Automobilista 2 [PC]

Jäi vähän kaivelemaan edellisen Hockenheim- kierrosaikasession tiedossa olleet mokat, niin viilasin vähän lisää omaa ajoa ja vajaa kymppi pois ajasta:

Tolla kierroksella sain aikaan minkä halusinkin eli ykkössektorille oma paras ja muille tasanen ajo eikä yli yrittämistä. Videon loppuun tein pientä kierrosanalyysiä että mitkä mutkat ja asiat näin itse tärkeiksi Hockenheimissä:) Ja kuten videon descissäkin totean yhä jäi silti parannettavaa:hmm:
Vähän aikaa ollu poissa AMS2:n parista, mutta nyt kun peliin on tullu useempi hotfixi, niin olivat näemmä saanet Imolan ylösvaihto-buginkin korjattua, joten sinne siis kauden -22 F1:llä hankaamaan:)

TOP10:iin pääsinki jo, kuten näkyy koko kympin kärki on sekunnin sisässä, mutta uskosin että saan tosta vielä petrattua, sillä V1.4 fysiikoilla pääsin alle 1:15 viime vuonna:hmm:

Samalla huomasin että 300 tuntia tullu täyteen tämän simun parissa:love:
Huomasin pudonneeni ulos 10 parhaan sakista peräti sijalle 12.:oops: Tästä suivaantuneena säädin aeroja pienemmälle (=enemmän suoranopeutta) ja paahdoin huolella alle 1:16:cool:

Tällä kertaa päästiin jo TOP5:een:) Sektoriaikojen perusteella tosin saan tuostakin vielä helposti pari kymppiä pois, jahka vaan saisi sitten kaiken samalla kierrokselle:lol:
Olipa tiukassa nuo seuraavat kymmenykset saada pois omasta kierrosajasta, mutta juuri äsken palaset loksahti kohdalleen ja videonkin editoin jo:

Kaksi olennaista asiaa jotka muutin edellisen jälkeen oli että säädin jarrubalanssia sektoreiden välillä, 2.:lle laiton naksun eteenpäin koska on niin epätasaista että meinasi auto olla levoton jarrutuksissa, ja taas palautin taaksepäin viimeselle sektorille ettei aliohjaa niin hitosti, toinen asia löytyi, yllätys, omasta ajamisesta:facepalm: eli Variante Altan voi näemmä vetääkin kolmosella:D Vikalle sektorille tulikin oma pohja, ja reippaasti alle tämän hetkisen WR-ajan. Muutoin kierros oli tasainen, joskaan en saanut toiselle sektorille sitä parastani. Piratellassa käydään muuten tosi lähellä track limitsejä:lol:
2 926
Joo beta siitä jo tulikin:
V1.5.5.6 -> V1.5.5.8 CHANGELOG


  • Added Stock Car Pro Series 2024


  • Added Nurburgring 1971 Betonschleife layout


  • Fixed some types of engine component not applying additional repair time in pit stops
  • Fixed CTD on New Championship screen when a saved custom champ template contained content that is no longer available such as when mods are uninstalled
  • Enabled offline dust particles
  • Added high fidelity water shader (applied at Ibarra only for now)
  • Crowds near the track may slightly move now
  • Added event preset, championship and points system for Stock Car Pro Series 2024
  • Adjusted Mandatory-Pitstop-Open-Lap to equal lap 5 and scaled Minimum-Race-Length to equal 15 mins for Stock Car Brasil Championships 2019-2023


  • Fixed incorrect label on Audio Device input when disabled


  • Updated V1.6 tires for F-Ultimate Gen2 (WIP)
  • Revised FFB for F-USA Gen1-4; F-Vintage Gen1-2


  • Fixed issue where the AI wouldn't repair engine damage during qualifying or practice
  • If AI car pits in for major mechanical damage (such as engine damage) it may now decide to retire instead of always rejoining the race
  • Slightly reduced likelihood of a full course yellow being triggered by an AI incident during the final 3 laps of a race
  • Updated Stock Car Pro Series 2023 Ai driver performance levels based on finalised championship positions


  • Added 3D trees near trackside for Adelaide (both), Cascavel, Curitiba, Guaporé, Ibarra, Londrina, Taruma, Velocittá
  • Ibarra: remodelled outer terrain for better geographical accuracy, better detail vs polycount balance. New water shaders, 3D foliage; reworked billboard foliage, new ground & road textures, seasonal foliage (green/dry)
  • Cascavel: Adjusted terrain meshes, materials and textures, updated 3D & billboard foliage, fixed UV mapping on curbs, added a bunch of new buildings, removed couple temp stands and added grandstand on the terrain slope, tweaked road materials & textures, AO pass on terrain and buildings
  • Nurburgring 1971: Update hedge material
  • Added VR cameras for Jacarepagua 1988, Jacarepagua 2005, Jacarepagua Oval, Jacarepagua SCB, Jacarepagua Short, Jerez Chicane, Kansai Classic, Kansai West, Kyalami Historic, Oulton Park Classic, Oulton Park Island, Outon Park Fosters, Spielberg Short, Spielberg Vintage, Taruma Chicane, Velo Citta Club Day and Velo Citta Track Day


  • Set matching pitcrew team outfits for F-Vintage, F-Retro, F-Classics, F-HiTech, F-V12, F-V10, F-Reiza (all Gens) & F-Ultimate Gen1, LMDh, GTE, GT3 (both Gens), GT4, GT1, Group C, Group A, Super V8, Stock Car Brasil 2019-2024
  • F-V10 Gen2: Increased polycount for cockpit tires
  • Corvette C8: Reworked cockpit textures & materials for higher detail level
  • Corvette C8.R: Adjusted rear calipers position
  • Mercedes 190 Evo2: Added adjustable rear spoiler
Melko paljon onkin muuttanu tuo V1.6 auton ajokäytöstä ja näemmä FormulaUltimate Gen2 on ilmeisesti päivitetty vastaamaan tämän kauden (-24) Formuloita. Auto on suurissa (yli 250km/h) nopeuksissakin todella snappy eli esim. Imolassa ei enää vedetäkään Villeneuveta tai Piratellaa junttaamalla kaasu pohjaan 6-vaihteella, sen lisäksi se perää irtoaa hiton rajusti että kiinniottaminen on todella vaikeaa jopa mahdotonta. Kanttien ylityksessä samat jutut kun mitä V1.5 eli omaa harkintaa saa käyttää:D Summattuna voisi kai sanoo että jälleen simumaisempaa suuntaan ollaan menty, mikä tuntuu lukuun ottamatta V1.4 päivitystä, olleen yleinen teema pelin kehityksessä.

Alla vielä kierros tutulla Imolan radalla:

Olipahan muuten vääntäminen päästä alle 1:17 vaikka aiemmin koluuteltiin matalaa 1:15 tuossa autoluokassa, vaan eipä näytä nuo muutkaan vetävän enää sellasia kierroksia kun V1.5-aikoina:hmm:
Testailin tuota gen2 formulaa tuossa pari viikkoa sitten ja olihan se todella nautinnollista ajettavaa vaikkei todellisuutta vastaisikaan. Pelasin ensin hetken f1 23 suttuista sontaa (VR) ja tähän hypättyäni taitaa olla enää turha lisenssipeliä käynnistää vaikka siinä uramoodi yms houkuttelisi. Toivottavasti saadaan tähän AMS2 jotain uramoodia f1 puolelle myös vaikka modin muodossa, saa kertoa jos sellaisia jo löytyy. Racing Life testattu vaan se on jotenkin kömpelö viritys.

Tullut myös tätä ennen pelattua paljon eri gt luokkia jotka ovat olleet oikein mainiota viihdettä. Helposti oma suosikki simupuolella monipuolisen sisällön myötä eikä rahaakaan tarvinnut aleissa paljoa laittaa. Toimii VR:ssä todella hyvin, ainut miinus tuo urapuoli.
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Monenlaista muutosta on näemmä tullut betaan, pitääpä ladata ja testata pitkästä aikaa oikein VR:llä :)


  • Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta
  • Canadian Tire Motorsport Park
  • Sebring International Raceway

  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
GT3 Gen2
  • Audi R8 LMS Evo II
  • Corvette Z06 GT3.R
Lamborghini Dream Pack Pt1:
  • Lamborghini Huracán GT3 Evo II
  • Lamborghini Huracán Evo Supertrofeo
  • TBA
  • TBA
Base game freebies:
  • Audi R8 LMS GT3
  • Audi Quattro V8
  • Ligier JS P320
  • Increase maximum grid size to 48 cars
  • Add option for Repair time delays
  • Add support for MP Setup sharing
  • Allow fuel, brake bias & steering lock adjustments in fixed setup races
  • Add Ballast System option
  • Separate livetrack water progression from weather progression setting
  • Elaborate Random Real Weather logic
  • Expand number of weather slots
  • Add option to share Custom Championship files
  • Add option to open existing champ as a starting point for the editor
  • Additional Custom Championship slots
  • Further development to visible opponents option (distinguishing vehicles ahead / behind player)
  • Add option for post-processing filters
  • Further smokey particles development
  • Visible tire wear & flatspotting
  • Racing line developments (dry and wet)
  • Potential car material improvements
  • Visible wingtip contrails
  • Complete UI & HUD overhaul
  • Add Italian localization
  • Complete tire tread revision covering hysteresis, wear & thermodynamics
  • Brake thermodynamics revision
  • Developments to ERS modelling
  • Add customization option for AI braking & traction skills
  • Add logic for AI to always prioritize moving to the inside of next braking zone when overtaking another car
  • Further developments to blue flag behavior
  • Add support for AI to use different tire compounds in qualifying vs race when appropriate
  • Further calibration of AI performance in drying track with various tire compounds
  • Improvements to sound culling logic
  • Add reverb tail on camera swaps
  • Add track-specific reverb zones
  • Finetune surface sounds (curb, rolling, tire scrub & skid effects) to iron out car-to-car inconsistencies
  • Updated external engine sounds for F-V10 Gen1, F-V10 Gen2, F-Reiza
  • Add pit entry / exit lights
  • Add flag waving marshalls
  • Update remaining tracks due to receive 3D trees & new water shader
  • Minor environment lighting adjustments & overcast lighting tweaks
  • Add support for multiple trackside TV camera cycles
  • Update remaining tracks with trackide TV camera sets still using simpler AMS1 conversion
  • Improvements to car textures & materials
  • Expand vehicle light / LED support & options
  • Update windshield tint & reflections to a cohesive standard
  • Add support for user defined car / team names
  • Add support for defining simple car power / torque / downforce / drag multipliers within custom AI files


  • GTP (all models)
  • GTD (all models)
  • GTE (all models)
  • Lamborghini Huracán Super Trofeo
  • Formula Ultimate Gen2
  • Formula V10 Gen2
  • Formula V12
  • Formula HiTech Gen2 (all models)
  • Formula Ultimate Gen1
  • Formula Reiza
  • Formula V10 Gen1 (both models)
  • GT3 Gen 1(all models)
  • GT Open (both models)
  • GT4 (all models)
  • Ginetta G55 Supercup
  • Stock Car Pro Series 2020-2022
  • Stock Car Pro Series 2023
  • Stock Car Pro Series 2024
  • P3 (all models)
  • P4 (all models)
  • P1 Gen1 (all models)
  • P1 Gen2 (all models)
  • GT5 (both models)
  • Mini JCW UK
  • Stock Car Brasil 2019
  • Copa Classic FL & B
  • Hypercars (both models)
  • Supercars (all models)
  • Formula Vintage Gen1 (all models)
  • Formula Vintage Gen2 (all models)
  • Formula Retro Gen1 (all models)
  • Formula Retro Gen2 (all models)
  • Formula Retro Gen3 (all models)
  • Formula Classic Gen1 (all models)
  • Formula Classic Gen2 (all models)
  • Formula Classic Gen3 (all models)
  • Formula Classic Gen4 (all models)
  • Formula HiTech Gen1 (all models)
  • Formula Inter
  • Formula USA Gen1 (all models)
  • Formula USA Gen2 (all models)
  • Formula USA Gen3 (all models)
  • Formula USA 2023
  • Group C (all models)
  • GT Classics (both models)
  • TC Vintages Tier 1( both models)
  • TC Vintages Tier 2 (both models)
  • Super V8
  • Rallycross
  • Kart Cross
  • Formula Dirt
  • Copa Montana
  • Copa Truck (all models)
  • Opala Stock Cars 1986
  • Omega Stock Car 1999
  • Copa Fusca
  • Copa Uno
  • Lancer Cup (both models)
  • TSI Cup
  • Cadillac DPi
  • Porsche Cup
  • Ginetta G40 Cup
  • BMW M1 Procar
  • Caterham 620R
  • Caterham Superlight
  • Caterham Supersport
  • Caterham Academy
  • ARC Camaro
  • Formula Vee
  • Formula Junior
  • Opala Stock Cars 1979
  • Opala Old Stock
  • Camaro SS Street Car
  • Formula 3 (both models)
  • GT1 (all models)
  • Sprint Race
  • Formula Trainer
  • Formula Trainer Advanced
  • P2 (all models)
  • Group A (all models)
  • Hot Cars
  • Rental Kart
  • Shifter Kart
  • Kart Gx390 Race
  • Superkart
Please note that even classes already listed as revised have only the softest compound option revised (in cases of classes with multiple tire compound options), and they remain subject to further minor adjustments all the way to v1.6 release.


Classes with revised sound effects to the latest audio code adjustments (please ignore general sound effect oddities running classes not on this list):
  • F-Ultimate Gen2
  • F-V10 Gen2
  • F-V12
  • GTP (all models)

V1.5.6.3 -> V1.5.7.0 CHANGELOG


  • Added Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta
  • Increased max grid size to 48 (feature to remain experimental and not fully supported on iniital v1.6 release)
  • Added visible tire wear & flatspotting to all tire treads
  • Adjusted raing line in dry and wet (better looking & more visible)
  • Improved the visuals and dynamics of the windscreen and window glass scratches and smudges
  • Revised tire tread & brake thermodynamics plus minor aero adjustments (list of classes already revised as per above)
  • Revised differentials for F-V10 Gen2, F-Reiza, F-Ultimate (both gens)
  • Reduced FFB parking force for all vehicles
  • Added logic for AI to prioritize the inside line into the next braking zone while attempting to overtake (WIP)
  • Added new AI corridor scalar condition to keep corridors wider while AI is under full throttle application
  • AI will now cover the inside line when trying to defend from being overtaken (frequency subject to AI Aggression setting and AI driver´s specific defending personality parameter - unmodded default AI drivers are generally more likely to engage in defensive moves in modern series and less so in series from the 60s / 70s / 80s)
  • AI blue behavior: AI will now move out of the racing line and slightly lift when under blue flag (always in practice / qualifying; in races AI cooperation under blue flag will be subject to AI driver´s specific blue flag personality parameter - unmodded default AI drivers are generally more likely give way to faster cars in modern series and less so in series from the 60s / 70s / 80s); AI will only lift slightly on straights to facilitate overtakes and never in corners (used to be the other way round)
  • Added logic for AI behavior in multiclass races so that under blue flag AI will NOT move out of the racing line if the speed difference to the overtaking car is higher than 10%
  • Added logic for AI behavior during out-laps in practice / qualifying to always try create a buffer between it and the car ahead before starting his hot lap
  • AI will enter in-lap behavior sooner after completing its hot lap in practice / qualifying
  • Adjusted AI behavior in first lap to be less erractic and generally more competitive than before
  • In long oval races AI drivers will no longer try to save fuel within the first 5 laps
  • AI will now have occsional minor deviations from the optimal racing line depending on driver-specific AI skill (the higher the skill the better the AI can keep to the racing line))
  • Further adjusted distance AI cars check for slow car ahead
  • AI calibration pass for classes with revised tires

Added pit control lights to all tracks
  • Adjusted blending between the track and track puddles
  • Interlagos: Fixed a gap in the pit building shadow visible at some time of day; Minor pit / paddock buildings lod optimization
  • Taruma: Fixed black pond water Move the safety car to a dedicated parking location
  • Kansai East / West: Corrected digital flags local yellow function
  • Hockenheim National: Fixed the local yellow for a corner marker panel
  • Revised all cars with windshield for a cohesive standard of tint & reflection (WIP)
  • Updated windshields to include visible scratches & fingerprints (WIP, only LMDh & GT3s for now)
  • Light / LED updates for LMDh, GTE, GT3 (both gens - WIP)
  • Added gauge damping to Group A (both models), BMW Procar, Mclaren MP4/1C
  • Stockcar 2020-2022 (all cars): Added Cockpit dash stickers and windshield support
  • StockCar 2024: Updated liveries as per real season developments
  • F-Ultimate Gen2: Added rear blinking lights
  • F-Ultimate Gen1: Fixed default side tire texture issue in showroom
  • F-Vintage: Fixed missing tire branding
  • P1 Gen2: Updated tire branding
  • Corvette C8 Z06: Improved gauge cluster (new display reflections). Updated windscreen hud on p3
  • Brabham BT26: Fixed cockpit front wheels issue
  • Opala 79: Fixed steering wheel pivots on lodA and LodB
  • Formula V10 Gen2: Fix front tire UV mapping issue in cockpit view



  • Revised tire tread & brake thermodynamics plus minor aero adjustments (list of new classes revised as per above)
  • Further minor adjustments to F-Ultimate Gen2, F-Vee
  • LMDh: Default brake bias moved slightly rearwards
  • F-Vee: Slightly stiffer default front ARB
  • AI calibration pass for F-V12, F-V10 Gen2, Old Stock, P1 (both gens)
  • [BETA] Road Atlanta: Increased track cut limits in run-off areas; Physical adjustments to the run-off curbs at T5 and T7. Increased curb sound types. Closed some terrain gaps near the final chicane
  • Kansai GP: Reversed pitbox order; increased max grid to 48 cars (was 45)
  • F-Reiza: Fixed tire tread UV mapping
  • Nissan R390 GT1: Fixed LOD bugs; Updated tire materials for new shader



  • Added Audi LMS GT3 to GT3 Gen1 Class
  • Added Audi LMS GT3 Evo II to GT3 Gen2 Class
  • Added Audi Quattro to Group A Class
  • Overhauled engine failing and failure effects: Coolant, oil, turbo and complete failures with new effects to distinguish each type of failure
  • Updated vehicle preview renders as per overhauled UI design
  • Further refinements to Group A, GTE, GT3 (both gens), GT5 & LMdh tire treads
  • Group A: Slightly reduced brake torque for Mercedes & BMW models
  • F-USA 2023: V1.6 Updated Oval & Speedway tire compounds & aero
  • Further adjustments to AI lateral rates & slowdown ratios for blue flag / black flag conditions
  • AI fast line redos for Guapore & Road Atlanta
  • AI calibration pass for GT3 Gen2
  • Updated F-V10 Gen2 & F-Reiza external sounds to latest standards
  • Interlagos: Added new pit building model for modern GP and SCB layouts
  • Brands Hatch: Add more barriers near the pit exit
  • Stockcar 2024: P2P support for cockpit and exterior devices. Reworked LCD screen. New windscreen reflections and scratches
  • Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo: Added windscreen scratches & reflections to latest standards
  • F-Reiza: Fixed rear suspension issue; Fixed front wheels material in cockpit view
  • F-Ultimate Gen2: Added blinking rear wing warning lights (only for pit limiter & rain lights for now)
  • F-Junior: Reduced exagerated exhaust backfiring



  • Overhauled tire smoke dynamics (WIP)
  • Further minor adjustments to Group A, Opala Old Stock, F-Vee, Cat Academy
  • [BETA] Group A: Adjusted splitter height sensitivity for all 3 models; Fixed M3 gear ratios
  • GT3 Gen2 (all models): Minor default setup adjustments for GT3 Gen2 (all models), Mercedes AMG GT3, Audi R8 LMS GT3
  • F-Retro Gen1 (all models): Minor default setup adjustment
  • LMDh (all models): Revised boost maps and torque curves; Updated hybrid model to replace/fill total torque instead of adding over ICE torque; Moved default brake bias slightly rearwards
  • Engine torque / compression curve adjustments for Opala Old Stock & Audi Quattro
  • AI calibration pass for classes with newly revised tires
  • [BETA] F-Reiza: lowered gearshift external volume
  • Le Mans Bugatti: Fixed crowd floating over grandstands
  • [BETA] Road Atlanta: Adjusted 3D crowd LOD distance
  • [BETA] Updated windscreen scratches & reflections for Porsche 991 GT3 Cup 3.8, Porsche 991 GT3 Cup 4.0: Ginetta G55 Supercup, G40 Cup, GT5, Copa Classic, Copa Uno, Group A, Corvette GTP
  • Updated LCD for Porsche GT3-R, Porsche Cup, Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo, Audi R8 GT3 gen1:
  • [BETA] Fixed tire mapping issue in F-Trainers & F-Vees



  • Added Lamborghini Huracán Evo II to GT3 Gen2 Class
  • Added Ligier JS P320 to P1 Gen2 Class
  • Revised cold tire thermodynamics (generally slicks having slightly less grip when cold (for classes featured in OP list)
  • Revised wear & degradation rates (for classes featured in OP list)
  • Further minor adjustments to Stock 2019, Porsche Cup, Caterham Academy, F-Vee, Opala Old Stock
  • Formula Vintage Gen1/2 (all models): Minor brake bias rearwards adjustment
  • Stock Car 2019: Minor downforce improvement for more accurate lap times
  • Brabham BT52: Minor default setup adjustments
  • Copa Fusca: Default toe and suspension adjustments (Default setup reset required)
  • Audi quattro V8: Minor default setup adjustment
  • Further minor adjustments to AI lateral rates & distances from which to start overtaking car ahead
  • Slightly increased AI overtaking risk assesment thresholds for faster cars
  • Further adjustments to AI launch performance for Mclaren MP4/5B, MP4/6 & MP4/7
  • Barcelona: Removed misplaced aiw speed boost multi at the pit lane entrance
  • F-Inter: Adjusted AI brake usage
  • [BETA] Audi R8 GT3: Updated external sounds; Fixed missing sounds for LD variant
  • Formula Reiza: Further external updates
  • Curitiba: Fixed a physical grass issue; Added missing paddock fence collision; Increased roughness on the track concrete strip; Added dedicated safety car parking location
  • Cleveland: Reconfigured pit exit track cut mesh to prevent warnings or penalty
  • Laguna Seca: Fixed a terrain shadow issue near the corkscrew in early morning hours
  • Imola 2001: Fixed a hole in the outer terrain
  • Adjusted object LODs for Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Bathurst
  • Increased resolution of various LCD display fonts
  • BMW M1 Procar: Updated windscreen scratches and reflections
  • Copa Truck: Improved diesel smoke particle spacing and lighting
  • Formula Trainer: Fixed tires mapping issue
  • Puma GTE: Fixed red material issue on bonnet
  • Stock Car 2024: Updated Chevrolet logo on Cruze liveries
  • Mclaren MP4/12: Fixed visual low ride height causing front wing to clip ground



  • LMDh: Added brake by wire simulation (combines mechanical brakes and regen torque while respecting your intended brake bias setting - no other controls as of now); added hybrid launch simulation (WIP)
  • [BETA]Revised driveline for Audi quattro V8 DTM (viscous at the front, torsen+viscous at the center, clutch pack at the rear - default setup reset required)
  • Further adjusted tire tread bulk falloff when cold effects; Munor adjustments to RX tread
  • Slightly increased dirty air effectss on front wings of high performance formula cars
  • GT3 (both gens): BoP pass for Audi & Lamborghini
  • F-Classic G4M1: Default setup adjustments
  • Further general adjustments to AI performance degradation with tire wear

  • [BETA] Corrected shift compressor sound for Audi & Lamborghini GT3

  • [BETA] Road Atlanta: Added road marbles
  • Spielberg 1977: Removed floating cameraman behind grandstands
  • BMW M4 GT4: Updated windscreen scratches and reflections. New dashboard glass, cleaner display screen object. Updated tires materials
  • Camaro GT4R: New windscreen scratches and reflections. Updated tires materials
  • McLaren 570S GT4: new windscreen scratches and reflections. Added cockpit lights



  • Adjusted tire smoke colouration and toned down overblown ambient lightingImproved
  • Depth of Field for trackside TV cameras

  • Further minor tire tread adjustments to GT1, P1 (both gens) F-Vintage (both gens), F-Ultimate Gen2, Rallycross, Kartcross
  • [BETA]LMDh: Refined hybrid launch, re-enabled manual starter (instant start if enough speed), fixed horsepower on telemetry HUD reading 0 on electric power only, fixed ICE not firing up reliably with automatic clutch, fixed automatic gears not working at all with hybrid launch Adjusted ERS mapping to maintain 70% SoC better in balanced mode; corrected peak regen power; Minor correction to fuel volumetric density to represent ethanol fuel
  • F-Ultimate (both gens): Decreased lowest ERS balanced mode deployment setting slightly to increase full lap harvest rate at low SoC; Revised regen and added brake-by-wire
  • P1 (both gens) Minor setup & aero revisions (setup reset required)
  • Adjusted AI brake usage & aggression scalar for GT1, P1 (both gens), LMDh classes
  • Ai calibration pass for F-Vintage (both gens), P1 (both gens), GT1, F-Retro, P2 classes
  • Brabham BT62: Fixed live play audio error and lowered live play volume
  • LeMans 24h: Added crowd & reverb sounds; updated cameras on lap 2 of the cycle
  • Daytona RC: Added anticut barrier near Turn 1; Revised track cut limits at the busstop chicane
  • Windscreen updates for GTE, GT3, GT4, GT1, P1 classes
  • Mercedes AMG GT4: Fixed wiper issue
  • GT1: Corrected collision for the Nissan R390 high downforce model; Corrected spawn offset coordinates
  • Ginetta G58: Updated tires and LCD shader. revised cockpit lights. Removed display black filter when headlights are turned on
  • Cadillac V Series R: Fixed LOD issue; reworked exhaust glowing intensity
  • Porsche 992 GT3-R: reworked headlights and glowing exhaust intensity




  • Added Canadian Tire Motorsports Park
  • Added Lamborghini Super Trofeo
  • Revised lighting properties for all climates
  • Adjusted car material reflection dynamics to produce slightly deeper reflections
  • Adjusted livetrack reflections in wet weather to display the racing line more subtly
  • Fixed lighting fluctuations that occurred at random times during the day
  • [BETA] Fixed some instances where flatspot magnitude was incorrectly detected resulting in no visual flatspot
  • [BETA] Reverted some depth dof field and related settings to previous values for VR users
  • [BETA] Fixed a bug where the AI would inconveniently brake in the middle of the straight when trying to let someone pass due to blue flag or inlap/outlap
  • Further minor tire tread adjustments to Porsche Cup, F-Trainer, F-Inter, F-3, Rallycross, Kartcross
  • LMDh: Raised ICE automatic start up threshold back to just below 60km/h
  • F-HiTech Gen2: Corrected active suspension damping default setting
  • Adjusted AI defense rate so it moves faster to cover inside line when trying to defend position
  • Added dynamic range for AI to recuce speed under blue flag, yellow flag and in / out laps & better defined ranges for each scenario
  • Disabled legacy fudge factor that could case AI to brake earlier and / or lift off the throttle
  • Further adjustments to AI corridor width scaling per track
  • Fixed missing interior sound in live monitor for MCR2000 and Metalmoro MRX Honda.
  • LMDh: Adjusted regen torque and power improved electric whine sound and rebalanced ignition and gearshift audio at low speeds
  • Passat HotCars: Fixed engine sound muted below Idle RPM.
  • Mclaren MP4/12: Fixed excess rattling sound over kerbs .
  • F-V10 Gen2: Adjusted Traction control sound.
  • [BETA] Corrected drivetrain sound position for Audi R8 GT3 and Audi R8 GT3 EVO.
  • [BETA] Road Atlanta: Adjusted pit lane path for more clearance to the armco.
  • Mclaren 720S GT3: Added the new windscreen scratches and reflection textures
  • Porsche 992 GT3-R: Windscreen mapping fix
  • Ginetta G58: Fixed windscreen materials Fixed tire issue
  • BMW M4 GT3: changed pit lights scheme
  • Cadillac V Series R: Removed Cosworth label on LED clusters


  • Cars can now open DRS in races when within 1s of car ahead even when not fighting for position
  • Further minor adjustmeents to F-Ultimate Gen2, F-3, F-Inter, F-Trainer Advanced, Porsche Cup. GT3 Gen1
  • [BETA] Further thermodynamic adjustments to effects of running tire below optimal temperature
  • AI cars will try to create some space between them and other cars from the beginning of the outlap (and not just 3rd sector as it was initially)
  • AI calibratiion pass for classes in the dark green list
  • Added crowd & reverb zones to Interlagos 1991 & 1993
  • LMDu: Adjusted exhaust pop volume
  • (BETA) CTMP: Adjusted road surface; Further art developments
  • Removed fresnel mapping to external carbon material in Cadillac V-Series & Ligier JS P320

V1.5.9.1 -> V1.5.9.4 CHANGELOG


  • Adjusted LiveTrack properties: Rubber laying thresholds lower, with bias between lateral and longitudinal rubber laying shifted more to the lateral (slide) component; Minor adjustment to how rubber laying scales down to harder compound options (so track progression is more noticeable in classes running softer compound options) - changes apply globally to all tracks
  • Fixed translucent particles such as smoke or wet spray visibly clipping with objects
  • Adjusted the road racing line to be more visually distinct from the rest of the track when rubbered and wet
  • Reduced Multiplayer session end join lockout to 30s
  • Improved engine failure effects by adding variability in failure visuals for high revving engines
  • Added static HUD track map (WIP)
  • Changed grid menu mousewheel inputs to scroll vertically
  • LMDh & GT3 Gen2 reballed as GTP & GTD to represent IMSA classes
  • Further general wear & thermodynamics revisions
  • Minor tread adjustments for F-Ultimate Gen2, Lmdh, GT3 wet tires
  • [BETA] Lamborghini Huracan Supertrofeo Evo 2: Minor default setup adjustments
  • Adjusted AI rate of lateral movement when trying to defend the inside line from an overtaking car
  • Adjusted AI speed reduction ranges for practice / qualifying in & out laps, blue flag, yellow flag conditions
  • Improved surface sounds logic for more consistent audio
  • Added crowd sounds & reverb zones to Azure, Barcelona 1991, Bathurst (both), Cadwell Park, Daytona, IMS, Long Beach, Hockenheim (all versions), Montreal (all versions), Silverstone, Spa-Francorchamps (1993, 2020, 2022), Watkins Glen
  • GTP: improved electric whine at higher speeds
  • Cadillac V Series R: adjusted bass note of internal engine sound, increased engine sound pitch slightly Fixed pitch of external upshift sound, fixed issue where AI were using incorrect external sound in live play
  • F-V10 Gen2: improved external sound at the rear of the car
  • Porsche 963 GTP: fixed external idle sound
  • Fixed inconsistency of grip reduction on wet rubbered line
  • Mosport: Enable vibrator curb type rumble effect; added night lights
  • Road Atlanta: tweaked curb textures and groove, tweaked overall racegroove on track, various fixes to trackside objects; added night lighting
  • Watkins Glen; Increased the LODB range on some static object motorhomes and tents Change default race date to Jun 20 202
  • Added and / or updated IMSA liveries for corresponding models in GTP & GTD classes
  • Added windscreen scratches and reflections for Sauber C9, Mercedes CLK, Nissan R390 GT1, Porsche 911 98 GT, Mclaren F1 GTR, Super V8, Sigma P1 G5, Metalmoro AJR (both gens),
  • Porsche 992 GT3R: Fixed cockpit side mirrors mesh gaps; Fixed cockpit damage models
  • BMW M-Hybrid V8: Updated RPM lights configuration
  • Adjusted onboard cameras for BMW M Hybrid, Cadillac V-Series R, Porsche 963 to better reflect real life cameras.
  • Porsche Cayman GT4: Fixed red hood issue
  • F-Ultimate Gen2: Closed inner side of the wheels on LodA; Fixed damage models on Low Downforce parts
  • F-Retro V12 Gen1: Fixed paint material issue, corected tire materials
V1.5.9.5 -> V1.5.9.7 CHANGELOG


  • Added Sebring International Raceway
  • [BETA] Fixed replays not loading from profile page
  • Reduced the intensity of wet spray particles when the track saturation is low
  • LiveTrack: Adjusted wet and rubbered racing line glossiness to visually match the updated LT dynamics; Further minor adjustments to amount of rubber laid down with longitudinal slip / lateral slide
  • Minor tire tread adjustments for Metalmoro MRX (all), MCR 2000, F-V10 Gen2, F-HiTech Gen2
  • Revised polar moment of inertia of Metalmoro MRX (all variants)
  • McLaren Senna: Minor brake bias forward adjustment, damper and spring adjustment, E-Diff adjustment
  • Fixed issue where sometimes AI would start a defensive movement to the wrong side if their line from previous corner to the next corner was in a diagonal vector
  • Fixed some cases of AI taking the outside line when it should take the inside line when overtaking; Slightly improved some erratic AI lateral movements
  • Added new functions to prevent AI hesitating and losing momentum in AI vs AI overtakes
  • Further adjustments to smooth AI lateral movements when reacting to car(s) ahead
  • Further adjustments AI speed reduction range in in and out laps
  • Minor adjustment to AI grip usage that could cause AI going to deep under braking and losinc control in some classes (can still happen under regular AI mistakes however)
  • Spa-Francorchamps 2022: Fixed corridor issue that could cause AI to hesitate and tuck behind car ahead when an overtaking move was possible going into the final Bus Stop chicane
  • Revised sound effects for GTP, F-V10 Gen2, F-V12 classes
  • CTMP: Fixed right angle anomaly in the pit wall collision; Optimized large object chunk size; Optimized shadow casters; Set track length info to 3957 m
  • Barcelona: Corrected sound and physical effects for razor, flat and vibrator curb types
  • Indianapolis Oval: Fixed pit crews clipping the pitwall
  • Silverstone National: Fixed the missing collision and shadow caster on the overhead bridge
  • F-Ultimate Gen2: Corrected mirrors position; Fixed damage models on cockpit; Fixed suspension mesh/rig; Fixed rear wheels pivot point i
  • Stockcar 2023:Added support for P2P LEDs in cockpit and exterior devices; Reworked LCD screen. Added windscreen reflections and scratches
  • Group C: Fixed missing tire textures issue for Corvette GTP, Porsche 962C models
  • Mercedes 190 Evo2: Fixed right hand wheels position
2 926
@Make73 Noita muutoslokeja ei saa jakaa betan ulkopuolelle.
Ainakin Reizan yleisellä foorumilla on saanut jakaa tietoa betan sisällöstä kunhan ei jaa mitään screenshotteja, videoita tms.
Toki jos linkkaat mulle kohdan jossa on kielletty myös kertoa betan muutoslokista, niin poistan tietty!

Idea nyt kuitenkin oli vaan kertoa että paljon on tapahtunut edellisestä julkisesta julkaisusta :thumbsup:
Uskoisin että ollaan lähellä 1.6:sta

Hienoa oli ajella pitkästä aikaa VR:llä, onneksi tuli vielä jonkinlaiset rattivehkeet hommattua.

Sebring nyt oli vielä mun mielestä keskeneräisen oloinen ainakin iRacingin Sebringiin verrattuna, mutta Road Atlanta erittäin viihdyttävä joka onkin yksi lemppareista.
Audeja ja Lamboja tuli myös testattua.

"IMPORTANT: The current beta builds are available on the notformedia branch of AMS2 Beta, which means beta users should NOT use it for posting screenshots, videos or streaming outside of the AMS2 Paddock Club. To access the build, right-click AMS2 Beta on your Steam Library, go into Properties -> Beta tab, and insert the password NOVIDEONOSTREAMING - this will make notformedia branch available for installation from the install menu. This branch will be disabled after public release and return you to the default AMS2 Beta branch.

Please DO NOT take other Youtubers posting preview videos (with permission or not) to go ahead with doing your own videos / streams while the latest build is still on the notformedia branch."
En nyt löytänyt mitään tietoa tuosta, mutta noista radoista on virallisesti julkaistu Road Atlanta.
Joten en usko että muista saa vielä beta foorumin ulkopuolella puhua.
2 926
Sebring ja Road Atlantasta on puhuttu maaliskuun puolesta välistä eli kyllä ne tiedossa ovat olleet.
Onhan tuo spoileri tageissa jos joku ei halua pilata yllätyksen tuomaa iloa niin jättää lukematta.


2 365
Mä en nyt ihan käppää, ettei saisi jakaa jotain mikä lopulta on julkista.
Bohemia esim. julkaisee aina beta changelogit ja eivät tod yritä kieltää niiden jakamista.
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