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Ite otin haasteeksi mennä pelin läpi mahdollisimman vähällä grindillä ja ironmäninä. Varsinaista "näin monta päivää" settiä sitten jos pääsee läpi ilman yhtään ylimääräistä tehtävää..
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Peli vaatisi missioneihin jonkinlaisen (vaihtelevan) tonnage-rajan. Tulisi heti mielenkiintoisemaa ja se pakottaisi kokoamaan monipuolisemman lancen ja pitäisi tehdä valintoja usemman kevyemmän tai kenties vain parin raskaan mechin lähettämisen välillä.
Pelin mukaan osumatodennäköisyys ilmoitetaan jokaiselle ohjukselle erikseen.
Mitähän haastattelussa tapahtui - vai missasiko jok koko tapahtuman? Ei päästetty humalatilan takia maihin?
Paradoxin uutisissa mainittiin että Paradox on hankkinut HBS:n itselleen. HBS jatkaa kuitenkin itsenäisenä osana.
Aikas kalliita noi listärit. Tuohon hintaan pitää tulla pelattavaa ja ominaisuuksia jo reilusti lisäreistä lisää.
Ei ois enää kovin montaa tuntia, onneksi ei tarvi täristä sen kanssa kun pääsee pelaamaan vasta huomenna.
Olisihan se upeaa saada uusi Battletech peli, vaikka kickstart versiona. Tämä on kuitenkin edelleen yksi parhaista peleistä varsinkin tämän modin kanssa:
BattleTech Extended 3025-3061
Come join our discord channel. Please use the discord bug report system on our server for any bugs found so we have a centralised place. BattleTech Extended requires an Extended specific save, it is not compatible with your previous non Extended saves. Installation instructions are at the...discourse.modsinexile.com
Tietysti aika kultaa muistot eikä tätä ehkä niin paljoa rakastaisi jos ei olisi jo lapsena pelannut Battletech ja Mechwarrior pöytäpeliä sekä roolipeliä unohtamatta Amigan MechForce peliä.
Eli roolipelinähän tämä oli kohtuullisen kevyt tekele vaikka tässä yksinpelikampanja olikin. Mutta muuten nostalgian lasien lävitse pelattuna todellinen unelmien täyttymys. Mikäli tämä saisi samoilla säännöillä ja modeja tukien jatkoa olisin ilman muuta rahoittamassa peliä.
Meillä on aika samanlaiset meiningit ollut nuoruudessa, mutta tämä peli on jäänyt kokeilematta. Amigalla pelasin vuoropohjaista mech-peliä ihan hulluna ja välillä peli kaatui, mutta hauskaa oli.
Onko tämä peli verkkopeli pääsääntöisesti vai kuinka?
Meillä on aika samanlaiset meiningit ollut nuoruudessa, mutta tämä peli on jäänyt kokeilematta. Amigalla pelasin vuoropohjaista mech-peliä ihan hulluna ja välillä peli kaatui, mutta hauskaa oli.
Onko tämä peli verkkopeli pääsääntöisesti vai kuinka?
Ensimmäinen C64/Amiga Battletech-peli taisi olla Crescent Hawk? Tuon jälkeen kavereiden kanssa pelattiin vuoropohjaista DOS-peliä Titans of Steel missä mechejä ja heksoja, mutta ei Battletechiä, vaikka tyylii sama.Meillä on aika samanlaiset meiningit ollut nuoruudessa, mutta tämä peli on jäänyt kokeilematta. Amigalla pelasin vuoropohjaista mech-peliä ihan hulluna ja välillä peli kaatui, mutta hauskaa oli.
Onko tämä peli verkkopeli pääsääntöisesti vai kuinka?
Ensimmäinen C64/Amiga Battletech-peli taisi olla Crescent Hawk? Tuon jälkeen kavereiden kanssa pelattiin vuoropohjaista DOS-peliä Titans of Steel missä mechejä ja heksoja, mutta ei Battletechiä, vaikka tyylii sama.
Mielellään saisi kyllä tulla lisää Battletechiä/Mechwarrioria. Harmittavan vähän tähän maailmaan sijoittuvia pelejä tullut verrattuna Warhammeriin. Molemmathan on kuitenkin suunnilleen samalta aikakaudelta alunperin. Toki GW ei myynyt tuotetaan muille, kuten FASA teki. GW voinut rauhassa kehittää maailmaa.
Käsittääkseni Inception ei ole lisäosa vaan ihan tuon Infocom/Westwoodin ensimmäisen Battletech pelin koko nimi. Jatko-osa sitten tosiaan tuo Revenge joka taas itselleni on ehkä se rakkain Battletech-tietokonepeli jonka DOS-versio tutustutti aikanaan universumiin ja tullut useampaan kertaan pelattua läpi. Aikanaan äänikortittomana jäi vahvasti mieleen kun PC speakerista kajahti tuo "Infocom presents the Battletech: the Crescent Hawks' Revenge". Inceptionikin tullut ehkä joku vuosikymmen sitten Dosboxissa pelailtua läpi sekä eka MechWarrior, molemmat oli ihan mukavaa pelattavaa vieläkin. MechCommanderiakin muistelee lämmöllä.MechForce, Amiga: MechForce (Video Game)
Crescent Hawk + sen lisäosa The Crescent Hawks' Inception + The Crescent Hawks Revenge (mikä ei kyllä yltänyt samalle tasolle parin ekan pelin kanssa), Amiga: Crescent Hawks + BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' Inception + BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' Revenge
PC:lle oli Mechcommander 1 & 2: MechCommander (Video Game) + MechCommander 2
Sekä Mechwarriors pelisarja mikä oli ja on valitettavasti reaaliaikaista peliä aiempia versioita pelannut en tuota 5 versiota mikä on "kohtuullisen uusi": MechWarrior (video games)
Siitä on joku Mechwarrior Online mikä on uudelleen brändätty Mechwarrior Online Legends peliksi tämän vuoden aikana mutta siihen en ole koskenut eikä se ihan virallisesti noudata faktoja mitä pelin historiaan on luotu, miten mechit taistelevat jne: MechWarrior Online Legends
Vaikuttaa mielenkiintoiselta, pitääpä katsoa miltä gameplay näyttää tuossa modissa. Roguetech on tullu tutuksi vuosien varrellaÄsken (parin päivän sisään) julkaistiin fanien tekemä Batteletech Extended - Tactics:
BattleTech Extended - Tactics
Come join our discord server. Please use the discord bug report system on our server for any bugs found so we have a centralised place. Please check the #welcome channel before contributing. Banner art by Brent Evans BattleTech Extended requires an Extended specific save, it is not...discourse.modsinexile.com
(paljon tekstiä, laitan spoilereiden taakse):
Gameplay in missions is vastly more tactical while maintaining great performance.
The whole Inner Sphere is represented, including the many factions, units and mercenaries populating the 'Sphere. Clans invade, ComStar and Word of Blake will be jerks, elite units may provide harder missions, the Bounty Hunter may hunt you.
'Mech and Vehicle rarity is based on Xotl’s highly researched and well regarded D1000 tables and changes based on date, interpolating between the tables as days in game pass. Force compositions are the closest to what the universe of BattleTech is meant to look like possible with very little apocryphal content, other than nods to what has been seen in other games or fun parts of the lore like the Crescent Hawks.
The time in game will change the map, the events that are occurring, the units that are garrisoning planets, the technology available in different areas of space, the 'Mechs and 'Vees that the Op For is using. All based on source books and novels.
The mod is enhanced with rules massively adding to the tactical game, heavily inspired by the Tabletop but improved for a video game experience, for example adding components to the 'Mechs but not increasing the RNG based ways you can die in one shot in tabletop rules.
'Mechs and Pilots are much more unique, with 'Mechs having quirks from the BattleTech manual converted for the HBS game and Pilots having quirks based on their background and gain affinities with the 'Mechs they pilot.
Units you face are not just different paint schemes, some will use special 'Mech rarity tables, more elite tables, or favour certain equipment.
Pilots have morale in mission and can panic eject rather than fighting to the death every time, rookies are more likely to ‘nope’ out.
The Extended - Tactics ‘Manual’
When starting a new game you can select the ‘Extended Difficulty’. Extended Difficulty can be Easy, Normal or Hard.
- Easy
Enemy combatants are randomly skilled with no relation to what they pilot
+50t lance weight before incurring additional costs
Starting Mech and Tech values are easier than other difficulties
Mechs have HBS increased maximums for armour on the torso locations
Pilots are able to reach 10/10/10/10 in skills- Normal
Enemy combatants use more appropriate skills for what they are piloting
Greater chance of the OPFOR using appropriate munition types
+25t lance weight before incurring additional costs
Mechs have Tabletop maximums for armour on the torso locations
Resolve Generation in late game is slightly reduced
Pilots have an XP cap and will eventually stop earning XP before they reach 10/10/10/10- Hard
Enemy combatants use more appropriate skills for what they are piloting
Even greater chance of the OPFOR using appropriate munition types
Mechs have Tabletop maximums for armour on the torso locations
Resolve Generation in late game is slightly reduced
Pilots have an XP cap and will eventually stop earning XP before they reach 10/10/10/10
Less bonus accuracy is gained by using Precision Strike
When starting a new game you can select the starting planet and year.
The starting planet will affect the 'Mechs you may start with in career when selecting random, drawing from 'Mechs and variants that are commonly found in that area of space.
Starting year will affect the map and the technology available in game.
3025 End of Third Succession War
3028 Fourth Succession War
3030 Andurien/St. Ives Succession
3034 Rasalhague Independence
3039 War of 3039
3047 Helm Memory Core Technology production begins
3049 Clan Invasion
3053 Post Truce of Tukayyid
3057 Operation GUERRERO
3059 Operation BULLDOG
3061 Prior to Civil War
New technologies begin to appear approximately 3047+, but remain rare until mid to late 3050s. Clans arrive 3049 August+. Timeline will hold in map and technology in 3061 prior to the Fed Com Civil War.
Be advised that you can select to start in 3025 and all changes that would occur by selecting a later date will happen over time, however playing a game to span that much of a timeline would take 100s of hours.
While in the navigation screen:
F1: Toggle unvisited systems map mode
F2: Toggle system difficulty map mode
CTRL-F: System search
ESC: Exit map mode or search
Shift-Click: On system: route through this system
When viewing planets you will see that there are various units garrisoning planets around the Inner Sphere. When facing a faction you can encounter these unts within 2 jumps of your current location. The units move around based on the current date.
Units use equipment ratings A/B/C/D/F based on Xotl’s tables. Source books have been scoured to apply appropriate equipment ratings to all units. The ratings are indicated on tooltips for units and some factions as Exceptional/Very Good/Average/Poor/Awful. If an equipment rating is not given it will be using Average rating. You may want to pay attention to local units more closely now to target or avoid the units using Beserkers instead of Chargers.
Note that the rating is per faction, per date. Average in 3025 is very different to 3057. Kurita assaults average is vastly different to Steiner assaults average.
The Inner Sphere has various pirate and criminal organisations in different regions. Control of the Black Markets is based on the criminals/pirates in the vicinity. Gaining access to the Black Market will give access to the local Black Market, and you are able to have access to multiple at the same time.
Black Markets are good access to high quality versions of weapons and potentially, rarely, extinct 'Mechs and special finds, different per market.
Movement - When selecting a ‘Move’ you will see that the mouse hover info will change from Walk, or Run depending on how far you are moving.
Running will make shooting +2 more difficult to hit for a Mech or Vee, and also generate more Heat than walking. Walking generates 3 heat, Running 6 heat, and Sprinting 9 heat. Sprinting means you cannot shoot, unless you have a special Mech component. Vehicles cannot sprint, but can ‘Flank’, the equivelant of Running. The AI is also operating under these new rules and is aware and will choose to Run or Walk accordingly.
You cannot Run in water. Sprinting in water, while possible to increase the smoothness before combat starts, is heavily reduced and often not more than Walking.
Evasion - When you move you will gain Evasion charges as before, but each Evasion Charge is worth +1 to hit while providing +1 Sticky Evasion.
Sticky Evasion is indicated next to the Mechs name seperately from Evasion Charges.
Stripping an Evasion Charge will lose the target the +1 harder to hit from the Evasion Charge but the +1 to hit from Sticky Evasion cannot be stripped.
‘Sticky Evasion’ can only be lost from becomming Unsteady or Prone. Weapons that ignore Evasion before, such as support weapons, will not ignore ‘Sticky Evasion’, providing some survivability against those damage types.
This means that the value of evasion will scale better from the amount of guns on the field and will improve the usefullness of speed in combat. A Mech or Vee that gained 4 Evasion Charges will be at minimum +4 to hit from having moved, and be +8 to hit before any evasion charge stripping as before.
Weapons - Check weapon and equipment tooltips, lots of info is provided about how they work, and much may have changed from previously.
Previously there was an optimum range and a long range for weapons, with some weapons having a minimum range. Now weapons have 3 range brackets, short, medium and long, including support weapons.
Pay attention to the chevrons that show around a target when you are selecting a movement location or target. Previously you would see a chevron change between gold or grey to indicate optimum (gold) or long or minimum (grey). Now a gold chevron indicates mediun range while a green chevron indicates short range.
With these changes minimum range is also adjusted, rather than being a flat +8 to hit, weapons within the minimum range increase in difficulty to hit, scaling, the closer you are to the target.
With this functionality change a lot of balance changes have been made to various weapons. Longer range energy weapons generate more heat. Longer range ballistics do less damage. Pulse lasers are now very accurate naturally.
Missiles/Rapid Fire - As part of the weapon changes Missiles are reworked in functionality. A more faithful tabletop representation has been implemented while keeping the good parts of a video game implementation.
In TT rules you roll to hit, and if you miss all missiles are spent and all will miss. If you hit, you roll on a table to determine how many actually hit. This is a 2D6 table with steps of amounts, for example an LRM 20 could hit with 6, 9, 12, 16 or 20 missiles, nothing less, nothing inbetween.
I have implemented a ‘Missile Modifier’ that will affect LRMs, SRMs and other missile weapons that is applied AFTER hit % is calculated. So if your to hit after all modifiers is 70%, the cluster modifier, which as standard is 63% is applied. 70% * 63% = 44% chance to hit for each missile.
The cluster modifier is exactly representative of the Cluster table from the Battletech Manual, and when applied to hit %'s will mean that it has the exact average amount of missile hits as the tabletop weapon would. Following this, missile damage and stability damage has been increased per missile.
This has allowed proper implementations of Narc, Artemis IV and AMS almost exactly as it worked in tabletop, affecting the Missile Modifier.
Hit chances are going to look a lot worse but damage and stability are similar because of the increased impact per missile. Gunnery skill gives you improvements to these various modifiers at different levels.
Note, this cluster modifier is also applied to UACs in rapid fire mode. Also of note, cluster 2 weapons, UACs and SRM 2 have slightly better modifier than Cluster 3 weapons like ATM 3s, which are better than 4s and so on, until cluster 5, LRM 5s. Everything 5 and above has the same modifier.
With these changes ECM is slightly changed. Rather than providing both the ghost effect and a +to hit to missile weapons, the +to hit has gone, and in it’s place ECM will stop the effect of Narc Missile Beacon and Artemis IV LRMs/SRMs.
Bigger Drop Sizes - You can now potentially take up to 8 Mechs if you make the relevant Argo upgrades, this isn’t a neccesity as you can use the drop tonnage for heavier 'Mechs in a single lance if you wish.
You can take up to the weight of a mission difficulty, +25 tons, without incurring any costs, no matter how many 'Mechs you bring.
However now on all difficulty modes if you take weight above and beyond the difficulty of the mission you will incur some extra logistical costs, scaling based on how far over the difficulty weight you are. The contract provider is covering the logistical costs as appropriate for the mission, above this is at your cost.
Your choice of ‘Extended Difficulty’ in Career settings will also affect the amount of tonnage before you encounter drop costs. Lower difficulties provide larger drops before costs are incurred.
This is a cost you can choose to incur to over weight a mission, but at the cost of less reward for completing it.
Vehicles - Vehicles are slightly more of a threat on a like for like basis, however the weight class of vehicles will be less for the same difficulty as before. So larger vehicles generally will only occur in higher difficulty missions.
Vehicle armour is not reduced from tabletop values as it was previously. This was reduced by a percentage before, so low armour vehicles, such as SRM carriers, will not change much. High armour vehicles will be tougher to crack.
+Motive Systems
Vehicles, when hit in either the Front, Rear, or Sides, have a chance to have their Motive System damaged, even through armour.
Motive System damage effects are a stacking reduction in movement allowance. The chance to damage the Motive System is affected by crit bonuses on weapons and will increase as structure is damaged.
A side hit is twice as likely to damage the Motive System than a front hit. A rear hit is 1.5x as likely as a Front hit.
Wheeled vehicles are 1.5x more likely to have their motive system damaged than tracked vehicles. Hover vehicles are twice as likely as tracked.
The Motive system damage effect will help give SRMs and more intentionally LBX Cluster rounds more of an identity on a battlefield with vehicles. However as represented on tabletop by the Cluster 5 of LRMs and MRMs, they will have 1/5th of the chance to damage the motive system per missile of any other weapon. Meaning machine guns, Cluster rounds and to a lesser extent SRMs are a good choice to reduce a vehicles speed, they will be more effective than LRMs, or single shot weapons.
Remember, on convoy ambush missions you can have a 'Mech standing in the evacuation zone (Denial Zone) to stop them evacuating, allowing you time to eliminate them if they get there before you can achieve your objective.
Other Notes - Pilots suffer from various panic states based on the damage they take and other natural factors. When panicked they have a chance to eject, this is the same for your pilots as the enemies.
Melee to hit values are lower, countered by mech quirks on certain mechs. This is further affected by the actuators that come stock on the 'Mech or are damaged.
Salvage is based on the amount of the 'Mech left rather than flat max pieces if the pilot is incapped., and 2 for a legged mech.
Head hits do not always cause a pilot injury, lowering the amount of injuries received from a stray LRM or Machine Gun hit. The chance to injure is based on the weight of the hit and the amount of armor left on the Head location. A hit stripped Head location will always cause a pilot injury.
In the contract description it may detail conditions, such as Foggy, Gravity, Light conditions, Rain etc. By hovering over the biome icon of the mission you can see the detail of what these conditions affect in mission allowing you to tailor your lance to the conditions.
The biome description lists all possible conditions for the biome, only those listed at the top of the contract description will be in effect for that mission.
Hover over mechs in the 'Mech Bay to see the Mech Quirks, in the Mech Lab hover over the Stock Role to see the quirks as you build.
Hover over pilots to see the Pilot Quirks and favourite Mech.
The Commander provides 2 resolve if in the lance, the same as pilots with the Officer quirk. This does not stack, but keeping Officers as stand ins for your Commander is a good idea.
Pilot Fatigue occurs after a mission, dependent on how damaged their 'Mech was. You can still take Fatigued pilots on missions, you will get lower resolve and they will be in low spirits for 14 days. Pilots are cheaper to maintain though so stock up! Fatigue time is reduced by higher Guts, certain quirks, Morale and Med Tech value. On Normal or Hard a pilot may receive a light injury if they are used while fatigued. A tip, in the early game consider taking fatigued pilots, don’t always roll the clock on. A loss of resolve generation is less concerning than it sounds and the fatigue or light injury time can be offset by travel time.
Only the single highest 'Mech + Pilot combination Resolve generation bonus will be used but Light 'Mech affinity, and negative Pilot quirks are outside of this limitation.
Gunnery and Piloting provide a 2% bonus to hit, rather than 2.5%.
Gunnery provides improvements to Short Range Missile Modifiers, Long Range Missile Modifiers and Rapid Fire Modifiers at different levels.
Multi Target also ignores 1 negative to hit for heat.
Breaching Shot ignores all negative to hit for heat.
Piloting skill steps provide a bonus to stability.
Tier 1 Piloting, Sure Footing, ignores the movement penalty from Foggy or Dusty weather conditions.
Tier 2 Piloting, Focused Balance, provides a new skill. When available it will reduce the To Hit penalty from moving (Running or using Jump Jets) by 1. If the skill is used it will remove the penalty for this turn but go on cooldown. While on cooldown there is no bonus provided to To Hit values from movement, so use at the right moments.
Bulwark provides a guarded state when making a Walk action outside of cover. This does not apply from a Jump action, Run action or Sprint action and it does not provide a guarded state in addition to cover.
Minimum Range bonuses reduce the negative from firing in minimum range, it does not reduce the minimum range.
Tier 2 Tactics skill, Master Tactician, now provides the bonus of the previous Ace Pilot skill, allowing the pilot to move after shooting.
Many new munitions and available. Munitions are variant ammo types that can be used for existing weapons. In 3025 that is just tracer ammo for Autocannon 2/5/10/20 and inferno SRM ammo for using in your SRM launchers, the rest and all the weapons come on different dates (mostly) post Clans in varying rarity. Once added to a 'Mech in mission pressing the middle mouse button on a weapon will switch the Ammo type used.
Ultra Auto Cannons and LBX Autocannons have weapon modes. They can be switched in mode in mission with the middle mouse button. UACs can be fired single fire mode to use heat and ammo more efficiently. LBX Autocannons can be switched to solid slug mode, able to fire standard Autocannon ammunition but with reduced stability damage compared to standard ACs. The AI will use weapon modes against you.
Weapons that can be found are more heavily based on lore. The Heavy Metal expansion added many weapons that make no sense in a game set in 3025. While no weapons are removed, and in fact many more are added, the chance of certain weapon types appearing is much more based on the date in game, the area of space you are in and the type of planet you are visiting. For example there is no such thing as an LBX 20 prior to 3058 outside of the Clans (who will be fielding them when they arrive), and wont start being available in the Inner Sphere until 3058. Availability will depend on where you are, however it is possible that they may turn up early on a research planet.
Lots of adjustments, please read weapon descriptions.
Argo Upgrades
Training pods can provide the ability to retrain a pilot one time ever per pilot.
Each Mech Bay provides a new bay that repairs at the same time. Automation upgrades improve the effectiveness of the extra bays.
The Machine Shop provides the ability to combine variants of the same Chassis that have the same engine and internals type. You cannot combine an endo mech with a non endo mech, same with ferro.
Maintenance costs reduced in early upgrades, but are higher for later upgrades.
Faction shops in Extended are the factories from the source books. Once allied with a faction you can visit their factories and pick up what they are building straight off the factory line. Their inventory is based on the source books and the date in game.
After you enter a mission 'Mechs will have components on them that have effects as they are lost. If a crit occurs in a slot that was already hit for multi slot components it is ignored.
Sensors (2 slots) - First crit -2 to hit, Second crit -4 to hit
Life Support (2 slots) - A crit in either slot destroys the Life Support, pushing heat in to the red causes a pilot injury (Poor Life Support 'Mechs will take 2 damage to the Pilot)
Engine Shielding (6 slots + sides for XL/Light/Clan XL) - +10 heat per turn per crit, 4 crits causes an engine explosion destroying the Center Torso
Gyro (4 slots) - First crit increases the minimum stability, 2nd crit will destroy the Gryo increasing minimum stability further, minimize movement and knock down the mech.
Shoulder - Destruction overrides the loss of weapon accuracy for Upper and Lower Arm actuator loss and adds +4 to hit with weapons on this arm
Upper Arm - Destruction adds +1 to hit with weapons on this arm, -melee damage
Lower Arm - Destruction adds +1 to hit with weapons on this arm, -melee damage (If the 'Mech has no Lower Arm stock then the weapon accuracy is not affected but -melee damage is)
Hand - +1 to hit in melee per missing/destroyed Hand
Hip - Increased minimum stability and halves movement
Upper Leg - Reduces movement, max stability reduced
Lower Leg - Reduces movement, max stability reduced
Foot - Reduces movement, stability threshold reduced
Notable changes for tabletop players (and why):
A cockpit component is not added as adding a 1 shot kill crit component was decided against.
When HBS made BattleTech they effectively gave all 'Mechs CASE for free which stopped ammo explosions bleeding in to other locations. In Tabletop rules ammo explosions would often destroy a 'Mech from some unlucky RNG and I didn’t want to add another RNG death to the game. Therefore I made 'Mechs that would receive CASE, a half ton component, receive CASE II, a 1 ton component in it’s place.
Engines take 4 crits to destroy, allowing an Inner Sphere XL engine to survive a side torso loss but at the cost of crippling heat. XL engines have always had questionable value which is in contrast to the massively increased c-bill cost and desirability in lore. This change keeps some vulnerability but is less of a death trap than before. A Clan XL or Light engine will still handle the loss of a side torso better taking only 2 crits and 20 heat per turn as a result.
Double Heat Sink engines provide 40 cooling base, as opposed to the 30 from a standard Fusion Engine or the 60 that tabletop rules would provide. This is for multiple reasons. Jordan Weisman stated that Double Heat Sink engines were the one thing he would change in hind site, and has been changed in other BattleTech games such as Mechwarrior Online. Double Heat Sink engines are a free upgrade, no weight, no crit slots, and as such a 1.33 scale bonus is more appropriate.
In tabletop there were rules to customise 'Mechs more heavily, adding Endo Steel to a chassis for example, or changing the engine. In lore however, performing such a task would require a factory level rework, and in game terms means that a 65 ton 'Mech is like any other 65 ton 'Mech but with different starting conditions. For Extended, primarily for gameplay reasons, I kept that 'Mechs are way more unique, not allowing such levels of customisation, improveing replayability as you experience trying out different 'Mechs and making collecting different 'Mechs more significant. If you want an Endo Steel Centurion you will have to earn one, fight who is using them or ally with them.
Walking does not provide a negative to hit, this encourages more dynamic tactical game play.
AMS systems operate on the first attack that involves missiles, and additional systems will work on additional attacks. This is because of the lack of ability to select a launcher and adds tactical depth to your choice of activation and attack order.
Jump Jets are more of a situational or survival tool now, rather than a force multiplier offensive tool. Woods and water terrain is more costly now, as such heavily consider bringing jump jets in Jungle biomes as an example, especially if time is an issue (Target Aquisition).
Not bringing jump jets in a Target Aquisition that drops you in a water map is a sure fire loss.
When selecting where to move pay attention to the chevrons around potential targets to see what range brackets you would be in, and whether a move would be a run move or not.
Hover over weapons to get a feel for why hit chances might not be good in a situation, you are likely to learn something. Missile/Rapid Fire modifiers will make hit chances look bad, but you are doing more damage per missile now, and Rapid Fire is ALWAYS more damage average than single shots, at the cost of ammo and heat efficiency.
Hit chances will feel lower in general but base hit chance is higher. Obtaining optimal results like range brackets and move choices are more key to getting good hit chances. Sticky Evasion is going to make 'Mechs that choose to use their movement more survivable in general.
Each move is a weighted choice of accuracy vs survivability. How you weigh up those choices in different moments is what is deciding your success rate.
Check those weapon and equipment descriptions.
Vaatii tuttuun tapaan tietysti myös community Asset Bundlen (CAP):
Community Assets Bundle (CAB)
Contains All Assets made by the Community in a curated package Community Assets package CommunityAssetInstaller.exe (42.0 MB) Install Instructions: Download the CAB Installer to a Folder Install the Mod that requires the CAB (as per its instructions) Run the CAB installer Select your mods...discourse.modsinexile.com
Onko tämä siis jatkoa BattleTech Extended 3025-3061 Joku uusi versio? Tuo Extended 3025-3061 on kyllä hyvä.Äsken (parin päivän sisään) julkaistiin fanien tekemä Batteletech Extended - Tactics:
BattleTech Extended - Tactics
Come join our discord server. Please use the discord bug report system on our server for any bugs found so we have a centralised place. Please check the #welcome channel before contributing. Banner art by Brent Evans BattleTech Extended requires an Extended specific save, it is not...discourse.modsinexile.com
(paljon tekstiä, laitan spoilereiden taakse):
Gameplay in missions is vastly more tactical while maintaining great performance.
The whole Inner Sphere is represented, including the many factions, units and mercenaries populating the 'Sphere. Clans invade, ComStar and Word of Blake will be jerks, elite units may provide harder missions, the Bounty Hunter may hunt you.
'Mech and Vehicle rarity is based on Xotl’s highly researched and well regarded D1000 tables and changes based on date, interpolating between the tables as days in game pass. Force compositions are the closest to what the universe of BattleTech is meant to look like possible with very little apocryphal content, other than nods to what has been seen in other games or fun parts of the lore like the Crescent Hawks.
The time in game will change the map, the events that are occurring, the units that are garrisoning planets, the technology available in different areas of space, the 'Mechs and 'Vees that the Op For is using. All based on source books and novels.
The mod is enhanced with rules massively adding to the tactical game, heavily inspired by the Tabletop but improved for a video game experience, for example adding components to the 'Mechs but not increasing the RNG based ways you can die in one shot in tabletop rules.
'Mechs and Pilots are much more unique, with 'Mechs having quirks from the BattleTech manual converted for the HBS game and Pilots having quirks based on their background and gain affinities with the 'Mechs they pilot.
Units you face are not just different paint schemes, some will use special 'Mech rarity tables, more elite tables, or favour certain equipment.
Pilots have morale in mission and can panic eject rather than fighting to the death every time, rookies are more likely to ‘nope’ out.
The Extended - Tactics ‘Manual’
When starting a new game you can select the ‘Extended Difficulty’. Extended Difficulty can be Easy, Normal or Hard.
- Easy
Enemy combatants are randomly skilled with no relation to what they pilot
+50t lance weight before incurring additional costs
Starting Mech and Tech values are easier than other difficulties
Mechs have HBS increased maximums for armour on the torso locations
Pilots are able to reach 10/10/10/10 in skills- Normal
Enemy combatants use more appropriate skills for what they are piloting
Greater chance of the OPFOR using appropriate munition types
+25t lance weight before incurring additional costs
Mechs have Tabletop maximums for armour on the torso locations
Resolve Generation in late game is slightly reduced
Pilots have an XP cap and will eventually stop earning XP before they reach 10/10/10/10- Hard
Enemy combatants use more appropriate skills for what they are piloting
Even greater chance of the OPFOR using appropriate munition types
Mechs have Tabletop maximums for armour on the torso locations
Resolve Generation in late game is slightly reduced
Pilots have an XP cap and will eventually stop earning XP before they reach 10/10/10/10
Less bonus accuracy is gained by using Precision Strike
When starting a new game you can select the starting planet and year.
The starting planet will affect the 'Mechs you may start with in career when selecting random, drawing from 'Mechs and variants that are commonly found in that area of space.
Starting year will affect the map and the technology available in game.
3025 End of Third Succession War
3028 Fourth Succession War
3030 Andurien/St. Ives Succession
3034 Rasalhague Independence
3039 War of 3039
3047 Helm Memory Core Technology production begins
3049 Clan Invasion
3053 Post Truce of Tukayyid
3057 Operation GUERRERO
3059 Operation BULLDOG
3061 Prior to Civil War
New technologies begin to appear approximately 3047+, but remain rare until mid to late 3050s. Clans arrive 3049 August+. Timeline will hold in map and technology in 3061 prior to the Fed Com Civil War.
Be advised that you can select to start in 3025 and all changes that would occur by selecting a later date will happen over time, however playing a game to span that much of a timeline would take 100s of hours.
While in the navigation screen:
F1: Toggle unvisited systems map mode
F2: Toggle system difficulty map mode
CTRL-F: System search
ESC: Exit map mode or search
Shift-Click: On system: route through this system
When viewing planets you will see that there are various units garrisoning planets around the Inner Sphere. When facing a faction you can encounter these unts within 2 jumps of your current location. The units move around based on the current date.
Units use equipment ratings A/B/C/D/F based on Xotl’s tables. Source books have been scoured to apply appropriate equipment ratings to all units. The ratings are indicated on tooltips for units and some factions as Exceptional/Very Good/Average/Poor/Awful. If an equipment rating is not given it will be using Average rating. You may want to pay attention to local units more closely now to target or avoid the units using Beserkers instead of Chargers.
Note that the rating is per faction, per date. Average in 3025 is very different to 3057. Kurita assaults average is vastly different to Steiner assaults average.
The Inner Sphere has various pirate and criminal organisations in different regions. Control of the Black Markets is based on the criminals/pirates in the vicinity. Gaining access to the Black Market will give access to the local Black Market, and you are able to have access to multiple at the same time.
Black Markets are good access to high quality versions of weapons and potentially, rarely, extinct 'Mechs and special finds, different per market.
Movement - When selecting a ‘Move’ you will see that the mouse hover info will change from Walk, or Run depending on how far you are moving.
Running will make shooting +2 more difficult to hit for a Mech or Vee, and also generate more Heat than walking. Walking generates 3 heat, Running 6 heat, and Sprinting 9 heat. Sprinting means you cannot shoot, unless you have a special Mech component. Vehicles cannot sprint, but can ‘Flank’, the equivelant of Running. The AI is also operating under these new rules and is aware and will choose to Run or Walk accordingly.
You cannot Run in water. Sprinting in water, while possible to increase the smoothness before combat starts, is heavily reduced and often not more than Walking.
Evasion - When you move you will gain Evasion charges as before, but each Evasion Charge is worth +1 to hit while providing +1 Sticky Evasion.
Sticky Evasion is indicated next to the Mechs name seperately from Evasion Charges.
Stripping an Evasion Charge will lose the target the +1 harder to hit from the Evasion Charge but the +1 to hit from Sticky Evasion cannot be stripped.
‘Sticky Evasion’ can only be lost from becomming Unsteady or Prone. Weapons that ignore Evasion before, such as support weapons, will not ignore ‘Sticky Evasion’, providing some survivability against those damage types.
This means that the value of evasion will scale better from the amount of guns on the field and will improve the usefullness of speed in combat. A Mech or Vee that gained 4 Evasion Charges will be at minimum +4 to hit from having moved, and be +8 to hit before any evasion charge stripping as before.
Weapons - Check weapon and equipment tooltips, lots of info is provided about how they work, and much may have changed from previously.
Previously there was an optimum range and a long range for weapons, with some weapons having a minimum range. Now weapons have 3 range brackets, short, medium and long, including support weapons.
Pay attention to the chevrons that show around a target when you are selecting a movement location or target. Previously you would see a chevron change between gold or grey to indicate optimum (gold) or long or minimum (grey). Now a gold chevron indicates mediun range while a green chevron indicates short range.
With these changes minimum range is also adjusted, rather than being a flat +8 to hit, weapons within the minimum range increase in difficulty to hit, scaling, the closer you are to the target.
With this functionality change a lot of balance changes have been made to various weapons. Longer range energy weapons generate more heat. Longer range ballistics do less damage. Pulse lasers are now very accurate naturally.
Missiles/Rapid Fire - As part of the weapon changes Missiles are reworked in functionality. A more faithful tabletop representation has been implemented while keeping the good parts of a video game implementation.
In TT rules you roll to hit, and if you miss all missiles are spent and all will miss. If you hit, you roll on a table to determine how many actually hit. This is a 2D6 table with steps of amounts, for example an LRM 20 could hit with 6, 9, 12, 16 or 20 missiles, nothing less, nothing inbetween.
I have implemented a ‘Missile Modifier’ that will affect LRMs, SRMs and other missile weapons that is applied AFTER hit % is calculated. So if your to hit after all modifiers is 70%, the cluster modifier, which as standard is 63% is applied. 70% * 63% = 44% chance to hit for each missile.
The cluster modifier is exactly representative of the Cluster table from the Battletech Manual, and when applied to hit %'s will mean that it has the exact average amount of missile hits as the tabletop weapon would. Following this, missile damage and stability damage has been increased per missile.
This has allowed proper implementations of Narc, Artemis IV and AMS almost exactly as it worked in tabletop, affecting the Missile Modifier.
Hit chances are going to look a lot worse but damage and stability are similar because of the increased impact per missile. Gunnery skill gives you improvements to these various modifiers at different levels.
Note, this cluster modifier is also applied to UACs in rapid fire mode. Also of note, cluster 2 weapons, UACs and SRM 2 have slightly better modifier than Cluster 3 weapons like ATM 3s, which are better than 4s and so on, until cluster 5, LRM 5s. Everything 5 and above has the same modifier.
With these changes ECM is slightly changed. Rather than providing both the ghost effect and a +to hit to missile weapons, the +to hit has gone, and in it’s place ECM will stop the effect of Narc Missile Beacon and Artemis IV LRMs/SRMs.
Bigger Drop Sizes - You can now potentially take up to 8 Mechs if you make the relevant Argo upgrades, this isn’t a neccesity as you can use the drop tonnage for heavier 'Mechs in a single lance if you wish.
You can take up to the weight of a mission difficulty, +25 tons, without incurring any costs, no matter how many 'Mechs you bring.
However now on all difficulty modes if you take weight above and beyond the difficulty of the mission you will incur some extra logistical costs, scaling based on how far over the difficulty weight you are. The contract provider is covering the logistical costs as appropriate for the mission, above this is at your cost.
Your choice of ‘Extended Difficulty’ in Career settings will also affect the amount of tonnage before you encounter drop costs. Lower difficulties provide larger drops before costs are incurred.
This is a cost you can choose to incur to over weight a mission, but at the cost of less reward for completing it.
Vehicles - Vehicles are slightly more of a threat on a like for like basis, however the weight class of vehicles will be less for the same difficulty as before. So larger vehicles generally will only occur in higher difficulty missions.
Vehicle armour is not reduced from tabletop values as it was previously. This was reduced by a percentage before, so low armour vehicles, such as SRM carriers, will not change much. High armour vehicles will be tougher to crack.
+Motive Systems
Vehicles, when hit in either the Front, Rear, or Sides, have a chance to have their Motive System damaged, even through armour.
Motive System damage effects are a stacking reduction in movement allowance. The chance to damage the Motive System is affected by crit bonuses on weapons and will increase as structure is damaged.
A side hit is twice as likely to damage the Motive System than a front hit. A rear hit is 1.5x as likely as a Front hit.
Wheeled vehicles are 1.5x more likely to have their motive system damaged than tracked vehicles. Hover vehicles are twice as likely as tracked.
The Motive system damage effect will help give SRMs and more intentionally LBX Cluster rounds more of an identity on a battlefield with vehicles. However as represented on tabletop by the Cluster 5 of LRMs and MRMs, they will have 1/5th of the chance to damage the motive system per missile of any other weapon. Meaning machine guns, Cluster rounds and to a lesser extent SRMs are a good choice to reduce a vehicles speed, they will be more effective than LRMs, or single shot weapons.
Remember, on convoy ambush missions you can have a 'Mech standing in the evacuation zone (Denial Zone) to stop them evacuating, allowing you time to eliminate them if they get there before you can achieve your objective.
Other Notes - Pilots suffer from various panic states based on the damage they take and other natural factors. When panicked they have a chance to eject, this is the same for your pilots as the enemies.
Melee to hit values are lower, countered by mech quirks on certain mechs. This is further affected by the actuators that come stock on the 'Mech or are damaged.
Salvage is based on the amount of the 'Mech left rather than flat max pieces if the pilot is incapped., and 2 for a legged mech.
Head hits do not always cause a pilot injury, lowering the amount of injuries received from a stray LRM or Machine Gun hit. The chance to injure is based on the weight of the hit and the amount of armor left on the Head location. A hit stripped Head location will always cause a pilot injury.
In the contract description it may detail conditions, such as Foggy, Gravity, Light conditions, Rain etc. By hovering over the biome icon of the mission you can see the detail of what these conditions affect in mission allowing you to tailor your lance to the conditions.
The biome description lists all possible conditions for the biome, only those listed at the top of the contract description will be in effect for that mission.
Hover over mechs in the 'Mech Bay to see the Mech Quirks, in the Mech Lab hover over the Stock Role to see the quirks as you build.
Hover over pilots to see the Pilot Quirks and favourite Mech.
The Commander provides 2 resolve if in the lance, the same as pilots with the Officer quirk. This does not stack, but keeping Officers as stand ins for your Commander is a good idea.
Pilot Fatigue occurs after a mission, dependent on how damaged their 'Mech was. You can still take Fatigued pilots on missions, you will get lower resolve and they will be in low spirits for 14 days. Pilots are cheaper to maintain though so stock up! Fatigue time is reduced by higher Guts, certain quirks, Morale and Med Tech value. On Normal or Hard a pilot may receive a light injury if they are used while fatigued. A tip, in the early game consider taking fatigued pilots, don’t always roll the clock on. A loss of resolve generation is less concerning than it sounds and the fatigue or light injury time can be offset by travel time.
Only the single highest 'Mech + Pilot combination Resolve generation bonus will be used but Light 'Mech affinity, and negative Pilot quirks are outside of this limitation.
Gunnery and Piloting provide a 2% bonus to hit, rather than 2.5%.
Gunnery provides improvements to Short Range Missile Modifiers, Long Range Missile Modifiers and Rapid Fire Modifiers at different levels.
Multi Target also ignores 1 negative to hit for heat.
Breaching Shot ignores all negative to hit for heat.
Piloting skill steps provide a bonus to stability.
Tier 1 Piloting, Sure Footing, ignores the movement penalty from Foggy or Dusty weather conditions.
Tier 2 Piloting, Focused Balance, provides a new skill. When available it will reduce the To Hit penalty from moving (Running or using Jump Jets) by 1. If the skill is used it will remove the penalty for this turn but go on cooldown. While on cooldown there is no bonus provided to To Hit values from movement, so use at the right moments.
Bulwark provides a guarded state when making a Walk action outside of cover. This does not apply from a Jump action, Run action or Sprint action and it does not provide a guarded state in addition to cover.
Minimum Range bonuses reduce the negative from firing in minimum range, it does not reduce the minimum range.
Tier 2 Tactics skill, Master Tactician, now provides the bonus of the previous Ace Pilot skill, allowing the pilot to move after shooting.
Many new munitions and available. Munitions are variant ammo types that can be used for existing weapons. In 3025 that is just tracer ammo for Autocannon 2/5/10/20 and inferno SRM ammo for using in your SRM launchers, the rest and all the weapons come on different dates (mostly) post Clans in varying rarity. Once added to a 'Mech in mission pressing the middle mouse button on a weapon will switch the Ammo type used.
Ultra Auto Cannons and LBX Autocannons have weapon modes. They can be switched in mode in mission with the middle mouse button. UACs can be fired single fire mode to use heat and ammo more efficiently. LBX Autocannons can be switched to solid slug mode, able to fire standard Autocannon ammunition but with reduced stability damage compared to standard ACs. The AI will use weapon modes against you.
Weapons that can be found are more heavily based on lore. The Heavy Metal expansion added many weapons that make no sense in a game set in 3025. While no weapons are removed, and in fact many more are added, the chance of certain weapon types appearing is much more based on the date in game, the area of space you are in and the type of planet you are visiting. For example there is no such thing as an LBX 20 prior to 3058 outside of the Clans (who will be fielding them when they arrive), and wont start being available in the Inner Sphere until 3058. Availability will depend on where you are, however it is possible that they may turn up early on a research planet.
Lots of adjustments, please read weapon descriptions.
Argo Upgrades
Training pods can provide the ability to retrain a pilot one time ever per pilot.
Each Mech Bay provides a new bay that repairs at the same time. Automation upgrades improve the effectiveness of the extra bays.
The Machine Shop provides the ability to combine variants of the same Chassis that have the same engine and internals type. You cannot combine an endo mech with a non endo mech, same with ferro.
Maintenance costs reduced in early upgrades, but are higher for later upgrades.
Faction shops in Extended are the factories from the source books. Once allied with a faction you can visit their factories and pick up what they are building straight off the factory line. Their inventory is based on the source books and the date in game.
After you enter a mission 'Mechs will have components on them that have effects as they are lost. If a crit occurs in a slot that was already hit for multi slot components it is ignored.
Sensors (2 slots) - First crit -2 to hit, Second crit -4 to hit
Life Support (2 slots) - A crit in either slot destroys the Life Support, pushing heat in to the red causes a pilot injury (Poor Life Support 'Mechs will take 2 damage to the Pilot)
Engine Shielding (6 slots + sides for XL/Light/Clan XL) - +10 heat per turn per crit, 4 crits causes an engine explosion destroying the Center Torso
Gyro (4 slots) - First crit increases the minimum stability, 2nd crit will destroy the Gryo increasing minimum stability further, minimize movement and knock down the mech.
Shoulder - Destruction overrides the loss of weapon accuracy for Upper and Lower Arm actuator loss and adds +4 to hit with weapons on this arm
Upper Arm - Destruction adds +1 to hit with weapons on this arm, -melee damage
Lower Arm - Destruction adds +1 to hit with weapons on this arm, -melee damage (If the 'Mech has no Lower Arm stock then the weapon accuracy is not affected but -melee damage is)
Hand - +1 to hit in melee per missing/destroyed Hand
Hip - Increased minimum stability and halves movement
Upper Leg - Reduces movement, max stability reduced
Lower Leg - Reduces movement, max stability reduced
Foot - Reduces movement, stability threshold reduced
Notable changes for tabletop players (and why):
A cockpit component is not added as adding a 1 shot kill crit component was decided against.
When HBS made BattleTech they effectively gave all 'Mechs CASE for free which stopped ammo explosions bleeding in to other locations. In Tabletop rules ammo explosions would often destroy a 'Mech from some unlucky RNG and I didn’t want to add another RNG death to the game. Therefore I made 'Mechs that would receive CASE, a half ton component, receive CASE II, a 1 ton component in it’s place.
Engines take 4 crits to destroy, allowing an Inner Sphere XL engine to survive a side torso loss but at the cost of crippling heat. XL engines have always had questionable value which is in contrast to the massively increased c-bill cost and desirability in lore. This change keeps some vulnerability but is less of a death trap than before. A Clan XL or Light engine will still handle the loss of a side torso better taking only 2 crits and 20 heat per turn as a result.
Double Heat Sink engines provide 40 cooling base, as opposed to the 30 from a standard Fusion Engine or the 60 that tabletop rules would provide. This is for multiple reasons. Jordan Weisman stated that Double Heat Sink engines were the one thing he would change in hind site, and has been changed in other BattleTech games such as Mechwarrior Online. Double Heat Sink engines are a free upgrade, no weight, no crit slots, and as such a 1.33 scale bonus is more appropriate.
In tabletop there were rules to customise 'Mechs more heavily, adding Endo Steel to a chassis for example, or changing the engine. In lore however, performing such a task would require a factory level rework, and in game terms means that a 65 ton 'Mech is like any other 65 ton 'Mech but with different starting conditions. For Extended, primarily for gameplay reasons, I kept that 'Mechs are way more unique, not allowing such levels of customisation, improveing replayability as you experience trying out different 'Mechs and making collecting different 'Mechs more significant. If you want an Endo Steel Centurion you will have to earn one, fight who is using them or ally with them.
Walking does not provide a negative to hit, this encourages more dynamic tactical game play.
AMS systems operate on the first attack that involves missiles, and additional systems will work on additional attacks. This is because of the lack of ability to select a launcher and adds tactical depth to your choice of activation and attack order.
Jump Jets are more of a situational or survival tool now, rather than a force multiplier offensive tool. Woods and water terrain is more costly now, as such heavily consider bringing jump jets in Jungle biomes as an example, especially if time is an issue (Target Aquisition).
Not bringing jump jets in a Target Aquisition that drops you in a water map is a sure fire loss.
When selecting where to move pay attention to the chevrons around potential targets to see what range brackets you would be in, and whether a move would be a run move or not.
Hover over weapons to get a feel for why hit chances might not be good in a situation, you are likely to learn something. Missile/Rapid Fire modifiers will make hit chances look bad, but you are doing more damage per missile now, and Rapid Fire is ALWAYS more damage average than single shots, at the cost of ammo and heat efficiency.
Hit chances will feel lower in general but base hit chance is higher. Obtaining optimal results like range brackets and move choices are more key to getting good hit chances. Sticky Evasion is going to make 'Mechs that choose to use their movement more survivable in general.
Each move is a weighted choice of accuracy vs survivability. How you weigh up those choices in different moments is what is deciding your success rate.
Check those weapon and equipment descriptions.
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Onko tämä siis jatkoa BattleTech Extended 3025-3061 Joku uusi versio? Tuo Extended 3025-3061 on kyllä hyvä.
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