- Liittynyt
- 17.10.2016
- Viestejä
- 3 198
Tuolla Merlinin sivulla kanssa juttua tuosta.
Merlinin kommentti.
People running versions older than 386.10 of my firmware will also most likely be affected. This isn't about my firmware being different, it's about which code base your firmware is using. Stock firmware 386_51xxx will be just as fine as 386.11.
Ylläpidän yhtä AC68u purkkia ja siinä on 386.10. En ole saanut soittoa mistään ongelmista.

To anyone who started seeing strange high CPU and memory usage - Merlin is not affected!
Today I started seeing highly suspicious behavior on my RT-AX56U running stock firmware - constantly high CPU usage leading to the full router lockup that does not go away even after a full reset! I spent hours trying to figure out the cause and even ended up ordering another router because I...

Merlinin kommentti.
People running versions older than 386.10 of my firmware will also most likely be affected. This isn't about my firmware being different, it's about which code base your firmware is using. Stock firmware 386_51xxx will be just as fine as 386.11.
Ylläpidän yhtä AC68u purkkia ja siinä on 386.10. En ole saanut soittoa mistään ongelmista.