erilaisia.
Hintahan on aivan normaali nahkatakille. Tuosta nillittäminen menee jo typeryyden puolelle. Vali vali vali koska sillä saa klikkejä YouTubessa. Valittaisivat vaikka siitä, että Bethesda tappaa pieniä eläimiä rahan takia. Tai siitä, että selvästi miesten mittoihin suunniteltua takkia yritetään myydä unisexinä käyttämällä naismallia osassa kuvista. Hyi helvetti, miten huonosti takki istuukaan kyseisen mallin päälle.

Henkilökohtaisesti kokisin häpeää, jos kävelisin kadulla kirkkaansinisessä fanipoika-nahkatakissa ja vastaan tulisi ihmisiä samanlaisen rotsin kanssa. Normaali musta tai ruskea nahkatakki ei herätä huomiota samalla tavalla.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Survival mode tulee seuraavassa päivityksessä valittavaksi,nykyinen mode säilyy ennallaan.
In last week’s Inside the Vault, we briefly mentioned a new, more dangerous mode, which is separate from the main game and has fewer restrictions on player-versus-player (PVP) experiences, will be coming to Fallout 76 in a future update. We’ve dubbed this new mode “Survival” and we’re excited to share a few more details with you today. Additionally, we’d also like to give you a little more information on our next major patch.


Since the launch of Fallout 76, we’ve received lots of feedback from some of our more competitive players who requested greater challenge, fewer restrictions, and more incentives when it comes to PVP combat. With this in mind, we began developing Survival mode, which will bring a new way for you to engage in even more demanding, high-stakes, and deadly adventures in Fallout 76. We’re still hard at work on this mode internally and plan to bring it to the live game in phases as we add more content and features over time. Here’s a preview of what you can expect from Survival when phase 1 opens for beta testing.


After hitting Play from the Main Menu, you’ll be able to choose whether you’d like to play Adventure mode, which is Fallout 76 as you know it today, or the new Survival mode. The same quests, events, and story that you’re used to in Adventure mode will all remain available in Survival, but you’ll have to navigate them under the ever-looming threat of hostile dwellers who may be hiding just around the corner.

You’re free to create new characters for Survival mode, and encouraged to do so, but you can also use your existing ones. If you do take on Survival mode with an existing character, keep in mind that all your progress from Adventure mode will travel with you, and anything that affects your character in one game mode will also affect them in the other. This means that if you fire off all your ammo, level up, complete a quest, spend Caps, or find a fancy new weapon in Survival, this will also be reflected on that character in Adventure. If you’d rather keep your existing characters as they are, we recommend starting a new one when you head into the more challenging Survival mode.

Survival mode is not for the faint of heart! All players, except your teammates or event groupmates, are automatically flagged as hostile toward one another by default. There are no “invitations” to PVP combat in Survival mode. You can attack other players without restriction from the first shot you line up, meaning every encounter you have with a stranger could turn deadly in the blink of an eye.

Further, level scaling in Survival mode will work the same way it does in Adventure mode today. This will help to level the playing field a bit and give newer characters a fighting chance against high-level players they might encounter during their adventures in the Wasteland. As a result, you’ll need to keep your wits about you during every hostile encounter, because even low-level characters can pose a real threat.

As this will be our first implementation of a Survival mode, we plan to experiment with different rules after Beta release, such as death mechanics. Currently, players who die in Survival mode will be unable to use the seek revenge respawn option against their aggressors and can only choose to respawn at their C.A.M.P. or Vault 76. We’re also planning to award you double the Caps when you kill another player, and they may drop their Aid or other items in addition to their Junk. Added risks and rewards like these in Survival mode PVP will make each of your deaths more devastating, and every kill you rack up much more lucrative. However, it’s important to note that these changes aren’t set in stone, and we’ll be looking to make adjustments based on playtesting and your feedback during the Survival Beta.

It’s also worth noting that players who are currently in Adventure mode worlds are completely separate from those in Survival mode, so you won’t need to worry about Survival players coming for your Aid items or double Cap rewards when you’re in Adventure mode.

For those of you who are focused on the new mode’s more competitive aspects, we’re also planning to roll out in-game leaderboards with the start of Survival mode (Beta). You’ll be able to see how you stack up against your friends and others in your current world, so you’ll need to stay sharp if you want to stay on top. We’ll have much more to share about leaderboards and all of the stats you’ll be able to keep tabs on during each play session as we get closer to the Survival Beta.

Looking further ahead, we’re going to continue to evolve, improve, and add content to Survival mode with future updates throughout this year and your feedback will incredibly helpful as we make it the most fun and challenging Fallout PVP experience we can. Our hope is to roll out the Survival Beta in March. However, we still have a lot more work to do on Leaderboards and other features and may need more development time for testing. Stay tuned for more information on the exact timing, and an even more in-depth look at Survival mode as we get closer to release.

We’re still targeting the end of January for the release of Patch 5. In addition to the changes we previewed in the last Inside the Vault, we’re pleased to share that we’re swatting another massive round of bugs with this patch, and implementing a number of changes based on feedback that players like you have shared with us on the forums, reddit, and social media, including:

  • Hotkey improvements for AZERTY keyboard layouts, which should help French-speaking players have an easier time when constructing their C.A.M.P.s.
  • A “(Known)” tag will now appear next to recipes and plans you’ve already learned in Vendor and player inventories, and trade menus.
  • The Traveling Pharmacy Perk will now correctly reduce the weight of RadAway and other Chems.
  • Early Warnings quest progress will no longer become stuck when crafting Upgraded Motors, and logging out after crafting Upgraded Motors will no longer reset the quest tracker to 0/5.
  • And much more!
Additionally, we’re continuing to investigate, track down, and eliminate exploits, and your reports on these types of issues are a huge help in quickly bringing them to our attention as they spring up. Once again, if you think you’ve found an exploit, or observed another player using an exploit, please let our Support team know by submitting a ticket, and include any steps that may help reliably reproduce the issue.

Finally, please be sure to stop by our forum thread for Events feedback to share your experiences with in-game events and answer a few questions about which you enjoy the most, which you enjoy the least, what types of events you’d like to see added to the game, and more. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will go a long way toward helping us shape and improve events going forward.

Until next time, we’ll see you in Appalachia!

Fallout 76: Inside the Vault - January 24, 2019

"A “(Known)” tag will now appear next to recipes and plans you’ve already learned in Vendor and player inventories, and trade menus."
Tuota on kaivattu jo pitkään.
Mainiota että PVP:lle tulee omat palvelimet niin ei tartte niitä jannuja enää katella.
Jos tulee F2P (toivottavasti ei P2W) niin kokeilen. Noista ilmaisista peleistä STO on siitä kiva että joko maksat tai "pelaat perseellä" eli oikeestaan kaiken voi grindata jos ahteri kestää.
Mainiota että PVP:lle tulee omat palvelimet niin ei tartte niitä jannuja enää katella.
Niin,ne nykyiset pvp säännöt tulee pätemään tuola normi puolella. Mutta toivottavasti suurin osa niistä riidan haastajista lähtee tonne survival puolella.

Jos tulee F2P (toivottavasti ei P2W) niin kokeilen. Noista ilmaisista peleistä STO on siitä kiva että joko maksat tai "pelaat perseellä" eli oikeestaan kaiken voi grindata jos ahteri kestää.
Ei nyt varmaan kovin äkkiä ole F2P tulossa,jos ollenkaan.

Fallout 76 is not going free to play, in case you were wondering | PC Gamer
Ei peli voi tietenkään muuttua maksuttomaksi, koska lukuisat ihmiset ovat maksaneet siitä jo kovan hinnan. Sen sijaan Bethesda voi dumpata markkinoille ison tukun peliavaimia alekampanjoiden kautta tai vaikka Humble Bundleen.
Ei peli voi tietenkään muuttua maksuttomaksi, koska lukuisat ihmiset ovat maksaneet siitä jo kovan hinnan. Sen sijaan Bethesda voi dumpata markkinoille ison tukun peliavaimia alekampanjoiden kautta tai vaikka Humble Bundleen.

Tämä. Ei tämä todellakaan tule olemaan ilmaispeli, siinä vaiheessa jengi rupeaa pommittamaan Bethesdaa ja vaatimaan rahojaan takaisin.
Tai sitten pitäisi maksaneiden pelaajien saada jotain kunnon ikuisia buffeja tai muuta mukavaa.
Kyllä tämä F2P:ksi menee, kysymys on vain milloin. Veikkasin reilu kuukausi sitten että se tapahtuu vuonna 2019 ja seison yhä ennusteeni takana.
No onhan tätä peliä myyty aika halvalla, tälläkin hetkellä n. 8 euroa.
Fallout 76: Patch Notes – January 29, 2019
Patch 5 is rolling out today with a number of balance and design changes along with another large wave of bug fixes. All of this is possible thanks to your continued support and feedback on the game.

As the game evolves, so do our patch notes. With Patch 4 a few weeks ago, we added “Dev Notes” under some of our larger changes. We’ve done this to provide you with more context behind things like balance and design changes. We will also tackle additional questions as they come in and we’ll update this article as needed. Additionally, we’ve been working on a known issues post that we plan to keep updated as we fix existing bugs, acknowledge and address any new issues that arise, and roll out changes to the game based on you feedback.

Now, let’s take a look at the updates coming with Patch 5.

Patch Version:
Download sizes for today’s patch will be approximately 3.5 GB for consoles, and around 500 MB for PC.

  • PC:
  • PS4:
  • Xbox:
  • Performance: Several additional improvements have been made to in-game performance.
  • Stability: The Fallout 76 game client and servers have received additional stability improvements.
Balance Changes
  • Perks: The damage bonuses provided by each rank of the Demolition Expert perk have been reduced from +20%/40%/60%/80%/100% to +20%/30%/40%/50%/60% to match other weapon perk damage bonuses.
  • Perks: The condition loss bonuses provided by each rank of the White Knight and Licensed Plumber perks have been reduced from 30%/60%/90% to 20%/40%/60%, and their repair bonuses have also been reduced, to match the Power Patcher perk.
    • Dev Note: In looking at the Demolition Expert, White Knight, and Licensed Plumber perks, we felt they have so far been overperforming in their current roles, and we wanted to bring them more in line with similar perks to help prevent them from feeling like mandatory picks.
  • Weapons: The Explosive legendary mod’s damage bonus has been reduced from +100% to +20% of base weapon damage, with explosive radius damage.
  • Weapons: The Two Shot legendary effect’s damage bonus has been reduced from +100% to +25% of base weapon damage.
    • Dev Note: As mentioned in a previous Inside the Vault article, both the explosive mod and two shot weapons could result in dealing very high amounts of damage, and this was compounded if two shot and explosive were combined. We’ve decided to tone both of these damage bonuses back.
  • Weapons: Flamers, Cryolators, plasma weapons, and laser weapons can no longer spawn with the Explosive legendary mod.
    • Dev Note: The explosive mod causes weapons to fire bullets that are . . . explosive. The weapons listed above don’t fire bullets, so we’ve temporarily removed the ability for them to spawn with that mod applied so we can make adjustments.
C.A.M.P., Crafting, and Workshops
  • Scrapping: Loose weapon and armor mods are now protected from autoscrapping when crafting. However, they can still be scrapped manually if a player wants to break them down into scrap components.
  • Turrets: An “(Owned)” tag will now appear next to the names of Turrets a player has built in their C.A.M.P. or a workshop.
Design and Gameplay
  • Carry Weight: Is now capped to an absolute limit of 1,500 pounds over the character’s current maximum carry weight.
    • For example: If your carry weight limit is 210 pounds, then your maximum limit is 1,710 pounds.
    • Characters will be unable to exceed this new weight limit moving forward.
    • Characters who already exceed this limit will be unable to add any additional items or caps to their inventories until they have reduced their carry weight below the cap.
    • Dev Note: These limits exist primarily to keep servers from performing poorly, which can happen when we have too many items in the game world. They also play role in helping to regulate the in-game economy. We do recognize the desire to be able to own more of the cool items that we have in the game, and we are looking into a variety of solutions, including increasing the stash size. We will be sure to talk more about this when they are ready.
  • Cap Stashes: To help address cap exploits, caps stashes have been turned into containers, which allows them to properly reset and provide players with instanced loot.
  • Plans and Recipes: When viewing a plan or recipe in a menu, a “(Known)” tag will now appear next to the names of recipes and plans the player has already learned.
  • Vendors: Recipes and Plans in Vendor inventories are no longer randomized and can now be reliably sourced from those Vendors, with the exception of some minor Workshop and C.A.M.P. Plans.
    • The appearance of many Plans and Recipes in Vendor inventories is based on player level and they will show up once the proper level has been reached.
    • Additional structural Plans for wall sets, power connectors, doors, generators, and water purifiers have also been added to some Vendors.
  • Hunter/Hunted: A server-wide message will now appear when a player joins the Hunter/Hunted queue.
    • This message will only be displayed once per player to avoid spam.
    • An additional server-wide message will be displayed when Hunter/Hunted is ready to begin in order to give other players a final chance to join.
Quests and Events
  • Belly of the Beast: A new “Ultracite Power Armor” entry has been added to Taggerdy’s Terminal on the top floor of Fort Defiance, offering Ultracite Power Armor plans to those who read it.
  • First Contact: A new miscellaneous objective will now appear upon reaching the Overseer's C.A.M.P. for the first time, prompting the player to place a C.A.M.P. of their own.
  • Gauley Mine: A new miscellaneous objective will now appear at Gauley Mine to introduce players to Ore Deposits.
  • Monster Mash: The amount of XP awarded per round during this event has been reduced from 350 to 100.
Bug Fixes
Art and Graphics
  • Lighting: Lighting no longer flickers throughout Arktos Pharma.
  • Apparel: Fixed an issue that could cause a character’s legs to show through the Rose Dress while it is equipped.
C.A.M.P., Crafting, and Workshops
  • Artillery: Fixed an issue that could prevent Artillery from being placed in valid locations.
  • Blueprints: Addressed an issue preventing players from placing a stored blueprint containing posts that were placed partially underground when the blueprint was originally saved.
  • Budget: Scrapping a stored blueprint that contained wires will now correctly remove those wires from the C.A.M.P. budget.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit that could allow players to duplicate their stored blueprints.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit that could allow players to reduce their carry weight to a negative value.
  • Foundations: Fixed an issue that could cause a “Cannot place item: Needs support” message to display when editing a partially floating foundation.
  • Power Armor Station: Players can no longer view power armor they do not own when attempting to access a power armor station that’s occupied by another player.
  • Scrapping: Ignition Cores crafted for the Earth Mover event are no longer automatically scrapped when using the Scrap All Junk option at a Workbench.
  • Scrapping: Junk items that need to be manually scrapped are no longer automatically scrapped for components when attempting to craft.
  • Stored Objects: Repeatedly attempting to place an Atomic Shop variant of an object the player had stored but does not own no longer prevents them from placing other variants.
  • Structures: Fixed an issue that could prevent a C.A.M.P. or workshop structure from being edited when building levels had been merged or split several times. This fix is not retroactive and will not apply to structures built prior to today’s patch.
  • Terminals: Powered terminals contained within a stored blueprint now work correctly when the blueprint is placed in a new location
  • Collect Holotape Games: Nuka Tapper sub-challenge can now be completed by playing the Nuka-Tapper holotape game.
  • Formal Wear Challenges: Pantsuits and Shortsuits now correctly count as formal wear when completing challenges.
  • Gather Building Supplies: The “Scrap items to produce fertilizer” condition has been updated to "Collect Fertilizer" and can be completed by salvaging or crafting it using spoiled fruits, vegetables, and meat.
  • Learn Cooking Recipes: This challenge will now recognize many additional cooking recipes when they are learned for the first time. Retroactive credit will not be awarded for recipes learned prior to today’s patch, but that is planned for a future update.
  • A.I.: Fixed an issue in which some enemies could chase the player farther than intended and become frozen in place.
  • Exploit: Addressed several XP exploits by adding a limit to the maximum amount of XP granted by a single kill.
  • Looting: Fixed an issue that could prevent players from looting goo and ash piles after killing an enemy with a laser or plasma weapon.
  • Loading: Fixed several issues that could cause characters’ body parts, equipped apparel, or armor to become temporarily invisible to other nearby players or teammates after loading into a world.
  • Monorail Elevator: Fixed an issue that prevented the Monorail Elevator near the edge of Cranberry Bog from taking players to the top floor.
  • Performance: The Scorched Earth event has received optimization improvements.
  • Performance: On laptops with more than one graphics card, Fallout 76 will now default to using the dedicated graphics card rather than an integrated card.
  • Performance: Launching the Traditional or Simplified Chinese game clients on Xbox One no longer causes a 6 second hitch when the launch video begins to play.
  • Bobbleheads: Using multiple Explosive Bobbleheads no longer causes their effects to stack.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit that could allow players to duplicate items using MODUS Vendors.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit in which the Vampire legendary effect could restore health through unintended means.
  • Magazines: Removed magazines from several locations where they were unintentionally guaranteed to spawn.
  • Tomahawks: No longer become stuck in mid-air after striking a hostile creature or player.
  • Magazines: Guns and Bullets #5 now correctly provides bonus components when scrapping weapons, but no longer specifies a 50% increase.
  • Magazines: Tesla Science #6 now correctly grants bonus Rad Resistance.
  • Rad-X: Consuming multiple Rad-X or Diluted Rad-X no longer causes their effects to stack.
  • Health Bonuses: A player with very low health who unequips an item that provides bonus health will no longer be instantly killed if removing that item that would cause their health to drop to or below 0.
  • Paper Bags: Fixed multiple issues in which transferring items into an empty paper bag as the bag was despawning caused those items to become lost.
  • Pip-Boy: Fixed a rare issue that could cause a character’s Pip-Boy to go missing.
  • Power Armor: Entering a suit of power armor no longer occasionally causes it to become invisible to nearby players.
  • Butcher’s Bounty: Searching a dead Tick with the Butcher’s Bounty perk equipped can now correctly produce additional Tick Blood.
  • Cap Collector: Now requires players to search caps stashes, much like other perks that grant a search option for containers.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit affecting the Curator perk.
  • Fireproof: Flame attack damage reduction provided by the Fireproof perk now correctly applies to Molotov fire damage.
  • Serendipity: A notification will now appear on-screen and sound effects will play whenever the Serendipity perk’s effects are triggered.
  • Super Duper: Can no longer trigger when crafting quest items.
  • Traveling Pharmacy: Now correctly applies its weight reduction effect to Radaway, Diluted Radaway, Stimpacks, Diluted Stimpacks, Bloodpacks, Glowing Bloodpacks, Disease Cures, and Antibiotics.
  • Respawn: Fixed an issue that could prevent a player who was killed in water from correctly ending PVP upon respawning.
  • Stealth: Addressed an issue in which stealth damage bonuses could still be applied by a sneaking player’s attacks during PVP even that player was within their target’s direct line of sight.
  • Wanted: Fixed an issue that could cause the bounty amount for a Wanted player to appear halved on the map when approaching that player in the game world.
Quests and Events
  • Breach and Clear: The Meteoric Sword now correctly has a slim chance to spawn in containers during the Breach and Clear event.
  • Early Warnings: Quest progress will no longer become stuck when crafting Upgraded Motors and logging out after crafting Upgraded Motors will no longer reset the quest tracker to 0/5.
  • Events: Fixed an issue that could allow a player to simultaneously join two different events.
  • Events: Fast traveling after joining an event will now correctly remove the player from that event and will no longer prevent them from joining proximity event at their fast travel destination.
  • Flavors of Mayhem: Rose will no longer occasionally play unrelated voiceover lines when attempting to turn in Flavors of Mayhem, and the player is no longer prevented from correctly completing the quest.
  • Signal Strength: Fixed an issue that could prevent Rose’s introductory voiceover lines from playing when the player approaches Top of the World.
  • Second Helpings: An area marker will now appear for the “Find Delbert Winters in Flatwoods" objective to better inform players about their options for proceeding through the quest.
  • Diseases: The Rad Worms disease now correctly increases rad damage taken by 50%.
  • Weapons: Breath sound effects will now play correctly when activating the Hold Breath option while zoomed.
User Interface
  • Display: Fallout 76 will now better autodetect AMD 7900/8900 series and AMD Radeon R9 200 Series graphics cards.
  • Field of View: Addressed an issue causing camera clipping near walls when using a very high Field of View setting.
  • Hotkeys: Fallout 76 now better supports French AZERTY keyboard layouts and the game’s controls will adjust accordingly.
  • Hotkeys: While using a French AZERTY keyboard, the “/” key can now be properly rebound in the controls menu.
  • Loading Screens: Fixed an issue that could cause loading screens to appear cut off or black at different resolutions when entering a building’s interior.
  • Map: Character levels no longer appear truncated on the map for players over level 100.
  • Nameplates: Fixed an issue that prevented player nameplates from appearing while inside the nuke zone during the Scorched Earth event.
  • Nameplates: Fixed an issue that prevented the crown icon from displaying next to legendary enemy nameplates.
  • Social: On Xbox, after sending a friend request to another player a notification will now display to confirm that a friend request has been sent.
  • Social: The “Invite to Team” option no longer appears for players who have already joined the team.
  • Social: If an attempt to fast travel to a friend or teammate using the Social Menu fails due to nearby enemies the player will now be notified by an error message that states "You cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby".
  • Trading: Decreased the wait time required between trades when making multiple trades with another player. If players attempt to make multiple trades too quickly, a new "Trade failed due to frequency, wait a moment and try again." error message will now display rather than the previous “Trade Failed on Server” message.
  • Trading: Fixed an issue on PC that could cause the player’s cursor to appear on both sides of a trade menu at the same time.
  • Tutorials: New players will now receive a tutorial message informing them of the Change Appearance option in the Main Menu.
  • VATS: Now selects targets more consistently across different field of view (FOV) values. For example, VATS will no longer target enemies that are visible in peripheral vision at high FOV values, but would be off-screen at default FOV values. This fix will help prevent VATS from providing an advantage to players who use high FOV settings.
  • VATS: Fixed an issue that could cause the VATS interface to rapidly flicker on and off.
  • Voice Chat: Fixed an issue preventing the speaker icon from appearing to others while a player is speaking over voice chat.
  • Workshop Previews: The player’s current Atom balance no longer appears truncated when viewing an Atomic Shop item in the workshop preview at 16:10 and 21:9 resolutions.
Fallout 76: Patch Notes – January 29, 2019
Patch 5 is rolling out today with a number of balance and design changes along with another large wave of bug fixes. All of this is possible thanks to your continued support and feedback on the game.

As the game evolves, so do our patch notes. With Patch 4 a few weeks ago, we added “Dev Notes” under some of our larger changes. We’ve done this to provide you with more context behind things like balance and design changes. We will also tackle additional questions as they come in and we’ll update this article as needed. Additionally, we’ve been working on a known issues post that we plan to keep updated as we fix existing bugs, acknowledge and address any new issues that arise, and roll out changes to the game based on you feedback.

Now, let’s take a look at the updates coming with Patch 5.

Patch Version:
Download sizes for today’s patch will be approximately 3.5 GB for consoles, and around 500 MB for PC.

  • PC:
  • PS4:
  • Xbox:
  • Performance: Several additional improvements have been made to in-game performance.
  • Stability: The Fallout 76 game client and servers have received additional stability improvements.
Balance Changes
  • Perks: The damage bonuses provided by each rank of the Demolition Expert perk have been reduced from +20%/40%/60%/80%/100% to +20%/30%/40%/50%/60% to match other weapon perk damage bonuses.
  • Perks: The condition loss bonuses provided by each rank of the White Knight and Licensed Plumber perks have been reduced from 30%/60%/90% to 20%/40%/60%, and their repair bonuses have also been reduced, to match the Power Patcher perk.
    • Dev Note: In looking at the Demolition Expert, White Knight, and Licensed Plumber perks, we felt they have so far been overperforming in their current roles, and we wanted to bring them more in line with similar perks to help prevent them from feeling like mandatory picks.
  • Weapons: The Explosive legendary mod’s damage bonus has been reduced from +100% to +20% of base weapon damage, with explosive radius damage.
  • Weapons: The Two Shot legendary effect’s damage bonus has been reduced from +100% to +25% of base weapon damage.
    • Dev Note: As mentioned in a previous Inside the Vault article, both the explosive mod and two shot weapons could result in dealing very high amounts of damage, and this was compounded if two shot and explosive were combined. We’ve decided to tone both of these damage bonuses back.
  • Weapons: Flamers, Cryolators, plasma weapons, and laser weapons can no longer spawn with the Explosive legendary mod.
    • Dev Note: The explosive mod causes weapons to fire bullets that are . . . explosive. The weapons listed above don’t fire bullets, so we’ve temporarily removed the ability for them to spawn with that mod applied so we can make adjustments.
C.A.M.P., Crafting, and Workshops
  • Scrapping: Loose weapon and armor mods are now protected from autoscrapping when crafting. However, they can still be scrapped manually if a player wants to break them down into scrap components.
  • Turrets: An “(Owned)” tag will now appear next to the names of Turrets a player has built in their C.A.M.P. or a workshop.
Design and Gameplay
  • Carry Weight: Is now capped to an absolute limit of 1,500 pounds over the character’s current maximum carry weight.
    • For example: If your carry weight limit is 210 pounds, then your maximum limit is 1,710 pounds.
    • Characters will be unable to exceed this new weight limit moving forward.
    • Characters who already exceed this limit will be unable to add any additional items or caps to their inventories until they have reduced their carry weight below the cap.
    • Dev Note: These limits exist primarily to keep servers from performing poorly, which can happen when we have too many items in the game world. They also play role in helping to regulate the in-game economy. We do recognize the desire to be able to own more of the cool items that we have in the game, and we are looking into a variety of solutions, including increasing the stash size. We will be sure to talk more about this when they are ready.
  • Cap Stashes: To help address cap exploits, caps stashes have been turned into containers, which allows them to properly reset and provide players with instanced loot.
  • Plans and Recipes: When viewing a plan or recipe in a menu, a “(Known)” tag will now appear next to the names of recipes and plans the player has already learned.
  • Vendors: Recipes and Plans in Vendor inventories are no longer randomized and can now be reliably sourced from those Vendors, with the exception of some minor Workshop and C.A.M.P. Plans.
    • The appearance of many Plans and Recipes in Vendor inventories is based on player level and they will show up once the proper level has been reached.
    • Additional structural Plans for wall sets, power connectors, doors, generators, and water purifiers have also been added to some Vendors.
  • Hunter/Hunted: A server-wide message will now appear when a player joins the Hunter/Hunted queue.
    • This message will only be displayed once per player to avoid spam.
    • An additional server-wide message will be displayed when Hunter/Hunted is ready to begin in order to give other players a final chance to join.
Quests and Events
  • Belly of the Beast: A new “Ultracite Power Armor” entry has been added to Taggerdy’s Terminal on the top floor of Fort Defiance, offering Ultracite Power Armor plans to those who read it.
  • First Contact: A new miscellaneous objective will now appear upon reaching the Overseer's C.A.M.P. for the first time, prompting the player to place a C.A.M.P. of their own.
  • Gauley Mine: A new miscellaneous objective will now appear at Gauley Mine to introduce players to Ore Deposits.
  • Monster Mash: The amount of XP awarded per round during this event has been reduced from 350 to 100.
Bug Fixes
Art and Graphics
  • Lighting: Lighting no longer flickers throughout Arktos Pharma.
  • Apparel: Fixed an issue that could cause a character’s legs to show through the Rose Dress while it is equipped.
C.A.M.P., Crafting, and Workshops
  • Artillery: Fixed an issue that could prevent Artillery from being placed in valid locations.
  • Blueprints: Addressed an issue preventing players from placing a stored blueprint containing posts that were placed partially underground when the blueprint was originally saved.
  • Budget: Scrapping a stored blueprint that contained wires will now correctly remove those wires from the C.A.M.P. budget.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit that could allow players to duplicate their stored blueprints.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit that could allow players to reduce their carry weight to a negative value.
  • Foundations: Fixed an issue that could cause a “Cannot place item: Needs support” message to display when editing a partially floating foundation.
  • Power Armor Station: Players can no longer view power armor they do not own when attempting to access a power armor station that’s occupied by another player.
  • Scrapping: Ignition Cores crafted for the Earth Mover event are no longer automatically scrapped when using the Scrap All Junk option at a Workbench.
  • Scrapping: Junk items that need to be manually scrapped are no longer automatically scrapped for components when attempting to craft.
  • Stored Objects: Repeatedly attempting to place an Atomic Shop variant of an object the player had stored but does not own no longer prevents them from placing other variants.
  • Structures: Fixed an issue that could prevent a C.A.M.P. or workshop structure from being edited when building levels had been merged or split several times. This fix is not retroactive and will not apply to structures built prior to today’s patch.
  • Terminals: Powered terminals contained within a stored blueprint now work correctly when the blueprint is placed in a new location
  • Collect Holotape Games: Nuka Tapper sub-challenge can now be completed by playing the Nuka-Tapper holotape game.
  • Formal Wear Challenges: Pantsuits and Shortsuits now correctly count as formal wear when completing challenges.
  • Gather Building Supplies: The “Scrap items to produce fertilizer” condition has been updated to "Collect Fertilizer" and can be completed by salvaging or crafting it using spoiled fruits, vegetables, and meat.
  • Learn Cooking Recipes: This challenge will now recognize many additional cooking recipes when they are learned for the first time. Retroactive credit will not be awarded for recipes learned prior to today’s patch, but that is planned for a future update.
  • A.I.: Fixed an issue in which some enemies could chase the player farther than intended and become frozen in place.
  • Exploit: Addressed several XP exploits by adding a limit to the maximum amount of XP granted by a single kill.
  • Looting: Fixed an issue that could prevent players from looting goo and ash piles after killing an enemy with a laser or plasma weapon.
  • Loading: Fixed several issues that could cause characters’ body parts, equipped apparel, or armor to become temporarily invisible to other nearby players or teammates after loading into a world.
  • Monorail Elevator: Fixed an issue that prevented the Monorail Elevator near the edge of Cranberry Bog from taking players to the top floor.
  • Performance: The Scorched Earth event has received optimization improvements.
  • Performance: On laptops with more than one graphics card, Fallout 76 will now default to using the dedicated graphics card rather than an integrated card.
  • Performance: Launching the Traditional or Simplified Chinese game clients on Xbox One no longer causes a 6 second hitch when the launch video begins to play.
  • Bobbleheads: Using multiple Explosive Bobbleheads no longer causes their effects to stack.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit that could allow players to duplicate items using MODUS Vendors.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit in which the Vampire legendary effect could restore health through unintended means.
  • Magazines: Removed magazines from several locations where they were unintentionally guaranteed to spawn.
  • Tomahawks: No longer become stuck in mid-air after striking a hostile creature or player.
  • Magazines: Guns and Bullets #5 now correctly provides bonus components when scrapping weapons, but no longer specifies a 50% increase.
  • Magazines: Tesla Science #6 now correctly grants bonus Rad Resistance.
  • Rad-X: Consuming multiple Rad-X or Diluted Rad-X no longer causes their effects to stack.
  • Health Bonuses: A player with very low health who unequips an item that provides bonus health will no longer be instantly killed if removing that item that would cause their health to drop to or below 0.
  • Paper Bags: Fixed multiple issues in which transferring items into an empty paper bag as the bag was despawning caused those items to become lost.
  • Pip-Boy: Fixed a rare issue that could cause a character’s Pip-Boy to go missing.
  • Power Armor: Entering a suit of power armor no longer occasionally causes it to become invisible to nearby players.
  • Butcher’s Bounty: Searching a dead Tick with the Butcher’s Bounty perk equipped can now correctly produce additional Tick Blood.
  • Cap Collector: Now requires players to search caps stashes, much like other perks that grant a search option for containers.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit affecting the Curator perk.
  • Fireproof: Flame attack damage reduction provided by the Fireproof perk now correctly applies to Molotov fire damage.
  • Serendipity: A notification will now appear on-screen and sound effects will play whenever the Serendipity perk’s effects are triggered.
  • Super Duper: Can no longer trigger when crafting quest items.
  • Traveling Pharmacy: Now correctly applies its weight reduction effect to Radaway, Diluted Radaway, Stimpacks, Diluted Stimpacks, Bloodpacks, Glowing Bloodpacks, Disease Cures, and Antibiotics.
  • Respawn: Fixed an issue that could prevent a player who was killed in water from correctly ending PVP upon respawning.
  • Stealth: Addressed an issue in which stealth damage bonuses could still be applied by a sneaking player’s attacks during PVP even that player was within their target’s direct line of sight.
  • Wanted: Fixed an issue that could cause the bounty amount for a Wanted player to appear halved on the map when approaching that player in the game world.
Quests and Events
  • Breach and Clear: The Meteoric Sword now correctly has a slim chance to spawn in containers during the Breach and Clear event.
  • Early Warnings: Quest progress will no longer become stuck when crafting Upgraded Motors and logging out after crafting Upgraded Motors will no longer reset the quest tracker to 0/5.
  • Events: Fixed an issue that could allow a player to simultaneously join two different events.
  • Events: Fast traveling after joining an event will now correctly remove the player from that event and will no longer prevent them from joining proximity event at their fast travel destination.
  • Flavors of Mayhem: Rose will no longer occasionally play unrelated voiceover lines when attempting to turn in Flavors of Mayhem, and the player is no longer prevented from correctly completing the quest.
  • Signal Strength: Fixed an issue that could prevent Rose’s introductory voiceover lines from playing when the player approaches Top of the World.
  • Second Helpings: An area marker will now appear for the “Find Delbert Winters in Flatwoods" objective to better inform players about their options for proceeding through the quest.
  • Diseases: The Rad Worms disease now correctly increases rad damage taken by 50%.
  • Weapons: Breath sound effects will now play correctly when activating the Hold Breath option while zoomed.
User Interface
  • Display: Fallout 76 will now better autodetect AMD 7900/8900 series and AMD Radeon R9 200 Series graphics cards.
  • Field of View: Addressed an issue causing camera clipping near walls when using a very high Field of View setting.
  • Hotkeys: Fallout 76 now better supports French AZERTY keyboard layouts and the game’s controls will adjust accordingly.
  • Hotkeys: While using a French AZERTY keyboard, the “/” key can now be properly rebound in the controls menu.
  • Loading Screens: Fixed an issue that could cause loading screens to appear cut off or black at different resolutions when entering a building’s interior.
  • Map: Character levels no longer appear truncated on the map for players over level 100.
  • Nameplates: Fixed an issue that prevented player nameplates from appearing while inside the nuke zone during the Scorched Earth event.
  • Nameplates: Fixed an issue that prevented the crown icon from displaying next to legendary enemy nameplates.
  • Social: On Xbox, after sending a friend request to another player a notification will now display to confirm that a friend request has been sent.
  • Social: The “Invite to Team” option no longer appears for players who have already joined the team.
  • Social: If an attempt to fast travel to a friend or teammate using the Social Menu fails due to nearby enemies the player will now be notified by an error message that states "You cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby".
  • Trading: Decreased the wait time required between trades when making multiple trades with another player. If players attempt to make multiple trades too quickly, a new "Trade failed due to frequency, wait a moment and try again." error message will now display rather than the previous “Trade Failed on Server” message.
  • Trading: Fixed an issue on PC that could cause the player’s cursor to appear on both sides of a trade menu at the same time.
  • Tutorials: New players will now receive a tutorial message informing them of the Change Appearance option in the Main Menu.
  • VATS: Now selects targets more consistently across different field of view (FOV) values. For example, VATS will no longer target enemies that are visible in peripheral vision at high FOV values, but would be off-screen at default FOV values. This fix will help prevent VATS from providing an advantage to players who use high FOV settings.
  • VATS: Fixed an issue that could cause the VATS interface to rapidly flicker on and off.
  • Voice Chat: Fixed an issue preventing the speaker icon from appearing to others while a player is speaking over voice chat.
  • Workshop Previews: The player’s current Atom balance no longer appears truncated when viewing an Atomic Shop item in the workshop preview at 16:10 and 21:9 resolutions.
..ja putkeenhan tuokin päivitys meni:
Bethesdalta on tulossa hotfix joko tän viikon loppu puolella tai ensi viikon alussa. Mut jännä että ei sanallakaan fusion coren spawnaamisen korjauksesta takaisin päivitystä edeltävään tasoon.

  • Planned fixes include the following:

    • Bobby Pin weight will be reduced once again to 0.001 lb.
    • Bulk Junk will be available for crafting.
    • (Known) Plans/Recipes will no longer show up across characters.
Bethesdalta on tulossa hotfix joko tän viikon loppu puolella tai ensi viikon alussa. Mut jännä että ei sanallakaan fusion coren spawnaamisen korjauksesta takaisin päivitystä edeltävään tasoon.

  • Planned fixes include the following:
    • Bobby Pin weight will be reduced once again to 0.001 lb.
    • Bulk Junk will be available for crafting.
    • (Known) Plans/Recipes will no longer show up across characters.
Tuolla ainaki jollain tube videolla ne kuulemma oli testannu sitä fusion core hommaa ja toimi niin kuin ennenkin.
Bethesda oli myös poistanut kritiikkiä tosta uudesta päivityksestä sekä banninut niistä kirjoittavia ihmisiä.

On kyllä aika kusipäistä touhua tollainen.
Hot Fix ulkona ainakin pc:lle.
Patch 5 released on Tuesday with many fixes and adjustments to balance. Amongst the feedback, we saw some questions about a few of the updates and some concerns about problems coming out of the patch including bobby pin weight reverting back to 0.10 lb, problems with Bulk Junk auto-scrapping, and others. Below we’ll shed light on some of the decisions we made and what we’re doing to resolve any new issues.

  • Patch 5 reverted Bobby Pin weight. In Patch 4, we had reduced Bobby Pin weight from 0.10 lb to 0.001 lb each, and this was mistakenly undone in patch 5. We are addressing this in a hotfix going live later today. This issue occurred when a merge of our development builds failed to execute properly prior to releasing patch 5. We are working on ways to prevent this from happening again in the future.
  • Bulk Scrap can no longer be auto-scrapped. This was an unintended side-effect of our change to stop loose mods from being auto-scrapped when you didn’t have enough materials while trying to craft. We’ve identified the cause of the issue and are currently planning to address it with our upcoming hotfix so that you can get back to crafting without having to manually scrap your bulk items.
  • Plans and Recipes appearing as (Known) across all characters. This is a UI issue introduced with Patch 5 that caused all plans and recipes a player had learned on one character to appear as “(Known)” across all their characters in trade and inventory menus. Known plans and recipes are intended to be tracked separately for each character on an account, and we’re currently planning to address this in the upcoming hotfix.
  • Concerns that Ultracite Power Armor plans being available at Taggerdy’s Terminal negates the need to fight the Scorchbeast Queen. One of the key rewards for Belly of the Beast is a full set of Ultracite Power Armor. Some players accidentally deleted this reward and were understandably upset. We made this fix to ensure everyone that completed Belly of the Beast could remake this power armor even if they accidentally dropped or deleted it. These recipes can also drop from the Scorchbeast Queen, but this wasn’t meant to be one of her primary rewards, since everyone in the Scorched Earth event already should have access to the Ultracite Power Armor.
  • Energy and Heavy Weapons Improvements. We've heard and share your feedback that energy weapons need to be brought inline with other weapon types. We're also looking to adjust laser weapon durability in a future update. Additionally, after recent balance changes related to Perks and Legendary Mods, players have expressed that explosive non-legendary weapons are now less powerful. We agree there are improvements we can make. We’re doing an audit of heavy weapons damage and their ammo weights. We plan to increase damage in light of the perk and mod reductions, and plan to reduce ammo weight to make heavy weapons generally more viable. These adjustments will roll those out in a future update.
  • Perk balance adjustments. Demolition Expert was reduced to match related damage perks. The damage bonus it previously provided was very high and was causing balance problems, especially when combined with the Explosive Rounds Legendary mod. We also reduced the condition loss and repair bonuses offered by the White Knight and Licensed Plumber perks to help them better match perks like Power Patcher. We know the balance changes we made to these cards have caused some frustrations. We make these decisions to encourage more balanced pick rates across all perk cards, and even out perks that can start to feel mandatory when they’re overperforming compared to other cards. We’re hearing your feedback about repair costs and we’re currently looking into reducing them in general with future updates.
  • Vendor plans now cost more Caps. Vendor prices were originally based on rarity. Guaranteeing their appearance in a Vendor’s inventory significantly increased the availability of most plans and recipes, and we’ve increased their cap prices as a result. Cap prices have been set relatively high to allow for a market to still exist where players can mod others’ equipment for a cheaper price.

In a previous “Inside the Vault” we promised to publish a Known Issues list. We had hoped to have this list ready by now. We are currently putting together a list that features not only the top issues we see players referencing, but also some of the top feedback and requests. This list will not be exhaustive and contain every issue or request we’ve seen you share, but we will work to keep it updated consistently to add and provide insight on the biggest things you want to know about.

You will be able to find the Known Issue List once available on our official forums or on Reddit. We are aiming to get it out later today. As new fixes are implemented and new top issues and concerns surface, this Known Issues list will grow (and shrink) over time. Stay tuned for more!

We hope that you continue to provide us feedback on Fallout 76 and all that’s involved including these articles and things like the list.
JANUARY 31, 2019

Fallout 76: Inside the Vault – January 31, 2019
Viimeksi muokattu:
Niille, jotka jaksavat katsoa tunnin mittaisia videoita: Erinomainen Youtube-esseisti Joseph Anderson käsittelee Fallout 76:ta. Tämä ei ole vihavideo, vaan mukana on myös mielenkiintoista pohdintaa pelin hyvistä puolista, kehityshistoriasta ja mahdollisuuksista.

Varsinkin loppupuolella on kiinnostavaa spekulaatiota. Sanotaan, ettei pitäisi selittää pahuudella sitä minkä voi tyydyttävästi selittää tyhmyydellä. Fallout 76:n käsittely on kuitenkin ollut niin kyvytöntä, että sabotoisiko joku peliä tahallaan?
Muutamissa euroopan maissa Gamestop jakaa Fallout 76 peliä ilmaiseksi kun ostaa PS4 tai Xbox ohjaimen tai Fallout 76 konsolibundlen. Konsolin mukana saa siis kaksi peliä.

Eurooppalaiset pelikauppiaat ovatkin ryhtyneet tarjoamaan painoksia pois varsin erikoisissa kampanjoissa. Saksan, Itävallan sekä Sveitsin GameStopit tarjoavat Kotakun tietojen mukaan esimerkiksi ilmaisen Fallout 76:n jokaiselle peliohjaimen ostajalle. Tarjous koskee niin PlayStation 4:n kuin Xbox Onenkin ohjaimia.

Erikoisemmasta tarjouksesta vastaa saksalainen Saturn, huomasi Reddit-käyttäjä Viirus42. Jälleenmyyjä tarjoaa ilmaisen Fallout 76:n jokaiselle Fallout 76 Xbox One -bundlen ostajalle. Koska pakettiin kuuluu jo lähtökohtaisestikin Bethesdan kritisoitu teos, bundlen ostajat saavat siis konsolin mukana pelin kahteen kertaan.

Fallout 76:n surkea menestys pakotti pelimyyjät keksimään surkuhupaisia tarjouksia
Muutamissa euroopan maissa Gamestop jakaa Fallout 76 peliä ilmaiseksi kun ostaa PS4 tai Xbox ohjaimen tai Fallout 76 konsolibundlen.

Saksassa saa käytetyn ohjaimen ostajakin pelin kaupan päälle. :D


Upcoming Maintenance and Duped Item Removals – Feb 14, 2019


Community Manager

We’re planning to bring Fallout 76 offline for maintenance around 9:00 a.m. EST on February 14, and anticipate that downtime will last several hours. During this time, we’re planning to remove items that have been created through duplication exploits from player inventories and stashes.

These item removals are part of our ongoing efforts to address exploit abuse and make positive changes for the overall in-game economy. These removals are highly-targeted at a specific list of items. Players who have used an exploit to dupe items, or acquired duped items from other players, may find those items removed from their accounts once maintenance is complete. It’s also important to note that only a small percentage of accounts currently have duped items, which means the vast majority of players will not be affected by this action.

Additionally, during downtime, we’re going to roll out a server-side fix to reduce the frequency that players might experience disconnects from game servers.

We’ll post a follow-up thread with more details once tomorrow’s maintenance is complete.
Patch Highlights
  • Increased Stash Limit: We’ve once again buffed up maximum Stash size, this time from 600 to 800 pounds, so that you can store even more goodies from your adventures in Appalachia.
  • Player Icon Display: Player icons will now display whenever you hover over a player or an owned Workshop on the Map, as well as when you view Turrets created by someone else.
  • Scorchbeast Attacks: We’ve reduced the frequency of Scorchbeast Sonic Scream attacks, so you have a little more time to react between volleys.
  • Wanted: We’ve made an adjustment so that players must now destroy objects in another player’s C.A.M.P. or Workshop to become Wanted, which should reduce cases of accidental crime.
  • Workshops: You can now contest a Workshop that’s owned by another player from anywhere inside the Workshop’s build area, which should make it easier to attempt to contest a Workshop, even if it’s been barricaded by the owner.
Patch Version
Download sizes for today’s patch will be approximately 4.5 GB for consoles, and around 3.5 GB for PC.

  • PC:
  • PS4:
  • Xbox:
  • Server Maintenance: As we work on world servers that have been running for a long time and hitting some lag issues, we’ll be performing maintenance on those servers more frequently. You may receive an in-game message alerting you to this maintenance when it occurs, and you may be asked to join another world. This should improve the play experience for everyone during your adventures in Appalachia.
Balance and Design
  • Power Armor: The amount of springs required to craft and repair level 25, 35, and 45 Excavator Power Armor Legs has been significantly reduced.
  • Weapons: Flare Guns have been removed from the legendary weapon list, as they can’t benefit from legendary mods.
C.A.M.P., Crafting, and Workshops
  • Stash Limit: The storage limit for the stash has been increased from 600 to 800 pounds.
    • Dev Note: We’ve been reading your feedback that the current stash limit of 600 lbs could use an additional increase, and after some investigation found that we could offer some more storage space in the Stash.
  • C.A.M.P. Placement: If a player’s current C.A.M.P. location is occupied upon joining a world, a message will now display which gives them option to stay in the current world or attempt to join a new one.
    • If the player chooses to find another world, they will be removed from the current world and matchmaking will attempt to place them in a new one.
    • This process can be repeated if the player’s C.A.M.P. location happens to also be occupied in the new world.
  • Workshops: Players no longer need to interact with claimed Workshops directly to contest ownership, and Workshops can now be contested and captured from anywhere within the build area.
    • Dev Note: The ability to contest a claimed Workshop is intended and encouraged behavior as part of Workshop design. This change should prevent situations where a Workshop owner could prevent others from attempting to contest it without becoming Wanted by destroying something or picking a lock to reach the Workshop.
  • Scorchbeasts: Increased the timer between successive Sonic Scream volleys to 10 seconds for Scorchbeasts and the Scorchbeast Queen in order to reduce the frequency of these attacks.
    • Dev Note: This change should help players have some more time to react between Sonic Scream volleys. We’ve also been reading lots of feedback about Scorchbeasts in general that the community has been sharing, and we’re looking into further improvements and balance changes we can bring to them in the future.
  • Wanted: Damaging a C.A.M.P. or workshop object created by another player no longer causes the attacker to become Wanted. The object must now be completely destroyed by the attacker in order to flag them as Wanted.
    • Dev Note: We’ve received feedback from players who felt that it was too easy to become Wanted accidentally by damaging others’ C.A.M.P. and Workshop objects. We agree and made this change to help limit cases where a stray bullet could result in a bounty on your head.
  • Sound Effects: Pulling the pin on a grenade to prime it before throwing now play audible sound effects for nearby players.
  • Map: Sound effects now play when placing or moving custom Map markers.
User Interface
  • Player Icons: Hovering over a player’s name on the Map will now display their current player icon.
  • Player Icons: Hovering over an owned Workshop on the Map will now display the current owner’s player icon.
  • Turrets: Viewing a Turret placed by another player in their C.A.M.P. or at a Workshop will now display the owner’s name and player icon in the Turret’s nameplate.
  • Voice Chat: The color of Voice Chat speaker icons on player nameplates now update based on that player’s current status: Neutral players display a pale-yellow icon, Allies display gold, and Hostile and Wanted display red.
Bug Fixes
Performance and Stability
  • Loading: Addressed an issue that could cause controls to lock up if the player opened the Pip-Boy immediately after encountering a loading screen.
  • Loading: Fixed an issue that could cause the player to encounter an infinite loading screen if they quit to the main menu immediately after joining a world.
  • Loading: Fixed an issue on PC that could result in an infinite loading screen if multiple players on a team joined a world simultaneously.
  • Loading: Fixed an issue that could cause a player to encounter an infinite loading screen due to an inventory discrepancy.
  • Performance: Addressed an issue that could cause hitching while scrapping items.
  • Performance: Attempting to craft many items at very high speed will now result in a delay of up to 1 second between subsequent crafting attempts after the first few. This was done to help improve server performance and should not affect normal crafting.
  • Performance: Addressed an issue that could impact server performance when scrapping a large number of items in rapid succession.
  • Performance: Addressed an issue that could cause reduced framerates when many players were firing weapons simultaneously in the same area.
  • Stability: Addressed a crash that could occur when interacting with a Power Armor Station while wearing Power Armor.
Art and Graphics
  • Apparel: Hair no longer clips through the Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit helmet.
  • Apparel: Underarmor no longer remains visible while wearing the Silver Shroud costume.
  • Emotes: Fixed an issue causing reduced framerates during the Snowball Fight! Emote’s animation.
  • Enemies: Fixed an issue that could cause a second head to appear on a specific Scorched variant after decapitating it via headshot.
  • Graphics: Switching outfits or weapons while the Chameleon mutation or legendary effect is active no longer causes those items to appear visible to other players.
  • Nuke Code Pieces: Letters and Numbers displayed by Nuke Code Pieces will no longer appear misaligned on pickup.
  • Perks: The throwing arc displayed by the Fire in the Hole perk now remains visible if the player moves while holding a fragmentation grenade.
  • Photomode: Returning to first-person view after exiting Photomode with a ranged weapon equipped no longer causes the character model’s hands to appear offset or dark graphic effects to appear onscreen.
C.A.M.P., Crafting, and Workshops
  • Blueprints: Blueprints containing a mirror ball can now be placed correctly and no longer cause an “Object is floating.” error message to display.
  • Blueprints: Attempting to place a blueprint containing objects that have been placed on shelves no longer causes an “Object needs support” error message to display.
  • Blueprints: Blueprint names now support a maximum of 25 characters.
  • Budget: Tamed creatures no longer permanently consume C.A.M.P. budget after they are killed.
  • C.A.M.P.: Fixed an issue that could cause a C.A.M.P. dialog to display to a new character before they had placed their C.A.M.P. for the first time.
  • Crafting: Fixed an issue that could prevent items from being crafted or repaired despite having the required materials if those materials were split between the inventory and stash.
  • Crafting: Players who have exceeded the absolute weight limit of 1,500 lbs plus their current maximum carry weight are now correctly notified that they are unable to craft items while over the limit.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit that could allow items to be duplicated when moving C.A.M.P. locations.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit that could allow items to be duplicated if a blueprint failed to save properly.
  • Recipes and Plans: Fixed an issue that could prevent a player from crafting a Recipe or Plan they had previously learned.
  • Scrapping: Bleached Dogwood is now protected from autoscrapping when crafting. However, it can still be scrapped manually.
  • Workbenches: Attempting to place a Power Armor Station on a foundation in a structure that has multiple levels no longer causes the station to be placed on the second floor.
  • Scorchbeast Queen: The Scorchbeast Queen can now correctly drop Plans from the full range of Ultracite Power Armor Mod Plans in her loot list, and players now correctly receive a random roll from her loot list.
  • Mothman: Fixed an issue in which Mothman would not leave the area when approached or respond to attacks.
  • Apparel: The Clean Clown Outfit now correctly counts toward completion of the "Kill Wendigos" side mission at Freddie's House of Scares.
  • Apparel: The Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit can no longer be equipped or unequipped while wearing Power Armor
  • Apparel: The Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit outfit has been separated into two pieces - the body piece and the upper helmet.
    • Dev Note: For the moment, the upper helmet, when not worn with the body piece, looks to be floating partly from the player character. This is temporary until we can rework the helmet itself. This was a necessary change to prevent poor interactions with Power Armor and underarmor. Players who already own the Rocketsuit, will automatically have access to craft the helmet.
  • Armor: The Punishing legendary effect no longer reflects “slap” damage dealt by another player. This should prevent cases where a player wearing Punishing armor could become Wanted unintentionally due to reflected damage that killed their attacker.
  • Armor: Fixed an issue causing damage reflected by the Punishing legendary effect to be reduced based on the defending player’s resistances.
  • Cap Containers: Now award the correct number of Caps and no longer generate only 1 Cap as loot.
  • Exploits: Removed an apparel Recipe that was not intended to be available in-game, as well as items created using that Recipe.
  • Headlamps: Removed an erroneously added Atomic Shop flag from all non-Mothman Power Armor Head Lamps. Also added a separate red Mothman headlamp that works once Mothman Power Armor is equipped.
  • Holotapes: Choosing to stop a Holotape now correctly stops that Holotape from continuing to play.
  • Mods: Aiming down the sights after applying the Recon Sensors mod to a Power Armor helmet now correctly marks enemies on the compass.
  • Power Armor: Resistances are no longer incorrectly reduced when entering Power Armor while wearing Underarmor.
  • Power Armor: Now correctly prioritizes using the Fusion Core in the player’s inventory that has the least remaining charge, rather than selecting them at random.
  • Power Armor: Fixed an issue that could allow Power Armor pieces with Atomic Shop paints applied to be transferred into containers.
  • Weapons: The M79 Grenade Launcher and the Auto Grenade Launcher are now classified as heavy weapons, and correctly benefit from all heavy weapons perks except Heavy Gunner, as they benefit from Demolitions Expert instead.
  • Last Laugh: Explosive Bait is no longer dropped on death while the Last Laugh perk is equipped.
  • Martial Artist: Now only applies its attack speed bonus to melee weapons and no longer incorrectly increases the Gatling Gun’s rate of fire.
  • Ricochet: The Ricochet perk fanfare no longer displays repeatedly when its effects are triggered multiple times in quick succession.
  • Team Effects: A team invite must be accepted, and a team formed, before team-based perks, such as Squad Maneuvers, will apply their team effects.
  • Respawn: Being killed by a friend, selecting “Respawn”, and then using the Social Menu to respawn at a that friend’s location no longer causes those players to remain hostile toward each other.
Quests, Events, and Challenges
  • Quest Containers: Non-quest items can no longer be transferred into the Feed the People and Path to Enlightenment event quest containers.
  • One of Us: The Congressional Access Card is no longer lost if the player is disconnected or the server crashes.
  • Addictions: Fixed an issue which prevented Addictions currently affecting the character from displaying in the Pip-Boy’s Status menu.
  • Diseases: Rad Worms now only increases radiation damage taken by 50%, and no longer incorrectly increases Mutation and other effects.
  • Mutations: Fixed an inconsistent interaction between the Class Freak, Barbarian, and Evasive perks that could cause them to stop functioning while affected by the Herd Mentality mutation.
  • Mutations: The Healing Factor mutation no longer causes players to become invincible while in the downed state.
User Interface
  • C.A.M.P.: A player’s name will now correctly appear onscreen when viewing their C.A.M.P., even if that player is not nearby.
  • Controls: Plugging in a controller after launching Fallout 76 on PC using a keyboard and mouse no longer causes the button indicators for interactable objects, like containers or workbenches, to disappear until the client is relaunched.
  • Controls: Pressing the Quick Swap key (Default: Left D-pad) after the current weapon breaks now correctly swaps to an alternate weapon.
  • Crosshairs: Fixed an issue causing crosshairs to expand and contract incorrectly for players running the game using 21:9 aspect ratios.
  • Game Camera: Changing the face preset in the Change Appearance menu outside of Vault 76 no longer causes the camera to show an unintended angle in third-person view.
  • Holotapes: Attempting to play a blank terminal holotape no longer causes the Pip-Boy to display a blank screen.
  • Localization: “Perk Card Pack” text that displays when opening a new Perk Card Pack is now correctly localized in non-English versions of the game client.
  • Map: Fixed an issue that could prevent player icons from displaying on the Map when choosing a respawn location.
  • Map: Overencumbered players who die inside a Nuke Zone can now correctly respawn at the nearest Map marker.
  • Notifications: “Ammo Removed” messages no longer appear onscreen when harvesting flora or other materials shortly after firing a weapon.
  • Notifications: The “You have joined a team.” notification now correctly displays console controls, rather than PC hotkeys, in its subtitle text while playing on consoles.
  • Notifications: Fixed an issue where players could sometimes receive a “Max weight limit reached.” message when attempting to trade with other players.
  • Photomode Frames: Photomode frames that were purchased from the Atomic Shop now correctly display the Atom symbol in the photomode menu.
  • Shop: Fixed an issue on PC that could cause controls to lock up when purchasing Atoms.
  • Shop: Purchasing multiple items from the Atomic Shop in quick succession no longer prevents those items from appearing in crafting menus until the client is relaunched.
  • Shop: Preview images have been added for the Kill, Laugh, Love Neon Sign.
  • Teams: Attempting to join a teammate in a world from the main menu using the social menu no longer causes a message to display stating that they will be removed from the team.
  • Teams: Fixed an issue that could prevent team members from loading into a world with the team leader after the leader selected “Play”.
  • Teams: Fixed an issue in which the "Play with Team" option on the Main Menu became non-functional when attempting to rejoin teammates in a world following a crash or disconnect.
  • Transfer Menu: The transfer bar now correctly stops at 1 when scrolling to reduce the transfer quantity.
  • Voice Chat: The voice chat speaker icon now correctly appears in player nameplates, in team chat, and in the area chat list when a player is speaking.
Joutaisi tulla bannit jo tuosta muulien käyttämisestä. Jos pelissä on rajoitukset stashille ja kantokyvylle sitä ei varmaan ole tarkoitettu kierrettäväksi muuleilla.
Saa nähdä onko tällä Eeppisellä faililla minkäänlaisia vaikutuksia Bethesdan tuleviin projekteihin. Toivottavasti oppia olisi otettu.
Mielenkiintoista nähdä mitä tapahtuu kun seuraavan kerran Bethesda esiintyy E3:ssa tai jossain muussa yleisötapahtumassa. :lol: Tajuavatko ne edes hävetä.
Ihan rehellisesti pelaamalla ainakin Fallout 4:ssa ja New Vegasissa sai kerättyä suhteellisen helposti kymmeniä tuhansia ammuksia, mutta näköjään nykyään tuollainen on kiellettyä ja dupettamista. Ja ilman, että piti käyttää satoja tunteja. :greedy:

En kyllä luota pätkääkään Bethesdan "dupetus" tutkimuksiin, sen verran surkeata on tämän pelin säätäminen ollut. :lol:

Mitä tulee tuon kaverin pelitunteihin, sehän sano olevansa sairaslomalla, mainitsi siellä redditissä asiasta.
Minusta on aika 50/50 onko tyyppi huijari vai ei. Kiinnostavampaa tässä on kuitenkin se, että Bethesdan sanaan ei luoteta enää ollenkaan. Miksi ihmeessä huijaritutka toimisi, kun firma on sählännyt pelin suhteen suunnilleen kaiken mahdollisen, ja on kuuluisa valehtelustaan?

Osittain näistä Glorf12:ta puolustavista artikkeleista voi syyttää hätäisiä toimittajia, mutta Bethesda on kääntänyt yleisen mielipiteen niin tehokkaasti itseään vastaan että ne harvat onnistumisetkin hukkuvat kohinaan. Vahvistusharha on tosiasia.
DLC:tä tulossa:

Hienoa että Bethesda jaksaa vielä yrittää kaikesta huolimatta. Peruspelin tuottama draama alkoi käydä vähän väsyneeksi. Nyt tulee uutta rikkinäistä sisältöä, uusia bugeja, uusia valheita ja uusia entistä törkeämpiä mikromaksuja. Ehkä saadaan haukkua peliä koko vuosi.

Tai ehkä Todd päätti tehdä sen pelin mitä mainosti. Harmi vain ettei menetettyä mainetta saa takaisin.
Vaikka on sanottu, että "Kaikki julkisuus on hyvästä", mutta onko tämä enää hyvästä? Bethesda ampuu itseään jalkaan vielä ruokkimalla valittajia antamalla bännejä ihmeellisistä syistä.


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