No ei kait tuo nyt yllätys ollu jos "sisar"talli ottaa mallia, todennäköisesti nuo on tullu suoraan Ferrarilta ja uudet teipit päälle? Niillä on kuitenkin kaikki muu jo Ferrarilta, pl. kuskit
“There are three concepts out there: the Ferrari concept, the Red Bull concept and the
Mercedes concept,” he said.
“We are close to Ferrari, so obviously we're going to see what Ferrari has done and copy that one. But it takes time because we had to launch the car and race, and then we had to go into the wind tunnel to do testing, looking at that car.”
Vai oliko Steiner, tai joku isompi kaveri, sanonut jossain etteivät kopioi Ferraria tämän päivityksen suhteen?